Street View for Google Maps web app goes live [ux2]



  • Reply 41 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And that people still defend Android as though it isn't a stolen product is equally unfunny.




    I'm not even going to tear apart the rest and make fun of how wrong you are. You're so hopelessly deluded that nothing will set you right.

    So touch screens are a stolen product. Can you tell me the difference between Windows phone of the early 2000's and Android?


    Ill tell you, usable touch screen. 


    Ill tell you what Google did. What every company does. 


    Hey blackberry is the most popular product on the market. Lets built android of that. What was android pre iphone. A computer operating system, with an app store, and google services. 


    Post iphone, google goes wow look how they did that, okay lets go all touch screen. What did android change into post iphone. Lets see a computer operating system witn an app sore and google services. 


    Like I said, I view the iphone transition, the same way I view, the desktop to laptop transition, nothing more. 

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  • Reply 42 of 73
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member


    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    So touch screens are a stolen product. Can you tell me the difference between Windows phone of the early 2000's and Android?


    Ill tell you, usable touch screen. 


    Ill tell you what Google did. What every company does. 


    Hey blackberry is the most popular product on the market. Lets built android of that. What was android pre iphone. A computer operating system, with an app store, and google services. 


    Post iphone, google goes wow look how they did that, okay lets go all touch screen. What did android change into post iphone. Lets see a computer operating system witn an app sore and google services. 


    Like I said, I view the iphone transition, the same way I view, the desktop to laptop transition, nothing more. 

    You can't deny that they were profoundly inspired, stimulated and fecunded by the iPhone.

    I'm so happy that I'll now be able to use streetview again on iOS!

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  • Reply 43 of 73


    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    You can't deny that they were profoundly inspired, stimulated and fecunded by the iPhone.

    I'm so happy that I'll now be able to use streetview again on iOS!

    As inspired as manufactures who saw a well functioning laptop and decided to make one too. 

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  • Reply 44 of 73

    Has it been determined whether having streetview will affect bandwidth? If it's going to eat up my data plan, don't see the point in using it. If they've figured out how to do it without killing my data plan, then it might be useful. But as it stands, I haven't had any issues with iMaps yet. All the locations I've looked up have been fairly accurate, at least as accurate as Google Maps.

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  • Reply 45 of 73

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Google couldn't care less about Apple and its market share. 


    Okay. No longer being built into the mobile platform with the greatest penetration across the widest variety of devices certainly doesn't matter to Google.


    Google needs a large market share to thrive, Apple does not.


    So it's kind of funny that you'd think they don't care about Apple's marketshare vis a vis being on Apple's platforms.


    Samsung can compete with Apple on Hardware…


    They've yet to, at least.

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  • Reply 46 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Okay. No longer being built into the mobile platform with the greatest penetration across the widest variety of devices certainly doesn't matter to Google.



    So it's kind of funny that you'd think they don't care about Apple's marketshare vis a vis being on Apple's platforms.



    They've yet to, at least.

    Google doesnt care about Apple market share because it will never challenge that of android. plain and simple. Samsung sells more smartphones than apple, and has a top seller in premier galaxy line. Samsung can't challenge Apple on software exclusivity. 


    Are you slow. Being kicked out of ios hurst google, because google wants to be everywhere. You know what hurts google worst paying apple billions to stay on ios, while microsoft has Samsung, HTC, Moto, Acer, Sony bing phones being promoted by verizon, tmobile, Att ect.. Google would piss off apple 100 out of 100 times to make sure android exist. 

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  • Reply 47 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Okay. No longer being built into the mobile platform with the greatest penetration across the widest variety of devices certainly doesn't matter to Google.



    So it's kind of funny that you'd think they don't care about Apple's marketshare vis a vis being on Apple's platforms.



    They've yet to, at least.

    and what is your point? 

    Do you disagree with me that google's true competition is Microsoft and Facebook?


    That samsung is not a hardware and supply chain  behemoth and the only one on Apple's level regarding those things?


    That yes android did follow Apple's lead with bringing well thought out touchscreens to the masses. But like many operating systems before it android has always been a computing operating system with apps.?


    That exclusive hardware and software are no match for market share when challenged by inclusive software and varying hardware?


    That Google needs a large market share to survive and Apple does not?


    That google had to build android, and that if google had not it would be in a worst place? 


    Because you have yet to say anything of value. 

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  • Reply 48 of 73
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Google doesnt care about Apple market share because it will never challenge that of android. plain and simple. Samsung sells more smartphones than apple, and has a top seller in premier galaxy line. Samsung can't challenge Apple on software exclusivity. 

    Actually, it depends on what you consider smartphones if you want to decide who sells the most. One source said that Apple sold the most and another said that Samsung sold the most. Further analysis indicated that the latter number included a huge number of feature phones.

    As for Google not caring about Apple's market share, that is, of course, total nonsense. Apple has something like 30% of the smartphone market and somewhere between 60 and 95% of all smartphone internet usage (depending on which source you believe). Furthermore, Google makes far more money per iPhone than per Android phone. They would be idiots to not care about Apple's market share.
    lerxt wrote: »
    Did I just read that someone believes that Apple's maps app doesn't have worse map data than Google's?

