Apple fires iOS 6 Maps chief



  • Reply 41 of 170

    The problem with the Hoover Dam bypass road looks the same in Google Earth. Or at least it did when the new Maps app came out. Other "Problems" people found in the Maps app are duplicated in Google Earth.

  • Reply 42 of 170


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Isn't is about time we stopped using pictures like this to poke fun at Maps?  


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post





    Maps does suck, but the reality is that images like this don't actually show "errors" at all and instead show exactly what they are supposed to show.  


    When in 3D mode the satellite imagery is projected onto a mesh of the geography of the area down to sea level.  This is totally normal.  This picture is showing satellite imagery of the land around Hoover Dam and projecting it onto a 3D mesh of said land.  The only areas where this kind of imagery *isn't* normal and is in fact a "mistake" is when you see something like this in an area covered by flyover.  


    In a flyover area, someone would have taken the time to do a mesh of that bridge and then manually paste it into the landscape.  It will be many many years before every bridge (especially one in the middle of a desert) to be mapped in this way.  


    These are not "mistakes" in mapping.  AppleInsider would do better to showcase the actual errors in the data which are prevalent and easy to find, especially once you leave the US.  


    Most details and locations in Apple Maps for any city in Canada for instance are not only far from reality, they haven't been corrected or changed yet by a single iota.  This is where the problems and mistakes are, outside of the USA.  Please stop with the posting of "fake" glitches as per the above photo and try to focus on the data mistakes and problems with Apple Maps.  They are legion.  


    Then how do you account for the correct portrayal of the Golden Gate, Brooklyn and several other bridges in NYC?

  • Reply 43 of 170




    Some of the same issues plague Google Earth too!  It seems

    Mike O’Callaghan – Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge has a sag.

  • Reply 44 of 170


    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    I'm sure some people on here will still deny that there was ever a problem with iOS 6 Maps.


    Yup, no major problems here. For basic usage its fine. turn by turn is fine.  Is there errors, on occasion, but less than I had with the old map app.

    If lack of 'features' is a 'problem', thats another topic.

  • Reply 45 of 170
    Fairly soon, Tim, you are going to find out where the buck actually stops.
  • Reply 46 of 170

    I've read elsewhere that Williamson was moved to the LinkedIn group within Apple. He's not "fired," just moved within the company.

  • Reply 47 of 170

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Fairly soon, Tim, you are going to find out where the buck actually stops.


    I don't get it. What's the implication?

  • Reply 48 of 170
    richl wrote: »
    I'm sure some people on here will still deny that there was ever a problem with iOS 6 Maps.

    You mean people who have never encountered an error or inaccuracy using iOS 6 Maps are in "denial"? Maybe the glass is 93% full, but you'd never know it, what with all the people who deny the glass is 7% empty.
  • Reply 49 of 170


    Originally Posted by Rickybill View Post

    I have been using Maps since it was available.  I travel extensively for work and use it exclusively.  It has never failed to locate the facilities I'm visiting or made me late for an appointment.  I have no complaints.  I've used Siri to dictate addresses into the app and its worked great.  Even my hard to please boss was impressed.  As a result, he bought the 5.  Its always easy to find faults with something and it appears more people are interested in finding faults with AAPL.  The turn by turn has been fantastic.  I have never used the the 3D so can't speak to it's benefit.  If this is the worst thing that happens to all of us, that's not too bad.

    concur. Yea, 3d does not have much use IMO. Street view is nice. This is what bugs me with Apple, they have a gazillion dollars and could do many things to enhance there services... hope they are considering it.

    In my humble opinion-

    MAPs add Apple 'road view'- pay fedex, USPS etc to put cameras on there trucks or delievery persons etc, mix in some very hard work.

    Passport - at each Apple store hire one or two people to go out and canvas businesses to sign up for loyalty cards etc in passport... Boom it takes off.

    Siri- why did android beat you for foreign language translation? Buy the company that has the apps. 

    Apple made these great 'initial' products, lets hope they follow up taking them to the next level.

  • Reply 50 of 170
    I don't get it. What's the implication?

    He's implying that Tim Cook fails to take responsibility for hiring John Browett. Strange, because he fired Browett.
  • Reply 51 of 170
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Jesus Christ, how many people is Apple going to fire because of maps, which for me is probably the best part of iOS6 and an insanely impressive feat for a just launched product? Fucking ridiculous.
  • Reply 52 of 170

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Jesus Christ, how many people is Apple going to fire because of maps…


    We can confirm exactly zero of the recent layoffs as related to Maps. This one is more likely, but still unconfirmed as the reason.


    Still, it's ridiculous.

  • Reply 53 of 170

    I've had some more issues lately with points of interest in maps.  For example I was looking up for some nearby Best Buys.  I found one and I do remember the point on the map was correct but when I click the point to start getting directions the actual address was two states over and when I used the directions it was a 7 hour trip instead of 15 minutes (of course I realized it was an error).  I did send a bug report on it in the app so I'll help improve it but I've had this happen several times now so there is clearly some issue in the database because the location on the map is correct but the address isn't even close which is strange.

