Rumor: Release of new iMacs may be delayed into 2013



  • Reply 61 of 88
    Says November and December on all European sites as well.
    alandail wrote: »
    The web site still says available november for the 21" model and december for the 30" model.

    jkent74 wrote: »
    I have a friend that works for an Apple Reseller that has a very close relationship with Apple.  They were told to expect the 21" iMac the last week of November and the 27" iMac the first week of December.  You have to realize they want to hit the critical holiday buying season and too far into December people will have already chosen other options.

    W8 you mean?

    @zunx, we know. We couldn't possibly not know, with your 613 posts on this issue. We know it. We get it. So does Apple. They're not releasing a matte screen anymore. They are making the glossy ones less glossy though. You should've bought a couple o' 30" ACD's when they were EOL-ed, like some people did*

    *2010 Update

    I bought a second new 30" monitor as they were beiing discontinued in favor of a slightly smaller glossy screen 27" monitor.

    New 30" display, last of the line, measures: 6,840K, 0.640 delta uv, 126.7 fL (434 Cd/m^2).

    Old 30" display, now 4 years and 8 months old, measures 5,510K, 0.476 delta uv, 90.4 fL (310 Cd/m^2). This is 10% dimmer than new, but still better than specified when new (270 Cd/m^2), and even a little better than the updared specification for the newer version of this monitor (300 Cd/M^2).
  • Reply 62 of 88


    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post


    Sadly, there are. If you try to correct them, they will say "your wong".  Fixed it for you,

    Please leave my words alone. You're not fixing anything. You are confusing racial stereotyping with homophones.

  • Reply 63 of 88


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Don't react for at least 24 hours. I bet by this time tomorrow morning, AppleInsider will post a headline that reads "Samsung denies release of new iMacs may be delayed into 2013".

    They deny copying Apple.

    They deny Apple is reducing orders.

    They deny charging Apple more.


    It's clear what they are good at.

  • Reply 64 of 88
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    yojimbo007 wrote: »
    All of this talk about the welding process and delay.. Come on.. Apple did not invent the process in september and try to implement it in november for them to be surprised with what it takes to pull it off in production..
    It may be slower to build than they anticipated .. Which means the supply will be even more restricted but why would it be delayed.. They may have less on the first day but why would the production get pushed back altogether.
    This thing is just another rumor to benifit the shorts while the going is good or them.
    Besides according to posters on MacRumors "friction stir welding" is no big deal and other computer companies have been using it before Apple. :lol:
  • Reply 65 of 88
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    thewordiz wrote: »
    current "in-store" stock levels of iMacs is virtually non-existant. In fact, I don't believe you can currently get a 27" at all, and by this point maybe even a 21.
    If this is true Look at the current problems with Apple under TCook.
    iP5 has major issues with manufacture still. Black models still have cosmetic issues as well as IOS6 problems.
    Stock levels on ALL products previously not a problem continue to plague supply side. Maybe fighting with Samsung is hurting a little.
    But no iMacs until the New Year? Wow, that is going to hurt sales this week especially. I can say first hand that will suck. Also, to what end?
    DId we really need an iMac, that is paper thin at the edge? I know it will look incredible but at $100 per machine more, and potential design issues. Ever touch an i7 Imac on the top back after it has ben running all day? You could cook an egg on the frackkin thing. I wonder how this is going to work on the new design, i bet it is going to run really hot. I would have rather had a Retina option anyway. And dare I say a BluRay drive. Believe me, there is still demand for BRD.
    Also, no MacPro? still a fair amount of demand at the store level. In my view, Apple is purely becoming a company run by the numbers for the Shareholder, and they are falling further behind trying to impress. They need a total customizable made to order "skunk-works" division. Not highly profitable, but it would keep the Company in the PROSUMERS eye. BTW, pro software should be part of that group too probably.
    Apple should work on making the best products in a category, they have and continue to be an innovator, but their products are slipping over all, at least in function.
    Apple TV, if they get into that business. That will be a pure mess. Mark my wordz.


    Isn't there some place else you can do your trolling?
  • Reply 66 of 88
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    dlux wrote: »
    The new machines look nice, but they are sort of a 1.0 revision of this form factor. Also, for my use, the lack of an optical drive and Firewire are a big minus.
    The day they were announced I instead bought a refurb 2011 27" iMac with 256GB SSD (saving $600 from the previous price) and it's a pretty good deal. The only updated feature I'm missing is USB-3, but I can work around that.
    (I almost always buy refurbed for a number of reasons; 1) the price is reasonable, 2) everything so far has been cosmetically perfect, 3) they're necessarily older machines which means the HW/SW bugs have been addressed, or proven to be problematic and thus avoided. The only trick is to understand the tech specs with an eye for what might or might not become obsolete in the future.)

