Designer says Samsung designs "substantially the same" as Apple's



  • Reply 21 of 124
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by Fairness View Post

    I will say whatever Apple wants me to say if they pay me 75,000. Buying off witness and call him a designer?!?!?!?!?!?


    Spot on.

    This case needs to be handled by an international court!

    There is absolutely no doubt that this biased bitch koh is going to hand Crapple the "victory".

    South Korea 5ting!

  • Reply 22 of 124
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    I'm sorry. It has to be said.


    You Stupid. Dumb. F*ck.


    I knew nobody would moderate this sort of language.

  • Reply 23 of 124
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member





    J. Ive, Dieter Rams wants his designs back.

  • Reply 24 of 124
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    cycomiko wrote: »
    Its interesting AI doesn't comment on Samsungs line of questioning Brenner about his reimbursement by apple for his involvement in this case.
    fairness wrote: »
    I will say whatever Apple wants me to say if they pay me 75,000. Buying off witness and call him a designer?!?!?!?!?!?

    Irrelevant. Expert witnesses are almost always compensated by one side (in a few cases, both sides pay, but that's quite rare). It does not negate the testimony in any way.
    cycomiko wrote: »
    It was worth mentioning, as that is the angle that Samsung was using as a foil.

    For AI to ignore that completely, and frame him solely as a design expert, is disingenuous.  

    AI ignored a lot of irrelevant details - like what color the guy's shirt was, what he had for breakfast that morning, and the bra size of his wife.

    It's standard practice for the attorneys to bring it up and it's standard practice for everyone else to ignore it because it's meaningless. If they attorneys were able to demonstrate that the expert's opinion were invalid, they would have to do that directly. Simply taking money from one side doesn't prove it.

    Of course, if they did what you are suggesting, then you'd have to invalidate most of Samsung's defense since Samsung employees are receiving money from Samsung. Apple is backing up their opinion with documents and photographs while Samsung is simply saying "that's not what happened". I guess we should not let them speak since they're biased, right?
    twopm wrote: »
    Spot on.
    This case needs to be handled by an international court!
    There is absolutely no doubt that this biased bitch koh is going to hand Crapple the "victory".
    South Korea 5ting!

    Your evidence that she's biased? In fact, she's been quite tolerant of Samsung's blatant violations of her orders. She could have essentially awarded Apple the victory already due to Samsung's jury tampering, but chose not to.

    And why would an international court handle a U.S. patent case? Since when did the U.S. cede domestic affairs to an international court?

    And why did you sign up simply to spew anti-Apple garbage when you clearly have no understanding of legal realities?
  • Reply 25 of 124
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    eric475 wrote: »

    J. Ive, Dieter Rams wants his designs back.
    Explain for me how those devices look anything alike? I'm sure not seeing it.
  • Reply 26 of 124
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Explain for me how those devices look anything alike? I'm sure not seeing it.


    I think the rectangular shape with semi-rounded edges is self-explained and self-expressed in the photos.

  • Reply 27 of 124
    flabberflabber Posts: 100member

    I honestly believe that in the long run, it's Apple who will win most of the patent lawsuits that actually matter. No matter what those lawyers say, there's no way  that a judge is going to ignore the plain clear fact (that you can clearly see in the photos even with zero knowledge about the matter) that Samsung is in some way too heavily inspired by Apple's design choices.

  • Reply 28 of 124
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    OK, I have a serious question. If Samsung can be sued for design infringement, then why don't refrigerator, microwave, washing machine/dryer, vacuum cleaner, DVD/Blu-ray player, TV manufacturers, etc. sue each other into oblivion for similar designs?
  • Reply 29 of 124
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Your evidence that she's biased? In fact, she's been quite tolerant of Samsung's blatant violations of her orders. She could have essentially awarded Apple the victory already due to Samsung's jury tampering, but chose not to.


    Because then her bias would have been too obvious. Fear not, she will award Apple the victory soon enough.




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    And why would an international court handle a U.S. patent case? Since when did the U.S. cede domestic affairs to an international court?


    Because Samsung is not a US company (yes, companies do exist outside of the country of god and guns).

    It is clear the Samsung cannot expect fairness in the current US.




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    ... when you clearly have no understanding of legal realities?


    We might not know the details of US "law", but we know unfairness and racial bias when we see it!


    South Korea 5ting!

  • Reply 30 of 124
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Your evidence that she's biased? In fact, she's been quite tolerant of Samsung's blatant violations of her orders. She could have essentially awarded Apple the victory already due to Samsung's jury tampering, but chose not to.


    Because then her bias would have been too obvious. Fear not, she will award Apple the victory soon enough.




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    And why would an international court handle a U.S. patent case? Since when did the U.S. cede domestic affairs to an international court?


    Because Samsung is not a US company (yes, companies do exist outside of the country of god and guns).

    It is clear the Samsung cannot expect fairness in the current US.




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    ... when you clearly have no understanding of legal realities?


    We might not know the details of US "law", but we know unfairness and racial bias when we see it!