    I don't know where you heard that.

    OTOH, I have been stating for quite a while that there's no evidence that Apple's Maps is significantly worse. The people claiming that Apple's Maps are terrible have the burden of proof- and they haven't proven a thing. A bunch of whining is not proof.
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  • Reply 49 of 73


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Actually, it depends on what you consider smartphones if you want to decide who sells the most. One source said that Apple sold the most and another said that Samsung sold the most. Further analysis indicated that the latter number included a huge number of feature phones.

    As for Google not caring about Apple's market share, that is, of course, total nonsense. Apple has something like 30% of the smartphone market and somewhere between 60 and 95% of all smartphone internet usage (depending on which source you believe). Furthermore, Google makes far more money per iPhone than per Android phone. They would be idiots to not care about Apple's market share.

    I don't know where you heard that.

    OTOH, I have been stating for quite a while that there's no evidence that Apple's Maps is significantly worse. The people claiming that Apple's Maps are terrible have the burden of proof- and they haven't proven a thing. A bunch of whining is not proof.

    in the U.S in the world the market share is much lower. 


    What do you think google would rather have?

    A-Google search and google products on ios. While paying Apple to put search on there and HTC, samsung, Moto, Sony, LG in combination with verizon, Att, Sprint, ect.. pumping out Bing powered phones like candy with micorsoft services. 


    B- Google search and google products being an option i the app store. While HTC, Samsung, Moto, Sony, LG in combination with verizon, att, sprint, ect.. pumping out Google powered phones like candy with google services.




    Ill make it easy for you. Its B. Google had to make android. Just like Apple had to make maps. 

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  • Reply 50 of 73

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Google doesnt care about Apple market share because it will never challenge that of android. plain and simple.


    "Never challenge" in the sense that it will never be smaller than Android's? Because it's larger right now.


    Are you slow. Being kicked out of ios hurst google, because google wants to be everywhere.


    Oh, so you admit they do care. Because just a few seconds ago, you said they didn't care.


    You know what hurts google worst paying apple billions to stay on ios…

    Who paid whom, again? Do you know the actual particulars of their contract?

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Do you disagree with me that google's true competition is Microsoft and Facebook?


    I explicitly and implicitly stated that, yes.


    That samsung is not a hardware and supply chain  behemoth and the only one on Apple's level regarding those things?


    Supply chain. Not products.


    That yes android did follow Apple's lead with bringing well thought out touchscreens to the masses. But like many operating systems before it android has always been a computing operating system with apps.?


    That yes, Android is a stolen product and that were it not for Apple, they wouldn't have done anything differently from RIM and Windows Phone before them.


    That exclusive hardware and software are no match for market share when challenged by inclusive software and varying hardware?


    No, because it isn't the case.


    That Google needs a large market share to survive and Apple does not?


    Which explains why they have given up Flash and gone with a version of Street View that works on iDevices and only iDevices, but through the modern web, yes.


    That google had to build android…


    It seems like every week I'm confronted with a new statement that could possibly take the crown of "stupidest I've heard in a good, long while".


    Because you have yet to say anything of value. 


    You've yet to say anything accurate, so I don't think I'll pay much attention to your views on my input.

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  • Reply 51 of 73

    Google without Android= A much worst company.


    Dependent on Apple's term, dwindling market share


    Google without chrome= A much worst company.


    Dependent on i.e, and Mozilla, dwindling market share. 

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  • Reply 52 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    "Never challenge" in the sense that it will never be smaller than Android's? Because it's larger right now.



    Oh, so you admit they do care. Because just a few seconds ago, you said they didn't care.


    Who paid whom, again? Do you know the actual particulars of their contract?


    I explicitly and implicitly stated that, yes.



    Supply chain. Not products.




    That yes, Android is a stolen product and that were it not for Apple, they wouldn't have done anything differently from RIM and Windows Phone before them.




    No, because it isn't the case.




    Which explains why they have given up Flash and gone with a version of Street View that works on iDevices and only iDevices, but through the modern web, yes.




    It seems like every week I'm confronted with a new statement that could possibly take the crown of "stupidest I've heard in a good, long while".




    You've yet to say anything accurate, so I don't think I'll pay much attention to your views on my input.

    I wonder what Google's world would be like without android? Lets take a look. 


    Its October 4th 2012.


    Microsoft has 500+ million WP mobile devices in use all over. Microsoft has 50% of the US mobile search market, and 60% of the worlds mobile search market.


    Google paying $1 billion+ to have Apple set as the default search engine.


    Microsoft is having people set up hotmail accounts like candy on their mobile device.


    Gmail is in the app store, not the default email client of ios.


    Microsoft music, movies, books comes pre installed.


    Google has none of that.


    Microsoft had a legion of developers for thier apps.


    What google developers, they have no platform.


    Google angers Apple in anyway, Apple might say screw you do as I say.


    Microsoft, says ill put my apps in the ios app store. Meanwhile ill let Samsung, HTC, Sony ect keep pushing my products.


    So in the alternate world Google is a shell of itself. 

