Once again, Apple's made critics look like complete dumbasses.
Then again, all Dan Lyons needs for that is Dan Lyons.
Where exactly in this article does he say the iPhone 5 won't sell? For that matter, where has anyone said that? Tilting at windmills, aren't we? The AI forum goer has a strange fetish with making up (absurd) arguments for detractors that don't exist, and then gloating over how the obvious outcome has come to fruition.
Congrats, boys! You've managed to make Apple users look ridiculous, once again.
Where exactly in this article does he say the iPhone 5 won't sell? For that matter, where has anyone said that? Tilting at windmills, aren't we? The AI forum goer has a strange fetish with making up (absurd) arguments for detractors that don't exist, and then gloating over how the obvious outcome has come to fruition.
Congrats, boys! You've managed to make Apple users look ridiculous, once again.
it says:
"Apple's iPhone launches no longer excite"
...those who wanted the phone so badly that rushed to preorder 2M in 24h, should be very excited about that.
I don't read most other tech sites these days* but on AnandTech they do have the usual commenters complaining about Apple is failing for not providing enough units for every first week pre-order (despite selling millions on day one) and even claiming Apple is not selling units to generate buzz, which has to be the most absurd thing I've ever read about business for a company with an overwhelmingly dominate mindshare.
* I deleted my RSS and only added ones I was dying to know about. 3 months later I still only have AI, MR, and AT, and I never read the forums for MR. Probably should add MondayNote.
MondayNote is great. I actually get that one sent to me via email. It's always interesting to read what Jean-Louis Gassee's take on things is.
Once again, Apple's made critics look like complete dumbasses.
Then again, all Dan Lyons needs for that is Dan Lyons.
I wish people didn't link to that clown, since that's how he gets paid. The guy has been a vitriolic, angry anti-Apple shill for as long as I can remember, and has been proven wrong about absolutely EVERYTHING he's ever written, but that doesn't stop places like BBC and Newsweek from recruiting him for his enlightened 'analysis'. Why, in this world, are the people are are always wrong rewarded the most? Oh right, click-whore baiting. Also, you can tell who the narcissists are by the ones that post their self portraits on their blog headers.
Regarding pre-orders, but everyone online was telling me that people were sick of Apple's "tiny" screen, "pathetic" update, "5 year old tired OS", "hopelessly underspecced" product, and how it was 10 years behind all the other incredible Android phones out there. What happened?
I still contend that the timeframe we've seen of leaks pointing to a production ramp up months ago, and the addition of countries for first and second week sales is good enough circumstantial evidence to deduce that Apple has more units to sell this year than they've had over any other year.
This is going to be Apple's major dilemma, I think. Build enough of them early enough to meet demand, and they're going to be leaked. Announce earlier, and you give competitors time to jump in and steal some of your thunder.
Where exactly in this article does he say the iPhone 5 won't sell? For that matter, where has anyone said that? Tilting at windmills, aren't we? The AI forum goer has a strange fetish with making up (absurd) arguments for detractors that don't exist, and then gloating over how the obvious outcome has come to fruition.
Congrats, boys! You've managed to make Apple users look ridiculous, once again.
Get off it, every post here makes it clear you despise Apple and ALL their users, enough with your self-righteous horse-shit about how "bad" this board makes Apple users look. What percentage of the population actually views this board, and why are you so concerned? Your shctick that you fail to see the online negativity when it comes to any Apple product launch is also pretty pathetic. That article was insanely negative towards Apple, and Dan Lyons has been a foaming at the mouth Anti-Apple shill for a long time. There's nothing 'fetish' or absurd about making that statement, yet you seem to have a very strange fetish for peddling the same shit over and over in every thread. You look like a tool.
it says:
<h1 class="story-header">[SIZE=12px]"Apple's iPhone launches no longer excite"[/SIZE]</h1>
...those who wanted the phone so badly that rushed to preorder 2M in 24h, should be very excited about that.
I preordered one, and am excited to get it, but I think he does make something of a point, and it certainly isn't that the iPhone 5 would be a flop. I guess an observance of reality is asking too much.
That the iPhone has remained relatively stable as a platform/design is not a vitriolic statement. Whether or not you deem it justifiable to expect sweeping changes is another matter, and one that could be addressed in a tone not befitting a 5 year old (I don't mean to imply that anything is wrong with your tone, but others here that are gloating over their imagined victories are unimpressive, to say the least.)
