'iPad 5' rumored to debut in Oct. with mini-like design, 'iPhone 5S' & plastic iPhone also coming [u

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
A new report claims to shed more light on Apple's 2013 product lineup, including a redesigned iPad that will take cues from the iPad mini, an updated "iPhone 5S," and a low-cost iPhone with a plastic body intended for developing markets [updated with new alleged details].

Update: A second report filed later Friday claimed the "star feature" of Apple's so-called "iPhone 5S" will be an improved camera ? potentially a 13-megapixel lens from Sony. Current prototypes are said to be identified as "N51" and "N53," and a July "target date" is reportedly in the company's plans. The alleged codename for the next iPad is "J72," while the second-generation iPad mini is "J85."

Update 2: In a separate report, Japanese site Mac Otakara cites sources as saying the "iPhone 5S" will feature a blue and white dual-flash setup with the current glass inlays of the iPhone 5 replaced by an aluminum part.

The details were published on Friday by Jeremy Horwitz of iLounge, who said he was given the opportunity to inspect a "supposedly accurate" physical model of Apple's fifth-generation iPad. He said the new device is expected to arrive in October ? about a year after the fourth-generation iPad debuted, and later than some recent rumors which had pegged a March launch.

iPad mini

Horwitz speculated that Apple will have to adopt new screen technology, like Sharp's IGZO panels, in order to achieve the "noticeably thinner" design he saw, which he characterized as a "stretched iPad mini."

"This iPad 5 design is so much smaller that a full internal redesign —?complete with a smaller, less power-hungry sequel to the A6X ??can be safely assumed," he said. "It wouldn't be a surprise to see the new iPad remain roughly on par with the fourth-generation model in processing capabilities, with the improved screen, dramatically lower size, and reduced weight becoming the key selling points."

Friday's report also offered fresh rumors on Apple's 2013 iPhone lineup, which will reportedly include an incremental "iPhone 5S" refresh with a larger rear flash.

The report also made mention of a new iPhone with a plastic body that would be targeted at emerging markets like China.

Finally, it was also mentioned that the so-called "iPhone Math" detailed in a report earlier this week may have been given its bizarre rumored name because of a mistranslation. It was instead suggested to Horwitz that the test device, which purportedly features a 4.7-inch screen, may instead be known as an "iPhone +" ? a device that may not make it to market, but was characterized as a "plan B" for Apple against big-screen Android handsets.


Friday's report largely aligns with what analyst Ming-chi Kuo of KGI Securities shared with AppleInsider last week. The analyst, who has a respectable track record in predicting Apple's future product plans, indicated that Apple plans to release a new "iPhone 5S," along with a redesigned iPhone 5, in the third quarter of 2013.

Around the same time he also expects Apple to debut a redesigned fifth-generation iPad, as well as a second-generation iPad mini with a high-resolution Retina display.


  • Reply 1 of 171

    You can be assured that if there is a cheap plastic phone, there is no way that Apple can restrict it to 'developing markets.' It'll also be the handset for kids or the less well-off in the richer countries.


    This is a path down which Apple should not want to go, and likely will not. So I am calling b/s on that part of the rumor.

  • Reply 2 of 171


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A new report claims to shed more light on Apple's 2013 product lineup, including a redesigned iPad that will take cues from the iPad mini, an updated "iPhone 5S," and a low-cost iPhone with a plastic body intended for developing markets.

    The details were published on Friday by Jeremy Horwitz of iLounge, who said he was given the opportunity to inspect a "supposedly accurate" physical model of Apple's fifth-generation iPad. 


    This rumor of no side bezels on the 9.7" iPad simply doesn't seem credible. There's little to no benefit, and the ergonomics would be bad, to say the least. It just doesn't pass the smell test.


    I think he's been duped, which leaves the rest of his rumors less than credible, too, as a result.

  • Reply 3 of 171
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member

    Only thing that makes sense is the iPhone 5S which we all already knew was coming.


    iPad 5? Some of what he said makes sense, but I don't think Apple is going to ditch the bezels, unless the iPad 5 is as light as the Mini (not likely).


    Plastic iPhone? No.


    iPhone +? "Plan B" against Android? Now he's just making stuff up.

  • Reply 4 of 171

    Redesigned iPhone 5?


    [I still say that we are going to see updates or new models to the iPhone between March and June (most likely June)... not September - October.]

  • Reply 5 of 171
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You can be assured that if there is a cheap plastic phone, there is no way that Apple can restrict it to 'developing markets.' It'll also be the handset for kids or the less well-off in the richer countries.


    This is a path down which Apple should not want to go, and likely will not. So I am calling b/s on that part of the rumor.




    Not event the iPod Shuffle is plastic. Why would a cheaper iPhone be plastic?

  • Reply 6 of 171


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You can be assured that if there is a cheap plastic phone, there is no way that Apple can restrict it to 'developing markets.' It'll also be the handset for kids or the less well-off in the richer countries.


    This is a path down which Apple should not want to go, and likely will not. So I am calling b/s on that part of the rumor.


    Yeah, BS all around on this one.

  • Reply 7 of 171


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    ... iPad 5? Some of what he said makes sense, but I don't think Apple is going to ditch the bezels, unless the iPad 5 is as small as the Mini (not likely). ...


    There, I fixed it for you. The rumor is nonsense

  • Reply 8 of 171

    no plastic, no fragile material, please .... I want something ROBUST


    A bit like Klingon design :




  • Reply 9 of 171
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I don't know about that prediction chart.


    Does it makes sense for Apple to release basically everything in Q3? I mean, it's not like we're likely to run into any supply or production issues right? Because that certainly hasn't happened before. Just for the sake of conversation, let's say that the chart is real.


