Apple Genius ads debut during Olympic opening ceremonies



  • Reply 221 of 322
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Apple needs to hire Danny Boyle and Underworld for its next advert. 

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  • Reply 222 of 322
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    richl wrote: »
    Apple needs to hire Danny Boyle and Underworld for its next advert. 

    Or offer @iSheldon and other self-proclaimed advertising experts, $1 Million, free creative license and a 1-week deadline to have an acceptable ad in the can... And watch while they piss themselves...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 223 of 322
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    isheldon wrote: »
    You thought?
    It's a process that he and most others on this site do very well. I encourage you to give it a shot sometime.Think about it.
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  • Reply 224 of 322
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member

    Now, for the commercials. No, they aren't particularly amazing compared to some of the more iconic ads from years past, but I've seen so many people pissing all over them. They aren't that bad.

    They are targeting folks that would either be scared of or put off by something that crows about being 'hip and cool', show off their services rather than product etc. Not an easy task. Celebs aren't the ones teaching you, you can't get the message across with some images and a cute indie song etc. And there are folks that think the iPhone and iPad ads are cheesy, that Apple stooped to celeb ads is embarassing (and that the ads were dumb) etc

    Basically in this time and place Apple can do no right, especially with Steve gone, because it gets more hits when you can score the haters and the defenders. And as the wise man said, haters gonna hate and hate loud on the Internet.
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  • Reply 225 of 322
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    isheldon wrote: »
    The Samsing Galaxy Olympic ads are absolutely amazing.
    Apple has dropped the stick with these Olympics - all that money can't buy great cutting edge ads?

    And yet for all the lack of slick, who is selling hand over hand. Apple

    These are selling their in store services, not the product. Basically selling what that 'Apple Tax' is paying for. Slick wouldn't work. Particularly the two about training cause that program is targeted to dummies and older folks, who aren't impressed by slick

    My issue with them is the erroneous info. Unless Apple just changed all staff titles to genius (and we would have heard cause someone would have leaked it everywhere), they oversimplified in a way that could cause confusion. Geniuses are tech support and very quick questions not side by side long project stuff, etc. New people to the system could end up with a runabout because they book a bar appointment to find out its not the right place to be. Or worse they ask to talk to a genius, find out they to make an appointment and are put off that they can't just walk in to buy something
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  • Reply 226 of 322
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    A long time friend of mine recently dropped her aging Windows laptop and now it is starting to act up. She told me she thought it might be time to buy a new one. Since she considers me an expert on the subject she asked my advice. Knowing that she's a long time Windows user which is the standard in her scientific field that being the nuclear power industry, I said she should consider getting a Mac since it can run Windows as well as OS X.

    Her response: "I'm not buying a Mac. Those Mac people are like a cult.

    I think Apple needs to create an ad that dispels this commonly held belief.

    Even if it is true.
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  • Reply 227 of 322
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    nasserae wrote: »
    Good.. now that we have straighten out that fact. You get another shot at replying to hill60 post without looking stupid. Here it is again:

    Elite athletes using elitist smartphones- absolutely amazing. What's stupid is being surprised by that.
    Back to topic- those Apple ads are terrible.
    Maybe you like them because they appeal to you? Do you depend on a Genius much?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 228 of 322
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    mstone wrote: »
    Her response: "I'm not buying a Mac. Those Mac people are like a cult.

    Hardly. They don't lock you in a compound, brainwash you or make you drink rat poison etc.

    Fans sure, and fan is the beginning letters of fanatic. The same can be said about android fans and even Windows fans.

    My question to her would be this 'what does it say about you are your fanatical hatred that you won't consider buying from a company that has solid hardware, good software, the ability to run two OS systems if you like, stores everywhere for tech support, telephone support, even training programs, all because some of the fans get a bit over the top on the blogs and such. '
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 229 of 322
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    charlituna wrote: »

    My issue with them is the erroneous info. Unless Apple just changed all staff titles to genius (and we would have heard cause someone would have leaked it everywhere), they oversimplified in a way that could cause confusion. Geniuses are tech support and very quick questions not side by side long project stuff, etc. New people to the system could end up with a runabout because they book a bar appointment to find out its not the right place to be. Or worse they ask to talk to a genius, find out they to make an appointment and are put off that they can't just walk in to buy something

    My issue with them is that they are all out plain cheesy- like a Best Buy or Dunkin Donut ad.
    Steve would be appalled.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 230 of 322
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    isheldon wrote: »

    Back to topic- those Apple ads are terrible.