Get off it, every post here makes it clear you despise Apple and ALL their users, enough with your self-righteous horse-shit about how "bad" this board makes Apple users look. What percentage of the population actually views this board, and why are you so concerned? Your shctick that you fail to see the online negativity when it comes to any Apple product launch is also pretty pathetic. That article was insanely negative towards Apple, and Dan Lyons has been a foaming at the mouth Anti-Apple shill for a long time. There's nothing 'fetish' or absurd about making that statement, yet you seem to have a very strange fetish for peddling the same shit over and over in every thread. You look like a tool.
Pointing out the ridiculous position taken by some of you has no bearing on my opinion of the Apple user in the main. I would guess that MOST Apple enthusiasts don't feel like they're "under attack" from the media, or anyone else, and could look at someone's argument, vitriolic or not, and consider whether or not it was valid, rather than whether or not it hurt their oddly vulnerable sense of self worth.
I guess having the slightest dignity is an affront to those dispossessed of it by fanaticism. My most sincere apologies.
If peeps want to wait in line then that is their prerogative. I wouldnt do it. I simply dont have that kind of time, and I can wait (with patients) for the ups or fedex person to deliver the four iPhone 5's I ordered. Unfortunately since I waited until after work on friday to order, I will have to wait 3 weeks for their arrival...
I pre-ordered my iPhone at 12:56 AM PST. When I went through check out it stated a delivery date of Sept 21st. When I received the email it then stated an Oct 5th deliver date. I immediately went back to the order process and Apple's website wast still stating a delivers on Sept 21st date. The website hadn't been updated yet or something. I sure hope they bump me up! I want my iPhone 5 on Friday! Did anyone else experience this?
I pre-ordered my iPhone at 12:56 AM PST. When I went through check out it stated a delivery date of Sept 21st. When I received the email it then stated an Oct 5th deliver date. I immediately went back to the order process and Apple's website wast still stating a delivers on Sept 21st date. The website hadn't been updated yet or something. I sure hope they bump me up! I want my iPhone 5 on Friday! Did anyone else experience this?
Have you checked the order status on the Apple website and tried to track by reference on the UPS site?
If it hasn't shipped from China yet you probably aren't getting it friday. If the order status at Apple says "processing order" that would be another indication that you missed the cut.
Do we know if this is only from apples site , or is that from all carriers and stores? Yea mine still says preparing for shipment, but I find it interesting that it says standard shipping, doesn't fedex sometimes do fulfillments of orders? I'm hoping this is the case so I get mind Friday, but hopefully Ill find out soon. I completed my order at 1215 am pst and got my confirmation email at like 1221 am pst
Do we know if this is only from apples site , or is that from all carriers and stores? Yea mine still says preparing for shipment, but I find it interesting that it says standard shipping, doesn't fedex sometimes do fulfillments of orders? I'm hoping this is the case so I get mind Friday, but hopefully Ill find out soon. I completed my order at 1215 am pst and got my confirmation email at like 1221 am pst
Some that have had "preparing for shipment" on the apple website have actually already had their orders shipped.
Check the UPS site: (directions courtesy of Psirix, in another thread.)
"No email yet from Apple for me but if yours has shipped go to Ups.com and under "Track by Reference" and fill out date, your zip. Under "Shipment Reference" put in your phone number you have you attached to your Apple Store account. I checked mine and it shipped! Has the same arrival info, times, etc as the image in the story. Has Friday the 21st delivery as expected."
Some that have had "preparing for shipment" on the apple website have actually already had their orders shipped.
Check the UPS site: (directions courtesy of Psirix, in another thread.)
"No email yet from Apple for me but if yours has shipped go to Ups.com and under "Track by Reference" and fill out date, your zip. Under "Shipment Reference" put in your phone number you have you attached to your Apple Store account. I checked mine and it shipped! Has the same arrival info, times, etc as the image in the story. Has Friday the 21st delivery as expected."
appears to have worked, supposed to be friday end of the day
I have been checking the status online, unfortunately it still states processing. For a living I work with Chinese manufacturers and surprisingly it only takes 2 days to get product samples from our factories. They always ship UPS, FedEx or DHL. So in my book the deadline is Wednesday. I'm still hoping!
Have you checked the order status on the Apple website and tried to track by reference on the UPS site?
If it hasn't shipped from China yet you probably aren't getting it friday. If the order status at Apple says "processing order" that would be another indication that you missed the cut.
