I am going to be leaving AT&T for Verizon based on some problems I've had with them lately. Does anyone know if Apple.com will allow us to order with new service? If not I'll just go through Verizon's site.
Well I am going to upgrade my...LG flip phone. Go ahead & laugh - my anticipatory high makes me immune. After coveting an iPhone since the day it was first announced the stars have aligned and I'm going to satisfy my techno-lust. Ahhhhhhh.
Maybe one of you veterans of iPhone procurements can opine on the merits of preordering from Apple vs. Verizon. I assume either will let me specify delivery to a store rather than home (which seems safer if no one is home), but is there any reason to expect the delivery to be more prompt with Apple?
Why are you guys acting like what I said is blasphemy? Aside from 4g, the iPhone 5 is not worth the value. We are still dealing with a piece of technology (last time I checked). In the tech world, an upgrade is justified by the added functionality the device offers.
The iPhone 4S is still buttery smooth, arguably the smoothest smartphone interface. There isn't a single app the iPhone 4S can't handle. So in terms of usability, the iPhone 5 is still on-par with the 4S.
Once the 4S gets iOS 6 there will be no reason to upgrade to iPhone 5. No added functionality, no added memory, nothing technology wise that justifies a purchase.
No one here has answered my question, aside from upgrading from an older model, why would anyone upgrade from the 4S to the 5?
Perhaps you're not aware of the pattern that has held for each of the past 4 years, so I'll help you out. First Apple announces a new iPhone and new iOS. Then a few people come along and say "WHY WOULD I GET THIS, MY IPHONE IS STILL PERFECTLY GOOD!?!?!" Then everyone installed the new OS on their phone and the people who still have the sad old phone say "hey my phone only slowed down a moderate amount, I'm so happy that I'm so smart and I kept it instead of spending $200 on a new phone" while the people who did buy the new phone are saying "I wonder why that guy over there is ranting and raving about how smart he was not to buy the new phone".
News flash:
O - Your 4S won't be buttery smooth in a week when you install iOS6.
O - $200 works out to less than 50 cents a day - some people can justify that sort of exorbitant expense for an improved experience
O - There isn't a single app that the 4S can't handle. BUT THERE WILL BE, about one year before the 5 has trouble handling any app. Get it?
Sorry buddy, but your question has been answered. Just because you're too cheap or poor or stupid (because you can't see that the 5 DOES have a faster processor, more mics, a bigger screen, a better AND newer battery) to understand those reasons, that's not our fault or problem.
Perhaps you're not aware of the pattern that has held for each of the past 4 years, so I'll help you out. First Apple announces a new iPhone and new iOS. Then a few people come along and say "WHY WOULD I GET THIS, MY IPHONE IS STILL PERFECTLY GOOD!?!?!" Then everyone installed the new OS on their phone and the people who still have the sad old phone say "hey my phone only slowed down a moderate amount, I'm so happy that I'm so smart and I kept it instead of spending $200 on a new phone" while the people who did buy the new phone are saying "I wonder why that guy over there is ranting and raving about how smart he was not to buy the new phone".
News flash:
O - Your 4S won't be buttery smooth in a week when you install iOS6.
O - $200 works out to less than 50 cents a day - some people can justify that sort of exorbitant expense for an improved experience
O - There isn't a single app that the 4S can't handle. BUT THERE WILL BE, about one year before the 5 has trouble handling any app. Get it?
Sorry buddy, but your question has been answered. Just because you're too cheap or poor or stupid (because you can't see that the 5 DOES have a faster processor, more mics, a bigger screen, a better AND newer battery) to understand those reasons, that's not our fault or problem.
Up until the last uncalled for insult, the post summed it up pretty well - you didn't need the last paragraph, which reflects badly on your attempt at educating someone who posed a question that many may have, but which many may not have thought through entirely. Keep the personal insults to yourself.