    No, they are not terrible. Or at least we can't judge that yet. You just don't like them

    If we find out that signups for their training programs and use of their tech support go up with these ads cited as why, then the ads are terrific. They did what they were meant to do.
    Maybe you like them because they appeal to you? Do you depend on a Genius much?

    What you are going to accuse him of being an actual Genius. That he's defending himself and his
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 231 of 322
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    It's a process that he and most others, excepting myself, on this site do very well. I encourage you to give it a shot sometime.Think about it.
    There- I fixed that for you.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 232 of 322
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    charlituna wrote: »
    Hardly. They don't lock you in a compound, brainwash you or make you drink rat poison etc.
    Fans sure, and fan is the beginning letters of fanatic. The same can be said about android fans and even Windows fans.
    My question to her would be this 'what does it say about you are your fanatical hatred that you won't consider buying from a company that has solid hardware, good software, the ability to run two OS systems if you like, stores everywhere for tech support, telephone support, even training programs, all because some of the fans get a bit over the top on the blogs and such. '

    There are Android and Windows fans?

    For Android, the two main reasons to buy seem to be "it's cheap" (for the low end phones) and "it's not from Apple" for the premium phones. The number of people who really like Android seems to be pretty small.

    Windows? The two main reasons seem to be "I have to use it because it's the corporate standard" and "it's what I've always used and I don't want to learn anything new".

    I really don't see many real fans in either group.
    mstone wrote: »
    A long time friend of mine recently dropped her aging Windows laptop and now it is starting to act up. She told me she thought it might be time to buy a new one. Since she considers me an expert on the subject she asked my advice. Knowing that she's a long time Windows user which is the standard in her scientific field that being the nuclear power industry, I said she should consider getting a Mac since it can run Windows as well as OS X.
    Her response: "I'm not buying a Mac. Those Mac people are like a cult.
    I think Apple needs to create an ad that dispels this commonly held belief.
    Even if it is true.

    And, yet, when Apple releases a series of ads targeted at the every day non-geek person, everyone's complains.

    Just goes to show - no matter what Apple does, people will complain. So they should continue simply ignoring all the loud-mouthed complainers.

    nasserae wrote: »
    I thought Android hold 50% world wide smartphone marketshare and Samsung is the number one smartphone seller in the word now! As usual your posts make no sense and ignore that facts.

    Yes. So?

    McDonald's is the largest selling restaurant in the world, too. Does that mean I should eat their swill every day?
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  • Reply 233 of 322
    User friendly does not mean one knows how to use it.
    Apple is renown for the art of hidin everything and forces user to try it out themselves.
    But if you are computer illiterate or have a hard time learning basic computer skills and logic then the ads will appeal.
    Most if not all of you who come to this site is not the ads target market.

    So get over these commercial ads. It is not meant to be clever.
    It's simply trying to tell a straight story to those that cry for computer help.
    Those who already switched by find it hard or too lazy to find out for themselves.

    The Mac sales are down, so this is one way to get people go go the store!
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  • Reply 234 of 322
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    isheldon wrote: »
    Elite athletes using elitist smartphones- absolutely amazing. What's stupid is being surprised by that.
    Back to topic- those Apple ads are terrible.
    Maybe you like them because they appeal to you? Do you depend on a Genius much?

    When did I say I liked them? And yes, I do depend on Genuis to repair my Mac under warranty. The last time I did that was few months ago when they replaced my HDD and the time before that when they replaced my MBP battery for free. These ads are not perfect but they do focus on an important part of Apple customer experience. Someone is there to help you. What are you going to do when your Dell, HP, Sony.. etc PC break under warranty? Send it by mail and wait weeks to get it back?

