Microsoft sells out of Surface Pro, just like the Zune HD did in 2009



  • Reply 61 of 178


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    At some point you'll want to come up with an actual argument.


    This is the day when a person is a troll for believing it in the first place. Pretend you're "pointing things" out all you want. It's just funny.


    7 billion people in the world; I guess it makes sense there's more than one completely clueless one.


    Every app you launch, every site you visit, every magazine you read on an iPad... was built, coded, designed, buy someone on OSX of Windows... iOS is a toy, for the same reasons Crayons are not art supplies... 


    yes, I rather be with the "clueless" and "trolls" who stick with OSX and a Windows Surface. I do not waste my time using a tablet with iOS, it is simply not good enough.

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  • Reply 62 of 178
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    [SIZE=10pt]Windows 8 is smaller... And has more... Do your homework... Surface Pro has Hyper-V....  and all of the other Win8 Pro features...  Yes.. a Surface Pro does not come with Office... But a MBA 11" does not come with Office...  During the last 5+ years Windows has been modernized and optimized more than OS X.  Win8 is smaller than Win7 which is smaller than Vista.  Is Mt Lion smaller than Lion? Or Snow Leopard?  Yes the Surface Pro has a recovery partition to allow a user to easily reset their device... Does the MBA 11" come with a recovery USB drive or does it require a phone home download?  My friend's $$$ MBP 15" did not come with a recovery partition or a recovery USB...  Think Different....[/SIZE]

    1) Again, OS X is smaller than Windows 8 Pro. This is not debatable.

    2) Parrotting the marketing term Think Different is anything but thinking different. You might want to start with just the word Think before you pos again.
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  • Reply 63 of 178

    Wow, this is my first, and last visit to   I got here from a news link from Google.   The article was so-so, one has to expect some bias from an Apple fan site. 


    Though when I started reading the comments I realized that many posting here are quite immature. 


    I'll be leaving now, not to return. 


    I know I won't be missed, but do realize that comments like these hurts readership at your site and reduces it's journalistic value.


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  • Reply 64 of 178
    hftshfts Posts: 386member
    I always wondered about the anti comments aimed at the iPad, it's a toy it can't run Office, etc.
    I didn't know the definition of a power user was a nerdy accountant type that loves playing with his rows and columns in Excel. Yippee now I know.
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  • Reply 65 of 178
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member


    Originally Posted by novarunner0105 View Post

    Are you so insecure that you need to keep repeating the same BS?

    The Surface Pro is a different class of device.  The Surface RT was also a different type of device.

    Didn’t Apple have an Ad campaign called “Think Different”?


    I have a iPad gen 1, a iPad gen 3, a Samsung Series 7 Slate, Nooks, Kindles, and a Surface RT.

    Ever since getting my Surface RT, I have used my iPad less and less each week.  The letterbox aspect ratio, Flash Player and kickstand make it the best device to watch Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant Watch, and etc…  Having a memory expansion slot to put a 64GB memory card into, a USB port to add a better keyboard\mouse into, and a HDMI port make it a great travel device… And it has Office built in!

    Can my iPad do that? No.



    Now the Surface Pro is another “different” device.

    Microsoft uses the Surface Pro’s hard drive to store it “recovery disk”.  If you remove the “recovery disk”, the Surface Pro has more free disk space than a MacBook Air 11” 64GB or 128GB model.  The Surface Pro has a better screen than the MacBook Air 11”.  The Surface Pro has the battery life that is similar to a MacBook Air 11”.  It has a display port adapter, a USB 3 port, a MicroSD slot, and a mysterious adapter that could allow an external battery or more…

    But the Surface Pro also has a digitized Pen with several levels of pressure sensitivity.  So Creative people can load their favorite Wacom driven tool on the Surface Pro and have tons of creative fun…

    Come on people think different.. 

    Uh oh. You catalogued your iThings in your criticism to appear balanced. Clearly a troll.

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  • Reply 66 of 178
    hftshfts Posts: 386member
    Window surface, it's the best tablet I have used while not being a laptop, also the best laptop I have used but its not a tablet.
    This abomination will soon sink. It doesn't know what it is, it has a keyboard (have to pay extra although advertised sneakily as its major advantage), a track pad (most probably awful), a mouse, a stylus, and you can even use your fingers, although the Office apps are not very touch-friendly. Why not include a punch-card reader.
    In laptop mode it can't be used on your lap, so it's not really a laptop is it?
    You have to put it on a flat surface and then position yourself at the required distance as the kick stand sits at only one angle. It can only be used in landscape mode when using the keyboard.
    Does it switch effortlessly between landscape to portrait and back again, I heard it doesn't.
    It has a fan to help cool it down, but you may still get burnt if you somehow managed to get it on our Lap.
    It's thick, ugly and weighs a ton. This is fail on so many levels.
    But it does run Office, so please ignore everything I just wrote. It's truly a fantastic machine.
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  • Reply 67 of 178


    Originally Posted by novarunner0105 View Post

    Are you so insecure that you need to keep repeating the same BS?

