Steve Jobs particularly irritated over Samsung's copying of iOS "rubber banding" effect



  • Reply 41 of 119 Posts: 340member
    slurpy wrote: »
    95% of people don't give a shit about a single thing you mentioned. Amount of RAM? GPU? Never in my life have I met anyone wanting replaceable batteries. NFC? What have been the applications for NFC thus far? How many people use it? You actually think its a selling point? 'Actual' multitasking. LOL. The 'original' notification center. Yeah, when people go buy a phone I'm sure they ask if it has the 'original' notification center. File system access? Yes, clearly so much in demand on a phone. Wireless keyboards and mice? Mice? You're really knocking it out of the park today. Total people I've seen using KB/mouse with their phones in my life...0. But I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

    Yeah, you could go 'on and on' and all the items would be just as irrelevant to he buying decision of the vast majority of people. Be as sarcastic as you want, but yes, rubber banding and icons trump all these things, because those and a million other details combine to create a user experience, which is the most critical thing on a phone- and not removable batteries, wireless mice, or any of the other crap you mentioned. For tech geeks on message boards? Maybe. But they're an irrelevant and insignificant part of the consumer public, don't let the internet distort whats actually important for real people. And if you actually dealt with large numbers of real-life people on a daily basis to see how they use their phones, you would have figured this out long ago. 

    LOL. None of these things are important, because Apple has none of the capabilities. But once they are copied and added, oh they will be the greatest things since sliced bread! I saw this when iOS5 was announced. It was funny watching eyes glaze over of Apple fanbois. Well, more pathetic than anything.

    But it is perfectly fine when Apple steals ideas and copies other OS features. Don't worry, I understand how Apple fanboi's think.

    And if you think people don't give a crap about any of the features I have listed, then you really must be surrounded by people stuck in the 'reality distortion' field. I wouldn't expect you to understand anything regarding NFC and just how much it is in use now and how much it is expanding every month. You are ignorant on the NFC tech. Do a little search. It may surprise you.
  • Reply 42 of 119
    daylove22daylove22 Posts: 215member


    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    All those features were invented by Apple and Steve was right to be angry that Samsung stole his patents and profited from them. Let's hope Samsung gets fined and banned. And taken to the woods and shot.

    Jobs stole too..his own words: "We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas."

  • Reply 43 of 119


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    Or maybe if you have a phone with a faster cpu, better gpu, 4 times the amount of RAM, camera of equal or better quality, replaceable batteries on the go, NFC capability, picture in picture video, actual multi-tasking, the original notification center and banners, ability to access your file system, ability to use wireless keyboards AND mice, faster web browsing, ability to attach any type of file to an email, etc...I could go on and on.

    You think maybe, just maybe, features like these might have something to do with Samsung's success over say the look of an icon or a rubber banding effect? Why are Nokia and RIM phones fowling their companies. Because they are slow, lack many features and more importantly, don't run Android or iOS. People choose not to buy phones like that.


    Sure. Because we are all dying for file system access and replaceable batteries. Why don't you add Flash and make it a hat trick?  I mean, "fowling"? Come on.

  • Reply 44 of 119
    twoseetwosee Posts: 58member


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    LOL. None of these things are important, because Apple has none of the capabilities. But once they are copied and added, oh they will be the greatest things since sliced bread! I saw this when iOS5 was announced. It was funny watching eyes glaze over of Apple fanbois. Well, more pathetic than anything.

    But it is perfectly fine when Apple steals ideas and copies other OS features. Don't worry, I understand how Apple fanboi's think.

    And if you think people don't give a crap about any of the features I have listed, then you really must be surrounded by people stuck in the 'reality distortion' field. I wouldn't expect you to understand anything regarding NFC and just how much it is in use now and how much it is expanding every month. You are ignorant on the NFC tech. Do a little search. It may surprise you.

    No, you Google fanbois are the ones in the reality distortion field. The truth is the majority of consumers Don't give a crap about any of those things. NFC is used so sparingly right now that it is basically irrelevant to a phone user. I work with 3 people who have Android with NFC, neither have used it once. And the lack of all that extra RAM, and processing power and stuff you speak of hasn't prevented me from doing anything i need on my iPhone.


    The difference when Apple comes out with something, it's because there is an actual use for it, not filling a phone with fluff and marketing buzz words to sell their product.

  • Reply 45 of 119
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    How about Copple? Crapple? The blantant copying for Apple started in iOS 5. iMessage, tabbed browsing, Notification Center, split keyboard, wireless syncing... all amazing and new (unless you had been using Android for years.)

    Now iOS6 will get turn by turn navigation and 3d views of cities. So amazing and new (unless you have used Google's Navigation, maps or Earth.) and Oh my god!, I can decline a call with a message now! Revolutionary, (unless you have been using Android for the last few years.) A VIP list in email now too. No way, that has to be new. Nope, been with GMail for a while. Wait, what about saving Safari tabs and favs in the cloud? That's a new feature, right? Nope. Chrome, Maxthone, Firefox all have this.

    The sheer amount of copying done by Apple is amazing. It's actually turning iOS into Android, since so many Android features have been stolen. And I didn't even get into the parts Apple stole from Microsoft. Hello lockscreen apps.


