Apple's iPhone takes 68.2% of new small & medium business smartphone activations
A new survey of small- and medium-size business smartphone activations found that Apple's iPhone controls the lion's share of growth, while the iPad represents nearly all tablets sold.

Intermedia manages more than 500,000 premium-hosted e-mail accounts with Microsoft Exchange. According to the company's data collected from September through November, Apple's iPhone represented 68.2 percent of smartphone activations by small and medium businesses.
Apple's control of this segment of the enterprise market left Google Android in a distant second place, with 25.1 percent of activations during the three-month span. Research in Motion's BlackBerry platform accounted for 4.1 percent, while Windows Phone took 2.6 percent.
Intermedia told AppleInsider that the launch of the iPhone 5 in late September helped Apple's number of new device activations surge 22 percent.
Among tablets in small- and medium-size businesses, the iPad was dominant, representing 92.6 percent of new activations. In second was BlackBerry's PlayBook, with 5.3 percent, while Microsoft Surface came in third with 2.1 percent.

While the Surface's presence over the three-month span was small, Intermedia noted that Surface activations grew 45 percent month over month after the device arrived in stores in late October.
Apple routinely notes during its quarterly earnings reports that almost all Fortune 500 companies are deploying or testing both the iPhone and iPad, but the latest data from Intermedia shows that Apple's iOS devices are also seeing strong growth among smaller businesses.

Intermedia manages more than 500,000 premium-hosted e-mail accounts with Microsoft Exchange. According to the company's data collected from September through November, Apple's iPhone represented 68.2 percent of smartphone activations by small and medium businesses.
Apple's control of this segment of the enterprise market left Google Android in a distant second place, with 25.1 percent of activations during the three-month span. Research in Motion's BlackBerry platform accounted for 4.1 percent, while Windows Phone took 2.6 percent.
Intermedia told AppleInsider that the launch of the iPhone 5 in late September helped Apple's number of new device activations surge 22 percent.
Among tablets in small- and medium-size businesses, the iPad was dominant, representing 92.6 percent of new activations. In second was BlackBerry's PlayBook, with 5.3 percent, while Microsoft Surface came in third with 2.1 percent.

While the Surface's presence over the three-month span was small, Intermedia noted that Surface activations grew 45 percent month over month after the device arrived in stores in late October.
Apple routinely notes during its quarterly earnings reports that almost all Fortune 500 companies are deploying or testing both the iPhone and iPad, but the latest data from Intermedia shows that Apple's iOS devices are also seeing strong growth among smaller businesses.
Wait, so… ZERO Android activations?
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Wait, so… ZERO Android activations?
That's a premium-hosted business that is reporting this. Android tablet users are probably using Gmail.
But, yeah...hahahahaha
Originally Posted by pfisher
That's a premium-hosted business that is reporting this. Android tablet users are probably using Gmail.
What self-respecting business trusts Gmail?!
I knew a guy, was doing some work for Lockheed-Martin, didn't think twice about sending them a file using his Gmail account: they called him up immediately and almost fired him on the spot.
No business wants Google to know what they're doing.
They are managing email accounts with MS Exchange so we're talking about businesses. I doubt there are many medium sized businesses that setup free Gmail accounts for all their employees.
I also can't believe no Android tablets were even mentioned. I guess the overhyped Kindle HD doesn't get any respect. ;-)
This news doesn't surprise me because Apple iOS devices have good (no pun) MDM solutions available allowing businesses to easily manage their devices.
No self-respecting security-conscious company uses email for confidential communications period.
But, there is a pretty significant selection bias that should favor Microsoft and Apple given the Exchange platform.
Our company (currently) uses gmail to host email. It is a great option if you pay zero for it, but most businesses should outgrow it when they need more flexible policy, archival, and discovery options. At that point, Exchange starts to become viable if you have metro ethernet for your internet access.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Wait, so… ZERO Android activations?
There isn't a need to activate a paperweight. It's just...a paperweight.
Originally Posted by AppleInsider
... iPad was dominant, representing 92.6 percent of new activations. In second was BlackBerry's PlayBook, with 5.3 percent, while Microsoft Surface came in third with 2.1 percent.
This is the price Amazon and Google pay for shipping spamtastic loss-leader Android padlets.
Not suitable for business because they would make your company look cheesy in user-facing
situations, and they're not powerful enough for road warrior employees to use for productivity.
The post-PC era has barely even begun, and only the fullness of time will reveal its effects.
But Apple certainly seems to be off to an extremely strong start.
The most shocking thing about these numbers is that the Playbook is listed at all.
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
Is it really that dire for anyone competing against the iPad that 92.6% domination of a market gets added at the end of the article?
Well, remember, this has nothing to do with anything. The percentage of iOS devices being used is a complete lie. As we all know, Android devices ARE being used—more than iDevices—just not being connected to the Internet at all for any reason at any time. So the numbers are skewed.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Well, remember, this has nothing to do with anything. The percentage of iOS devices being used is a complete lie. As we all know, Android devices ARE being used—more than iDevices—just not being connected to the Internet at all for any reason at any time. So the numbers are skewed.
It's not that they are being used unconnected, it's that people are buying them and not using them. According to Android enthusiasts and shills, Android tablets make up half the tablet market, or half the tablets owned are Android tablets, or something like that. They even post numbers that include the secret Amazon Fire sales numbers, including them in Android, even though they aren't Android. But, apparently, no one uses all these Android tablets at all, for anything, because they never show up in any usages stats, except maybe those for door stops.
"Intermedia manages more than 500,000 premium-hosted e-mail accounts with Microsoft Exchange."
Wow, and yet Windows devices are down to 2.6% for phones and 2.1% for tablets?
Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh
No self-respecting security-conscious company uses email for confidential communications period.
But, there is a pretty significant selection bias that should favor Microsoft and Apple given the Exchange platform.
Our company (currently) uses gmail to host email. It is a great option if you pay zero for it, but most businesses should outgrow it when they need more flexible policy, archival, and discovery options. At that point, Exchange starts to become viable if you have metro ethernet for your internet access.
Crap. With decent encryption, information security policies and a matching infrastructure email is as secure as most businesses need it to be.
No self-respecting security-conscious company would use a hosted exchange-based system at all. Period.
Android has clearly become the dominant firmware / embedded OS for mobile phones.
iOS seems pretty dominant (at least in the US) in the realm of mobile computing.
Another way to look at it is that the iPhone is really an iPad Nano that comes with a phone app.
Can you read this:
Didn't this so.
So whats it matter if you have gmail or anything else?