Microsoft sells out of Surface Pro, just like the Zune HD did in 2009



  • Reply 101 of 178
    ZDNET is the only major outlet that gave this POS a positive review. ZDNET calls it a "no compromise" device while every other objective review called it a "'no-compromise' device with far too many compromises". The difference between MS and Apple is that Apple actually creates no compromise devices that are the best at what they do. Apple has no trouble throwing away things like memory cards, USB ports, etc. in order to create an eminently thin, light device. MS feels that as long as their device has the "specs", people will kludge around a brick and try to re-create a desktop computing experience on tablet. MS has thus created a device that may be jack of all trades, but is certainly master of none. This is not a winning strategy.
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  • Reply 102 of 178


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Rather, MS should build a NEW Office from the ground up using only the features that most users need and simplifying the interface so that it's a simple, clean, tablet-read app. And they need to be prepared to sell it at the price that has become standard for tablet apps - no more than about $10 per app or $30 for the suite. If they did that, they would find themselves back on top with Office everywhere. 

    This is the key point. But doing so would mean killing off one of their two software cash cows. They can't, in other words.


    They're in a bind, and do not know what to do get out it. The only option they really have is their own tablet that achieves iPad-like success, hence the Surface. But everything so far points to a sad, Zune-like fail.

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  • Reply 103 of 178
    "apple like lines" ? I guess Samsung is busy making comercials to make fun the surface pro?

    Pro looks nice but not sure if I want to carry extra weight and live with short battrey life for using MS Word or other MS apps which i use only a few Times a week.

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  • Reply 104 of 178
    I get the sense that MS supporters are desperate in their desire to make the SP seem like it is great and the next logical step in mobile computing. The purported positive and differentiator of running legacy windows software rarely seems to be offset by the fact that they're then trying to work on an overly high res screen that requires scaling to make text and even cursor use possible, which of course also requires the use of a mouse.

    And the fact that their new "laptop" doesn't work well on a lap is something that should be forgiven. Or that the weight and wide format, which is made to be used in landscape only mode, makes it a poor choice for tablet-style handheld use. Should we discuss cost? Whether it is compared to PC's or competing Apple products, it is NOT a good value, but lets just keep making excuses for MS, shall we?
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  • Reply 105 of 178
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    This is the key point. But doing so would mean killing off one of their two software cash cows. They can't, in other words.

    They're in a bind, and do not know what to do get out it. The only option they really have is their own tablet that achieves iPad-like success, hence the Surface. But everything so far points to a sad, Zune-like fail.

    I don't think it's that bad. They could introduce an Office Light for tablets and continue to sell the full Office for PCs. As long as they maintain good file compatibility, that should work without damaging their cash cow.
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  • Reply 106 of 178
    jmc54jmc54 Posts: 207member

    When you're only given 3 or 4 of the the things, and they "sell Out" you can claim huge customer response! sold out! working feverishly to re supply! Can this get any more pathetic. how does Ballmer keep his job?


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  • Reply 107 of 178


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    They could introduce an Office Light for tablets and continue to sell the full Office for PCs. As long as they maintain good file compatibility, that should work without damaging their cash cow.

    But that might contradict MS's positioning of the "Surface Pro" as a fully-functional PC in tablet/touch form.


    Also, as an aside, I am generally suspicious of apps with the suffix 'light' ('lite') attached to the name.

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  • Reply 108 of 178

    I am happy Apple Insider took notice of a Microsoft tablet and felt compulsion to diss on their "feature" column. Never underestimate the insecurity and longing for validation of the self proclaimed "creative" types.

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  • Reply 109 of 178
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    c|net already has stories up about how the Surface will force Apple to create an "iPad pro" to compete.  Even though we have no information on sales or returns for Surface. image

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  • Reply 110 of 178
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by morzee94 View Post

    This article has been written very harshly, which is fine if it's an opinion piece but not when it is supposed to be a news piece. The PS Vita didn't do as well as sony hoped but still 7 million units is hardly a flop and by 2011 Blackberry were still selling an awful lot of Bolds especially in the UK where it is still the number one smartphone among young people which was probably why it was sold out. I'm a regular reader and Apple fan but this article's tone just seems a bit out of character of AI which is normally fair in it's editorials.


    You criticise the article for slant, but some of what you say here yourself is total fantasy.  Besides which, the UK is practically a third world market nowadays.  Everything that's cheap is booming over there of course, but that's why Android is doing much better than Blackberry. 

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  • Reply 111 of 178

    Microsoft did not break out the Windows 8, or Surface RT numbers, instead they threw them in the all-inclusive Windows sales category. Same tactic the banks used in selling mortgage derivatives. I think they will do the same for the Surface Pro. Eventually these numbers that sound good, will be glossed over in Ballmer's next "Epic" speech....

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  • Reply 112 of 178
    solipsismx wrote: »
    For a tablet the battery life sucks but if you compare it to the 11" MBA it does well. It's a schizophrenic device at best but when you look at the battery as a component I think you also need to look at the other components which puts it squarely up against the 11" MBA.
    Well, that's why I bought the 13" Air. X^D (It's basically halfway between an iPad and the MacBook Pro, IMHumO.)

    Now I'll wait for the Haswell chips before getting a Retina Macbook. I need the horsepower for my audio apps! (Live et al...)
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  • Reply 113 of 178
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Not even one reasonable rebuttal. image


    I would say by the tone of speech, the metaphors used and the general bad grammar that this is actually just a kid.  

    It may be an adult who is ESL or perhaps developmentally disabled I guess, but whomever it is they certainly aren't any good at logic or debate so there isn't much point talking to them IMO.  

