Am I the only one seriously thinking of jumping ship?
Yes the iPhone is good and iOS 6 has tonnes of new features, but I am getting bored of the same old look and lack of customisability, it also has a much smaller screen then the competition, so if the new iPhone comes out and disappoints will you jump ship?
To what? A bigger fuzzier screen and not so great performance sprinkled with semi-daily issues apologists try to explain away?
Originally Posted by Hiro
To what? A bigger fuzzier screen and not so great performance sprinkled with semi-daily issues apologists try to explain away?
Oh, if you live on the Android sites, you'll notice all they do is say good things. About their platform. And no iPhone users ever come by to crap in their gardens.
Ooh! I've just thought up a different garden analogy.
Sure, Apple may have a "walled garden", but Android has one of those invisible electric animal fences. Its users all wear collars and think they're free… until they try to get away.
Seriously the S3 is pretty good and fast the screens good to because I've tried them out at the Vodafone store the S3 is really fast to, an it has tonnes of intuitive features like smart stay and such the iPhone is good I'm typing this reply on one! But not as good s what they used to be back in 2010. And terrible screens are a thing if the past with the s3.
Sorry I expected a bit too much maturity from this forum sorry.
Originally Posted by macbook pro i5
Would happen to know some non biased forums?
… MacRumors. There's nothing good said about Apple products there, by law. Otherwise you get banned.
And terrible screens are a thing if the past with the s3.
Until you look at one.
Sorry I expected a bit too much maturity from this forum sorry.
No, no.
Ugh. The rabidity of tech fanboys in general is wearing thin on me. But iPhone is a new level. Android has a lot of advantages over iPhone. Chiefly being choice in hardware. IF a big screen is your main desire in a phone, obviously you should take a look at Android devices. However, someone mentioned the Samsung S III screen. It's garbage. All AMOLED screens are crap. Pentile, and very very dim. Nevertheless, I like its large size. A lot.
The best screen now is the HTC One X -- bar none. If someone can make an IPS LCD like iPhone's but 5" that'd be killer. Especially at the same or better brightness.
Nevertheless, Android continues piling on features I love and more and more I'm just surprised and disappointed when I have to use an iPhone. I generally prefer Droid tablets now as well. I had an iPad 2 from work but now I have an Android tablet. I like it better. It may lag a tiny bit but it's just friendlier to me. I just like Android home screens and how you can make them the way you want.
So it's really just user preference... Do you like a bright screen, small device, and fast UI? Or customizability, choice in hardware, and better hardware specs and capabilities like true 4G LTE, USB host mode, NFC, IR remote control, barometer, FM radio, real navigation buttons (my fav), camera button, keyboards sometimes, removable battery and SD card, etc etc?
Originally Posted by Aquatic
Ugh. The rabidity of tech fanboys in general is wearing thin on me. But iPhone is a new level. Android has a lot of advantages over iPhone. Chiefly being choice in hardware. IF a big screen is your main desire in a phone, obviously you should take a look at Android devices. However, someone mentioned the Samsung S III screen. It's garbage. All AMOLED screens are crap. Pentile, and very very dim. Nevertheless, I like its large size. A lot.
The best screen now is the HTC One X -- bar none. If someone can make an IPS LCD like iPhone's but 5" that'd be killer. Especially at the same or better brightness.
Nevertheless, Android continues piling on features I love and more and more I'm just surprised and disappointed when I have to use an iPhone. I generally prefer Droid tablets now as well. I had an iPad 2 from work but now I have an Android tablet. I like it better. It may lag a tiny bit but it's just friendlier to me. I just like Android home screens and how you can make them the way you want.
So it's really just user preference... Do you like a bright screen, small device, and fast UI? Or customizability, choice in hardware, and better hardware specs and capabilities like true 4G LTE, USB host mode, NFC, IR remote control, barometer, FM radio, real navigation buttons (my fav), camera button, keyboards sometimes, removable battery and SD card, etc etc?
Exactly android provides choice, the iPhone does not. the walled garden strategy is a double edged blade. Also I have tried the S3 the screen looks really good(even though I have an iPhone 4 now)so maybe its just me that likes the screen?
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
… MacRumors. There's nothing good said about Apple products there, by law. Otherwise you get banned.
Until you look at one.
No, no.
Actually you should see people make a hate comment or improvement and all hell breaks loose with the terms "Fandroid" and "troll". Trust me you say one bad thing about the iPhone or Mac or whatever and they shred you to bits like what the first guy that responded did.
It looks like everybody on this thread is an idiot except Hiro, Tallest Skil and I guess me.
Originally Posted by logandigges
It looks like everybody on this thread is an idiot except Hiro, Tallest Skil and I guess me.
So i'm an idiot, care to share why?
Because you aren't fellow member of his cult.
I completely agree with your point. When I got iPad3 for birthday we compared it with wife's iPad2. We probably aren't hawk eyes to see any difference in better screen and true multitasking with dual core CPU. Just a bit thicker and hotter on a back, other than this - same old iOS, not much different from my first iPod touch. Fanboys are talking about innovation but I see Apple stack on its maybe EPIC, but already AGING design. I never took Samsung seriously in a past due to ugly design of phones and crappy UI ( daughter had Samsung Behold in a past). They also went too far with mimicking Apple (I hate single home button, iPad has gesture to go home, tyvm, Steve). For example HTC is really creative - Sensation and One X are really nice phone and sense is absolutely amazing UI. But I'm impressed with latest effort - Verizon Galaxy s3, my free corporate phone, upgraded from iPhone4 btw. And as said my buddy who's long time iPhone fan he's dropping it for s3 if iPhone5 will be different form 4 same way as iPad3 different from 2.
the way these people talk and criticize the s3 is like they know how to produce a smartphone/tablet... i bet none of them can.
Originally Posted by ThePlaque
the way these people talk and criticize the s3 is like they know how to produce a smartphone/tablet... i bet none of them can.
No, but we do know where to buy a better phone than the S3.
right.... I mean, why it is way too hard for them to agree that Samsung (some of them call Sam(e)sung) was brilliant to produce a phone like the s3? i'm totally hands down to it's graphics...
calling other phones/tablets cheap, fuzzy, and all will not make iOS phones FLAWLESS/PERFECT.
I wan to know why the iPhone is still a better phone then the s3 even though admittedly the S3 is better.
yeah, given that it is less "better"... but does it mean that the phone deserves to receive such comments and be criticized like hell? c'mon... we're not comparing iPhone and Nokia 5110 here.
Originally Posted by macbook pro i5
I wan to know why the iPhone is still a better phone then the s3 even though admittedly the S3 is better.
You're asking for a subjective answer while presenting a subjective answer as objectivity.
I don't think that very much can be accomplished here.
Am I the only one that is smart enough to know that you can jailbreak an iDevice and make it look like an Android, a Blackberry, and a Windows Phone?? Guys it does everything... there's even a Mac OS X theme and a retro iOS theme in Black and white with pixely icons like back in the day... I can make it run Video Wallpapers, I can get 3D Wallpapers, Camera used as a wallpaper, Hal 9000 as Siri and Make it run GladOS from Aperture Laboratories. Heck it even has Metal Gear Solid UI's. People that don't know about this are missing out.
panoramic full 360 gyroscope wallpapers are now available tooo!!!!!!!!