Jony Ive expected to replace iOS, OS X textures with clean edges & flat surfaces



  • Reply 181 of 198
    I like some of it, but not at the cost of functionality.

    For example the podcast player on iphone5 is less functional. The reel to reel graphics take up space, when there isn't enough space to show the full text of the podcast title which are often very long.
  • Reply 182 of 198
    I am really looking forward to what Ives has in store. I think he has much of the same "Jesus" power as Jobs did. I really hope we can see him present at a keynote.

    Maybe now that Scott Forstall is gone he will be more willing to go to the keynote speeches. Plus he is more of a "hunk" than anyone else around.
  • Reply 183 of 198


    Originally Posted by Snowdog65 View Post

    I like skeuomorphic design. I like the felt fabric texture used in game center image above.


    I hate the flat featureless/textureless world of Win8, and would hate to see this end up dominating OSX/iOS.


    Mac is supposed to be my escape if I get too annoyed with Windows changes when I go to buy my next computer.


    Why not just have a couple of optional skins?


    Who knows? Maybe Ive would rather offer people options than not... We'll see once his influence is directly evident on iOS and OSX. With his obsessive attention to detail, he may end up spending more time than Forstall in perfecting things!

  • Reply 184 of 198

  • Reply 185 of 198

    Originally Posted by bobborries View Post


    There isn't anything operationally wrong with any of those designs. Notes in particular.

  • Reply 186 of 198

    There is always something creepily old fashioned about American graphic design. Lets go European. I hate the green baize, mock wooden shelves and old fashioned, badly designed, mixed up type faces. Jonny Ives should rule, ok!

  • Reply 187 of 198

    Three groups of iPad enthusiasts are pre-school children, first 3 graders and senior citizens.  I hope that Jony Ive's dumping of Scott Forstall's design work will not get rid of what the above groups found encouraging.



  • Reply 188 of 198

    Originally Posted by greatrix View Post

    Lets go European.


    Sounds like you don't understand the point of skeuomorphism.

  • Reply 189 of 198
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    greatrix wrote:
    Jonny Ives should rule, ok!

    What about the iPhoto app, which Ive designed? He could have used an album layout like the Photos app but I think most would agree the iPhoto app looks nicer.


    I don't see him banishing all physical designs in favour of abstract ones just for the sake of it. We might even see more of them. Maybe Forstall's the one with good taste and Ive was being held back from making absolutely horrendous choices. His repulsion may have been due to the current design being too subdued. The calendar will have scuff marks added, little pen scribbles and tiny pieces of binding glue.

    There's also haptic feedback to think about. This tech was noted to arrive by the end of this year:


    There's not much point in making tactile interaction with abstract objects as there's no familiarity. This can be used to let you feel the guitar strings in Garageband without looking at the screen or the pages of a book as you turn them.

    Garageband is another app btw where I don't see the designs changing. They don't need to have representations of instruments at all - drums could be equally spaced squares to tap - but I highly doubt they'll change that.
  • Reply 190 of 198


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    What about the iPhoto app, which Ive designed? He could have used an album layout like the Photos app but I think most would agree the iPhoto app looks nicer.


    Agreed! I really don't get the knee jerk hating on skeuomorphism.

  • Reply 191 of 198


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    What about the iPhoto app, which Ive designed? He could have used an album layout like the Photos app but I think most would agree the iPhoto app looks nicer.

    I don't see him banishing all physical designs in favour of abstract ones just for the sake of it. We might even see more of them. Maybe Forstall's the one with good taste and Ive was being held back from making absolutely horrendous choices. His repulsion may have been due to the current design being too subdued. The calendar will have scuff marks added, little pen scribbles and tiny pieces of binding glue.

    There's also haptic feedback to think about. This tech was noted to arrive by the end of this year:

    There's not much point in making tactile interaction with abstract objects as there's no familiarity. This can be used to let you feel the guitar strings in Garageband without looking at the screen or the pages of a book as you turn them.