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  • Reply 114 of 178


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post


    1) If you think an iPad is for work, well - not much can be done about that.

    2) I'm sure that the "limited" can feel that there is such a thing as non fart apps for an ipad (just like to some Crayons are art supplies) but I would disagree

    3) Really?... that is just nonsense.

    4) You missed the "geared to the common" part of my statement.

    5) you did see that it comes with a full sensitive stylus (you never seen a mac being used with a Wacom?) and it is a PC so any mouse will work - I did not know you needed an i7 quad core to run Indesign, photoshop and code sites... oh wait, you do not... what you do need is an OS... so glad that the specs for specs sake has trickled down from the PC world.

    Dude, get a clue.

    1.  Microsoft has been losing big time because of its failures in tablet and smart phone markets.

    2.  Nothing has changed. Microsoft is still stuck in PC mode and will continue to lose.

    3.  Fit for work or not, MIcrosoft can only wish it had  the iOS ecosystem.


    I believe the Surface RT and Pro devices will fail because they don't offer anything better.

    People bought a few because they are curious.  All the reviewers out there can not recommend the products.  Ever wonder why?


    Wake up and smell the coffee will ya?

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  • Reply 115 of 178
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    ... If they simply port Office to the Surface (or Android or iOS), it will be a disaster. The apps have grown so large and feature-filled, and complex that they'd be a disaster on tablets. Rather, MS should build a NEW Office from the ground up using only the features that most users need and simplifying the interface so that it's a simple, clean, tablet-ready app. And they need to be prepared to sell it at the price that has become standard for tablet apps - no more than about $10 per app or $30 for the suite. If they did that, they would find themselves back on top with Office everywhere. ...


    I tend to agree with this.  I think this is exactly the strategy that Microsoft needs to take after the inevitable firing of Balmer and re-organisation of the company.  


    The counter argument posed by some that this will "destroy one of their cash cows," is, I think, specious.  If Office was available on iOS it would not help Microsoft's tablet strategy, but their tablet "strategy" is just smoke and mirrors.  They don't really have a tablet strategy, or a desirable tablet/mobile OS.  The Surface is a hybrid laptop not a tablet, and "Metro" just isn't popular with anyone outside of businesses either.  


    Additionally, the presence of Office on other platforms besides Windows, is not really a threat to Windows itself because Windows is pretty awful and unpopular as a consumer operating system and always has been.  It's sales and it's market share have soared *despite* it's undeniable un-popularity and un-desireability.  Most regular Windows users know this and will admit it if cornered.  Everyone knows Windows sucks, it's just "what everyone uses."


    Windows sales are and always have been focussed on the Enterprise and on business in general.  This is Microsoft's main customer and almost everything about Windows and Office (the two cows) is aimed at those business users. This is actually their only strength moving forward.  iOS might be "catching on" in the enterprise, but only a little bit and only for casual use.  Those Windows desktops that every office is currently filled with, have amazing "stickiness."   It will be many years before those desktops could ever be replaced by OS X or iOS devices.  This is Microsoft's locked in market for the time being.  Windows PCs will continue to sell because business is their main market, not consumers. 


    They can make an Office for consumers that runs on the latest mobile OS's without losing Windows sales because Windows sales to the consumer are already flying out the window en masse.  It's already a lost market.  

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  • Reply 116 of 178


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    c|net already has stories up about how the Surface will force Apple to create an "iPad pro" to compete.  Even though we have no information on sales or returns for Surface. image

    They already have it's the macbook air.

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  • Reply 117 of 178


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Uh... Every car I drive was made by an assembly line. Every PC I use was assembled by a human. So cars and PCs are 'crayons' too?

    Yes, you are embarrassingly clueless.


    trust me - by your statement I'm not the clueless one.


    Every car you drive were designed by Engeniers and Industrial designers - they were checked by electrical engeniers and built of 3d models and sometimes even clay by artist that spent years training long before it hit an assembly line.


    That is the problem - you think the "assembly line" is where the bar is set - it is not - just like where people are using iPads to do "work" in a corporation is no where near the top of things being created of value.

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  • Reply 118 of 178


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    c|net already has stories up about how the Surface will force Apple to create an "iPad pro" to compete.  Even though we have no information on sales or returns for Surface. image


    C|Net is clueless.

    The Surface Pro Device is not a Pad.  It is a compromised NetBook.  


    1.  The base OS uses too much of the flash storage.  (Compromise)

    2.  The PC desktop mode requires 150% display magnification to be usable.  (Compromise)

    3.  So it has the CPU of a laptop and terrible battery life...  (Compromise)


    Take a look at the MacBook air to see why Apple will not use laptop CPU in its tablet lines.

    Apple makes it's own SoC for the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV they will get faster and faster over time and will continue to be ARM based.


    Time will tell.

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  • Reply 119 of 178


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    Dude, get a clue.

    1.  Microsoft has been losing big time because of its failures in tablet and smart phone markets.

    2.  Nothing has changed. Microsoft is still stuck in PC mode and will continue to lose.

    3.  Fit for work or not, MIcrosoft can only wish it had  the iOS ecosystem.


    I believe the Surface RT and Pro devices will fail because they don't offer anything better.

    People bought a few because they are curious.  All the reviewers out there can not recommend the products.  Ever wonder why?


    Wake up and smell the coffee will ya?


    The people who need to wake and smell the coffe are the ones who think the Tablet is going to stay in the Silly iOS and Android Mickey Mouse world it is in today. 

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  • Reply 120 of 178

    And it will turn out to be as successful as the "Zune" as well.  LOL!!!

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