    The Surface Pro is a different class of device.  The Surface RT was also a different type of device.

    Didn’t Apple have an Ad campaign called “Think Different”?


    I have a iPad gen 1, a iPad gen 3, a Samsung Series 7 Slate, Nooks, Kindles, and a Surface RT.

    Ever since getting my Surface RT, I have used my iPad less and less each week.  The letterbox aspect ratio, Flash Player and kickstand make it the best device to watch Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant Watch, and etc…  Having a memory expansion slot to put a 64GB memory card into, a USB port to add a better keyboard\mouse into, and a HDMI port make it a great travel device… And it has Office built in!

    Can my iPad do that? No.


    Now the Surface Pro is another “different” device.

    Microsoft uses the Surface Pro’s hard drive to store it “recovery disk”.  If you remove the “recovery disk”, the Surface Pro has more free disk space than a MacBook Air 11” 64GB or 128GB model.  The Surface Pro has a better screen than the MacBook Air 11”.  The Surface Pro has the battery life that is similar to a MacBook Air 11”.  It has a display port adapter, a USB 3 port, a MicroSD slot, and a mysterious adapter that could allow an external battery or more…

    But the Surface Pro also has a digitized Pen with several levels of pressure sensitivity.  So Creative people can load their favorite Wacom driven tool on the Surface Pro and have tons of creative fun…

    Come on people think different.. 


    Ignoring for a minute that your gushing praise reads like advertising, you do realize that "Think Different" is an expression of Apple's corporate philosophy, right? Microsoft's philosophy is "Who do you want to destroycopy today?" hmm... 


    It's laughable that you think Microsoft deserves to wear the "Think Different" mantle. For what? Surface Pro? Ha! Thanks for the lulz. You think this is different? Surface Pro is the same old song and dance from Microsoft, going back to the 1990s. It's Tablet PC version what--4.0? 5.0? Tablet PC, now with more Metros? Do you think a garish Start screen full of animated clip art will hide the ancient Windows desktop UI that Microsoft feels is appropriate for a tablet experience?

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  • Reply 68 of 178


    Originally Posted by hfts View Post

    I always wondered about the anti comments aimed at the iPad, it's a toy it can't run Office, etc.

    I didn't know the definition of a power user was a nerdy accountant type that loves playing with his rows and columns in Excel. Yippee now I know.


    It's pretending that Office matters to all of the people who bought an iPad anyway, because why else would anyone buy a tablet?

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  • Reply 69 of 178


    Originally Posted by novarunner0105 View Post

    Windows 8 is smaller... And has more... Do your homework... Surface Pro has Hyper-V....  and all of the other Win8 Pro features...  Yes.. a Surface Pro does not come with Office... But a MBA 11" does not come with Office...  During the last 5+ years Windows has been modernized and optimized more than OS X.  Win8 is smaller than Win7 which is smaller than Vista.  Is Mt Lion smaller than Lion? Or Snow Leopard?  Yes the Surface Pro has a recovery partition to allow a user to easily reset their device... Does the MBA 11" come with a recovery USB drive or does it require a phone home download?  My friend's $$$ MBP 15" did not come with a recovery partition or a recovery USB...  Think Different....


    ^^^^ This. Doesn't even know what he's talking about...

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  • Reply 70 of 178
    I guess if they are all sold out, I'll have to pop next door and buy me an iPad..;-)
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  • Reply 71 of 178

    Simplest explanation is usually the best and the simplest explanation is MS fans are running to buy and try one, but come tomorrow it will be a day as usual.

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  • Reply 72 of 178
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/155891/microsoft-sells-out-of-surface-pro-just-like-the-zune-hd-did-in-2009#post_2274657"]I use both OSX and iOS, and they're each good for certain purposes. 

    The fact that iOS is not fully featured like OSX is what makes the iPad so great. Had Apple first released the iPad running a full OS X, it would have been a disaster, IMO.

    It makes it so great... for what? You cannot run Photoshop on it. You cannot run Illustrator on it. You cannot run Aperture on it. Aren't these popular tools for creative talented professional people?

    It is great for what you can do on it, but everything certainly you cannot.
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  • Reply 73 of 178
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    hfts wrote: »
    I always wondered about the anti comments aimed at the iPad, it's a toy it can't run Office, etc.
    I didn't know the definition of a power user was a nerdy accountant type that loves playing with his rows and columns in Excel. Yippee now I know.

    Out of curiosity. What is your definition of power user, in terms of common software tools.
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  • Reply 74 of 178
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    agramonte wrote: »
    No, it is something that will be continued to be said over and over gain - and labeling those who say it as simple trolls is not only idiotic but ineffective unless you are 12

    I did 2 years at SNK as a digital retoucher -  I think I can make Adobe work on a 10 inch screen running 1920X1080 (specially with a full sensitive stylus built in) - without the need of having it dumb down to touch. call me crazy

    I would expect that you can also plug SP to, say, 24" or larger desktop screen and use built in screen as digitiser only... and still be able to take it with you away and use it without external screen, with a bit of claustrophobia, but nevertheless.

