6.1mm-thick 5th-gen iPod touch has Siri, 4" display, A5 CPU



  • Reply 61 of 78
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member


    Originally Posted by spacemanjupiter View Post

    What a ripoff. A gimped cpu compared to the new iphone. Touch keeps falling behind and now the cpu is being hit. This device is supposed to be the gaming device and the price is outragious. Why not just get the iphone instead? Much better hardware. They might as well just discontinue the ipod touch. My 4th gen is laggy as hell on ios5. Ill be glad to sell it next week.

    My guess is...That's exactly what Apple's intentions are.  They want to price the Touch in an area where people are almost encouraged to just buy the iPhone over the Touch.  I really thought the Touch would probably just go away or somehow become a Wifi only iPhone when the time comes that all phone/text traffic goes to Data in the future...which I think is the most logical step in the evolution of mobile phone tech.  At that point, the touch become pointless.  But we probably won't see that for at least another 5 years or so.

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  • Reply 62 of 78

    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    there was no price hike.  It's the same price as it always was.

    $199 for the 16gb

    $299 for 32gb

    $399 for 64gb


    Price hike for the unlocked version, which is complete crap.

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  • Reply 63 of 78
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,523moderator
    antkm1 wrote:
    [there was no price hike.  It's the same price as it always was.
    $199 for the 16gb
    $299 for 32gb
    $399 for 64gb

    Ok they aren't charging more for the same spec but they raised the entry price for the latest model by not offering a 16GB version. The 16GB one is the old model. I can't see why they wouldn't offer a 16GB version of the new one.
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  • Reply 64 of 78

    I bought the 4th gen Touch a couple of years ago. It was the first Apple product I'd bought in over 20 years. I was so pleased with the quality and performance of the Touch that it contributed to me buying several other Apple products the next year: an iMac, an ACD and an Airport Extreme. So there really is a halo effect, I'd say. For me, The Touch is more useful and practical than an iPad Mini (assuming rumors of its size are roughly correct at around 7 inches). For my purposes, the iPad Mini would be too big to fit in my pocket (the Touch fits nicely) and too small for use around the house - for that I'd get a full size iPad. I'm sure other people would have use for the smaller iPad... just not me. But I'm still crazy about my Touch. I use my cellphone as a cellphone. But the iPod Touch provides every other function, just without the monthly cost of maintaining something like an iPhone. If an iPad Mini does come out, I'm also curious about how the pricing is going to work with a couple of these devices already stepping on each other. But maybe, like me, there are people who want certain features in a device of a certain size (and no larger).


    BTW, I was thinking about getting the (now) previous gen Nano - kind of a neat "toy", IMO. But I'm not sure how I feel about the new larger one. If the older ones can be had for a bit longer, maybe I'll pick one up on discount.

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  • Reply 65 of 78
    I have one major issue with the update.

    I wandered into an apple store with money, but I cannot buy it, and they could not tell me when I could buy it.

    If this was Microsoft people would be complaining about vaporware, but I just want to buy the thing.
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  • Reply 66 of 78
    Very nice update. Looks like Apple is positioning the touch for gamers and for photos.
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  • Reply 67 of 78


    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post


    GPS itself doesn't need a data connection.


    The current GPS ephemeris and almanac data needs to be downloaded before you can use GPS. This is very slow over GPS, at 50 bits per second. Wifi Runs at 150 000 000 bits per second. What's more, it's only valid for 4 hours.


    To download this data via satellite (which is only possible outdoors) takes more than five minutes to get enough data to begin positioning.


    Poor user experience, not to mention the impact on battery life. Not something Apple would do.


    Assisted GPS downloads this data via cellular or wifi, then instantly uses the GPS satellite signals to quickly give a fix.

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  • Reply 68 of 78
    there is clearly a green iPod touch in the photos but there is no mention of the colour in the article. strange.
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  • Reply 69 of 78

    It should be duly noted that according to reports, unlike the iPod Touch 4...


    The display on the iPod Touch (5th Generation) is the same IPS display as that on the iPhone 5.


    This makes a big difference, trust me! Although the display on the Touch 4 was excellent, no one would deny that the display on the iPhone 4 was better. Now there is no difference in screen quality between the new devices.


    The Ear Pods that ship with the Touch v5 should have a microphone and remote, as well. Honestly, the only features the iPhone 5 has that the Touch v5 doesn't are cellular data, megapixel count on the camera, and I expect GPS. Not sure about the compass, but I am guessing that for gaming purposes (as it's primarily a gaming device after all) the Touch v5 will have it.


