Google steps further into the hardware fray, announces touchscreen Chromebook Pixel



  • Reply 141 of 228


    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post

    Has anyone seen a mention of who is building the Pixel?  I haven't seen any manufacturer's name attached, so I have to assume it's being made by Motorola.

    That's a good question. If you are right, it would be the device that Motorola is making for Google since the acquisition. About time they give some love back to the family.

  • Reply 142 of 228


    Originally Posted by Hakime View Post

    Google is charging $1,299 for a web browser and try to sell it as a MacBook knock-off. What's wrong with them?

    It may be an expensive device for what it does but it would be untrue to say they are selling it as a MacBook knock-off. Stay honest.

  • Reply 143 of 228


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Seems to me this is just Google designers wagging their tails wanting to show that they can do a premium laptop too.  But most people are looking at it as $1300 for a glorified web browser.  And only 5 hours battery life.  This has FAIL written all over it.  Plus I personally think the retina MacBook looks nocer and more polished.  Maybe Google was looking for more of an industrial look but I think it looks too industrial.  And I don't like the boxy feel.  Reminds me of laptops from 5+ years ago.

    Just because people with limited knowledge look at it as a glorified web browser doesn't make it true. This may well turn out to be a failure, but you can comment like one of those ignorant people. Or you could comment fairly and learnedly. Your choice.

  • Reply 144 of 228

    This is worse than Surface Pro... Over $1000 browser base laptop... I guess Google stock price way too high and management start spin themselves.

    Microsoft will say thanks Google, create and lunch the product higher price than Surface Pro.

  • Reply 145 of 228
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    karas11 wrote: »
    This is worse than Surface Pro... Over $1000 browser base laptop... I guess Google stock price way too high and management start spin themselves.
    Microsoft will say thanks Google, create and lunch the product higher price than Surface Pro.

    I think it raises the question of how little Google thinks of the Ultrabook type machines if this is their interpretation of the idea. Or maybe they think too highly of ChromeOS for their own good.
  • Reply 146 of 228
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    kdarling wrote: »
    No, that's what Google charged advertisers.  As for me, I think Google search, maps, email and all the other services I use and depend on all year, are well worth the $30 ( I think I google more than average) or so they made off showing me ads. 

    If I was worried about private info, then I'd be even more worried about using iOS devices and iTunes / App Store, since they have my credit card info along with access to my credit history, media favorites, app choices.  

    Credit card can be a concern. But Google has a good chunk of your browsing history, search history, plus all of your email sent to your gmail account. They might even have tied to your profile any emails you sent to gmail from other accounts. Any site that you visit that uses any of Google's services are also available to them. You're in their analytics and their ad services from several different directions.
  • Reply 147 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Just because people with limited knowledge look at it as a glorified web browser doesn't make it true. This may well turn out to be a failure, but you can comment like one of those ignorant people. Or you could comment fairly and learnedly. Your choice.

    I can confidently say fail when even the google fanboys on c|net, Engadget, the Verge, etc. are laughing at this.  Maybe Google will have the last laugh in the end, but what's the compelling reason to buy this over a retina MacBook Pro or an Ultrabook with a hi res display?  I just don't see it.

  • Reply 148 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by karas11 View Post

    This is worse than Surface Pro... Over $1000 browser base laptop... I guess Google stock price way too high and management start spin themselves.

    Microsoft will say thanks Google, create and lunch the product higher price than Surface Pro.

    Between this and the uber expensive google glasses I'm not sure what Google is thinking.  

  • Reply 149 of 228
    rogifan wrote: »
    Between this and the uber expensive google glasses I'm not sure what Google is thinking.  

    We can Apple, too!
  • Reply 150 of 228
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Between this and the uber expensive google glasses I'm not sure what Google is thinking.  

    That makes five hardware products. With that, and a few accessories, maybe Google can stock a chain of mall kiosks and call them Google Stores.
  • Reply 151 of 228

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That makes five hardware products. With that, and a few accessories, maybe Google can stock a chain of mall kiosks and call them Google Stores.


    Pop them up outside Apple Stores in malls like all those Rosetta Stone kiosks.

  • Reply 152 of 228

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    BFD, I don't care because I have nothing to hide. I went to my office and I allowed Google to take note of my location. I went to the mall and they updated my location. How does this harm me?


