AT&T to join Verizon in offering shared data plans beginning August 23



  • Reply 41 of 48
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,809member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I said it was not possible with a simply SW update. There is HW that is involved. I know you have a beef with me for trouncing your poorly formed comments on this site but if you don't want to keep taking you to school you should at least try to read more carefully.

    "Remember the people that kept saying that EV-DO Rev. B was just a SW update and that Verizon and Sprint would that feature soon enough?"



    The only thing you can school anyone in is how to thoroughly thrash a straw man because that seems to be your favorite tactic. It is easy to win every argument when you continually change what you said, misconstrue what the other person said, or just make things up. EVDO Advanced is a software upgrade that increases efficiency of the cellular network. EVDO Advanced works on current towers without the need for any hardware upgrade. Hardware was upgraded due to Network Vision, refarming 800 ESMR, and adding LTE to the towers as a part of Network Vision. You can spin it however you like and bring EVDO Rev. B into the discussion (which is also a software upgrade by the way) but you clearly implied that SVDO on CDMA was one of the reasons that scared you away from CDMA carriers like Sprint and Verizon. You were right that they didn't use Rev. B to do it for a number of reasons, but wrong that it didn't happen. And I never said anything about Rev. B you did. Since I know all about 1X and SVDO already working on Sprint and Verizon for over a year now I wouldn't have made that mistake. I'm done with this discussion. Your ego will compel you to have the last word and "school" me again so have at it. 



  • Reply 42 of 48
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gwmac wrote: »

    The only thing you can school anyone in is how to thoroughly thrash a straw man because that seems to be your favorite tactic. It is easy to win every argument when you continually change what you said, misconstrue what the other person said, or just make things up.

    Except that I quoted exactly what I said which not only destroys what you wrote but makes you a liar on top of it. Please, learn to read. It's an important skill in life.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,809member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Except that I quoted exactly what I said which not only destroys what you wrote but makes you a liar on top of it. Please, learn to read. It's an important skill in life.

    You did catch me in one lie when I said in my last post that it would be my last, but since you are now calling me a liar I think I can make an exception. You bolded "SW Update". I addressed that by explaining Rev. B & DO Advanced are software updates. You know good and well you were trying to sound superior by saying Verizon and Sprint were somehow so backwards and inferior because they lacked simultaneous voice and data over 3G unlike your precious AT&T. Since you don't follow CDMA or EVDO news you didn't even know what 1X or DO Advanced were or that SVDO was even possible because otherwise you would not have made your original and very foolish remark. So I schooled you about what is possible. Here are some more initials for you to look up Mr. NPD and have a pleasant evening.  You are welcome for your lesson and good luck with your mission to kill more straw men. 

  • Reply 44 of 48
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member

    Not much benefit unless you are a high data user. Text is already free with  iMessage  and various Apps.  Unlimited phone good for those that truly use more phone then data which is not the majority.

    Just another way for AT&T to raise prices without offering benefit to customers.

  • Reply 45 of 48
    rodentrodent Posts: 49member
    Ya tink it's time for a price fixing conspiracy?
  • Reply 46 of 48
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Rodent View Post

    Ya tink it's time for a price fixing conspiracy?

    If the text price raise from $0.05 to $0.10 back in aught four wasn't reason enough and the text price raise from $0.10 to $0.20 wasn't enough and the data price scamming since aught nine wasn't enough, nothing will be.

  • Reply 47 of 48
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gwmac wrote: »
    You did catch me in one lie when I said in my last post that it would be my last, but since you are now calling me a liar I think I can make an exception. You bolded "SW Update". I addressed that by explaining Rev. B & DO Advanced are software updates. You know good and well you were trying to sound superior by saying Verizon and Sprint were somehow so backwards and inferior because they lacked simultaneous voice and data over 3G unlike your precious AT&T. Since you don't follow CDMA or EVDO news you didn't even know what 1X or DO Advanced were or that SVDO was even possible because otherwise you would not have made your original and very foolish remark. So I schooled you about what is possible. Here are some more initials for you to look up Mr. NPD and have a pleasant evening.  You are welcome for your lesson and good luck with your mission to kill more straw men. 

    No, it's not. if it's just SW then show me a Sprint iPhone that now has simultaneousvoice and data just because the back end was updated. I know you're dense but to discount the handset as being included as part of the HW and SW that is needed to make a call and data work from a handset is just absolute jackassery or you trolling again.
  • Reply 48 of 48
    tshorttshort Posts: 46member

    For those with a "corporate discount" (i.e. a FAN discount), I was told by AT&T that the discount WILL NOT apply to these shared data plans...



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