    There are some new usage scenarios that such device opens, and I agree that is it actually new class. Some people will laugh. Some always do. Heck, I grinned when iPad was released. Oversized iPod Touch? Same functionality, bigger screen? For what? And look at it now. So I took my humility pills and got one for my mom two years ago. She'll get new one this year.

    My problem with SP is lack of proper dock connection. You know the scenario: bring SP to work, put it on dock, and you suddenly have keyboard, mouse, network connectivity, large screen and charging. Take it off and you are free. That USB3 port might be able to help with decent USB dock - you can get display-over-USB, lan-over-USB, and kbd/mouse are USB... but I'm yet to see such decent USB dock. Those I had experience with were all fiddly and a bit buggy - could not wake up screen from sleep, things like that.

    However, this is first generation Surface Pro and I think that start is encouraging. I wouldn't expect iPhone lines, but some lines appear to have happened:

    Two separate things that occasionally cross my mind:

    Next generation of Intel CPUs is expected to improve power consumption dramatically - Intel themselves have hinted so many times. Updated SP (SP2? The new SP?) will have this tech, and dock could appear as an option as well. Most business-grade Windows PCs do have dock option, it is not like MS is not aware of that. In short, major hardware shortcomings of SP can be sorted within 2013.

    But I'm still not convinced MS really wants to be major player in hardware field. Yet. I said, back in SRT release days, that my opinion was: MS is setting a template for OEMs to follow, both in RT and Pro tablet market. A quality you get for the price. If your junk is made of cheap plastic, it will have to be cheaper than THIS. If your product is well made, you still will not be able to overprice THIS, unless you put in some creativity and add some extra features. It also gives MS tool to control that segment. Look, Surface Pro went down $150. What will OEMs do with their products? Adjust their price, of course.

    I still think that is, in this moment of time, main MS goal. After all, this is first REAL computer hardware from MS (keyboards and mice are peripherals). Sure, if it turns to be runaway success, appetites might grow. But for now, I see it as guideline for all Acers, Asuses, Lenovos and Dells of the world. A message. This is what we expect from you to offer. If you cannot or do not, don't bother.

    Thus I am not convinced that right now, number of released/sold SPs really is the most important. This is only one device from emerging number of x86 tablets. I think that already every major player has one at least. Sony with that weird slider. HP with Envy X2 (or whatever they call it). Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2. I am pretty sure Acer, Asus and Samsung have some as well. Don't know about Dell. But then, I didn't really look for them - above mentioned caught my attention. There likely are more that didn't. But my point is - this is make-it-or-break it for x86 tablets and fully blown OS in tablet form. SP is only one piece on the board.
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  • Reply 75 of 178
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    And here's the downside of being a cheerleader like DED. When your team is doing well, that success rubs off on you. You can bask in the glory of backing the right team.

    The problem is that you don't actually have any effect on the game. When your team starts losing, your desperate attempts at cheer-leading just come across as pathetic.

    Heavens knows how DED is going to cope when it's more than just Apple's stock price that's doing badly.
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  • Reply 76 of 178

    The moment Paul Thurrott opens his mouth is the moment I stop believing any such statements...

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  • Reply 77 of 178
    hftshfts Posts: 386member
    nikon133 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity. What is your definition of power user, in terms of common software tools.

    Any body that does not use Office. That is my definition. Is that good enough for ya?
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  • Reply 78 of 178
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    Lets not forget the Surface RT sold out too.  Of course Microsoft never provided sales figures.  And lets see, when Apple has a hard time meeting demand we're told it's because they purposely constrained supply, to artificially create demand.  Let me guess, the pro MS tech sites won't be doing that.  They'll write stories about how Apple and iPad are doomed. image

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  • Reply 79 of 178
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    Reading some of the comments on Engadget, people who called Best Buy and Staples stores were told they had at most 3 128GB in stock.  Some places had less than that.  Not hard to sell out in that case.

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  • Reply 80 of 178
    ceek74ceek74 Posts: 324member
    woweezowee wrote: »
    This feels like Surface RT all over again.

    2 months from now, MS will quietly half-announce that the Pro is a major flop. Microsoft zealots will ignore it like they did the RT, since the Surface Pro+ is the REAL main event!! The Pro was just a proof of concept/consumer model/just something for the holiday season/just establishing the Surface Pro brand, you see. The Surface Pro+ is the one everyone wants, and will finally get Microsoft back on top!!! You'll see!!!!

    I'm waiting for the Surface Pro+ Triple-Platinum "Badlands" edition. That one's gonna ROCK!!
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