Its working in brisbane on an IPad3 with IOS5. Just testing to decide if I will jump in and upgrade or hang off until there is a decent solution. Nice is also that google has enable the bicycle layer. Its what I use my phone for planning cycling trips.
I'm in the same boat as you Marcel — or should I say, on the same bike. Been holding off on upgrading my new iPad to iOS 6, didn't want to lose Street View. Also like to be able to plan bike trips with Google (but the web app has always supported that.) Unfortunately you still can't drag to change routes on the web app like you can on the desktop, the only work around is to plot your route with multiple destinations. Nice though that it works in iCab Mobile so you can go full screen. Doesn't work very well in Atomic Browser though— the arrow in Directions that normally brings up the results does nothing.
Think I'll continue to hold off on updating, because testing the new iPad at the Apple Store, I found the new iOS to be a bit laggy/jerky when scrolling in Safari compared to iOS 5 on my own device. Also the new Street View is kinda buggy and limited in dimension compared to Maps in iOS 5. Hope these two issues get resolved soon.
This is a good first start. The native app "Live Street View" is better though. I don't like the inability to drop a pin on the map to go where you want to go. I wish apple and google would play nice. I know the history and all, it just seems like apple is losing its focus by its hatred of google. If this continues, google will win. Please apple, let it go. But I digress, please allow me to touch the map to enter street view.
Its not hatred its buisiness. Apple cannot let third parties dictate what features they can pay for for a major application. None of Apples apps use ads or search data for payment.
Its working in brisbane on an IPad3 with IOS5. Just testing to decide if I will jump in and upgrade or hang off until there is a decent solution. Nice is also that google has enable the bicycle layer. Its what I use my phone for planning cycling trips.
You should try the Street Viewer app -- it uses Google data and is easier to use (made for touch) than Google Maps web site.
The main issue with Apple maps is that the database they are using is largely inaccurate or incomplete, correct? For the most part the naming of streets and numbers is acceptable - why can Apple not license the basic Google search for places of interest and route the two addresses?
All turn by turn is still done by Apple but they are not going to get close to Googles knowledge database of search any time soon. Time to renew that license Apple.
Apple's database is "largely inaccurate or incomplete"? Really? So you're really taking the position that >50% of the world's locations are not represented properly in Apple's database? That's insane.
As before, no one has demonstrated that Apple's database is any worse than Google's. Consumer Reports is the only one who even addressed the issue and they only looked at a limited area, but they concluded that the databases are roughly equivalent. So please stop with the FUD.
As always, everybody and his dog could run Apple better... or any company or country for that matter.
That is until reality hits them in the face and they're the ones at the negotiating tables with details in hand. And/or they have a 2,3, and 5 year product and service strategy plan that the entire company has worked on with managers of each department adding their expertise, suggestions and realistic expectations to the mix.
Yup! You could all surely do better. Ever heard of "Armchair Quarterback"? Hint: it's not an endearing title.
Exactly. I'm getting very tired of all the anonymous whiners here (and the named whiners in the media) who are so sure that they know how to run Apple better than Apple's management team. Apple has done very well for the past 15 years so someone claiming that they're doing things all wrong needs evidence that Apple is wrong - not just the same oft-stated opinions.
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; } Great. For the once or twice a year, that it would be helpful to have streetview while I am out and about, I will use it.
Otherwise, Apple Maps have been rock solid for us in and around Philadelphia.
Apple: "We want you to add voice navigation to maps."
Google: "We'll think about it..."
Apple "Ok then we will make our own maps...."
Google "Wait, you mean we'll have to create our own app that competes with all the other map apps in the App Store so we don't lose iOS ad revenue?"
Apple "Yes and the customer will win because you will have to create an app that is comparable to your Android version--more choice!"
Google "Wait can we talk about this.."
Apple [sound of crickets...]
Brilliant move Apple...
Apple" "we want to add voice navigation to maps"
Google: "Thats fair, can we name the map google Maps, and add a opt-in location service"
Apple: "No"
Google: "really you just want to use years and years and billion dollars investment without offering anything?"