    Optical is a low priority to me, but I like that the 2011's SD slot is in a sane location. An SD slot on the back face almost may as well not be there given its lack of convenience.

    I bought my 2011 in June when official word from Apple PR was that we might not see an iMac until (I assumed early) 2013. I added an OWC 480GB SSD to it. I'm not exactly sure how you're going to get around the lack of USB 3, I'd like to know what you have in mind.

    And??? Isn't this the norm for Apple?? New product release - wait weeks to receive. You'd think they'd have some order by now, but noooo same ole. IMO you're better to wait till they release a Retina version anyway. Why buy now if they'll have Retina prob in late 2013/early 2014 (my factless guess) then I'd have buyers remorse.

    For the 27" model, you're talking about a screen with nearly four times the surface area as the 15" Retina display. Given the pixels per distance is the best for any non-Retina Mac, the iMac is probably going to be the last Mac to be updated.

    zunx wrote: »
    Apple should offer the option of a genuine and true matte display for health and productivity reasons. Just search Google for MacMatte to get the facts!

    This is beyond getting very old, please stop boring us. If it's anything like the Retina MacBook Pros, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine. I suggest waiting and getting a look at the new screens.
  • Reply 67 of 88
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    jeffdm wrote: »
    Optical is a low priority to me, but I like that the 2011's SD slot is in a sane location.

    I don't use the optical a lot, but I also don't like the idea of add-on external solutions for everything. That diminishes the point behind an "all-in-one" machine.

    I bought my 2011 in June when official word from Apple PR was that we might not see an iMac until (I assumed early) 2013.

    Which, at this point, may not be too far off the mark. I didn't have an urgent need to upgrade, but after evaluating the pros and cons of the newest machine I jumped on getting the refurb before they all dry up. I missed the opportunity to get the last version of the Mac Mini with an optical drive to use for a HTPC.

    One added bonus of the 2011 iMac is it still runs 10.6.8, if at some point I really need legacy Rosetta support.

    I'm not exactly sure how you're going to get around the lack of USB 3, I'd like to know what you have in mind.

    I'll just slum it with USB 2 and firewire. (All of my external drives have FW-800, so it's not the end of the world.) Also, this thing has two Thunderbolt ports for when/if the price of peripherals drop to a reasonable level.
  • Reply 68 of 88

    I'm looking forward to a 27" Thunderbolt Display in this form factor for my Mini...

    But $1000 for JUST a display is difficult to swallow and, given the advent of Thunderbolt, including a GPU seems obvious.


    I guess I'm actually looking forward to a Thunderbolt Display with an internal GPU.

  • Reply 69 of 88
    xgmanxgman Posts: 159member
    pridon wrote: »
    FRom Apple Wevb site &:34 PM EST: "21.5-inch starting at $1299. Coming in November.27-inch starting at $1799. Coming in December".
    The Web staff doesn't seem to have this info. Seems like FUD until its offical

    Maybe they will have limited supplies still by year end? Either way it's very disappointing, yet not unexpected really considering the lack of attention to Macs in general lately.
  • Reply 70 of 88
    Purchasing my 27" i7 last December was the best tech decision I've ever made. If not I'd be waiting all peeved needing a new computer.
  • Reply 71 of 88

    Again, my concern isn't that Apple is withholding a new product until it gets it right, I applaud them for that... My concern is that Apple doesn't have sufficient supply of existing model to sell... That's really poor planning and they've done it before!

  • Reply 72 of 88

    Originally Posted by davidinsf View Post

    My concern is that Apple doesn't have sufficient supply of existing model to sell...


    Why would they keep selling the old iMac after this one has been announced?

    That's really poor planning and they've done it before!


    This has only happened once before, to my remembering; the original iPhone, and it was done on purpose.

  • Reply 73 of 88
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Likewise. All of these unsubstantiated rumors are piling up to crash Apple's stock. Good buyback opportunity for Apple, good for shorts, bad for AAPL for the short term.


    Bad for me too, I'm dying to get back in. Should have sold it all at 700, would love to have that balance back at this point.