    One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read. You have no idea what copying actually means, do you. No, too much subtlety for you. Nobody is calling all those features revolutionary, as you'd like everyone to believe. Tabbed browsing is copying? Who? Tabbed browsing as there when the iPhone was 1st released, just as a different UI. And its been on desktops for how long? iMessage is 'copying', who exactly? RIM? WIreless syncing? Who did they rip that from, since its such a new and novel concept?  Google has been in the mapping business for years.. so yeah, it is kind of a big deal that Apple is taking it in house. Noone is saying the concept is new, but maps isn't exactly something you can rip off. They're having to do all the mapping and 3D data themselves.. whats your point? Thats stealing? WIreless syncing is stealing? Your post doesnt have a shred of objectivity, usefulness, or even a point. Keep using whatever phone  you want to use, instead of coming in here simply to mock and troll that Android has had everything for 'years'. 

  • Reply 46 of 119
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    LOL. None of these things are important, because Apple has none of the capabilities. But once they are copied and added, oh they will be the greatest things since sliced bread! I saw this when iOS5 was announced. It was funny watching eyes glaze over of Apple fanbois. Well, more pathetic than anything.

    But it is perfectly fine when Apple steals ideas and copies other OS features. Don't worry, I understand how Apple fanboi's think.

    And if you think people don't give a crap about any of the features I have listed, then you really must be surrounded by people stuck in the 'reality distortion' field. I wouldn't expect you to understand anything regarding NFC and just how much it is in use now and how much it is expanding every month. You are ignorant on the NFC tech. Do a little search. It may surprise you.


    I know damn well what NFC is , and I'm pretty sure I can run circles around you in anything related to programming or general tech knowledge. Yes, I travel every couple weeks, have been to about 20 countries, and all the people around me and that I deal with, from professionals, to children, to seniors, from a dozen cultures are all stuck in the r'eality distortion field.' As opposed to all your imaginary Apple-trolling internet friends. You got me there. My point, which flew completely over your head,  is that people (you know, people, not pimple popping basement geeks like you)  don't go the Best Buy and ask which phone has NFC, removable batteries, can work with wireless mice, and has a user facing file system, etc. You honestly think this is the reason Android phones are selling, and not because they're dirt cheap and its basically installed on EVERY single non -iPhone smartphone from a million other companies? Think about this for a few seconds before you start mashing a reply. And you're accusing me of being in a distortion field? Wake the hell up. Also, it's not a race to who can throw in tech into their phone 1st. Apple isn't going to throw in NFC if they don't have a comprehensive, well thought out plan how to exploit it and get millions of people to use it, unlike Android OEMS to throw it in as a bullet point, without infrastructure to support it, and barely anyone touches it.  You think Apple is planning to add a removable battery to any future phones? Filesystem? Don't you think they could have done that a long time ago if they had any intention? Your thought process doesn't include a shred of rationality or reason. 


    Another thing.. why the **** are you here? You clearly think so little of Apple, their products, and all the 'fanbois' (even using that word in order to try to make a point gives a clear picture of your level of intelligence), why do you visit such a messageboard? Your posts are nothing but FUD, trolling, and useless garbage that doesn't make any sense. Just go enjoy whatever phone you're using, instead of trying to fill the massive void in your life by coming here and attacking people who enjoy a different product than you. Noone is forcing you to pay a single penny to Apple, nor spend a single second using any other their products. Yet you come here foaming at the mouth on an Apple fansite. The only person with glazed over eyes is you, you sound absolutely rabid. Stop using the word fanboi's (we can't forget the apostrophe thrown in there for good measure, right?) and learn some basic grammar and sentence structure instead of moronic trolling. 

  • Reply 47 of 119


    Originally Posted by twosee View Post

    The difference when Apple comes out with something, it's because there is an actual use for it, not filling a phone with fluff and marketing buzz words to sell their product.


    Such as rubber banding?  LOL!  Hopefully at least some of you realize this has been around long before iOS... Linux Beryl and previous varients (even on Windows UI enhancers).

  • Reply 48 of 119

    Korean's have no morals. They are raised to fight for themselves and will copy and steal anything they can get their hands on that makes money.

  • Reply 49 of 119
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Oh, and has your account been highjacked, or what? This is a post you made while back. Why the change in tune? It also seems your intelligence and writing level has changed dramatically for the worst. 





    I was all set to buy an Android based phone. iOS5 addressed everything I thought was missing in the iPhone. Now, I'm seriously rethinking.

    I think Apple was smart in copying BBM, Android notifications and others UI's. These are things people want and Apple listened.

    Biggest thing I am happy to see is now wireless integration. I have collected about 10 of those stupid 30pin to USB connectors. Maybe the new iPods, iPads and iPhones will switch to micro-USB connectors?

  • Reply 50 of 119


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    Or maybe if you have a phone with a faster cpu, better gpu, 4 times the amount of RAM, camera of equal or better quality, replaceable batteries on the go, NFC capability, picture in picture video, actual multi-tasking, the original notification center and banners, ability to access your file system, ability to use wireless keyboards AND mice, faster web browsing, ability to attach any type of file to an email, etc...I could go on and on.