    The point was that Samsung ads showed athletes using their galaxy phone while in reality in the Olympics as shown during the ceremony almost all of them use iPhones. The same thing happened during the Super Bowl. You still wonder why Apple don't do sports that much?! Samsung PAID to place their smartphone ads in the Olympics but Apple got paid to have their products there.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 235 of 322
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    charlituna wrote: »
    My issue with them is the erroneous info. Unless Apple just changed all staff titles to genius (and we would have heard cause someone would have leaked it everywhere), they oversimplified in a way that could cause confusion. Geniuses are tech support and very quick questions not side by side long project stuff, etc. New people to the system could end up with a runabout because they book a bar appointment to find out its not the right place to be. Or worse they ask to talk to a genius, find out they to make an appointment and are put off that they can't just walk in to buy something

    They might just change the name. Let the Genius out of the bottle and call them all Geniuses. Not because of the ads but because people already do call them all Geniuses. It's the only Apple Store title people are aware of and they are clearly not trying to show that they have many titles within the store. They could even use a variation by saying Creative Genius.

    But that's all beside the point when it comes to you taking an issue. Note that the Apple Genius was not an Apple Store and therefore no working in any of the ads when he assisted people. If we're going to let that slide (completely ignoring the pilot calling for one over the intercom) then why not be assume that a Genius who is off duty could also be proficient in those creative apps as to help a fellow passenger or his neighbor. Are we to assume from that ads that there are blue-shirt wearing Apple employees on flights ready to help you? I don't think Starbucks has yet had that level of penetration.

    isheldon wrote: »
    Steve would be appalled.

    I wouldn't listen to Walter Isaacson or Steve Wozniak on what Steve would have thought about these ads so why should people listen to your claims on what Steve Jobs would have thought?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 236 of 322
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Yes. So?
    McDonald's is the largest selling restaurant in the world, too. Does that mean I should eat their swill every day?

    You jumped in the middle of the discussion. Read what lead to my post.
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  • Reply 237 of 322
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    solipsismx wrote: »

    I wouldn't listen to Walter Isaacson or Steve Wozniak on what Steve would have thought about these ads so why should people listen to your claims on what Steve Jobs would have thought?

    Well you did obviously or why would you even comment on it?
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  • Reply 238 of 322
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Just goes to show - no matter what Apple does, people will complain. So they should continue simply ignoring all the loud-mouthed complainers.

    I actually like the ads because they are focused on point for the target audience. Apple is trying to communicate that you can always find help, solutions and advice at the Apple store. The target audience is inexperienced users, those who had a difficult time with Windows and have either recently switched or those who are perhaps considering it.

    The ads do not put Apple on a pedestal or try to convince die hard Windows users that Mac is better. The ads are about Apple reminding non tech type users that although many companies are saying we are just like Apple, they don't have any Geniuses.

    I was reading the One on One training support page which states that the service is available only when you purchase a new Mac. The annual fee is $99. I wonder how long after you buy your Mac can you later upgrade to One on One or is it only at the exact time of purchase?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 239 of 322
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    I actually like the ads because they are focused on point for the target audience. Apple is trying to communicate that you can always find help, solutions and advice at the Apple store. The target audience is inexperienced users, those who had a difficult time with Windows and have either recently switched or those who are perhaps considering it.

    Think of the Samsung ads that just tried to make people feel bad about liking their Apple products. They were basically saying that if you are excited about a new iPhone you're a pathetic asshole. That doesn't work on consumers unless they have very low self esteem.
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  • Reply 240 of 322
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Think of the Samsung ads that just tried to make people feel bad about liking their Apple products. They were basically saying that if you are excited about a new iPhone you're a pathetic asshole. That doesn't work on consumers unless they have very low self esteem.


    Hey! They just aired a new one of those!


    Edit: Right, screw you, Cult of Mac. Screw you forever.


    1. For linking to hundreds of Cult of Android articles on the Cult of Mac site.


    2. For using Disqus on Android so that people from Mac (Vanilla) can't post in the comments about how mind-numbingly pathetic and idiotic your decisions are.



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