Oracle's fix for zero-day Java flaw to be available 'shortly' [update: released]



  • Reply 41 of 45


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    Apart from that, I have a question that you people might know the answer to. My lady needs to have some database for her Doctorate in which she'll input objects (with fields such as "probably made under such or such King" or "was written about in such and such book"). She runs an iMac which has Windows and ML and an EEEpc which has Windows Professional.


    I've made her a MySQL database with OpenOffice as a front-end, but I'm not happy with the fact it forces her to only use her EEE... which obviously is much less efficient than the iMac.


    I'm wondering about writing her a small App for iPad (and getting her a Mini), which would sync via Dropbox to the equivalent on the iMac (I'd write that in Objective-C...). SQLite seems good enough for that, and while the SQLite databases tend to corrupt easily, I have a Time Capsule running that'd allow her to roll back in case of issue. However, maybe there already is some tool that offers the same type of functionnality (easy synch-ing, UI-oriented) and iPad/Mac based with a possible (ideally) synching to Windows?


    I couldn't find one myself, but maybe one of you is aware of such a tool?

    1. Probably your most flexible option is Filemaker Pro, it's Mac, Windows and iPad:

    2. If you wish a less complicated option with more pre-structured templates, check out "Bento", which is also at the Filemaker site.

    3. A lighter option would be "HanDBase", which has been structured for hand-held devices. It's been around for 15 years; it began on the Newton, if I recall, and has versions on Mac Windows plus iOS/ Android/etc. It also offers a library of user-made packages and templates:


    Try the HanDBase first if you prefer to roll your own and the focus is a hand-held device. Filemaker Pro is heavier, but fairly easy to use and not stupefying; Bento is a simplified or home/small office variant of FM Pro.



  • Reply 42 of 45
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    The Java preference panel on my OSX 10.8.2 installation says the update is available (as of 18:00 CST) and lists it as 7_11. However clicking the update button results in an immediate "download error." I'm assuming that Oracle's servers are quite busy right now.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    It's posted now. I couldn't get the Java control panel upgrader to work, so I just downloaded the release from Oracle and installed it.
  • Reply 44 of 45
    dshandshan Posts: 53member
    Well I was just notified by the Java 7 control panel that update 11 is now available for download, but the install fails at the beginning of the download phase every time I try to run it... Sigh.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by coffeetime View Post

    It's posted now. I couldn't get the Java control panel upgrader to work, so I just downloaded the release from Oracle and installed it.

    Me too.

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