Up until the last uncalled for insult, the post summed it up pretty well - you didn't need the last paragraph, which reflects badly on your attempt at educating someone who posed a question that many may have, but which many may not have thought through entirely. Keep the personal insults to yourself.
Sometimes a truly stupid question requires a harsher rebuke than a simple correct answer.
Why not? I buy the new one for $200, sell the old one for $400, get a refreshed battery, casing, faster processor. Why in the world would anyone not buy it?
How is anyone who bought an iPhone 4S going to buy a new one for just $200? AT&T changed their upgrade rules and everyone should still be under contract. I'm not sure how Verizon does their upgrades, but I'm sure it's probably similar.
AT&T wants at least $199 from me plus a $250 fee (I bought a 4S in November '11).
How is anyone who bought an iPhone 4S going to buy a new one for just $200? AT&T changed their upgrade rules and everyone should still be under contract. I'm not sure how Verizon does their upgrades, but I'm sure it's probably similar.
AT&T wants at least $199 from me plus a $250 fee (I bought a 4S in November '11).
Bought my 4S on day one last year, and I'm eligible for a fully subsidized upgrade price. Just depends how much you spend per month. (I understand that the deal I'm getting is not great, but unfortunately I am not confident enough in any MVNO to jump ship).
Correction - just checked again and you're right, they do want more. But I can still get the new one for the same price I'll be able to sell the old one for. I had just looked at ATT's page and saw that it said "Great news! You qualify for an early iPhone upgrade with a new 2-year commitment" and didn't read the fine print. Definitely going to look into MVNOs a big more if I can save the $50 a month!
Perhaps you're not aware of the pattern that has held for each of the past 4 years, so I'll help you out. First Apple announces a new iPhone and new iOS. Then a few people come along and say "WHY WOULD I GET THIS, MY IPHONE IS STILL PERFECTLY GOOD!?!?!" Then everyone installed the new OS on their phone and the people who still have the sad old phone say "hey my phone only slowed down a moderate amount, I'm so happy that I'm so smart and I kept it instead of spending $200 on a new phone" while the people who did buy the new phone are saying "I wonder why that guy over there is ranting and raving about how smart he was not to buy the new phone".
News flash:
O - Your 4S won't be buttery smooth in a week when you install iOS6.
O - $200 works out to less than 50 cents a day - some people can justify that sort of exorbitant expense for an improved experience
O - There isn't a single app that the 4S can't handle. BUT THERE WILL BE, about one year before the 5 has trouble handling any app. Get it?
Sorry buddy, but your question has been answered. Just because you're too cheap or poor or stupid (because you can't see that the 5 DOES have a faster processor, more mics, a bigger screen, a better AND newer battery) to understand those reasons, that's not our fault or problem.
Whoa, you mad bro? Lmao, just asking a simple question. I guess for you the extra 2 hours of 3g time justifies the $300 upgrade, good for you big baller LMAO!
Whoa, you mad bro? Lmao, just asking a simple question. I guess for you the extra 2 hours of 3g time justifies the $300 upgrade, good for you big baller LMAO!
I guess that answers it. Too stupid is the winner.
You asked a simple question, then an hour later demanded that someone try harder to answer your question, bro. Again, go work harder and someday $300 won't seem like so much money to you.
I guess that answers it. Too stupid is the winner.
You asked a simple question, then an hour later demanded that someone try harder to answer your question, bro. Again, go work harder and someday $300 won't seem like so much money to you.
Alright - if you two don't stop fighting, I'm gonna have to separate you. Don't make me come back there, if you know what's good for ya.
The s3 is going to be handidly taken in the area of performance, especially the GPU. Anything running realtime 3d on this new iphone is going to rock and train other phones
Yes - that's the full subsidized price for a 64gb phone ($199 for 16gb/$299 for 32gb/ and $399 for 64gb).
Yes I know about the full subsidized pricing and renewing for 2 years, for att does anyone know if i paid the $649 does that renew my 2 year agreement? I checked on apples website and I can get 280 for my 4s in there recycling or reusing program. so 649-280= 369 So I would be paying less this if I had gotten the phone fully subsidized anyways. So considering it but still on the fence.
