iPhone 5 launch propels Apple to 53% of US smartphone sales

in iPhone edited January 2014
The debut of the iPhone 5 sent Apple soaring to its highest share of sales the U.S. smartphone market ever, according to new data.

Market share

Kantar Worldpanel published its latest research on Friday, showing that Apple took 53.3 percent of smartphone sales in the U.S. over the last 12 weeks. That span includes the launch of the iPhone 5, which was the strongest start ever for an Apple handset.

Apple's gains were Android's losses, as Google's platform ? available on a range of devices from multiple manufacturers ? saw its share drop 10.9 percentage points year over year. Apple, meanwhile, surged, taking 17.5 percentage points more than in 2011

"Apple has reached a major milestone in the US by passing the 50 percent share mark for the first time, with further gains expected to be made during December," said Dominic Sunnebo, global consumer insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.

Research in Motion continued its fall, plummeting another 5.6 percentage points to take just 1.4 percent of U.S. smartphone market sales. Microsoft saw a slight gain, growing its Windows Phone sales 0.6 percentage points to 2.7 percent.

Outside of America, Samsung remained the top smartphone maker in Europe's five largest countries, taking a 44.3 percent share over the three-month span. Apple was in second with 25.3 percent of sales during the 12-week period.


  • Reply 1 of 89
    Go Apple.
    Today the US, tomorrow the Universe.
    Yes. That's right. USS Enterprise communicators will run iOS X.
  • Reply 2 of 89

    iPhone 5 launch plummets Apple stock to 53% of its earlier value



  • Reply 3 of 89
    South Europe, Latin America, and Eastern Europe are all looking ugly. Not sure why Cook does not understand that cheap customers today locked into Apple ecosystem would be his lucrative customers in future. And almost everyone buying cheap WP and Android today is likely lost by Apple for very long time.

    P.S. link to the full stats:
  • Reply 4 of 89

    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    And almost everyone buying cheap WP and Android today is likely lost by Apple for very long time.


    Two years (or less) of torture and adequacy, and then they move on. 

  • Reply 5 of 89
    who cares buy what you want bozo
  • Reply 6 of 89

    Denial from fAndroid users in ... 3 ... 2 ...1


    It's easy to say "But Android is outselling Apple" .. when almost-featureless phones are being given away on contract.


    In the UK you can get a Samsung Galaxy 3 phone for free on a 24  month contract (£26/month). Question is, what will the phones monetary value be at the end of the contract? If you ask nicely you can get an iPhone 5 (16gb) for about the same if you're renewing contract.


    As for the crap android handsets, dont expect software to work, or any upgrades or even security fixes, the carriers dont care about them, nor do the manufacturers

  • Reply 7 of 89

    But Android . . . winning . . . etc. 



  • Reply 8 of 89
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    jason98 wrote: »
    South Europe, Latin America, and Eastern Europe are all looking ugly. Not sure why Cook does not understand that cheap customers today locked into Apple ecosystem would be his lucrative customers in future. And almost everyone buying cheap WP and Android today is likely lost by Apple for very long time.
    P.S. link to the full stats:

    True. And all the customers, if locked in, continue to buy within the ecosystem. So even a customer who always buys cheap will spend money on iTunes etc. forever.

    I mean I am totally locked in and the new iTunes makes that even better. Everything is there now. In the cloud or not. All visible.
  • Reply 9 of 89

    2 things:


    - Apple would sell more devices if they had another model with a larger screen;


    - They need to make more(and more effective) ads for their products. Stupid people are thinking their phones are the best because they are quadcore and have bigger screens.


    I'm not kidding, the majority believes that a galaxy phone is the best phone, despite the fact that this makes the majority stupid and irrational people.

    If I say to someone that has bought a galaxy S3 that only someone stupid and ignorant would buy that phone... am I offending him, despite the fact that i'm only stating facts and have science/physics/comomn sense to back me up? 

  • Reply 10 of 89


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    2 things:


    - Apple would sell more devices if they had another model with a larger screen;


    - They need to make more(and more effective) ads for their products. Stupid people are thinking their phones are the best because they are quadcore and have bigger screens.


    I'm not kidding, the majority believes that a galaxy phone is the best phone, despite the fact that this makes the majority stupid and irrational people.

    If I say to someone that has bought a galaxy S3 that only someone stupid and ignorant would buy that phone... am I offending him, despite the fact that i'm only stating facts and have science/physics/comomn sense to back me up? 


    We saw it with Mac/Windows in the 90s... you can't fix stupid.

  • Reply 11 of 89


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    2 things:


    - Apple would sell more devices if they had another model with a larger screen;


    - They need to make more(and more effective) ads for their products. Stupid people are thinking their phones are the best because they are quadcore and have bigger screens.


    I'm not kidding, the majority believes that a galaxy phone is the best phone, despite the fact that this makes the majority stupid and irrational people.

    If I say to someone that has bought a galaxy S3 that only someone stupid and ignorant would buy that phone... am I offending him, despite the fact that i'm only stating facts and have science/physics/comomn sense to back me up? 

    It doesn't help Apple's cause to insult others in such a crass way. I'm on your side with Apple. But kindness in all things is best. It's certainly not worth creating conflict and ill-feelings just so you can speak your mind without any kind of social filter.

  • Reply 12 of 89

    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    I'm not kidding, the majority believes that a galaxy phone is the best phone…


    Then why isn't it rated the best by anyone?

  • Reply 13 of 89

    See it over and over. People wooed by the latest Android phone then come running back to iPhone after finding out how much Android sucks.

  • Reply 14 of 89

    Much as I would love to believe this report, I find it unlikely when every other report recently has shown Apple on a market share decline, this appears out of place.


    If it is true, then excellent, but I'd like to see some hard backing facts.

  • Reply 16 of 89

    You ought to update your document with better spacing.

  • Reply 17 of 89


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    You ought to update your document with better spacing.


    Done. Thank you.  :)

  • Reply 18 of 89

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Done. Thank you.  :)


    Oh! You edited. Must have been doing that while I was editing. I meant cut the lines in between the links and maybe do the images at the middle size setting. That way you can get them both on one line without breaking the horizontal formatting.

  • Reply 19 of 89
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member
    First and foremost, this stat is for this specific 12 week period.
    Second point, it really doesn't matter what the percentages are. Even if all Android handsets, were outselling all iPhones 10-1, developers would still be looking to the App store first, to sell their apps. It's been proven time after time, that iOS users, are actually paying for their apps and that's where they are more likely to make any money. This is significant for all the Apple doomsayers out there, since it guarantees iOS users future development in their favorite eco-system.
    Finally, iOS users are the ones actually connecting their devices to the internet and actually using them to do things. This also has been reported repeatedly. Despite Android's marketshare numbers, Google wasn't going to ignore iOS for maps, or any other of their apps, despite Eric Schmitz's ramblings.
    All this to say that units shipped/sold is a far less important statistic to Apple than any other manufacturer out there.

    But in the end, it does feel good once in a while to hear news like this.
  • Reply 20 of 89

    Just like how we can't fix hubris and arrogance.


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