  • Reply 54 of 170
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Isn't is about time we stopped using pictures like this to poke fun at Maps?  


    Maps does suck, but the reality is that images like this don't actually show "errors" at all and instead show exactly what they are supposed to show.  


    When in 3D mode the satellite imagery is projected onto a mesh of the geography of the area down to sea level.  This is totally normal.  This picture is showing satellite imagery of the land around Hoover Dam and projecting it onto a 3D mesh of said land.  The only areas where this kind of imagery *isn't* normal and is in fact a "mistake" is when you see something like this in an area covered by flyover.  


    In a flyover area, someone would have taken the time to do a mesh of that bridge and then manually paste it into the landscape.  It will be many many years before every bridge (especially one in the middle of a desert) to be mapped in this way.  


    These are not "mistakes" in mapping.  AppleInsider would do better to showcase the actual errors in the data which are prevalent and easy to find, especially once you leave the US.  


    Most details and locations in Apple Maps for any city in Canada for instance are not only far from reality, they haven't been corrected or changed yet by a single iota.  This is where the problems and mistakes are, outside of the USA.  Please stop with the posting of "fake" glitches as per the above photo and try to focus on the data mistakes and problems with Apple Maps.  They are legion.  


    This data test reveals how bad Apple’s data is for Canada... and how much worse Google's is, even after all the time they have had! While also pointing out that the Maps app is able to navigate well even with those misplaced pins:






    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Then how do you account for the correct portrayal of the Golden Gate, Brooklyn and several other bridges in NYC?



    Those locations have Flyover support, which is growing. It doesn’t cover the entire Earth with that level of detail yet. No company does. But the locations you mention are obviously going to get Flyover attention first, since they are more populated than the Hoover Dam area.

  • Reply 55 of 170


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee go_quote.gif


    Maps does suck, but the reality is that images like this don't actually show "errors" at all and instead show exactly what they are supposed to show.  


    I disagree... Apple Maps does not suck...  It has some good and bad points -- as do all map systems!



    When in 3D mode the satellite imagery is projected onto a mesh of the geography of the area down to sea level.  This is totally normal.  This picture is showing satellite imagery of the land around Hoover Dam and projecting it onto a 3D mesh of said land.  


    IMO, the "projection of satellite imagery onto a mesh" is one of the features of Apple Maps with great potential!  The 3D images are projected in a series of layers going from far to near.  


    In a complicated projection, say downtown Manhattan, you can see the layers being drawn -- first a far building -- then a nearer building which [partially] blocks the far building…  This is especially noticeable on a iPad 2 with no cached data.


    With some clever programming, the Apple Maps app could allow the user to control which layers are drawn…  If a nearer building blocks a far building -- just don't draw the near building.


    Done properly, this could offer capabilities that [2D] StreetView could never match!

  • Reply 56 of 170
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    richl wrote: »
    I'm sure some people on here will still deny that there was ever a problem with iOS 6 Maps.


    The most common response is that Apple Maps isn't perfect and has a number of mistakes (which Apple is apparently fixing).

    You seem to be confusing "it's not significantly worse than Google" (which is true from all the public comparisons which use data rather than anecdotes) with "deny there was ever a problem".
  • Reply 57 of 170
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/154640/apple-fires-ios-6-maps-chief#post_2237562"]Good, people need to be held accountable for their actions. If somebody is not up for the job, then get rid of them, and replace them with somebody else.

    I agree in principle. But man, it just seems sad to see more cracks emerging every month.
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/154640/apple-fires-ios-6-maps-chief#post_2237562"]
    And whoever is in charge of the iOS appstore app should also be fired, because it's slow, it's laggy and when you scroll with your finger on the screen, it is jerky. That might be acceptable for an Android device, but not for any Apple device. The old app store was much better and much smoother and faster. Fire that person right away, and put somebody in charge who knows what they're doing.

    This is what I mean. While Apple continues to ship shinier and ever more emaciated hardware, software (particularly software services) is not keeping up on multiple fronts. Are the leaders of the individual services to blame or does Apple need a reset? Presumably, Eddie is pushing that reset now.
  • Reply 58 of 170


    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post




    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Then how do you account for the correct portrayal of the Golden Gate, Brooklyn and several other bridges in NYC?



    Those locations have Flyover support, which is growing. It doesn’t cover the entire Earth with that level of detail yet. No company does. But the locations you mention are obviously going to get Flyover attention first, since they are more populated than the Hoover Dam area.


    I still don't understand...  The non-FlyOver 3D Imagery can detect the man-made Hoover dam (and the roadway on top of it) -- why cannot it detect the man-made bridge (and the roadway on top of it)?

  • Reply 59 of 170
    It is interesting to note that about 30 minutes after this article with that image of Hoover Dam was posted, Apple fixed the image in their database. That says something about the company.
  • Reply 60 of 170
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    "Burn the mast, fire the cook, let no man leave alive..."
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