Apple Genius ads debut during Olympic opening ceremonies



  • Reply 181 of 322

    I hope the 30 pieces of Silver that NBC got for showing more ads, rather than a section of the ceremony dedicatd to the victims of terrorism, was worth it.

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  • Reply 182 of 322
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member


    Originally Posted by MDCragg View Post

    I do NOT like these ads.  The kid reminds me of those in the stupid "Dell Interns" commercials from a few years ago.  Apple products are the elite.  They should not be represented by some snot-nosed punk who seems like the kind of kid you want to just shut up because he has had about 5 minutes of life's experience but runs his mouth all the time because he thinks he knows it all.


    Mmm... age and experience brings tolerance.


    Like it or not, these "snot-nosed punks" are part of the infrastructure that support Apple products and make them so successful.


    Apple's retail stores, including the facilities -- but more the people, and yes the Geniuses, are one thing that sets Apple apart from the competition.


    Having the best "elite" products means nothing if you lack the means to deliver them and support them when problems occur.



    I once was a "snot-nose punk"  and now am a "snot-nosed 73-year-old" (Aug 29).  I was one of the best and continue to sharpen my skills by learning what I can from those who follow!


    Thanks for the education!



    Edit: changed 83-year-old to 73-year-old... this old snotter just lost 10 of experience!

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  • Reply 183 of 322
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member


    Originally Posted by ChickenHawk View Post

    I hope the 30 pieces of Silver that NBC got for showing more ads, rather than a section of the ceremony dedicatd to the victims of terrorism, was worth it.



    Much as I dislike NBC, I will defer to their programming choices and expertise over yours -- what are your credentials that enable you to think that you know what people [should] want to watch when they tune into the Olympics for entertainment?

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  • Reply 184 of 322
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    mj web wrote: »
    SJ would've canned any ad agency that cast Marty Scorcese and John Malkovitch in those unbelievably sappy vignettes... Awful! Even worse are the iPad hero spots with banal copy like "there's never been a display that display text so sharp" platitudes. At least these new Genius spots have something to do with a product, a fact lost the creators of the other campaigns I mentioned.
    Did you know Steve personally or something? I'm amazed at how many people these days seem to know what Steve would/wouldn't do.
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  • Reply 185 of 322
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Did you know Steve personally or something? I'm amazed at how many people these days seem to know what Steve would/wouldn't do.

    I guess it is up to the regulars to mod this thread...

    I met Steve Jobs 5 times * and have no idea how Steve felt about anything -- except he didn't trust anyone over the age of 40... I was 41 at the time.

    * I remember the occasions... I suspect that Steve did not!
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  • Reply 186 of 322

    These ads seem to have proven we techies seem to have lost our sense of humor. They were obviously designed to make you laugh and still get the point across that there is someone to help you if you need assistance. Maybe they didn't get all the bells and whistles right, but at least they are trying. Apple doesn't have to constantly make commercials preaching to the choir. We know how great their products are and all the wonderful things they do. But so many people see Apple as this walled garden following in the footsteps of Steve Jobs who have no sense of humor.


    Some of you point to the Mac vs PC commercials as the sign of great commercials. But those ads always put down the ridiculousness of using Windows. Consequently, the person using Windows is ridiculous. Steve approved those ads. 


    These ads do not talk to techies. We know this stuff. They talk to the people who constantly call me up asking me how to do things on their Macs. I'm always suggesting to them they could go to the Apple store and talk to someone to get help. But they feel intimated to ask someone in a store. They much prefer to ask a friend. These "silly", "embarrassing" ads are trying to talk to those people and let them know that there is someone at the store to help them. Maybe they didn't get it all right this time out. But I hope they keep trying.

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  • Reply 187 of 322
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    * I remember the occasions... I suspect that Steve did not!


    Every time you recall something from your time in the industry, it's such a pleasure reading it. Even if it's a one-liner like these.


    But I've heard other anecdotes that Steve (almost) never forgot a face.  Hang on; let me see if I can find it…


    Gosh, I don't know where to begin looking for it, since I don't remember any names. Unlike Steve, my memory is absolutely worthless. Maybe someone else remembers reading it: this guy had met Steve Jobs briefly a few years prior but was now on the campus at Infinite Loop for some reason or other (I think it involved music?). Anyway, he and whoever he was with were ushered out of the building they were in as Steve needed it, but Jobs saw him, remembered him, and actually came over and shook his hand (which, if I remember correctly, the guy said was something Steve rarely liked to do).


    Long story short, I'll bet he remembered that one special Apple shop owner he met, however long ago.

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  • Reply 188 of 322
    mecourious wrote: »
    These ads seem to have proven we techies seem to have lost our sense of humor. They were obviously designed to make you laugh and still get the point across that there is someone to help you if you need assistance. Maybe they didn't get all the bells and whistles right, but at least they are trying. Apple doesn't have to constantly make commercials preaching to the choir. We know how great their products are and all the wonderful things they do. But so many people see Apple as this walled garden following in the footsteps of Steve Jobs who have no sense of humor.

    Some of you point to the Mac vs PC commercials as the sign of great commercials. But those ads always put down the ridiculousness of using Windows. Consequently, the person using Windows is ridiculous. Steve approved those ads. 