Apple: "shut up, we will make our won maps"
Google: "are you sure? ios is a big market we want to stay in. But if we have to kiss your toes and hand out our valued info for free, then its goodbye, shame"
Apple: "introducing the most beautiful power maps man has ever seen. Apple maps!!"
Nokia and Google: "Really" (burst out laughing)
Apple: "Introducing Apple Maps, were sorry, it will get better, pinky promise"
Google: "this sucks, okay guys time to build an ios app, hope the approve it, ios overlords might not"
10-15-20 years later:
Apple: "google I love you"
Google: "Why did we ever fight, I love you too"
Microsoft: :"Apple, I thought we hated Google?"
Apple: "We use to hate you too, its technology things change"
Moral of the story none of this will mater 10 years from now or even 5 years from now, stop the google hatred. All tech companies are freindnemies. No reason for rabid Apple fans to hate google or any company for that matter as far as enemies go. Google doesnt even see Apple as an enemy, google has sleepless nights about Microsoft and facebook. Apple needs to have nightmares about samsung. Google can't take Apple's bread and butter but Samsung can.
Good business would have been keeping Google Maps until Apple Maps was out of Beta (which it obviously is). This shows that screwing google was more important than customer satisfaction. Not a good management decision. I agree that Apple needs to control its own map ecosystem, I just strongly disagree with their implementation. I love Apple, by the way, and I want them to succeed, I just hope they start paying attention to details. Has anyone else been burning through their data allotment with ios6? Another case in point.
What I don't get is how that tiny team of folks at Apple could have done all this years ago and Google still can't get it right.
I miss streetview and wish Apple had it, but there is no way I'm going to install this ugly PoS from Google to get it. From what I've seen, flyover is sufficient for navigation in the few areas where it actually exists. I don't know why anyone would really bother with this crap.
The company is immoral, their interests are diametrically opposed to that of the users (you), the app is ugly, and it will certainly have advertisements in it (if it doesn't already.)
The ad for this should read:
"If you are stupid, have no taste, no morals, or all of the above ... use Google maps web app for iOS!"
Not only is the street view working great, but they also added the "Transit" check under the "layers" menu.
I can live with this solution until Apple realizes what a huge mistake it was to drop Google. This is far better than the 3rd part app solution. I can live with it refreshing and that it's not the native app until Apple figures themselves out.
... Moral of the story none of this will mater 10 years from now or even 5 years from now, stop the google hatred. All tech companies are freindnemies. No reason for rabid Apple fans to hate google or any company for that matter as far as enemies go. Google doesnt even see Apple as an enemy, google has sleepless nights about Microsoft and facebook. Apple needs to have nightmares about samsung. Google can't take Apple's bread and butter but Samsung can.
I disagree. This argument is just another variation of "all businesses are alike," and "no one actually acts morally anyway," and it's wrong.
Apple, especially in the relationship with it's customers, does act differently. They don't act in an immoral way like Microsoft and Google have. They don't say one thing and then do another. I certainly don't worship them or anything and IMO they are going downhill lately in many ways but for the moment at least, they are noticeably and determinedly different from the other companies in this way.
Google did actually "betray" Apple. They did actually "steal" their OS from them. There are real, actual reasons why Google is "bad" and Apple is not.
You can't just wave a magic wand of relativism and say "all this shit is the same and in ten years no one will care."
Google: "Thats fair, can we name the map google Maps, and add a opt-in location service"
Apple: "No"
Google: "really you just want to use years and years and billion dollars investment without offering anything?"
Apple: "shut up, we will make our won maps"
Ah, that's funny. Because you don't actually know this; you're just assuming and making stuff up.
…stop the google hatred.
No. Period. They're not going to be a "better" company in five to ten years.
Google doesnt even see Apple as an enemy…
That's either a complete lie or they're full of complete idiots.
…google has sleepless nights about… …Facebook.
Well, when you're up against an up-and-coming savant of personal information theft, it makes the old standard in the industry a little worried. That you don't think they're equally afraid of Apple for entirely different reasons is why you don't get this whole thing.
Apple needs to have nightmares about samsung. Google can't take Apple's bread and butter but Samsung can.
Except Apple tore their entire market apart and has prevented them from doing so for the rest of time. Samsung is an elephant with a spear in its side, one lung punctured. That's not gonna heal, even if they "get away", which they won't.
