'iPhone 5,' 'iPad mini' among 8 new Apple products coming before end of 2012



  • Reply 41 of 97
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by AjitMD View Post

    Apple should have focussed in bringing different models of the iPhone.  That where the money is.  They should have kept the same aspect ratio and produced 4.0-4.5", 4.5-5" versions, in addition to the 3.5" version.  Just 1 color to simplify inventory and only 2 memory choices.  The smartphone market is huge and different people want different sizes.  They boxy design in uncomfortable to hold... need something ergonomic and easy to hold like the 3GS model.  


    Apple is not going to win in the courthouse, unless they can deliver a knock-out blow to Google/Android - not likely.  At worst, Google will pay a multi-billion fine and modify Android so as not to infringe.  Meanwhile, Samsung comes up with new models before the courts can even deal with the old models.  


    Apple has to innovate to compete with the entire Android value chain.  They take 1+ years to come with a new iPhone model and they look like the old iPhone!!!  Management is becoming are too fat, dumb and happy now.


    That's probably the worst idea I've ever heard in my life. And your definition of 'innovating to compete' is to spam the market with as many screensizes as possible? Really? That's innovation to you? 1 new phone a year is working out fantastically for Apple, regardless of what messageboards will tell you, as well as for consumers, who aren't overloaded with new models every couple months and can have some confidence when making a purchasing decision and predictable upgrade cycles. Apple does not need to compete with the 'entire Android value chain'- they never have, and they never will. You can find $50-$100 Android phones. You ant them to compete with that? Why? When have they done this in the desktop, laptop, or tablet space? Also, management is becoming too 'fat, dumb, and happy' because they release 1 new iPhone/year? Yeah, I hear ya. I pine for the good old days when SJ was in charge and we got 5 new iPhones a year. He'd be rolling in his grave if he knew about this once a year non-sense. 


    You clearly have no understanding of Apples business model, logistics, supply chain efficiency, clarity, and the factors that make them so successful if you believe what you're saying. 

  • Reply 42 of 97


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post


    Originally Posted by kjf77 View Post

    Where is the Mac Mini in all of this??  The current one is well over a year old and needs a refresh too.  On top of that B&H Photo has constrained availability on some models lately.


    Quiet update

    I'm wondering about the whole Apple TV thing, the Cinema Displays etc.


    Yeah, I kinda' expected/hoped for an iMac 27" update in August...  Also, FCP X should be about ready to drop a new version -- and that would be a good tie-in to a new iMac or a new Mini.


    If the new iPhone gets a new A6 SOC, I hope they will upgrade the iPad 3 -- or add a new high-end model.

  • Reply 43 of 97
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    I could see all of this happening.


    The iPad getting a new dock seems feasible- nothing else changes and it sells the same.

    The iPhone is a given

    The iPod nano and Touch are obviously overdue and could be the same time as the iPhone

    The iPad Mini is absolutely a possibility

    And the iMacs (and mini) should be here soon too- although I dont know why the 21.5 and 27" are at different times.


    The 13" rMBP seems the most far fetched- I'd see a mini before that.


    I think the iMacs and Minis get a tiny upgrade- ivy bridge, gpu, 1666 vs 1333 ram as a silent announcement on iPhone day, and the 2 iPods get their refreshes there too- both being 2 years out from refresh.  Thats 5 right there.  If the iPad is going to get the new dock- it'd happen at the same time as well.


    Separate event for the iPad mini in October- and that's that.  If the iMacs didnt get silent release on iPhone day, they will here.


    One can hope...

  • Reply 44 of 97
    gazoobee wrote: »
    I'm still not sold on the iPod nano getting Wi-Fi.  

    The entire housing is metal, and the screen has metal shielding behind it.  It's basically a tiny metal box, the absolute worst possible form factor for Wi-Fi reception.  It's also so small that even if they find a way to put an antenna inside that actually has some reception, it's likely to lose that reception as it moves around the Wi-Fi zone in that it would be much more <span style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px;line-height:normal;">susceptible</span>
     to skip and interference from even small metallic objects in the room with it.  

    I thought Apple could just use a fractal antenna and mount it behind the display panel. That's what they did on the WiFi-only iPad: the antenna is mounted behind the plastic Apple logo on the back that is otherwise all aluminum. That's about the size of the nano.
  • Reply 45 of 97


    Originally Posted by rjbruce View Post

    Apple TV (set top) update?


    That's an interesting thought... they could give the AppleTV the ability to play games... likely require a new model with more power (GPU, GPU, RAM, SSD, Thunderbolt).  If they could keep the same form factor and get the price at $149-$249, they might have a winner.