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  • Reply 53 of 73


    Originally Posted by smiffy31 View Post

    Its not hatred its buisiness.  Apple cannot let third parties dictate what features they can pay for for a major application.  None of Apples apps use ads or search data for payment.

    Yeah, you know this how?  We have no guarantee that apple doesn't collect our search data, and sell aggregate data to the world.  They were collecting our locations for how many years now?  You don't think apple is mining the gold mine of data that every iOS user is giving them.  All of their queries through them, every location they go to etc.  And now that they have maps, you can guarantee that apple will be collecting what you search for, and when etc.  And if they don't already, they'll find ways to profit off this money.  There's money sitting in a pot waiting for apple to grab it.  Sure it involves user privacy to some extent, but most users don't care if aggregate data about them is collected (although to be honest, I trust that google is using data in the aggregate FAR more than I trust that apple is).  The ability to search for nearby businesses is not in Apple's domain of expertise, and it's likely a fools errand for apple to go chasing down this market.  Especially if they limit it to only their platform.  Apple's arrogance lately has really gotten to me, and I doubt I'll be buying more apple products in the future.   No matter how tempting they might be.  I'm only willing to compromise so much...




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  • Reply 54 of 73

    Google had to build android because it it didnt someone else would, and that someone else would have a platform to distribute products that were not google products, and that platform would be gaining market share and turning google into an ios developer.

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  • Reply 55 of 73

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Google without Android= A much worst company.


    I'm not sure how not stealing from your competitors makes you a worse company.

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Google has none of that.


    Your implication that they required a mobile platform for any of what you have said or that they needed to steal from Apple to get said mobile platform is ludicrous.

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Google had to build android because it it didn't someone else would…


    So you have NO real explanation for why they did it, what they were doing, or anything else, then. You still haven't established with any credibility that they "needed" Android in the first place.

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  • Reply 56 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I'm not sure how not stealing from your competitors makes you a worse company.


    Your implication that they required a mobile platform for any of what you have said or that they needed to steal from Apple to get said mobile platform is ludicrous.


    So you have NO real explanation for why they did it, what they were doing, or anything else, then. You still haven't established with any credibility that they "needed" Android in the first place.


    I told you why they did it ive been telling you. Without android, the Android open alliance turns into the Windows open Alliance. Turns into bing having 53% mobile search market share in the U.S and 60%+ world wide.


    Turns into 500+ million mobile devices with bing, hotmail, bing maps, Microsoft market, microsoft music, books, magazines, music.


    That is why google built android, to stop Microsoft. Think harder. 

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  • Reply 57 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I'm not sure how not stealing from your competitors makes you a worse company.


    Your implication that they required a mobile platform for any of what you have said or that they needed to steal from Apple to get said mobile platform is ludicrous.


    So you have NO real explanation for why they did it, what they were doing, or anything else, then. You still haven't established with any credibility that they "needed" Android in the first place.

    we disagree on stealing. Android has not changed. Android the OS is still a computing system with Apps. Unless you believe Apple owns touch screens. What are the similarities between ios and android? And how are they any different from symbian and Windows phones that came before the iphone?

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  • Reply 58 of 73

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    Without android, the Android open alliance turns into the Windows open Alliance.



    Turns into bing having 53% mobile search market share in the U.S and 60%+ world wide.


    Complete nonsense and FUD.

    Turns into 500+ million mobile devices with bing, hotmail, bing maps, Microsoft market, microsoft music, books, magazines, music.


    COMPLETE. NONSENSE. and FUD. What, Google's search is magically going to be supplanted by Bing? Hasn't happened. And it's NOT because of frigging Android. Not by a long shot.


    That is why google built android, to stop Microsoft.


    Uh. Huh… 

    Originally Posted by Techstalker View Post

    we disagree on stealing. Android has not changed.




    No. Really. Not changed. Really. That's your pitch.


    You've moved from only outright lies to wild speculation based in no fact or reason, and it's a lateral move at best.

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  • Reply 59 of 73


    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post


    WebGL has not been mature until recently


    What a crock. The same compressed images that are poorly uncompressing while I pan left or right exist in their `WebGL' version as it did prior to enabling it. Let's be clear, this is the most abhorrent misuse of WebGL one can demonstrate. It's garbage.


    Here is there WebGL source code. Big deal.  


    GLoadMapsScript();(function(){window.gHomeVPage={title:'Google 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    This is truly sad. The bulk of the page is chalk full of hacks to Microsoft work arounds in Javascript and ActiveX. This is not impressive.

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  • Reply 60 of 73


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post




    Complete nonsense and FUD.


    COMPLETE. NONSENSE. and FUD. What, Google's search is magically going to be supplanted by Bing? Hasn't happened. And it's NOT because of frigging Android. Not by a long shot.



    Uh. Huh… 



    No. Really. Not changed. Really. That's your pitch.


    You've moved from only outright lies to wild speculation based in no fact or reason, and it's a lateral move at best.

    Google form factor changed idiot. Android is the same whether it looks like a blackbery  or a black slab. 


    Can you explain. "Fud" is not an answer. 




    Hey look at all these android phones. Genius android has never change. It has always been a computer operating system with apps. Just because it has a full touchcreen does not mean it copied apple. 

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