I disagree. This argument is just another variation of "all businesses are alike," and "no one actually acts morally anyway," and it's wrong.
Apple, especially in the relationship with it's customers, does act differently. They don't act in an immoral way like Microsoft and Google have. They don't say one thing and then do another. I certainly don't worship them or anything and IMO they are going downhill lately in many ways but for the moment at least, they are noticeably and determinedly different from the other companies in this way.
Google did actually "betray" Apple. They did actually "steal" their OS from them. There are real, actual reasons why Google is "bad" and Apple is not.
You can't just wave a magic wand of relativism and say "all this shit is the same and in ten years no one will care."
It isn't true.
Im guessing you have not used android since 2009.
Apple did something revolutionary in the industry, they took touch screen technology, and implemented it very very very well. That was the only thing revolutionary about the iphone. The iphone brought world class touch screen technology to the masses.
Other things that made the iphone special.
Mobile App store: See Nokia and Microsoft.
Android is so different from Apple and Look so different its not even funny.
Android has an app tray and home screens that are separated. Android has multiple navigation buttons, notifications are complete different, (until ios 5). And lets not even talk about how both systems are written on completely different at a basic level. That Apps function differently, ect...
Android does not equal ios in anyway, and ever since android 4.0 and 4.1 android, the difference are vast, different design.
The only similarities between android is that they are both touch screen computers that run apps.
unless you think Apple owns touch screens and apps then android was just an evolution of touch screen technology to the masses that apple started.
I think of the original iphone as the evolution from desktops to laptops, nothing more. Apple did a great job of bringing touch screen technology to the masses, thats is it, everything else is your basic computer system.
Now you can argue that Google should have not follow the trend that Apple started of bringing touchscreen mini computers to the market because they partnered with Apple.
What people don't understand is that Google did not bring android to the market because of Apple, they did it because of Microsoft.
Google understood one thing. Apple will never be a leader in Market share, its just not the way Apple's system works. Exclusive software on exclusive hardware never beats Distributing software on multiple hardware in market share. Google survives on Market share, google built Android to protect its search againts Microsoft.
Google's world without android lets imagine it:
Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Acer, Asus, Motorola, Sony all shipping windows phone with Bing search and bing products.
Verizon, ATT, Tmobile, Sprint advertizing the hell out of those devices, with free phones and deals.
Microsoft having the vast majority of the mobile search market.
Google stuck paying Apple billions to have for a search deal.
Google built chrome for the same reason they built Android.
Apple being mad at them is a better situation than Microsoft having bing being the default search engine on 90% of personal computers and 50+% of mobile devices.
It doesn't use WebGL (Mobile Safari doesn't support WebGL anyway). It's just a fisheye image that you can pan around using regular HTML and JavaScript.
This is 1990s web technology, they could have done it years ago.
Ah, that's funny. Because you don't actually know this; you're just assuming and making stuff up.
No. Period. They're not going to be a "better" company in five to ten years.
That's either a complete lie or they're full of complete idiots.
Well, when you're up against an up-and-coming savant of personal information theft, it makes the old standard in the industry a little worried. That you don't think they're equally afraid of Apple for entirely different reasons is why you don't get this whole thing.
Except Apple tore their entire market apart and has prevented them from doing so for the rest of time. Samsung is an elephant with a spear in its side, one lung punctured. That's not gonna heal, even if they "get away", which they won't.
You seriously don't understand the tech world if you think Google sees Apple as a treat to them. Google couldn't care less about Apple and its market share.
Google and Apple are not in the same business economic wise. Why can't people understand that! Apple is a hardware company, google is an advertising company, they cross paths, but at their core they are so different.
Google needs a large market share to thrive, Apple does not.
Facebook can release an add network to challenge Google, Microsoft can distribute their mobile operating system that challenges Android market share, Apple cannot.
Apple will never own market share long enough to matter to google. Apple doesn't need market share, would it be nice? Yes. But there model exclusivity can never compete for market share. Apple should care though, because their model of exclusivity is built for profit.
