Rumor: Apple axing recently-hired retail store staff



  • Reply 81 of 92
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    marvfox wrote: »
    This is wrong on Apple's part to do this by letting people go and not caring about their jobs at all. A typical corporation only giving a dam about the money they make. Corporate Capitalists!

    You obviously don't know the first thing about running a business. Sheesh.
  • Reply 82 of 92
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by marvfox View Post

    Corporate Capitalists!



    It's neither right nor wrong. It isn't Apple's job to "care about their jobs" (it's, at most, the government's.) Whatever's in the contract. That's all anyone has to answer to. 


    It's a JOB. WORK. When human capital is for whatever reason no longer required to do that work, either not at all or in lesser amounts, something very common and very normal happens. 


    Besides, it's RETAIL. That alone tells the entire story. 








    Originally Posted by marvfox View Post

    Corporate Capitalists!



    Be sure to thank them for your Mac Mini. They kinda made it possible for you to post your fluff on the internet. 

  • Reply 83 of 92

    The only part of this story that I think is worth discussing is that Apple is laying off newly trained staff. I'm not sure what Apple's training is like, but in most businesses training someone just to have them leave is a big deal. Apple got zero productivity out of these trainees, and the capital tied to them is lost.


  • Reply 84 of 92
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member


    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    You do realize that some people base their whole worthiness on the success of a company they have nothing to do with?  To be critical of said company is a direct attack on them so they must respond.


    There's much truth in this.

  • Reply 85 of 92

    FWIW Guys... in case you all just read the news in the USA  :)


    As of last Christmas 2011...

    "Weakening economies and falling prices of rival smartphones are hurting sales of Apple iPhones across Europe, data from research firm Kantar Worldpanel ComTech showed on Thursday...

    In part, the European sales of the expensive Apple model were hit by weakening economies across the continent. However, in France its share slipped to 20 percent from 29 percent and in Germany to 22 percent from 27 percent. Similar drops were seen in Italy and Spain..."


    As of Jul 12...

    In Spain a whopping 84.1% of smartphones sold were running Android. The lowest sales were in Italy which still saw 49.6% sales. In every other country mentioned above, Android smartphone sales were above 50% of total smartphone sales.


    My point isn't slamming Apple or saying Android is better - rather, as a marketer, and I see those stats - I know can't maintain a presence or employee base if sales aren't there to support it.

    The Europeans aren't like us Americans. They don't get the same price subsidies from the cell carriers like we do, they are MUCH MUCH more price sensitive than we are, and overall, aren't into technology

    like those of us in the US.







  • Reply 86 of 92
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    charlituna wrote: »
    Folks coming to see the Olympucs might travel the country a bit before or after. Why not since you are there
    And the drop off might be why any seasons arent being kept. They hired expecting 1000% more traffic and only got 200% more. And with the Olympics wrapping up Apple doesn't need all of them and can't afford to keep them. That could be all that is going on here

    The only problem with that is that there are reports that training groups and people just out of training were laid off. I assume that Apple can read a calendar and realized when the Olympics would end.

    It's a rumor - and may well include a wide variety of unrelated factors. For example:
    - Olympics ending may have accounted for some layoffs
    - Some of the employees may have been incompetent or had bad attitudes and were laid off for that reason
    - Lower than anticipated sales growth may have accounted for some
    - A new retail strategy could account for some

    Let's wait until there are some facts before starting all the "Apple is doomed" crap.
  • Reply 87 of 92

    The difference between Browett and Ron Johnson is that Johnson took the time to absorb the culture at Apple before he made changes.  While not always right, Johnson understood what made Apple unique in the eyes of the customer. Browett only sees dollar signs, and if left to it, will turn the retail stores into the same crap he left.  I'm glad I left the stores just as he came on board.  Change is inevitable but short-term gains will have long-term impact on Apple's reputation and will eventually hurt business.  Are there too many staffers on at certain times of the year, sure, but you cannot magically create knowledgeable team members in an instant and have them ready for launches. Staff need time to learn and experience the flow and variety of inquiries to be useful to customers.  Every launch where newbies have been brought on too close to the release date, they created customer service nightmares and over-burdened the existing staff.  Cut now with new products coming up and people will be buying from staff that know less than they do.  It's not like selling jeans in a mall (no offense to any clothing retailers) where you can add staff a week before Xmas.

  • Reply 88 of 92

    Have to agree… much of what makes the "Apple Shopping Experience" what it is also includes the knowledge and genuine enthusiasm of the staff...


    I typically know more about the products than most of the sales staffers anyway, but they can still answer my questions and make good recommendations on top. I didn't get that knowledgable overnight… nor can they.


    I definitely don't need "nothing more than human cash registers" walking around the Apple Stores…


    Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

  • Reply 89 of 92
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    The other option is banning the trolls, and as public opinion would be against that, I'll stick with making fun of them.


    Not this part of the public.  There is healthy debate, even some levels of healthy flaming but the troll ratio around here is high.

  • Reply 90 of 92
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,507member

    Apple explains, "we just messed up" with trying a new staffing formula for the past several weeks. Apparently no one was being laid off tho.


    "Making these changes was a mistake and the changes are being reversed," said Kristin Huguet, an Apple spokeswoman. "Our employees are our most important asset and the ones who provide the world-class service our customers deserve."


  • Reply 91 of 92

    Apple explains, "we just messed up" with trying a new staffing formula for the past several weeks. Apparently no one was being laid off tho.


    "Making these changes was a mistake and the changes are being reversed," said Kristin Huguet, an Apple spokeswoman. "Our employees are our most important asset and the ones who provide the world-class service our customers deserve."



    Meaning, Browett tried to do business as usual (for him) and he got resoundingly shot down!  Would love to have been the fly on the wall during that meeting ;-)


  • Reply 92 of 92


    Originally Posted by Thoughtful View Post

    Apple explains, "we just messed up" with trying a new staffing formula for the past several weeks. Apparently no one was being laid off tho.


    "Making these changes was a mistake and the changes are being reversed," said Kristin Huguet, an Apple spokeswoman. "Our employees are our most important asset and the ones who provide the world-class service our customers deserve."



    Meaning, Browett tried to do business as usual (for him) and he got resoundingly shot down!  Would love to have been the fly on the wall during that meeting ;-)




    One man's "Bloat" is another man's "marvelous success story"… get used to it, Mr. Browett!!

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