    South Korea 5ting!

  • Reply 31 of 124
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Your evidence that she's biased? In fact, she's been quite tolerant of Samsung's blatant violations of her orders. She could have essentially awarded Apple the victory already due to Samsung's jury tampering, but chose not to.


    Because then her bias would have been too obvious. Fear not, she will award Apple the victory soon enough.




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    And why would an international court handle a U.S. patent case? Since when did the U.S. cede domestic affairs to an international court?


    Because Samsung is not a US company (yes, companies do exist outside of the country of god and guns).

    It is clear the Samsung cannot expect fairness in the current US.




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    ... when you clearly have no understanding of legal realities?


    We might not know the details of US "law", but we know unfairness and racial bias when we see it!


    South Korea 5ting!

  • Reply 32 of 124
    flabberflabber Posts: 100member

    I think that's because that particular industry doesn't really seem to care. They knów that it happens, but they all need it in order to sell a reasonable amount of devices. And the high-end brands that have their designs copied don't care because they have very different types of clients.


    Besides, their technology is also very patented and probably heavily licensed :)

  • Reply 33 of 124
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    eric475 wrote: »
    I think the rectangular shape with semi-rounded edges is self-explained and self-expressed in the photos.
    Very poor attempt at trolling. Sorry.
  • Reply 34 of 124
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member

    Is it just me or does the question asking whether the design expert had actually witnessed anyone mistakenly purchasing the Samsung product thinking it was an Apple product objectionable? The witness is not an expert in the observation of retail point of purchase habits, but an expert on design. Yes I see that may be the crux o the matter, whether the design similarity has actually in fact led to any confusion on the part of the consumer, but this witness might never have had an opportunity to witness first hand any one purchasing wither device. 


    That is like asking a structural engineer their assessment of the ability of a structure to withstand (fill in some natural disaster here) and then to follow up by asking him whether or not he has personally witnessed a building collapse under the conditions he described. You don't need to have lived through a first hand earthquake for example to calculate the impact such an event would have on a structure. 


    Maybe what they should do is take everyone in the court house and run them through a test where each product flashed briefly on a screen and they have to push a button indicating whether it was a Samsung product or an Apple product on screen and then count up how many people got it wrong and how long they hesitate while trying to decide. Studies like that are done all the time to measure lots of things so should not be hard to do.

  • Reply 35 of 124
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Very poor attempt at trolling. Sorry.


    If you only want to see what you want then be my guest. Just because we disagree on the photo makes me a troll, huh? Really?

  • Reply 36 of 124
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mazda 3s wrote: »
    OK, I have a serious question. If Samsung can be sued for design infringement, then why don't refrigerator, microwave, washing machine/dryer, vacuum cleaner, DVD/Blu-ray player, TV manufacturers, etc. sue each other into oblivion for similar designs?

    Because none of those manufacturers have design patents that are as detailed as Apple's. Furthermore, none of them revolutionized their industry the way that Apple did. For refrigerators, microwaves, etc, they really DID get to the current design via a natural progression - or at least everyone thought so and never bothered to patent their designs.
    lilgto64 wrote: »
    Is it just me or does the question asking whether the design expert had actually witnessed anyone mistakenly purchasing the Samsung product thinking it was an Apple product objectionable? The witness is not an expert in the observation of retail point of purchase habits, but an expert on design. Yes I see that may be the crux o the matter, whether the design similarity has actually in fact led to any confusion on the part of the consumer, but this witness might never have had an opportunity to witness first hand any one purchasing wither device. 

    An expert must be certified as an expert to be able toe express an OPINION. Anyone (expert or not) can state facts that they observed. It is certainly allowable to ask someone what they've observed. Of course, Apple could then ask him how much time he spent hanging around the cash registers of big box stores to show that even if people were mis-buying Samsung products every day he probably wouldn't have seen it.

    It's really a moot point. Samsung's own documents state that the #1 reason for returns of their products at Best Buy was because people thought they were buying an iDevice and bought Samsung instead. That's going to carry a lot more weight than someone who probably doesn't hang out at Best Buy's cash register - and even if he did, the consumers didn't realize their error until they got home.
  • Reply 37 of 124
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Furthermore, none of them revolutionized their industry the way that Apple did.



  • Reply 38 of 124
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    ... was because people thought they were buying an iDevice and bought Samsung instead. That's going to carry a lot more weight than someone who probably doesn't hang out at Best Buy's cash register - and even if he did, the consumers didn't realize their error until they got home.


    These consumer must be really dumb (if the whole thing is not a lie by Applekoh) -- they must be Americans.

  • Reply 39 of 124
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by eric475 View Post





    J. Ive, Dieter Rams wants his designs back.



  • Reply 40 of 124
    cmvsmcmvsm Posts: 204member

    Samsung went from geek to sheik after the iPad came out. Their tablet attempt looked like a large Sony PSP (Probably copied that too), and their phone was a complete abomination. Based on these pictures, I can't believe they are even having a trial. Guilty as charged. Let's move on.


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