What makes Apple the king of the hill? Software and hardware exclusivity, and supply chain. Samsung can compete with Apple on Hardware and Supply chain. The problem with Samsung is that they don't have software exclusivity. The biggest threat to Apple today are market share being so low that their profits get strangled (see what windows did to Apple in 90s) or samsung some how manages to fork android and built themselves google android like ecosystem of apps. Google has made forking android successfully very hard.
I'm in the same boat as you Marcel — or should I say, on the same bike. Been holding off on upgrading my new iPad to iOS 6, didn't want to lose Street View. Also like to be able to plan bike trips with Google (but the web app has always supported that.) Unfortunately you still can't drag to change routes on the web app like you can on the desktop, the only work around is to plot your route with multiple destinations. Nice though that it works in iCab Mobile so you can go full screen. Doesn't work very well in Atomic Browser though— the arrow in Directions that normally brings up the results does nothing.
Think I'll continue to hold off on updating, because testing the new iPad at the Apple Store, I found the new iOS to be a bit laggy/jerky when scrolling in Safari compared to iOS 5 on my own device. Also the new Street View is kinda buggy and limited in dimension compared to Maps in iOS 5. Hope these two issues get resolved soon.
Originally Posted by seattleite
This is a good first start. The native app "Live Street View" is better though. I don't like the inability to drop a pin on the map to go where you want to go. I wish apple and google would play nice. I know the history and all, it just seems like apple is losing its focus by its hatred of google. If this continues, google will win. Please apple, let it go. But I digress, please allow me to touch the map to enter street view.
Its not hatred its buisiness. Apple cannot let third parties dictate what features they can pay for for a major application. None of Apples apps use ads or search data for payment.
Originally Posted by Marcel655
Its working in brisbane on an IPad3 with IOS5. Just testing to decide if I will jump in and upgrade or hang off until there is a decent solution. Nice is also that google has enable the bicycle layer. Its what I use my phone for planning cycling trips.
You should try the Street Viewer app -- it uses Google data and is easier to use (made for touch) than Google Maps web site.
Apple's database is "largely inaccurate or incomplete"? Really? So you're really taking the position that >50% of the world's locations are not represented properly in Apple's database? That's insane.
As before, no one has demonstrated that Apple's database is any worse than Google's. Consumer Reports is the only one who even addressed the issue and they only looked at a limited area, but they concluded that the databases are roughly equivalent. So please stop with the FUD.
Exactly. I'm getting very tired of all the anonymous whiners here (and the named whiners in the media) who are so sure that they know how to run Apple better than Apple's management team. Apple has done very well for the past 15 years so someone claiming that they're doing things all wrong needs evidence that Apple is wrong - not just the same oft-stated opinions.
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
Great. For the once or twice a year, that it would be helpful to have streetview while I am out and about, I will use it.
Otherwise, Apple Maps have been rock solid for us in and around Philadelphia.
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
Oh I love the Flatiron Building
Originally Posted by j2fusion
Agreed 100%...
Apple: "We want you to add voice navigation to maps."
Google: "We'll think about it..."
Apple "Ok then we will make our own maps...."
Google "Wait, you mean we'll have to create our own app that competes with all the other map apps in the App Store so we don't lose iOS ad revenue?"
Apple "Yes and the customer will win because you will have to create an app that is comparable to your Android version--more choice!"
Google "Wait can we talk about this.."
Apple [sound of crickets...]
Brilliant move Apple...
Apple" "we want to add voice navigation to maps"
Google: "Thats fair, can we name the map google Maps, and add a opt-in location service"
Apple: "No"
Google: "really you just want to use years and years and billion dollars investment without offering anything?"
Apple: "shut up, we will make our won maps"
Google: "are you sure? ios is a big market we want to stay in. But if we have to kiss your toes and hand out our valued info for free, then its goodbye, shame"
Apple: "introducing the most beautiful power maps man has ever seen. Apple maps!!"
Nokia and Google: "Really" (burst out laughing)
Apple: "Introducing Apple Maps, were sorry, it will get better, pinky promise"
Google: "this sucks, okay guys time to build an ios app, hope the approve it, ios overlords might not"
10-15-20 years later:
Apple: "google I love you"
Google: "Why did we ever fight, I love you too"
Microsoft: :"Apple, I thought we hated Google?"