    So basically, there aint crap happening in Q1 and Q2. And when Q3 comes, everything will get updates, and Apple won't be selling as much as they can, because supply will be constrained and production not fully ramped up. So what is there to look forward to then, from an investor's point of view? I can already see the headlines that I'll be reading in the coming months and for 2013.

  • Reply 10 of 171
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,106member
    blackbook wrote: »
    iPad 5? Some of what he said makes sense, but I don't think Apple is going to ditch the bezels, unless the iPad 5 is as light as the Mini...

    Unless Apple has advanced alien technology that throws out basic mass/matter principles, a full-size iPad will never be as light as a mini.
  • Reply 11 of 171
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member
    Seems odd to release the new iPad and iPhone at nearly the same time. Spacing them out by about 6 months seemed like a good strategy. Makes it easier for many people to buy both. But if they are released together people have less expendable cash to make both purchases and also less incentive to scratch the itch of wanting a new toy compared to being released 6 months apart.

    Also noticed they didn't include a new Mac Pro on that chart. I am ready to upgrade mine and hope it will be this quarter.
  • Reply 12 of 171
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member

    It's really not clear from this or the original article whether he was "examining" something from Apple or a third party mock-up.  And what the heck does "examining" mean anyway?  Was it a physical thing or a render?  Really poor explanation skills all around.  


    Seems to me he's talking about a render based on inside information, but made by a third party instead of by Apple.  


    Otherwise he would have "handled" it instead of "examined" it, and it would be just what it is, not "supposedly" anything. 

  • Reply 13 of 171
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    anonymouse wrote: »
    This rumor of no side bezels on the 9.7" iPad simply doesn't seem credible. There's little to no benefit, and the ergonomics would be bad, to say the least. It just doesn't pass the smell test.

    I think he's been duped, which leaves the rest of his rumors less than credible, too, as a result.

    We'll see.
  • Reply 14 of 171
    Obviously a new iPad will debut this year thinner and lighter. Bezels I predict will be shrunken but not down to mini sizes.

    They may up the ante buy producing a newly resigned (outside as well as inside ) phone year after year but unlikely at this point.

    The most needed upgrade is an iOS overhaul.

    I've said it before but an iOS that can be swapped on the fly via a settings button, from the one we know and love to a more advanced iOS with a new aesthetic and optoions similar to androids offerings would be ideal.

    This way they can still market to the casual mainstream and people familiar with current iOS and slowly introduce a newer more more robust iOS.

    On a gentic level I can imagine they'd be the same core design but just a different look abd feel and more customizable OS.

    Still apple controlled but just loosen the reigns a bit to add more features than wallpaper customizations as well as video multitasking and ect.
  • Reply 15 of 171
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Yeah, BS all around on this one.


    I could see it being real in the context of being a project to investigate the possibilities of such a device, but I sure hope they don't pull the trigger and actually start to sell it.  

    Just put a damn phone in the iPad already is my advice, or actually put some f*cking work into "transforming the industry" and stopping the stranglehold the cell companies have over us all.  Apple gets major kudos for everyone for doing this but in fact they haven't actually done it at all (transform the industry).  They've caved in to the cell companies on almost every front. 


    It's not only still the same old expensive shell game, it's worse, because the cell companies are all making massively more money, and their businesses are all twice as profitable on unit sales and on contract sales, yet the contract prices are the same as they were when only one person out of a hundred thousand customers needed a data contract.  This is obvious gouging at best.  

  • Reply 16 of 171


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    We'll see.


    Obviously. Was there some other point besides the obvious?

  • Reply 17 of 171


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I could see it being real in the context of being a project to investigate the possibilities of such a device, but I sure hope they don't pull the trigger and actually start to sell it.


    I could see it being "real" in the context of flushing out leakers. Otherwise, not.

  • Reply 18 of 171
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by StephanJobs View Post

    ... I've said it before but an iOS that can be swapped on the fly via a settings button, from the one we know and love to a more advanced iOS with a new aesthetic and optoions similar to androids offerings would be ideal. ...


    This is unlikely to be even possible given the horsepower of the average iPad/iPhone at the moment but even if it was it's easy to see that this is something that only the tiniest percentage of the market would actually want.  

  • Reply 19 of 171


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You can be assured that if there is a cheap plastic phone, there is no way that Apple can restrict it to 'developing markets.' It'll also be the handset for kids or the less well-off in the richer countries.


    This is a path down which Apple should not want to go, and likely will not. So I am calling b/s on that part of the rumor.

    a5, 3.5inch (my guess) or 4 retina, similar iPod-touch design, 8 gb, 249 or 299. What's your problem? at 299 it has at least 50% margins. Development and research are done, machinery is ready, supply is strong, BOM should be less than 160, much less (the new iPhone is at most 260 BOM, right?).


    This is the device between 20% market share and 40%.

    A 5inch phone is the device between 20% market share and almost 30%.


    Together this is the difference between 20% market share and go head on against Android. Apple cannot do it otherwise, no matter what. They must also sign new manufacturing contracts and "not keeping up with demand" cannot happen again, for so much time.


    You guys should not talk about his subject, you have no idea about the reality of the world outside the US. 

  • Reply 20 of 171
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    I could see it being "real" in the context of flushing out leakers. Otherwise, not.


    I tend to disagree, but I'm far from sure.  


    It seems to me like the cheap no-contract phone is an obvious choice given that other manufacturers are making that exact choice.  So for Apple to investigate it as a possible option (but then wisely never do it) is completely reasonable IMO. 

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