    I already have the iPhone 5, and I've ordered the new Nano for my work in the classroom (I have been using my iPhone 4s for this, as I prefer using bluetooth), but I'm really impressed with the Touch 5, and Tempted to get one just for the hell of it.

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  • Reply 70 of 78

    Reports from who?


    The thing is not even out.  even the apple store couldnt tell me any of the details regarding hte screen, or even when they would get it.

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  • Reply 71 of 78

    From what I've seen so far, the cameras on both the iPod Touch 5G and the iPhone 5 are identical, except for the 5 MP vs. 8 MP. All the lenses and chips are identical, correct? (iPT might be a tad slower when processing HDR or panorama due to the older A5 chip). Is it safe to say that the picture quality (minus the different resolution due to the different MPs) would be the same for both devices (e.g., low light, flash, image stabilization, etc.), especially when the pictures from both are viewed/printed on normal daily screens/print sizes (not sure about the retina display on the MPB though..) 

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  • Reply 72 of 78

    I have a second generation  iPod Touch (Model MB528LL) , and I'm still happy with it!


    When this iPod Touch came out there was no iPad, Tablet category. Why doesn't Apple call the iPod Touch a tablet? The current version has cameras and almost everything that a small tablets currently offer. Actually the iPod Touch has a richer feature set than some of the other $199 tablets in the market today.


    Recently, I purchased a 32 GB Class 10  SD memory card for my camera...cost less than $24. Why is Apple still not making it easy to use external memory on their iPods and iPads, and  still charging very high prices to for the memory  that Apple provides?


    I am very surprised and disappointed in the current pricing of the iPod Touch when compared to other low priced tablets currently available in the market. Apple is building the iPod Touch with many of the same parts used in the iPhone, and the iPhone will sell vast volumes making the pricing of the iPod Touch parts very low. 


    Wouldn't it be to Apple's advantage to lower their margins to maybe 40-50% on the IPod Touch and IPad Mini and sell more of these entry level tablets. These products can be used to sell  iTunes products and Apps.  


    Apparently Apple does Not want to have any entry level priced products. This is causing me to seriously look at some of the other low priced competitors. What a shame!

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  • Reply 73 of 78
    You can buy Apple or you can buy cheap, and get what you pay for. Apple doesn't need to sell something cheap, as they have more business than they can handle with what they have.

    Willing to give up apps? Get a Nano.
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  • Reply 74 of 78
    jack92029 wrote: »
    Apparently Apple does Not want to have any entry level priced products. This is causing me to seriously look at some of the other low priced competitors. What a shame!

    What competition would that be with apps, and with performance approaching even half of what the iPod Touch has?

    I'm asking this question seriously.
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  • Reply 75 of 78


    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    What competition would that be with apps, and with performance approaching even half of what the iPod Touch has?

    I'm asking this question seriously.

    I'm genuinely interested as well. TBH, all I read is AI, and some non-Apple stuff here and there, but have the competitions improved in recent years, in terms of product and service integration? Do people know that when you buy an iDevice, you are buying more than just the device itself (e.g. social gaming, cloud services, hardware support, software support for years, and even high resell value)? Honestly, I was surprised at how much Android phones have improved, along with the app selections, since my T-mobile G1 days. But I really doubt they can even compare, again, beyond the device itself. However, I'm always up for new knowledge!

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  • Reply 76 of 78
    It has Siri? great! buy one maybe
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  • Reply 77 of 78

    It has Siri? great, buy one maybe

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  • Reply 78 of 78
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post


    GPS would be HUGELY useful in an iPod Touch ... not for you, not for everyone... but some people use it for different things than you do.


    Yes.  It's a shame that magellan doesn't update their rugged GPS case but you can buy one of these:




    I got the iPad 3G simply because sometimes I like to use it as a GPS and of course sometimes I like having data.  OTOH I have a hotspot and a WiDrive so adding a BT GPS unit for use in the car is not really a big deal since I have all this other crap.


    If you're regularly speeding down fire roads at 50MPH I suggest having a backup handheld GPS and a PLB for when you get stuck and need to hoof it out of there but you probably already do that...


    This might be a cool little toy:






    Not having GPS built into the iPod Touch is a bummer but solvable if you can live with another thingy on your dash.  One that lets you send 2-way text messages via iridium (albeit at a hefty cost) is kinda nifty.

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