    Garageband is another app btw where I don't see the designs changing. They don't need to have representations of instruments at all - drums could be equally spaced squares to tap - but I highly doubt they'll change that.

    are you sure he designed the iPhoto app?

  • Reply 192 of 198
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    are you sure he designed the iPhoto app?

    Stage 1: denial.

    "Q: How do you know you’ve succeeded?

    A :It’s a very strange thing for a designer to say, but one of the things that really irritates me in products is when I’m aware of designers wagging their tails in my face.

    Our goal is simple objects, objects that you can’t imagine any other way. Simplicity is not the absence of clutter. Get it right, and you become closer and more focused on the object. For instance, the iPhoto app we created for the new iPad, it completely consumes you and you forget you are using an iPad."

    When he says 'we', he could just be referring to a team at Apple he wasn't involved with but he wouldn't say that about the app if he wasn't happy with it. He has at the very least used the app himself and been impressed by it but it sounds very much like he was involved with it.

    That is not to say that he couldn't improve on the style but to assume that all of skeuomorphism is bad because it was associated with Fortsall who the media portrays as the villain is simplistic. People always have to put things into neat little boxes:

    - Forstall, bad
    - Ive, good
    - Forstall, skeuomorphism
    - Ive, minimalism
    - Forstall, out
    - skeuomorphism, out

    It doesn't work like that. Garageband makes the iPad mimic the actual instruments. Ive will not remove the Piano keys nor the pictures of the drums. Under that assumption, there's no reason to assume he will remove the design traits of a calendar from the calendar app. At best, the unnecessary and tasteless designs will go.

    His primary role is in hardware design though and as people have said, we can't assume that the transition will go smoothly. While the core design principles can stay the same, the way they are applied isn't.

    "The differences between the two teams may present challenges for Ive as he tries to rally employees behind his design vision. Following the news of Forstall’s departure, some engineers are questioning Ive’s ability to lead software design, according to a former senior Apple developer who has been in touch with his colleagues.

    This person compares the switch to Michael Jordan’s ill- fated move from professional basketball to minor-league baseball. While both sports require good eyesight and athletic ability, they entail starkly different skills."

    If you have minimalist software and minimalist hardware, where is your focus? If Ive's idea is for the hardware to disappear and the software to consume your attention, they can't be designed the same way.

    We can't judge his ability or inability until we see what changes come about and it won't be made clear that it was Ive's involvement that led to it. If we see an immediate change (like the ?TV UI), then we can be sure the transition had something to do with it. I think any improvements will be gradual.
  • Reply 193 of 198
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Excellent post Marvin! Appreciate it, thanks.
  • Reply 194 of 198
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    My guess is when Ive used the term "we" he meant Apple in general and not his specific team. Though the notion that he's going to turn OS X and iOS into a Metro clone seems far fetched to me. I can't see him going too cold/minimalist. I mean iPhone 5 and iPad mini do have diamond cut chamfers after all. ;)
  • Reply 195 of 198

    I think recent Apple HW design has been more hit and miss than in the past.


    The new iPods with white plastic faces and pastel colors are downright ugly IMO.


    The all black iPad Mini looks bland (though I do think the white one looks sharp).


    Perhaps Ive unchecked is not the ideal state either. Jobs role in saying no to Ive sometimes seems like it will be unfilled.

  • Reply 196 of 198

    Am I the only one who like to see a Black Taskbar??



    And for the loved Game Center... :) I think one big problem here is that this Vegas look has the appealing that most people think that you find your Solitaere, Cards Games. And that is really unsatisfying for most Game Developers or young People who like the play Assassins Creed. There have to be a more modern, techie Look.

  • Reply 197 of 198

    Instead of the interface changes, maybe they could update the calendar app in IOS to be able to create complex recurring events. This would be Very helpful.

  • Reply 198 of 198

    Originally Posted by Mididoc098 View Post

    …maybe they could update the calendar app in IOS to be able to create complex recurring events. This would be Very helpful.


    Oh, yes. I'd absolutely love more advanced event controls. But not "instead of".

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