    These ads do not talk to techies. We know this stuff. They talk to the people who constantly call me up asking me how to do things on their Macs. I'm always suggesting to them they could go to the Apple store and talk to someone to get help. But they feel intimated to ask someone in a store. They much prefer to ask a friend. These "silly", "embarrassing" ads are trying to talk to those people and let them know that there is someone at the store to help them. Maybe they didn't get it all right this time out. But I hope they keep trying.

    +++ QFT
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 189 of 322
    mecourious wrote: »
    These ads seem to have proven we techies seem to have lost our sense of humor. They were obviously designed to make you laugh and still get the point across that there is someone to help you if you need assistance. Maybe they didn't get all the bells and whistles right, but at least they are trying. Apple doesn't have to constantly make commercials preaching to the choir. We know how great their products are and all the wonderful things they do. But so many people see Apple as this walled garden following in the footsteps of Steve Jobs who have no sense of humor.

    Some of you point to the Mac vs PC commercials as the sign of great commercials. But those ads always put down the ridiculousness of using Windows. Consequently, the person using Windows is ridiculous. Steve approved those ads. 

    These ads do not talk to techies. We know this stuff. They talk to the people who constantly call me up asking me how to do things on their Macs. I'm always suggesting to them they could go to the Apple store and talk to someone to get help. But they feel intimated to ask someone in a store. They much prefer to ask a friend. These "silly", "embarrassing" ads are trying to talk to those people and let them know that there is someone at the store to help them. Maybe they didn't get it all right this time out. But I hope they keep trying.

    +++ QFT
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  • Reply 190 of 322
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Did you know Steve personally or something? I'm amazed at how many people these days seem to know what Steve would/wouldn't do.

    Yes, produced Apple commercials for Jay Chiat. 

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  • Reply 191 of 322


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Every time you recall something from your time in the industry, it's such a pleasure reading it. Even if it's a one-liner like these.


    But I've heard other anecdotes that Steve (almost) never forgot a face.  Hang on; let me see if I can find it…


    Gosh, I don't know where to begin looking for it, since I don't remember any names. Unlike Steve, my memory is absolutely worthless. Maybe someone else remembers reading it: this guy had met Steve Jobs briefly a few years prior but was now on the campus at Infinite Loop for some reason or other (I think it involved music?). Anyway, he and whoever he was with were ushered out of the building they were in as Steve needed it, but Jobs saw him, remembered him, and actually came over and shook his hand (which, if I remember correctly, the guy said was something Steve rarely liked to do).


    Long story short, I'll bet he remembered that one special Apple shop owner he met, however long ago.


    Yeah... maybe Steve did remember me... this OS 9 icon could have been designed in my honor:







    I was pushing Guy Kawasaki to have Apple embrace [at least tolerate] the business customer with LANs. etc.



    ... No Bozos

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  • Reply 192 of 322


    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    SJ would've canned any ad agency that cast Marty Scorcese and John Malkovitch in those unbelievably sappy vignettes... Awful! Even worse are the iPad hero spots with banal copy like "there's never been a display that display text so sharp" platitudes. At least these new Genius spots have something to do with a product, a fact lost the creators of the other campaigns I mentioned.



    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Yes, produced Apple commercials for Jay Chiat. 


    How many times did you personally  meet with Steve and discuss your/his feelings in depth -- so you could devine the decisions Steve would have made?...  I suspect that the answer is... none!
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  • Reply 193 of 322
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member

    I think these ads are terrible.  They make Mac users look completely inept.  I can't believe Steve would have approved them...


    If we're taking a poll, count me in favor of firing TBWA/Chiat/Day.

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  • Reply 194 of 322
    john.b wrote: »
    I think these ads are terrible.  They make Mac users look completely inept.  I can't believe Steve would have approved them...

    If we're taking a poll, count me in favor of firing TBWA/Chiat/Day.

    Have you ever been behind the power curve and trying to catch up? These ads offer the chance to "get in the game" for people who do not dote on computers -- they are simply a means to an end... Not. Cool, not elite.. Just help me do what I want to do.

    ...and tha's the world where 95% of the potential Mac users live.
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  • Reply 195 of 322
    Awful, just awful. All three of them.
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  • Reply 196 of 322
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post




    I know that BB reps don't get commissions... but from your comments, you're suggesting they get SPIFFs from the manufacturers -- a real disservice to the customer (and the rep), IMO

    BBY employees don't get spiffs from the manufacturers either. Not sure where washing machine boy gets his info, but his whole schtick is getting old.

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  • Reply 197 of 322
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member

    And these ads are horrible. If they were Geek Squad ads, those of you who liked them would be trashing them, and you know it.


    Ponder that a spell, and then comment back.

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  • Reply 198 of 322
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    BBY employees don't get spiffs from the manufacturers either. Not sure where washing machine boy gets his info, but his whole schtick is getting old.

    A couple of the top hits from searching "Samsung Sales Incentives":-




    I getz ma infomations from teh intarwebz, where else?

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  • Reply 199 of 322
    [RIGHT]Not fussed about the new ads. Somebody's been thinking too much, instead of differently.[/RIGHT]
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  • Reply 200 of 322
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    well.. 200+ posts. I guess the ads ARE working!

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