Apple: "We use to hate you too, its technology things change"
Moral of the story none of this will mater 10 years from now or even 5 years from now, stop the google hatred. All tech companies are freindnemies. No reason for rabid Apple fans to hate google or any company for that matter as far as enemies go. Google doesnt even see Apple as an enemy, google has sleepless nights about Microsoft and facebook. Apple needs to have nightmares about samsung. Google can't take Apple's bread and butter but Samsung can.
What I don't get is how that tiny team of folks at Apple could have done all this years ago and Google still can't get it right.
I miss streetview and wish Apple had it, but there is no way I'm going to install this ugly PoS from Google to get it. From what I've seen, flyover is sufficient for navigation in the few areas where it actually exists. I don't know why anyone would really bother with this crap.
The company is immoral, their interests are diametrically opposed to that of the users (you), the app is ugly, and it will certainly have advertisements in it (if it doesn't already.)
The ad for this should read:
"If you are stupid, have no taste, no morals, or all of the above ... use Google maps web app for iOS!"
They changed the home screen App icon too.
Not only is the street view working great, but they also added the "Transit" check under the "layers" menu.
I can live with this solution until Apple realizes what a huge mistake it was to drop Google. This is far better than the 3rd part app solution. I can live with it refreshing and that it's not the native app until Apple figures themselves out.
Originally Posted by Techstalker
... Moral of the story none of this will mater 10 years from now or even 5 years from now, stop the google hatred. All tech companies are freindnemies. No reason for rabid Apple fans to hate google or any company for that matter as far as enemies go. Google doesnt even see Apple as an enemy, google has sleepless nights about Microsoft and facebook. Apple needs to have nightmares about samsung. Google can't take Apple's bread and butter but Samsung can.
I disagree. This argument is just another variation of "all businesses are alike," and "no one actually acts morally anyway," and it's wrong.
Apple, especially in the relationship with it's customers, does act differently. They don't act in an immoral way like Microsoft and Google have. They don't say one thing and then do another. I certainly don't worship them or anything and IMO they are going downhill lately in many ways but for the moment at least, they are noticeably and determinedly different from the other companies in this way.
Google did actually "betray" Apple. They did actually "steal" their OS from them. There are real, actual reasons why Google is "bad" and Apple is not.
You can't just wave a magic wand of relativism and say "all this shit is the same and in ten years no one will care."
It isn't true.
Originally Posted by Techstalker
Apple" "we want to add voice navigation to maps"
Google: "Thats fair, can we name the map google Maps, and add a opt-in location service"
Apple: "No"
Google: "really you just want to use years and years and billion dollars investment without offering anything?"
Apple: "shut up, we will make our won maps"
Ah, that's funny. Because you don't actually know this; you're just assuming and making stuff up.
…stop the google hatred.
No. Period. They're not going to be a "better" company in five to ten years.
Google doesnt even see Apple as an enemy…
That's either a complete lie or they're full of complete idiots.
…google has sleepless nights about… …Facebook.
Well, when you're up against an up-and-coming savant of personal information theft, it makes the old standard in the industry a little worried. That you don't think they're equally afraid of Apple for entirely different reasons is why you don't get this whole thing.
Apple needs to have nightmares about samsung. Google can't take Apple's bread and butter but Samsung can.
Except Apple tore their entire market apart and has prevented them from doing so for the rest of time. Samsung is an elephant with a spear in its side, one lung punctured. That's not gonna heal, even if they "get away", which they won't.
Originally Posted by Gazoobee
I disagree. This argument is just another variation of "all businesses are alike," and "no one actually acts morally anyway," and it's wrong.
Apple, especially in the relationship with it's customers, does act differently. They don't act in an immoral way like Microsoft and Google have. They don't say one thing and then do another. I certainly don't worship them or anything and IMO they are going downhill lately in many ways but for the moment at least, they are noticeably and determinedly different from the other companies in this way.
Google did actually "betray" Apple. They did actually "steal" their OS from them. There are real, actual reasons why Google is "bad" and Apple is not.
You can't just wave a magic wand of relativism and say "all this shit is the same and in ten years no one will care."
