One year after his death, Apple shares video tribute to Steve Jobs [u]

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Friday marks one year since the death of Steve Jobs, and Apple marked the occasion by posting a video tribute to its late co-founder and a letter from CEO Tim Cook.

Jobs 1

Update: The tribute is no longer available for viewing on Apple's landing page.

Users who visit are greeted with a blank white website that simply plays the video, which features black-and-white pictures of Jobs, along with audio clips from some of his greatest speeches and presentations.

The video concludes with the title "Remembering Steve," and the dates marking his birth and death. After it concludes, navigation links to the remainder of the company's website fade in to view, along with a note from Cook, Apple's chief executive.

Jobs 2

Cook's full letter is included below:
A message from Tim Cook, Apple's CEO.

Steve's passing one year ago today was a sad and difficult time for all of us. I hope that today everyone will reflect on his extraordinary life and the many ways he made the world a better place.

One of the greatest gifts Steve gave to the world is Apple. No company has ever inspired such creativity or set such high standards for itself. Our values originated from Steve and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. We share the great privilege and responsibility of carrying his legacy into the future.

I'm incredibly proud of the work we are doing, delivering products that our customers love and dreaming up new ones that will delight them down the road. It's a wonderful tribute to Steve's memory and everything he stood for.

Jobs 3

It was exactly one year ago, on Oct. 5, 2011, that Jobs passed away at the age of 56 after a long bout with cancer. He died peacefully at his home, surrounded by his family.


  • Reply 1 of 90
    akf2000akf2000 Posts: 223member
    Nice tribute, Apple.
  • Reply 2 of 90
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Thanks for everything, Steve.

  • Reply 3 of 90
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member


    Originally Posted by akf2000 View Post

    Nice tribute, Apple.


  • Reply 4 of 90

    How many other companies, ever, would do this?


    I'm sure there'll be some cynics out there but I ran a small computer company from 1980 and Apple sure changed my life and my approach to business - thank you Steve - it's been very emotional. 

  • Reply 5 of 90

    thanks steve

  • Reply 6 of 90
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member
    Thank you, Steve.

    I'd being doing something entirely different today if it weren't for Apple and its many fine products which I've used over the decades now to make my "music."

  • Reply 7 of 90

    Thank you Steve for all you have done and all you will inspire for years to come.

  • Reply 8 of 90

    It's extremely classy that Apple made a recording of Yo-Yo Ma (???) playing an excerpt of the Prelude from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Suite No. 1 in G major (BWV 1007) for Unaccompanied ’Cello the background music for this tribute video. It is well known that the great ’cellist Yo-Yo Ma was a friend of Steve's; Bach’s music is sublime. Someone made the perfect choice.

  • Reply 9 of 90
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member


    Originally Posted by silversquonk View Post

    How many other companies, ever, would do this?



    Not many, but there are a few that are really big about their founders and leaders who would... FedEx will probably do some major stuff and website videos and such when Fred Smith goes.

  • Reply 10 of 90

    Thanks Steve, hard to believe it's been a year.  If there is indeed an afterlife, whatever it is, it will be a better place for the rest of us.

  • Reply 11 of 90


    Originally Posted by MacManFelix View Post

    It's extremely classy that Apple made a recording of Yo-Yo Ma (???) playing an excerpt of the Prelude from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Suite No. 1 in G major (BWV 1007) for Unaccompanied ’Cello the background music for this tribute video.

    Thank you so much for that. I've loved Bach's music for many years but have neglected to listen recently. I've just bought Yo-Yo Ma's recordings of the Cello Suites and am looking forward to a calm, reflective day ...

  • Reply 12 of 90
    sblifesblife Posts: 11member
    Steve matters.
  • Reply 13 of 90

    The world is a better place because of Steve.  We all play a part, for sure, but Steve definitely figured out how to push people to think differently - for the better.

  • Reply 14 of 90
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    Never celebrate a person's life on their death anniversary but rather on their birthday- much more appropriate and tasteful.
  • Reply 15 of 90

    Not going to lie...I was kinda disappointed. Every shot centered around him with Apple, especially the first few where it is him holding a product. I think it would have been more fitting to use a better variety of shots and include some that didn't have any link to Apple.

  • Reply 16 of 90
    nealgnealg Posts: 132member

    What I found most interesting is that while I didn't know Steve Jobs and never met him, when his death was announced, I felt like I had lost a friend and someone that I had actually known for a long time.

  • Reply 17 of 90
    lazollazol Posts: 20member
    isheldon wrote: »
    Never celebrate one's death but their birthday- much more appropriate and tasteful.

    We are NOT celebrating his death, we are remembering of Steve's achievements.
  • Reply 18 of 90
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Steve set the standard for excellence.
  • Reply 19 of 90
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    RIP Steve.

  • Reply 20 of 90
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    isheldon wrote: »
    Never celebrate one's death but their birthday- much more appropriate and tasteful.

    Only Apple would note the death to celebrate a life of tremendous accomplishments¡

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