Honestly people what are you upgrading FOR? The 4S is still a good device. What was the killer feature that apple announced that you need an upgrade?
I have a 4 and my two years is up. I can sell my phone for $200+ and get this new phone. I have no problem with upgrading every two years so I will take the fully subsidized phone with 16GB.
Well I am going to upgrade my...LG flip phone. Go ahead & laugh - my anticipatory high makes me immune. After coveting an iPhone since the day it was first announced the stars have aligned and I'm going to satisfy my techno-lust. Ahhhhhhh.
Maybe one of you veterans of iPhone procurements can opine on the merits of preordering from Apple vs. Verizon. I assume either will let me specify delivery to a store rather than home (which seems safer if no one is home), but is there any reason to expect the delivery to be more prompt with Apple?
That's wonderful! Congratulations.
Without the slightest hint of doubt, Apple. Unless, that was a trick question.
Yes I know about the full subsidized pricing and renewing for 2 years, for att does anyone know if i paid the $649 does that renew my 2 year agreement? I checked on apples website and I can get 280 for my 4s in there recycling or reusing program. so 649-280= 369 So I would be paying less this if I had gotten the phone fully subsidized anyways. So considering it but still on the fence.
Yes it renews the agreement, because you are getting a subsidized phone (the unsubsidized 64gb phone would be $850), so you are getting a $200 subsidy - therefore, ATT requires you to renew your contract for another 2 years. I am in the same boat, and decided to buy an unsubsidized 64gb phone from Apple for $850, because next october, 2013, I will be out of my 2 year contract, will be able to get a completely subsidized iphone6, and will be able to get my iphone5 unlocked from ATT beforehand in preparation for selling it on ebay, which gets top dollar. That way, I get another new phone next year, fully subsidized, and sell my iphone5 for top dollar as an unlocked ATT 64gb phone. If I elected to get a subsidized phone now, I wouldn't be able to get ATT to unlock it (since I would only be one year into my contract) and would not get as much upon selling it on ebay - makes sense, and the ATT manager smiled at me today when I told him my plan, and told me today that that was the smartest decision I could make, assuming I wanted to get another new phone next October.
Well I am going to upgrade my...LG flip phone. Go ahead & laugh - my anticipatory high makes me immune. After coveting an iPhone since the day it was first announced the stars have aligned and I'm going to satisfy my techno-lust. Ahhhhhhh.
Maybe one of you veterans of iPhone procurements can opine on the merits of preordering from Apple vs. Verizon. I assume either will let me specify delivery to a store rather than home (which seems safer if no one is home), but is there any reason to expect the delivery to be more prompt with Apple?
Originally Posted by mrrodriguez
Why are you guys acting like what I said is blasphemy? Aside from 4g, the iPhone 5 is not worth the value. We are still dealing with a piece of technology (last time I checked). In the tech world, an upgrade is justified by the added functionality the device offers.
The iPhone 4S is still buttery smooth, arguably the smoothest smartphone interface. There isn't a single app the iPhone 4S can't handle. So in terms of usability, the iPhone 5 is still on-par with the 4S.
Once the 4S gets iOS 6 there will be no reason to upgrade to iPhone 5. No added functionality, no added memory, nothing technology wise that justifies a purchase.
No one here has answered my question, aside from upgrading from an older model, why would anyone upgrade from the 4S to the 5?
Perhaps you're not aware of the pattern that has held for each of the past 4 years, so I'll help you out. First Apple announces a new iPhone and new iOS. Then a few people come along and say "WHY WOULD I GET THIS, MY IPHONE IS STILL PERFECTLY GOOD!?!?!" Then everyone installed the new OS on their phone and the people who still have the sad old phone say "hey my phone only slowed down a moderate amount, I'm so happy that I'm so smart and I kept it instead of spending $200 on a new phone" while the people who did buy the new phone are saying "I wonder why that guy over there is ranting and raving about how smart he was not to buy the new phone".