  • Reply 74 of 88
    Since Tim Cook said there would be shortages ... I don't see how this is particularly newsworthy. Maybe for the next iMac they will be smart enough to design it to be easier to manufacture.
  • Reply 75 of 88
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    welshdog wrote:
    I mean, we know they aren't welding the case shut!   So what is it used for?

    It does appear to be used for welding the front and back together:

    "That required unprecedented feats of engineering," Apple notes, including the challenge of attaching the front and back case components together.

    Conventional welding wouldn't work, so the company switched to a process known as "friction-stir welding," which it says "uses a combination of intense friction-generated heat and pressure to intermix the molecules of the two aluminum surfaces — creating a seamless, precise, and superstrong join."

    I understand their desire for a seamless design but I thought the 2009 iMac looked fine even with the black back:


    and the rMBP base looks fine too:


    The iMac wouldn't even have screws on the back.

    I guess the plus side to this is if the front plate falls off, it will be easier for people to repair/upgrade.

    Of course if they got rid of the chin, there wouldn't be a front plate needing to be welded in the first place. It would just look like the iPad and Cinema Display. The display can be held in with a wedge of metal at the top, magnetic strips left and right and screws at the base.
  • Reply 76 of 88
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The iMac wouldn't even have screws on the back.

    I guess the plus side to this is if the front plate falls off, it will be easier for people to repair/upgrade.

    Of course if they got rid of the chin, there wouldn't be a front plate needing to be welded in the first place. It would just look like the iPad and Cinema Display. The display can be held in with a wedge of metal at the top, magnetic strips left and right and screws at the base.

    I thought they had ventilation stored somewhere in the chin. I'll have to look at one next time I'm at the Apple store. I need a keyboard cover, so I have to go there anyway. No matter how careful I am about cleanliness, I get small bits of key gunk.

  • Reply 77 of 88
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    dlux wrote: »
    I don't use the optical a lot, but I also don't like the idea of add-on external solutions for everything. That diminishes the point behind an "all-in-one" machine.

    I agree, but so far, I only used it to install Windows software.

    I'll just slum it with USB 2 and firewire. (All of my external drives have FW-800, so it's not the end of the world.) Also, this thing has two Thunderbolt ports for when/if the price of peripherals drop to a reasonable level.

    I was hoping you found a reasonable adapter.

    Since Tim Cook said there would be shortages ... I don't see how this is particularly newsworthy. Maybe for the next iMac they will be smart enough to design it to be easier to manufacture.

    I don't remember any mention of possible shortages before this story came out, much less in the presentation.
  • Reply 78 of 88
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    hmm wrote:
    I thought they had ventilation stored somewhere in the chin.

    They have the speakers in there:


    I figured it might be some acoustic thing not having the sound dampened by the display panel. It will also take some of the weight of the glass as it rests on it. But with an iPad-like design, the glass would be inset in a metal frame. Plus the Cinema Display has speakers so there should be nothing wrong with using that design. It helps to have them match if you buy both - moving the SD slot to the back means it's better for having the displays side-by-side.

    I'm curious to see what the 27" RAM door looks like. It's not accessed at the bottom like the old one but by an "easy-to-access memory panel on the back":

    It seems odd to go to all the trouble of having a seamless back to stick a giant flap on the back for 4 RAM chips. They've done a good job of hiding it though, it's not even visible in the marketing images:

    Maybe it's a magic flap that only becomes visible when you express an intent to upgrade it. Either that or they hid it behind the stand, which I doubt will be all that easy-to-access.
  • Reply 79 of 88
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member

    Even I still have enough faith in New Apple that they wouldn't botch a frigging hardware launch like this. 

    And if so, what then? Is Mansfield out?! :rolleyes:

    Dude. What is up with Apple these days. Long a55 pre-announcements and months and months waiting for stuff.

    Now I know why Steve Jobs did "Available Now" at keynotes.

    Gawd, I bloody miss him so much.
  • Reply 80 of 88
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    Why would they keep selling the old iMac after this one has been announced?

    In Australia pretty much all old iMacs are out the door, waiting for the refresh. So guess what. Could be another month without iMacs ~at all~ around the world.

    I called up various resellers to see if I could get a 21" iMac previous gen (or current-gen, while we await the new-gen)... Nope. The price was dropped so out they went.

    *Sniff* Apple... Steve Jobs would be (insert something here).
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