Of course, that shouldn't stop you from hoping.
I have been checking the status online, unfortunately it still states processing. For a living I work with Chinese manufacturers and surprisingly it only takes 2 days to get product samples from our factories. They always ship UPS, FedEx or DHL. So in my book the deadline is Wednesday. I'm still hoping!
...i ordered at 7:14 am EST on Friday and currently my order status says delivery on Oct 5th.
Originally Posted by j1h15233
I preordered my two 4 hours after the sales started and mine is saying delivered Oct. 5th.
Backorder is the new preorder.
Where exactly in this article does he say the iPhone 5 won't sell? For that matter, where has anyone said that? Tilting at windmills, aren't we? The AI forum goer has a strange fetish with making up (absurd) arguments for detractors that don't exist, and then gloating over how the obvious outcome has come to fruition.
Congrats, boys! You've managed to make Apple users look ridiculous, once again.
Originally Posted by DeanSolecki
Where exactly in this article does he say the iPhone 5 won't sell? For that matter, where has anyone said that? Tilting at windmills, aren't we? The AI forum goer has a strange fetish with making up (absurd) arguments for detractors that don't exist, and then gloating over how the obvious outcome has come to fruition.
Congrats, boys! You've managed to make Apple users look ridiculous, once again.
it says:
"Apple's iPhone launches no longer excite"
...those who wanted the phone so badly that rushed to preorder 2M in 24h, should be very excited about that.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
I don't read most other tech sites these days* but on AnandTech they do have the usual commenters complaining about Apple is failing for not providing enough units for every first week pre-order (despite selling millions on day one) and even claiming Apple is not selling units to generate buzz, which has to be the most absurd thing I've ever read about business for a company with an overwhelmingly dominate mindshare.
* I deleted my RSS and only added ones I was dying to know about. 3 months later I still only have AI, MR, and AT, and I never read the forums for MR. Probably should add MondayNote.
MondayNote is great. I actually get that one sent to me via email. It's always interesting to read what Jean-Louis Gassee's take on things is.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
Remember jus a couple days when some were claiming Apple couldn't have sold that many because they didn't release numbers instantly?
You mean MacRulez?
Originally Posted by Quadra 610
Once again, Apple's made critics look like complete dumbasses.
Then again, all Dan Lyons needs for that is Dan Lyons.
I wish people didn't link to that clown, since that's how he gets paid. The guy has been a vitriolic, angry anti-Apple shill for as long as I can remember, and has been proven wrong about absolutely EVERYTHING he's ever written, but that doesn't stop places like BBC and Newsweek from recruiting him for his enlightened 'analysis'. Why, in this world, are the people are are always wrong rewarded the most? Oh right, click-whore baiting. Also, you can tell who the narcissists are by the ones that post their self portraits on their blog headers.
Regarding pre-orders, but everyone online was telling me that people were sick of Apple's "tiny" screen, "pathetic" update, "5 year old tired OS", "hopelessly underspecced" product, and how it was 10 years behind all the other incredible Android phones out there. What happened?
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
I still contend that the timeframe we've seen of leaks pointing to a production ramp up months ago, and the addition of countries for first and second week sales is good enough circumstantial evidence to deduce that Apple has more units to sell this year than they've had over any other year.
This is going to be Apple's major dilemma, I think. Build enough of them early enough to meet demand, and they're going to be leaked. Announce earlier, and you give competitors time to jump in and steal some of your thunder.
Originally Posted by DeanSolecki
Where exactly in this article does he say the iPhone 5 won't sell? For that matter, where has anyone said that? Tilting at windmills, aren't we? The AI forum goer has a strange fetish with making up (absurd) arguments for detractors that don't exist, and then gloating over how the obvious outcome has come to fruition.
Congrats, boys! You've managed to make Apple users look ridiculous, once again.
Get off it, every post here makes it clear you despise Apple and ALL their users, enough with your self-righteous horse-shit about how "bad" this board makes Apple users look. What percentage of the population actually views this board, and why are you so concerned? Your shctick that you fail to see the online negativity when it comes to any Apple product launch is also pretty pathetic. That article was insanely negative towards Apple, and Dan Lyons has been a foaming at the mouth Anti-Apple shill for a long time. There's nothing 'fetish' or absurd about making that statement, yet you seem to have a very strange fetish for peddling the same shit over and over in every thread. You look like a tool.