It isn't true.
Im guessing you have not used android since 2009.
Apple did something revolutionary in the industry, they took touch screen technology, and implemented it very very very well. That was the only thing revolutionary about the iphone. The iphone brought world class touch screen technology to the masses.
Other things that made the iphone special.
Mobile App store: See Nokia and Microsoft.
Android is so different from Apple and Look so different its not even funny.
Android has an app tray and home screens that are separated. Android has multiple navigation buttons, notifications are complete different, (until ios 5). And lets not even talk about how both systems are written on completely different at a basic level. That Apps function differently, ect...
Android does not equal ios in anyway, and ever since android 4.0 and 4.1 android, the difference are vast, different design.
The only similarities between android is that they are both touch screen computers that run apps.
unless you think Apple owns touch screens and apps then android was just an evolution of touch screen technology to the masses that apple started.
I think of the original iphone as the evolution from desktops to laptops, nothing more. Apple did a great job of bringing touch screen technology to the masses, thats is it, everything else is your basic computer system.
Now you can argue that Google should have not follow the trend that Apple started of bringing touchscreen mini computers to the market because they partnered with Apple.
What people don't understand is that Google did not bring android to the market because of Apple, they did it because of Microsoft.
Google understood one thing. Apple will never be a leader in Market share, its just not the way Apple's system works. Exclusive software on exclusive hardware never beats Distributing software on multiple hardware in market share. Google survives on Market share, google built Android to protect its search againts Microsoft.
Google's world without android lets imagine it:
Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Acer, Asus, Motorola, Sony all shipping windows phone with Bing search and bing products.
Verizon, ATT, Tmobile, Sprint advertizing the hell out of those devices, with free phones and deals.
Microsoft having the vast majority of the mobile search market.
Google stuck paying Apple billions to have for a search deal.
Google built chrome for the same reason they built Android.
Apple being mad at them is a better situation than Microsoft having bing being the default search engine on 90% of personal computers and 50+% of mobile devices.
Originally Posted by Techstalker
Android is so different from Apple and Look so different its not even funny.
And that people still defend Android as though it isn't a stolen product is equally unfunny.
Android does not equal ios in anyway
I'm not even going to tear apart the rest and make fun of how wrong you are. You're so hopelessly deluded that nothing will set you right.
It doesn't use WebGL (Mobile Safari doesn't support WebGL anyway). It's just a fisheye image that you can pan around using regular HTML and JavaScript.
This is 1990s web technology, they could have done it years ago.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Ah, that's funny. Because you don't actually know this; you're just assuming and making stuff up.
No. Period. They're not going to be a "better" company in five to ten years.
That's either a complete lie or they're full of complete idiots.
Well, when you're up against an up-and-coming savant of personal information theft, it makes the old standard in the industry a little worried. That you don't think they're equally afraid of Apple for entirely different reasons is why you don't get this whole thing.
Except Apple tore their entire market apart and has prevented them from doing so for the rest of time. Samsung is an elephant with a spear in its side, one lung punctured. That's not gonna heal, even if they "get away", which they won't.
You seriously don't understand the tech world if you think Google sees Apple as a treat to them. Google couldn't care less about Apple and its market share.
Google and Apple are not in the same business economic wise. Why can't people understand that! Apple is a hardware company, google is an advertising company, they cross paths, but at their core they are so different.
Google needs a large market share to thrive, Apple does not.
Facebook can release an add network to challenge Google, Microsoft can distribute their mobile operating system that challenges Android market share, Apple cannot.
Apple will never own market share long enough to matter to google. Apple doesn't need market share, would it be nice? Yes. But there model exclusivity can never compete for market share. Apple should care though, because their model of exclusivity is built for profit.
What makes Apple the king of the hill? Software and hardware exclusivity, and supply chain. Samsung can compete with Apple on Hardware and Supply chain. The problem with Samsung is that they don't have software exclusivity. The biggest threat to Apple today are market share being so low that their profits get strangled (see what windows did to Apple in 90s) or samsung some how manages to fork android and built themselves google android like ecosystem of apps. Google has made forking android successfully very hard.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
No Android support? But Android is better than the crap HW Apple sells¡
It works in Android