Rumor: Fifth-gen iPad to debut in March with iPad mini design cues



  • Reply 81 of 203


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    They never have before. Now they're "not going to go six months", which I don't think is the right thing to do, at least yet.


    they just did, didn't they?  Was the 4th generation iPad released to get the iPad on a fall release schedule, or was it just a minor speed bump style update needed to update the connector.  I could certainly see Apple doing two releases/year for both the iPad, one major update, one speed bump update.  There are a lot of competitors, they want the iPad to stay out in front.

  • Reply 82 of 203


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Stop making it thinner. Put in an improved battery and more GPGPU power.


    IGZO displays may consume only around one third the power of current displays


    Sample -- 


    PowerVR's Series6 'Rogue' GPUs claim to be about 20 times more powerful than current GPUs --


    This promises to be 60 times more powerful --


    As with all Apple products, perhaps only these individuals knows how long to hold off until buying the best Apple product --

  • Reply 83 of 203
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    ... See, you and I? We're a dying breed. People demand it get thinner because their hands can't manage the thickness now. People demand it get lighter because they're too weak to hold anything heavier than an iPad mini.  ...


    You sure make a lot of dumb comments for someone so smart.  This whole line of reasoning is pure nonsense and entirely subjective, as I'm sure you know if you think about it for even a nanosecond.  I bet you are one of those idiots that drive an immense car like a Ford 5150 or a Hummer when you don't really need it also.  


    Anyone who seriously tries to argue that weight, thinness, and general portability are irrelevant design issues for a mobile, hand-held device ... is either an idiot or just some jerk capering around trying to make people angry.  Which are you?  


    These are obviously some of the central, and primary design criteria for such a device.  They obviously matter more than almost any other factor for such a device.  



  • Reply 84 of 203
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Pointlessly smaller?

    I guess you missed all the people who said that they like the size of the iPad Mini. And the reports that the iPad Mini was largely getting new customers rather than cannibalizing iPad sales.

    But TS says that it's pointless, so Apple should just discontinue the product. imageimage


    It's starting to look that TallestSkil just has a fetish for big things.  


    He/she likes the big fat iPod, and the big fat laptop etc.


    Perhaps in real life he's Leonard Nemoy.  

  • Reply 85 of 203

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Anyone who seriously tries to argue that weight, thinness, and general portability are irrelevant design issues…


    At no point did I say that, but go ahead and believe whatever you want, I guess.


    They obviously matter more than almost…


    Hey, look at that.

  • Reply 86 of 203
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Well, yeah. And I see twice a year for tablets, too. But not yet. ARM isn't moving fast enough.


    What does ARM have to do with this?


    Apple licenses the ISA, they design their own CPUs, no need to wait for ARM.


    The A7 could have a different GPU that can handle the Retina displays - no need for an 'X' variant later. It could also gain more CPU cores, faster memory bus, etc. There's a lot Apple could do with their SoC to set it apart from what they currently offer.

  • Reply 87 of 203
    Sweet merciful CRAP !!!!

    Now I don't hafta wait until friggin' October to dump this Mini that's been tiding me over until iPad5!!
  • Reply 88 of 203
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Every time a new iDevice comes out we have to listen to the outraged screams of those who bought the old model a month ago and now are stuck with an "obsolete" device. This would only make things worse. I swear some Apple fans are entitled, card carrying lunatics.
  • Reply 89 of 203
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by h3nrch View Post

    I'm all for fast iterations and accelerated product cycles but I wish someone would spend some time fixing all of the bugs in iOS.


    Yeah, iOS is totally unusable isn't it. Nothing works and guys like you obsess over its flaws.

  • Reply 90 of 203

    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    What does ARM have to do with this?


    Apple licenses the ISA, they design their own CPUs, no need to wait for ARM.


    Well, what happens when Apple has to start from the literal ground up when building their…


    Wait a minute, know what, I'm fine with that. I remember saying something about that many years ago—how designing their own architectures would be the final step in the control Apple loves so much. 


    Look, I don't believe it's not gonna happen; it's quite possible this is exactly what they're doing. I just don't think it's the best idea yet, given that there won't be very much change between lines anymore.

  • Reply 91 of 203


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    You sure make a lot of dumb comments for someone so smart.




    I'll keep saying it... TS is a troll throwing out click bait for AI.


    I notice you have a long list of people that you've placed on ignore. Do yourself a favor and add TS.

  • Reply 92 of 203
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    At no point did I say that, but go ahead and believe whatever you want, I guess. ...


    Oh come on!  You are always going on about the fact that the smaller devices have no reason to exist (although you have recently allowed that the iPad mini might be popular but even then only for it's price, not it's size). 


    You've made several posts in this thread alone to the effect that no one wants a small device, that they have no reason to exist, that smallness is a drawback and not a feature, that people are basically stupid to buy small devices, etc. etc. etc.


    It's like one of your main themes.  