I preordered one, and am excited to get it, but I think he does make something of a point, and it certainly isn't that the iPhone 5 would be a flop. I guess an observance of reality is asking too much.
That the iPhone has remained relatively stable as a platform/design is not a vitriolic statement. Whether or not you deem it justifiable to expect sweeping changes is another matter, and one that could be addressed in a tone not befitting a 5 year old (I don't mean to imply that anything is wrong with your tone, but others here that are gloating over their imagined victories are unimpressive, to say the least.)
Pointing out the ridiculous position taken by some of you has no bearing on my opinion of the Apple user in the main. I would guess that MOST Apple enthusiasts don't feel like they're "under attack" from the media, or anyone else, and could look at someone's argument, vitriolic or not, and consider whether or not it was valid, rather than whether or not it hurt their oddly vulnerable sense of self worth.
I guess having the slightest dignity is an affront to those dispossessed of it by fanaticism. My most sincere apologies.
If peeps want to wait in line then that is their prerogative. I wouldnt do it. I simply dont have that kind of time, and I can wait (with patients) for the ups or fedex person to deliver the four iPhone 5's I ordered. Unfortunately since I waited until after work on friday to order, I will have to wait 3 weeks for their arrival...
I pre-ordered my iPhone at 12:56 AM PST. When I went through check out it stated a delivery date of Sept 21st. When I received the email it then stated an Oct 5th deliver date. I immediately went back to the order process and Apple's website wast still stating a delivers on Sept 21st date. The website hadn't been updated yet or something. I sure hope they bump me up! I want my iPhone 5 on Friday! Did anyone else experience this?
Have you checked the order status on the Apple website and tried to track by reference on the UPS site?
If it hasn't shipped from China yet you probably aren't getting it friday. If the order status at Apple says "processing order" that would be another indication that you missed the cut.
Of course, that shouldn't stop you from hoping.
Do we know if this is only from apples site , or is that from all carriers and stores? Yea mine still says preparing for shipment, but I find it interesting that it says standard shipping, doesn't fedex sometimes do fulfillments of orders? I'm hoping this is the case so I get mind Friday, but hopefully Ill find out soon. I completed my order at 1215 am pst and got my confirmation email at like 1221 am pst
Some that have had "preparing for shipment" on the apple website have actually already had their orders shipped.
Check the UPS site: (directions courtesy of Psirix, in another thread.)
"No email yet from Apple for me but if yours has shipped go to Ups.com and under "Track by Reference" and fill out date, your zip. Under "Shipment Reference" put in your phone number you have you attached to your Apple Store account. I checked mine and it shipped! Has the same arrival info, times, etc as the image in the story. Has Friday the 21st delivery as expected."
Originally Posted by DeanSolecki
Some that have had "preparing for shipment" on the apple website have actually already had their orders shipped.
Check the UPS site: (directions courtesy of Psirix, in another thread.)
"No email yet from Apple for me but if yours has shipped go to Ups.com and under "Track by Reference" and fill out date, your zip. Under "Shipment Reference" put in your phone number you have you attached to your Apple Store account. I checked mine and it shipped! Has the same arrival info, times, etc as the image in the story. Has Friday the 21st delivery as expected."
appears to have worked, supposed to be friday end of the day
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong
9:34 P.M.
Departure Scan
ZhengZhou, China
6:00 P.M.
Arrival Scan
5:45 P.M.
Departure Scan
8:12 A.M.
Origin Scan
10:04 P.M.
Order Processed: Ready for UPS
Of course. Sales were so disappointing because it's not a real upgrade - just a spec bump.
I have been checking the status online, unfortunately it still states processing. For a living I work with Chinese manufacturers and surprisingly it only takes 2 days to get product samples from our factories. They always ship UPS, FedEx or DHL. So in my book the deadline is Wednesday. I'm still hoping!
Originally Posted by DeanSolecki
Have you checked the order status on the Apple website and tried to track by reference on the UPS site?
If it hasn't shipped from China yet you probably aren't getting it friday. If the order status at Apple says "processing order" that would be another indication that you missed the cut.
Of course, that shouldn't stop you from hoping.
I have been checking the status online, unfortunately it still states processing. For a living I work with Chinese manufacturers and surprisingly it only takes 2 days to get product samples from our factories. They always ship UPS, FedEx or DHL. So in my book the deadline is Wednesday. I'm still hoping!