Rumor: Release of new iMacs may be delayed into 2013



  • Reply 81 of 88


    Originally Posted by AlexN View Post

    image. Good one image. There's also a lot of playing fast and loose with apostrophes ("it's" (abbreviation of "it is") when it should be "its" (possessive case)); "their", "there" and "they're" get mixed up; as do "then" and "than". They all seems to be an English-speaking-world-wide phenomenon, however: I tend to think that it's the fault of allowing the spellingauto-correcters auto-corrupters (as I saw described so accurately on these 'ere Forums recently image). Well, that's a (partially) charitable view, at any rate.

    Note - all my mistakes are my own as I have the iPad 1's auto-corrupter turned off image image image


    If you're going to be a grammar nazi, you should be forced to refer to your self-esteem in the past tense. 

  • Reply 82 of 88
    27rings wrote: »
    When I looked the Apple store this morning "November" had been changed to "Coming Soon."

    But it still says November and December under the 21" and 27" .
  • Reply 83 of 88

    27rings is absolutely correct.


    I've set a bookmark to the Apple iMac opening page and checked it twice daily since I'm desperate to get a new iMac. The orange corner tab wording changed from "mid-Nov." to "Soon" sometime in the last 24 hours.   Of course, "soon" could mean the "next few days"--and still match the detail page notes--or it could mean more delay.  In any case, "mid-November" needed to change as we move into "late-November."


    While the Apple Store staff always is courteous--and the experienced ones quite knowledgeable--I'd never depend on anything they say about release dates that Apple hasn't yet announced.  The ones who pretend to know don't and the experienced ones know better that to say anything other than the company line.

  • Reply 84 of 88
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    yamhillboy wrote: »
    27rings is absolutely correct.

    I've set a bookmark to the Apple iMac opening page and checked it twice daily since I'm desperate to get a new iMac. The orange corner tab wording changed from "mid-Nov." to "Soon" sometime in the last 24 hours.   Of course, "soon" could mean the "next few days"--and still match the detail page notes--or it could mean more delay.  In any case, "mid-November" needed to change as we move into "late-November."

    While the Apple Store staff always is courteous--and the experienced ones quite knowledgeable--I'd never depend on anything they say about release dates that Apple hasn't yet announced.  The ones who pretend to know don't and the experienced ones know better that to say anything other than the company line.

    Yeah. This is quite upsetting. iMac-gate!!!

    As an Apple fan, it pains me to say...

    This sucks. 21" in "November"... Er, November ends in 1 week, and 27" in December? Hmm... This is where Steve Jobs would normally pull a rabbit out of the hat and people will settle down for a while, waiting for the next "something-gate" to then unleash their miseries upon.

    Sadly, I think at this point, the rabbit is either dead or down a very, very deep hole.
  • Reply 85 of 88
    The rumours of a 2013 release have been pretty extensively scotched. My guess is Friday 23rd [Apple Shopping Day] or 27th November. I just hope it will be soon and that pre-orders had been available.
  • Reply 86 of 88
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    eulipious wrote: »
    The rumours of a 2013 release have been pretty extensively scotched. My guess is Friday 23rd [Apple Shopping Day] or 27th November. I just hope it will be soon and that pre-orders had been available.

    Nov 23rd seems unlikely, but if there's any in the back room of most of the Apple stores and no one has leaked, that's pretty impressive level of silence which I don't think Apple has achieved in a while. That leaves next week, assuming they still release the 21" model in November.

    The most inscrutable part of all this is the lack of a preorder page. I wonder if they're very worried about too-scarce supply for the demand and don't want the risk of irate people with 6-8 week preorder delays.
  • Reply 87 of 88
    Why would they keep selling the old iMac after this one has been announced?

    This has only happened once before, to my remembering; the original iPhone, and it was done on purpose.

    Actually, this happened before with an iMac transition (G4 to G5) and the first 2 generations of G5 iMacs were amoung the least reliable Macs that Apple has ever sold (over their life, we owned 24 of them, 23 of which went in for service at least once, 8 or 9 multiple times).

    I understand that Apple sees itself as a consumer product company, but truthfully there are businesses that use their products and not having product to sell to them is not a good practice... We've been able to meet our needs by buying refurbished 27" iMacs, but even my business rep warned us that supply could run out at any time...

    I hope this troubled transition actually results in a decent reliable product unlike the last time they messed up on a transition...
  • Reply 88 of 88
    davidinsf wrote: »
    Actually, this happened before with an iMac transition (G4 to G5) and the first 2 generations of G5 iMacs were amoung the least reliable Macs that Apple has ever sold (over their life, we owned 24 of them, 23 of which went in for service at least once, 8 or 9 multiple times).
    I understand that Apple sees itself as a consumer product company, but truthfully there are businesses that use their products and not having product to sell to them is not a good practice... We've been able to meet our needs by buying refurbished 27" iMacs, but even my business rep warned us that supply could run out at any time...
    I hope this troubled transition actually results in a decent reliable product unlike the last time they messed up on a transition...

    At this stage I would strongly suggest you have alternatives in place, not to go PC per se, but just other Macs with external screens. The days of reliable, exact model supply for businesses by Apple may be ending. Whether it's 20 Macs or 2000 Macs, Apple is still a good bet, but one will need a lot of flexibility in the model mix.

    The iMac G5 was a big challenge because the G5 chip was horrendous and even fitting it into an iMac it was hot as hell. But remember how Steve literally turned the whole company around by going to Intel because he wanted to fix it once and for all, and he did. And they learned that with ARM as well, not to bet on just PowerPC, Intel, AMD or ARM. So much so as well that they decided to ~design their own CPUs~ with ARM because the tripe that PowerPC was giving them was just... shocking.

    Steve is not a God or The Perfect Entrepreneur but for the kind of person that pursues passion to its very, very end to change the world, and no doubt make oodles of money, this is how you do it.

    Look at his keynotes over the past 10 years. Almost every guest company, in 2012 now, they are toast in terms of real innovation and growth 2013-2018.
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