    Also, several of these little boxes could be daisy-chained together and attached to an iMac -- to be used as a transcode/analyze/render farm for FCP X video editing...  I believe that FCP X is designed so that background processing can be done on external devices.  FCP X already lets you edit while video is being ingested, transcoded, analyzed and rendered in the background.  For example, you edit clips while the original is being transcoded... as each clip completes, the transcoded media is seamlessly substituted for the original -- incorporating any edits.


    A capability like this could revolutionize video editing!

  • Reply 46 of 97
    focherfocher Posts: 688member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Is it? Do you have a source for that?


    Good catch. My memory failed me from what was said during the last earnings call. Here is the actual quote from Tim Cook:




    You know, we re-priced the iPad 2 to $399 and it did very well in the quarter. The most popular iPad was the new iPad, but the iPad 2 did very well. It was particularly popular in the K-12 area that Peter spoke about earlier. We sold about 1 million units for the quarter. We have been very aggressive in this space, and I don’t see changing that. Link


    I remembered it backwards. What I can't quite interpret from his reference to "1 million units" if he was referring to total iPad units, just iPad 2, or just the new iPad.

  • Reply 47 of 97


    Originally Posted by Brian Jojade View Post

    I'm not sure how the retinal display MacBook Pro is going to be priced at $1100.  The current unit starts at $1199.  In the 15", the entry unit is $1799, but the entry retina is $2199.  If the retina 13" comes in at $1100, that would mean Apple would have to severely drop the price of the 15".  It would be hard to justify paying double the price for a machine 2 inches bigger.

    I think the 13" Retina MBP will be priced at $1,499 and $1,799.  This would be consistent with pricing of the 15" RMBP.  The question is: Will Apple continue to sell 3 lines of 13" - Regular, Air and Retina?  We will just have to wait and see.

  • Reply 48 of 97
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    slurpy wrote: »
    It's Apple. They'll figure it out. 

    Yeah it is called plastic! There are other ways to deal with the issue also.

    In any event the issue with WiFi is loss of battery life not RF issues. No matter what Apple does RF issues will exist because there are so many factors that are outside their control. I'd rather not see the nanos battery wasted on WiFi.

    By this I mean Apple can't control where you put the hub. They can't control where you wear the device nor can the control your surroundings. It is much like the issues with cell phones, even slight changes in orientations with respect to a base station can impact RF performance.
  • Reply 49 of 97


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    No new Mac mini or Mac Pro, when this is technically the first quarter of 2013 for Apple?


    The Retina Display 27" will force Apple to put an AMD 7000 series GPGPU in the Mini and that level in the Mac Pro or the option of an equivalent Nvidia box leaving the Intel 4000 out of the picture. For it to be a true 4K panel the only GPGPU that supports that is from AMD starting with the 7750 and up.


    Ahh... The 27" Display, not the 27" iMac gets Retina [first]... That makes a lot of sense as it gives better pricing options and eases supply/demand issues.


    According to Michael Cioni, the latest/greatest video editing is being done on 5K for 4K -- where they overshoot 25% and then trim to 4K.  FCP X is 4K capable.



    What do you think would be the cost of the Retina Display 27" that you describe?

  • Reply 50 of 97
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member

    Hopefully with a matte display option. Or else it is a deal-braker, since it is a serious health and productivity issue. MacMatte.
  • Reply 51 of 97


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post


    Originally Posted by TheOtherGeoff View Post



    Retina Cinema is likely the gating factor.  they've got to get the iMac's and Mac Pro out first and a RD display.  The mini is that uber niche product (people too small to need a Mac Pro, too 'PCified' to go with the iMac, or likely have a MacBookAir/Pro for 'most of their computing) so I can see why they will tail end the update.

    What's a Retina Camera?


    Watch this -- it is very informative and enjoyable -- this guy is good:




  • Reply 52 of 97
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    hopeless wrote: »
    I would love it if there was a "one more thing ..." at the September event. How about beating Google Glasses to the punch? I know, that's probably dreaming, but it would be pretty fantastic.

    Google's thing is going to lead to more left-brain Asperger's syndrome among technophiles, who are already predisposed and showing symptoms.

    I expect Apple's glasses will be stereo video for full-on 3D, and they will be siezed upon by vision therapists and educators for the benefits of using both eyes separately to emphasize binocular fusion inside the brain. They will also change photography, which may have been what Steve Jobs meant when he was talking to Walter Isaacson.
  • Reply 53 of 97

    I don't see how they are still quoting September 12th as the date, doesn't apple always send invited 2 weeks prior to an event? I think the mini is a good size for kids. I love my New ipad and use it everyday. Considering the price of an ipod touch though, $299.99 for 32 gib or $399.99 for an Ipad 2 16 gb, maybe it will come in at $349.99 if it does I would probably buy one for my daughter.