News flash:
O - Your 4S won't be buttery smooth in a week when you install iOS6.
O - $200 works out to less than 50 cents a day - some people can justify that sort of exorbitant expense for an improved experience
O - There isn't a single app that the 4S can't handle. BUT THERE WILL BE, about one year before the 5 has trouble handling any app. Get it?
Sorry buddy, but your question has been answered. Just because you're too cheap or poor or stupid (because you can't see that the 5 DOES have a faster processor, more mics, a bigger screen, a better AND newer battery) to understand those reasons, that's not our fault or problem.
Originally Posted by tkrunner1738
then there must be some subsidized pricing then, because when I check eligibility it says $ 649 before june 11, 2013 or $399 after.
Yes - that's the full subsidized price for a 64gb phone ($199 for 16gb/$299 for 32gb/ and $399 for 64gb).
Originally Posted by cameronj
Perhaps you're not aware of the pattern that has held for each of the past 4 years, so I'll help you out. First Apple announces a new iPhone and new iOS. Then a few people come along and say "WHY WOULD I GET THIS, MY IPHONE IS STILL PERFECTLY GOOD!?!?!" Then everyone installed the new OS on their phone and the people who still have the sad old phone say "hey my phone only slowed down a moderate amount, I'm so happy that I'm so smart and I kept it instead of spending $200 on a new phone" while the people who did buy the new phone are saying "I wonder why that guy over there is ranting and raving about how smart he was not to buy the new phone".
News flash:
O - Your 4S won't be buttery smooth in a week when you install iOS6.
O - $200 works out to less than 50 cents a day - some people can justify that sort of exorbitant expense for an improved experience
O - There isn't a single app that the 4S can't handle. BUT THERE WILL BE, about one year before the 5 has trouble handling any app. Get it?
Sorry buddy, but your question has been answered. Just because you're too cheap or poor or stupid (because you can't see that the 5 DOES have a faster processor, more mics, a bigger screen, a better AND newer battery) to understand those reasons, that's not our fault or problem.
Up until the last uncalled for insult, the post summed it up pretty well - you didn't need the last paragraph, which reflects badly on your attempt at educating someone who posed a question that many may have, but which many may not have thought through entirely. Keep the personal insults to yourself.
Why use the phone when you can use two cans attached to string...
Originally Posted by Bagman
Up until the last uncalled for insult, the post summed it up pretty well - you didn't need the last paragraph, which reflects badly on your attempt at educating someone who posed a question that many may have, but which many may not have thought through entirely. Keep the personal insults to yourself.
Sometimes a truly stupid question requires a harsher rebuke than a simple correct answer.
How is anyone who bought an iPhone 4S going to buy a new one for just $200? AT&T changed their upgrade rules and everyone should still be under contract. I'm not sure how Verizon does their upgrades, but I'm sure it's probably similar.
AT&T wants at least $199 from me plus a $250 fee (I bought a 4S in November '11).
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
So help me, AT&T if you screw this one up....
thats the same thought i have and with their track record i think they will
Originally Posted by Mazda 3s
How is anyone who bought an iPhone 4S going to buy a new one for just $200? AT&T changed their upgrade rules and everyone should still be under contract. I'm not sure how Verizon does their upgrades, but I'm sure it's probably similar.
AT&T wants at least $199 from me plus a $250 fee (I bought a 4S in November '11).
Bought my 4S on day one last year, and I'm eligible for a fully subsidized upgrade price. Just depends how much you spend per month. (I understand that the deal I'm getting is not great, but unfortunately I am not confident enough in any MVNO to jump ship).
Correction - just checked again and you're right, they do want more. But I can still get the new one for the same price I'll be able to sell the old one for. I had just looked at ATT's page and saw that it said "Great news! You qualify for an early iPhone upgrade with a new 2-year commitment" and didn't read the fine print. Definitely going to look into MVNOs a big more if I can save the $50 a month!