    You think maybe, just maybe, features like these might have something to do with Samsung's success over say the look of an icon or a rubber banding effect? Why are Nokia and RIM phones fowling their companies. Because they are slow, lack many features and more importantly, don't run Android or iOS. People choose not to buy phones like that.


    That's not the point. Even if Samsung crams a Cray Supercomputer into its next Galaxy release, that does not negate the fact that they copied Apple's patented UI elements and technologies. If true, Apple deserves damages and Samsung must be disciplined for their illegal behavior. This is not about features, it's about patents.

  • Reply 51 of 119
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    I love coming in here and reading the comments these days.  Most of you people have no lives.  You come here every day to say how much you hate samsung when you could actually be doing something worth while with your lives.  It is not like any of this is could be important to most of is a stupid cell phone.  Why do you care that a company might have mimicked the iPhone?  Any of you guys losing money over the deal?  I doubt it.  
    Let the people that actually built the thing worry about it.

    ...and I own a iPhone4 and a 2011 MBP, so I am not a troll. 

    We just might be a menace to society if we went outside. I could easily imagine a few guys on here throwing a metal garage can through the first plate glass window they see with a SGS 3 poster on it. Lol

  • Reply 52 of 119
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by KA47 View Post

    I hate samsung.




    Originally Posted by bdkennedy View Post

    Korean's have no morals. They are raised to fight for themselves and will copy and steal anything they can get their hands on that makes money.




    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    I for one am never going to buy anything from Samsung, which is my right. I will also do my utmost to trash Samsung's name and reputation ever chance I get in stores online and so on.




    lets starts a campaign to think up silly stupid same sounding derogatory names for "Samesong"



    Wow! The racial hatred in this thread...

  • Reply 53 of 119
    twopmtwopm Posts: 30member


    Originally Posted by bdkennedy View Post

    Korean's have no morals. They are raised to fight for themselves and will copy and steal anything they can get their hands on that makes money.



  • Reply 54 of 119
    knightlieknightlie Posts: 282member wrote: »
    The sheer amount of copying done by Apple is amazing. It's actually turning iOS into Android, since so many Android features have been stolen.

    Wow, I hope not, because Android is a steaming turd, and easily the worst phone I have ever used. I'm actually considering going back to my old feature phone in preference.
    And I didn't even get into the parts Apple stole from Microsoft. Hello lockscreen apps.

    You're actually going to accuse someone of copying Microsoft? Seriously? MS are the biggest replicators in the industry. Wow.
  • Reply 55 of 119

    Just bought a new TV and had planned on buying a Samsung, but after their slimy behavior has been revealed, I went with LG. I'm so glad I don't have to look at the Samsung logo in my living room every day. 

  • Reply 56 of 119
    twoseetwosee Posts: 58member


    Originally Posted by KrakaJap View Post


    Such as rubber banding?  LOL!  Hopefully at least some of you realize this has been around long before iOS... Linux Beryl and previous varients (even on Windows UI enhancers).

    it's useful to the iOS user experience. That's why it was added. "tech specs" aren't the only thing that are classified as useful. And yes, it's been around, just like phones have been around. but it wasn't a blatant copy.

  • Reply 57 of 119
    Who cares what Jobs thought? Unless you are into the cult of personality.
    What Jobs thought should have no say in this trial unless he can be questioned by Samsung.
    Forstall is coming across like a jerk.
  • Reply 58 of 119
    "But they're all fundamental to the touchscreen experience! You can't have a touchscreen without them! Apple can't patent or protect something so obvious! Monopoly! Anti-trust! Rectangle!"

    The same trolls who whine that Apple stop litigating and start innovating are the same trolls who defend Samsung for imitating, not innovating.
  • Reply 59 of 119
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    tylerk36 wrote: »
    Copy and Paste.  Copy and Paste.  [URL=http:][/URL].  All over the trolls. welcome all redecorates.

    interwebs wrote: »
    Just bought a new TV and had planned on buying a Samsung, but after their slimy behavior has been revealed, I went with LG. I'm so glad I don't have to look at the Samsung logo in my living room every day. 

    You should've gotten a Panasonic plasma.
  • Reply 60 of 119


    Originally Posted by bdkennedy View Post

    Korean's have no morals. They are raised to fight for themselves and will copy and steal anything they can get their hands on that makes money.


    WOW!  So "trolling" (as loosely as that term is thrown around) is fought tooth and nail and the term "fanboy" is threatened with banning.... yet racism is fine and dandy!  F* YOU bdkennedy!   That's not even remotely funny.




    Originally Posted by twosee View Post

    it's useful to the iOS user experience. That's why it was added. "tech specs" aren't the only thing that are classified as useful. And yes, it's been around, just like phones have been around. but it wasn't a blatant copy.


    I fail to understand the "blatant copy" in this particular instance.  It's a rubber band effect... same as always... there's really no 2 ways around it.  So who copied who again?  So just because Apple copied it first means Samsung or any other manufacturer for that matter can't do the same???  And if they do, they're automatically assumed to have copied "Apple"?  What utter ignorance!

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