  • Reply 54 of 97
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
    Personally, I will be ecstatic when Apple begins updating to 802.11ac Wi-Fi.  I plan to immediately replace my AirPort Extreme Base Station, purchase a new Time Capsule and likely a new Mac or two.  An iPhone with 802.11ac Wi-Fi and LTE Advanced would be incredible as well.  In my opinion, this level of ultra-fast ubiquitous, persistent connectivity with 20 nm process technology may make wearable computing a reality.

  • Reply 55 of 97


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
    Personally, I will be ecstatic when Apple begins updating to 802.11ac Wi-Fi.  I plan to immediately replace my AirPort Extreme Base Station, purchase a new Time Capsule and likely a new Mac or two.  An iPhone with 802.11ac Wi-Fi and LTE Advanced would be incredible as well.  In my opinion, this level of ultra-fast ubiquitous, persistent connectivity with 20 nm process technology may make wearable computing a reality.



    Yeah, that's another thing that seems to have fallen through the cracks.  Apple is usually among the first to offer new WiFi technology... but not this time... wonder why?

  • Reply 56 of 97
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Hopeless View Post

    I would love it if there was a "one more thing ..." at the September event. How about beating Google Glasses to the punch? I know, that's probably dreaming, but it would be pretty fantastic.


    Well, it's kind of impossible to "beat Google to the punch" as they always bring products to market long before they are useful or saleable.  


    Google has already beaten Apple to the punch with "Google glasses" but no one actually wants to buy a pair.  Five or ten years from now when the product is useful and desirable, Apple will probably make the definitive model.  The same thing happened in laptops (Netbooks), and in tablets (Microsoft had crappy tablets for years before Apple), and almost every other product category you care to mention. 


    Google glasses are in fact hardly any different at all from the state of the same technology about five years ago.  They aren't really any smaller or better quality or anything.  Just as the geeks in 1998 were completely mistaken about this technology being "just around the corner" then, Google is similarly mistaken now.  When people actually want this product, Apple will make one.  

  • Reply 57 of 97


    Originally Posted by AjitMD View Post

    Apple should have focussed in bringing different models of the iPhone.  That where the money is.  They should have kept the same aspect ratio and produced 4.0-4.5", 4.5-5" versions, in addition to the 3.5" version.  Just 1 color to simplify inventory and only 2 memory choices.  The smartphone market is huge and different people want different sizes.  They boxy design in uncomfortable to hold... need something ergonomic and easy to hold like the 3GS model.  


    Apple is not going to win in the courthouse, unless they can deliver a knock-out blow to Google/Android - not likely.  At worst, Google will pay a multi-billion fine and modify Android so as not to infringe.  Meanwhile, Samsung comes up with new models before the courts can even deal with the old models.  


    Apple has to innovate to compete with the entire Android value chain.  They take 1+ years to come with a new iPhone model and they look like the old iPhone!!!  Management is becoming are too fat, dumb and happy now.

    Thanks for the advice, but with its top-selling line-up that is worth a market cap of at least $300B just by itself (see a superb valuation analysis of the iPhone franchise here: http://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/2012/08/apples-crown-jewel-valuing-iphone.html) I am sure Apple knows what it is doing.

  • Reply 58 of 97
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Yeah, that's another thing that seems to have fallen through the cracks.  Apple is usually among the first to offer new WiFi technology... but not this time... wonder why?


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    Perhaps Apple is waiting for 802.11ad later this year?

    Perhaps existing solutions require two processors (one for 802.11a/b/g legacy and one for 802.11n/ac)?

    Perhaps Apple is waiting for a 32 nm process to improve efficiency?

    Perhaps Apple has been busy developing a new iMac, iPad, iPhone, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and MacBook Pro with Retina Display?

    Perhaps Apple has been busy developing OS X, iOS 6 including improvements to Maps and Siri and possibly a mobile payment solution?


    Good question but we do know they have been busy.  Perplexing though, isn't it?


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

  • Reply 59 of 97
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    802.11ac/d, nothin'! I still want 802.22. I don't care if it means that "I'll see 1-20 thousand Wi-Fi networks in the dropdown because everyone's connectable from 50 miles away"; all I care about is my own network (so I'll set it invisible and connect to only that) and the best tech that would allow me access to it from however far. 

  • Reply 60 of 97

    iPod nano becomes simply iPod, gaining new connectivity, in particular, BT 4.0 (Internet access can be gained through iPhone/iPad).


    iPod shuffle, classic and touch discontinued.


    iPad mini introduced (or new iPod touch; doesn't really matter what they call it, but I do think iPod touch is sort of outdated considering iPod nano has touch.)


    I'm not a huge fan of something between 3.5 and 10-inches, but it seems like a good business move in some ways.

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