Whoa, you mad bro? Lmao, just asking a simple question. I guess for you the extra 2 hours of 3g time justifies the $300 upgrade, good for you big baller LMAO!
Originally Posted by mrrodriguez
Whoa, you mad bro? Lmao, just asking a simple question. I guess for you the extra 2 hours of 3g time justifies the $300 upgrade, good for you big baller LMAO!
I guess that answers it. Too stupid is the winner.
You asked a simple question, then an hour later demanded that someone try harder to answer your question, bro. Again, go work harder and someday $300 won't seem like so much money to you.
Originally Posted by cameronj
I guess that answers it. Too stupid is the winner.
You asked a simple question, then an hour later demanded that someone try harder to answer your question, bro. Again, go work harder and someday $300 won't seem like so much money to you.
Alright - if you two don't stop fighting, I'm gonna have to separate you. Don't make me come back there, if you know what's good for ya.
Don't worry there'll be plenty left to go around as everyone else will be buying the S3
Originally Posted by Bagman
Yes - that's the full subsidized price for a 64gb phone ($199 for 16gb/$299 for 32gb/ and $399 for 64gb).
Yes I know about the full subsidized pricing and renewing for 2 years, for att does anyone know if i paid the $649 does that renew my 2 year agreement? I checked on apples website and I can get 280 for my 4s in there recycling or reusing program. so 649-280= 369 So I would be paying less this if I had gotten the phone fully subsidized anyways. So considering it but still on the fence.
Originally Posted by mrrodriguez
Honestly people what are you upgrading FOR? The 4S is still a good device. What was the killer feature that apple announced that you need an upgrade?
I have a 4 and my two years is up. I can sell my phone for $200+ and get this new phone. I have no problem with upgrading every two years so I will take the fully subsidized phone with 16GB.
Originally Posted by despeck
Well I am going to upgrade my...LG flip phone. Go ahead & laugh - my anticipatory high makes me immune. After coveting an iPhone since the day it was first announced the stars have aligned and I'm going to satisfy my techno-lust. Ahhhhhhh.
Maybe one of you veterans of iPhone procurements can opine on the merits of preordering from Apple vs. Verizon. I assume either will let me specify delivery to a store rather than home (which seems safer if no one is home), but is there any reason to expect the delivery to be more prompt with Apple?
That's wonderful! Congratulations.
Without the slightest hint of doubt, Apple. Unless, that was a trick question.
I can't decide. White or Black? 16 GB or 64GB? AT&T or Verizon? Wake up at midnight or wait until they go on sale? Decisions, decisions...
Just kidding: Midnight, Black, 64 GB, AT&T
Originally Posted by tkrunner1738
Yes I know about the full subsidized pricing and renewing for 2 years, for att does anyone know if i paid the $649 does that renew my 2 year agreement? I checked on apples website and I can get 280 for my 4s in there recycling or reusing program. so 649-280= 369 So I would be paying less this if I had gotten the phone fully subsidized anyways. So considering it but still on the fence.
Yes it renews the agreement, because you are getting a subsidized phone (the unsubsidized 64gb phone would be $850), so you are getting a $200 subsidy - therefore, ATT requires you to renew your contract for another 2 years. I am in the same boat, and decided to buy an unsubsidized 64gb phone from Apple for $850, because next october, 2013, I will be out of my 2 year contract, will be able to get a completely subsidized iphone6, and will be able to get my iphone5 unlocked from ATT beforehand in preparation for selling it on ebay, which gets top dollar. That way, I get another new phone next year, fully subsidized, and sell my iphone5 for top dollar as an unlocked ATT 64gb phone. If I elected to get a subsidized phone now, I wouldn't be able to get ATT to unlock it (since I would only be one year into my contract) and would not get as much upon selling it on ebay - makes sense, and the ATT manager smiled at me today when I told him my plan, and told me today that that was the smartest decision I could make, assuming I wanted to get another new phone next October.