YouTube's 'Capture' for iOS challenges Apple's built-in Camera app
Google-owned YouTube rolled out "Capture" on Monday, an iPhone- and iPod touch-centric iOS app that lets users film and share short video clips through various social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, offering yet another alternative to Apple's first-party Camera app.

Source: YouTube
Currently available through the App Store, Capture offers an Instagram-like service for short video content, allowing users to shoot, edit and post links to clips hosted on YouTube's website.
YouTube says the software is specifically designed with fast recording in mind. After an initial setup, which includes signing in to a mandatory YouTube account, users are taken straight to the camera. This action occurs whenever the app is opened, much like Apple's own solution. After a scene is shot in Capture, minor post-production options like color correction, stabilization and trimming are available before a user titles the clip and uploads it to YouTube's servers. Background music can be added via YouTube Soundtracks, which offers tunes from generic categories like "Ambient" and "Classical."
It should be noted that Capture only records in landscape mode, doing away with smaller portrait videos that usually translate poorly when viewing content on a PC.
Unlike Apple's built-in Camera app, Capture has the ability to simultaneously post YouTube links to Google+, Facebook and Twitter. Users also have the option to share their clips with a select group of people by keeping the clip unlisted, or limit access to themselves by uploading to their own private feed. Sharing options for any video can be changed through the app or YouTube's web client.
The new app follows the launch of Google's much-awaited Maps app last week, which recorded over ten million downloads in its first two days of availability.
YouTube Capture is a free 26 MB download from the App Store.

Source: YouTube
Currently available through the App Store, Capture offers an Instagram-like service for short video content, allowing users to shoot, edit and post links to clips hosted on YouTube's website.
YouTube says the software is specifically designed with fast recording in mind. After an initial setup, which includes signing in to a mandatory YouTube account, users are taken straight to the camera. This action occurs whenever the app is opened, much like Apple's own solution. After a scene is shot in Capture, minor post-production options like color correction, stabilization and trimming are available before a user titles the clip and uploads it to YouTube's servers. Background music can be added via YouTube Soundtracks, which offers tunes from generic categories like "Ambient" and "Classical."
It should be noted that Capture only records in landscape mode, doing away with smaller portrait videos that usually translate poorly when viewing content on a PC.
Unlike Apple's built-in Camera app, Capture has the ability to simultaneously post YouTube links to Google+, Facebook and Twitter. Users also have the option to share their clips with a select group of people by keeping the clip unlisted, or limit access to themselves by uploading to their own private feed. Sharing options for any video can be changed through the app or YouTube's web client.
The new app follows the launch of Google's much-awaited Maps app last week, which recorded over ten million downloads in its first two days of availability.
YouTube Capture is a free 26 MB download from the App Store.
Apple doesn't care whose camera app you use one little bit. it's great for iOS to have a terrific new YouTube app - assuming it is really good.
it just means Apple will sell more iPhones.
AI needs to get out of this silly knee-jerk frame where everything between Apple and Google is a win/lose rivlary. sometimes it is, but many times, like this time, it is a win-win instead.
try to think before posting sensationalized headlines.
You've got to wonder why Google bother, after all Schmidt and Page have both come out with statements recently on how Android is "winning", oh well it's their money they are spending on developing these things.
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Mandatory YouTube account. That's really what this is all about.
Well, how else would a Youtube Capture application work? It's a service to YT users, as far as I understand it...
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Mandatory YouTube account. That's really what this is all about.
Exactly. This is more evil from Google is all.
Just like in the movies, once a player crosses over from the good side to the evil side, they always seem to go hell bent for leather and become the most evil, the biggest badass, and "out evil," all the guys that were evil to begin with.
If movies have taught us anything, it's that Google is Darth Vader.
Besides which, everyone has been using the built-in "send to YouTube" for years now and it's actually easier than downloading an app to do it. I don't see this attracting a lot of folks. Just a few idiots that don't know how to share a picture or video and end up downloading this crap before they find out how to do it properly.
Capture? Well they got the name right at least. Google is great at capturing... Your searches, browsing history, ad clicks, location, contacts, calendar...
Originally Posted by lightknight
@hill60 : maybe because ignoring 400M customers is a luxury they don't want to afford? I definitely would not, in their shoes, and as an investor I'd go berserk if they did. Not that I'm an investor
Yeah, but this app doesn't solve any problems. It doesn't do anything that the user couldn't already do with the phone in one tap. This app is not something a user actually needs it's just something that an investor in Google would like them to do because it will drive profit (in an underhanded way).
Yet another crystal clear example of how with Google, the user is what is sold, not what is serviced.
IMO based on what they've been doing these last few years only a completely immoral idiot would use Google for anything.
That's definitely what the world needs... more YouTube videos.
And now you're forced to join G+ with a youtube account. Or create one if you want to leave a comment. Funk all that noise.
I don't think that's an unreasonable size.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
i don't think Apple needs to get into everything others are doing but I'd think a simple and easy way to upload videos (and photos) would be right in Apple's wheelhouse. Instead the removed the support they have in MobileMe to make it a more closed environment instead of one that is more social. Am I missing something here?
I don't understand this comment. To share a video to YouTube using iOS you just tap the share button and pick "YouTube." How is that not even easier than this app?
Exactly. Just as Apple didn't mind Adobe's early Photoshop really being MacPaint with extras.
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Mandatory YouTube account. That's really what this is all about.
Summed up nicely.
I was thinking the same thing
Sure, if you've signed up for YT (or some other service like Flickr) and then signed in it's easy to upload, but I'm talking about Apple hosting your images and videos using your account.
They bother because more people will use Google services. Which means more ads and more spying on you.
Doesn't matter whether iOS or Android, it's all about users spending time with Google services.