    Then when someone calls you on it you deny it?  



  • Reply 93 of 203
    I'll keep saying it... TS is a troll throwing out click bait for AI.

    I notice you have a long list of people that you've placed on ignore. Do yourself a favor and add TS.

    None of that is accurate.
  • Reply 94 of 203

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    You are always going on about the fact that the smaller devices have no reason to exist…


    Nope. Otherwise I'd be against the iPhone and all iPods.

    You've made several posts in this thread alone to the effect that no one wants a small device…


    Nope. Reading those posts would tell you that.

    …that smallness is a drawback and not a feature…


    I've said that! You got one thing right, at least. I've also said that size too large is a drawback and not a feature. But then again, it's all or nothing, isn't it?

    …that people are basically stupid to buy small devices



    It's like one of your main themes.  


    This ain't 4th grade Literature class. If I have any "themes", it's stopping insanity.

    Originally posted by you, or someone else, five seconds after reading that


    Then when someone calls you on it you deny it?  


    I'll deny any lies said about me, sure.

    …etc. etc. etc.


    No, please, go on. You're making up nearly all of this; it should be a cinch to continue.


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    None of that accurate.

    Nor possible. ????

  • Reply 95 of 203
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mstone wrote: »
    Depends on your definition of perfect. In my opinion iPad is a collection of compromises. I do like my iPad mini and rarely use my iPad 3 but it is far from perfect. People who try to force the iPad into activities that it was never designed for like the "professional" wedding photographer guy, just make me laugh. iPad might be ok as a presentation device but I find it difficult to imagine importing huge RAW files for editing unless you are some sort of masochist. IPad is convenient only because it is lightweight and portable not because it excels at computing tasks.

    Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but EVERYTHING is a collection of compromises. Even if the iPad were half the weight, 10 times as fast, had 5 times the screen resolution and 20 times the battery life, there are still compromises involved. Why not make it 1/3 the weight and only 10 times the battery life?

    Design is all about good compromises. Apple has shown a masterful ability to choose the compromises which do not negatively affect usability. Every time someone complains about a missing feature or how an Apple product should be bigger or smaller or faster or thinner or have replaceable batteries or whatever, they're clearly missing the fact that doing those things means that something else has to suffer.

    They "like it more" because it's cheaper. Period. It's the exact same scenario as the iPod mini; $50 more netted you a ludicrously better device, and yet people bought the mini more than the regular iPod simply because it was cheaper.

    EVEN IF price were the only reason why people bought the Mini (which clearly isn't true if you read these forums), then the fact that it is smaller is what allows Apple to sell it for less - so it's not pointlessly smaller, anyway.

    Do you EVER admit you're wrong?
  • Reply 96 of 203


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    None of that is accurate.

    In your mind only.

  • Reply 97 of 203

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    EVEN IF price were the only reason why people bought the Mini (which clearly isn't true if you read these forums), then the fact that it is smaller* is what allows Apple to sell it for less - so it's not pointlessly smaller, anyway.


    Do we know this*? Doesn't sound right to me, particularly since we've seen a viable alternative both with the iPhone and the iPad itself. 


    Size isn't the only* factor in price, and quite often we see that smaller size increases, rather than decreases, price.


    *If you don't mean this, then I don't mean to impose the opposite on you; simply read it as a continuation of (and conditional agreement with) your point.

  • Reply 98 of 203
    gazoobee wrote: »
    You sure make a lot of dumb comments for someone so smart.


    I'll keep saying it... TS is a troll throwing out click bait for AI.

    I notice you have a long list of people that you've placed on ignore. Do yourself a favor and add TS.

    Or better yet, he could do us all a favor.
  • Reply 99 of 203
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Do we know this*? Doesn't sound right to me, particularly since we've seen a viable alternative both with the iPhone and the iPad itself. 

    Size isn't the only* factor in price, and quite often we see that smaller size increases, rather than decreases, price.

    *If you don't mean this, then I don't mean to impose the opposite on you; simply read it as a continuation of (and conditional agreement with) your point.

    You're right. The iPad Mini is far more expensive than the iPad 4. :no::rolleyes:

    *shakes head*

    Look at the cost factors:

    CPU - Mini uses an older (and presumably less expensive) CPU
    Screen - Mini uses a smaller screen with lower resolution. It will certainly be less expensive
    Battery - Mini's battery is smaller which makes it less expensive.
    Case - Mini's case is smaller and will be less expensive
    Motherboard - probably the same
    Flash storage - no difference
    Backlights - one backlight in the Mini compared to dual backlight in the iPad 4 (due to retina display)

    So how in the world would you conclude that the Mini would cost more to make than the iPad 4?
  • Reply 100 of 203
    Prediction - there will be a glut of iPad minis on eBay once a retina version comes out a year later than it should have to begin with. I returned one- the screen was awful. Better reading on an iPhone. I'm surprised it's selling so well. Must be preferred by the ladies.
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