    It's amazing that anyone actually still says this.  The "I have nothing to hide" argument has been debunked repeatedly over the years.  You have only to do a quick search for ( "nothing to hide" argument ) to find dozens of writeups explaining why that's BS.  Please read at least a couple.  People have different comfort levels of what they're willing to share, but everyone has things they don't want shared with others.  If you really mean what you say, please post a naked picture of yourself here in your response, along with your address.  Both of those are innocuous, right?  We'd all find it entertaining, I'm sure.  Later you can include a valid CC# as well.  We'll see if you have nothing to hide.


    Beyond the stupid arguments (both ways) above, you're conflating secrecy and privacy.  I believe you're an intelligent dude from most of your posts here over the years, you really need to read up on this topic before making silly statements like the above.  Here's just one (widely respected) article: Please do the courtesy of reading it before replying.


    Ads? Who cares about ads? I just ignore them.


    You're right on one hand, i.e. who gives a shit about the ads?  Because it's not about the ads, it's about the data collection that underlies them.  Google says you can disable profile-based ads, but they never allow you to disable the actual data collection and analysis of your personal data.  Never confuse what you see publicly with what's happening behind the scenes.


    I never send anything via gmail that is confidential.


    I bet you're mistaken.  Do you carefully use different email addresses for different purposes?  Email is so pervasive that it's hard to imagine you don't send confidential information all the time.  Do your doctors and dental offices have your email address?  If so, Google has cataloged those relationships, along with every appointment, questions to your caregivers, responses from your caregivers, etc.  Do you see your dentist every 6 months, or do you fudge?  Google knows.  Did you wish your friends a happy birthday recently?  Now google knows their birthdays, and probably their ages.  Do you never talk about anything personal over email about friends and family?  Really??

  • Reply 153 of 228

    Is the Pixel's display an IPS or a TN panel? TN switches quicker, but its physically limited to 6-bits a channel RGB, which means all kinds of dithering tricks etc. are used to fake 8-bits so manufacturer can say "24-bit color." Everybody does that with TN displays, including Apple with Airs and older MBP's for years. But this thing is allegedly supposed to go play in Retina league. Can anyone confirm if its a TN or IPS panel?


    Everybody and their dog piled on Apple for using Intel i5/GMA4000 to drive 13" rMBP, but the Pixel has more pixels using a ULV part running 600Mhz slower. Half the RAM? No storage? (you get a terabyte of Google-cloud for three years so they can mine your data after you pay them for the terminal to acquire it. Yay.)


    Where's the Droid Boys making fun of "overpriced" Retinas now?



  • Reply 154 of 228
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    The next "platform war" is going to be wearable tech. It will be Google's glasses v. Apple's wristband. And maybe Microsoft's underpants, going by their recent track record.


    A laptop that only runs a browser doesn't make sense because you will probably be wearing something with a browser. Laptops will still be around but they will be for work-like apps.

  • Reply 155 of 228
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Blah64 View Post

      If you really mean what you say, please post a naked picture of yourself here in your response, along with your address.  Both of those are innocuous, right?  We'd all find it entertaining, I'm sure.  Later you can include a valid CC# as well.  We'll see if you have nothing to hide.


    I never send anything via gmail that is confidential.


    I bet you're mistaken.  Do you carefully use different email addresses for different purposes?  



    You've made some good points about privacy. What I meant is I really don't worry about anything I have shared with Google being revealed because it isn't worth much in my opinion. As far as the email is concerned: Yes I do use different emails. As I mentioned I don't use gmail for anything other than to interact with Google. I have a corporate email for business and a .me address for personal use.

  • Reply 156 of 228
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member

    TheVerge has a lengthy article on one of Google's other hardware products, Google Glass. Nice to read what an outside user has to say about his experience with them.


    EDIT: For those that don't read the article, one of the big selling points is that Google Glass is iPhone compatible.

  • Reply 157 of 228
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    hal-9000 wrote: »
    <span style="line-height:1.231;">Is the Pixel's display an IPS or a TN panel?

    It is IPS.

    ascii wrote: »
    The next "platform war" is going to be wearable tech. It will be Google's glasses v. Apple's wristband. And maybe Microsoft's underpants, going by their recent track record.

    A laptop that only runs a browser doesn't make sense because you will probably be wearing something with a browser. Laptops will still be around but they will be for work-like apps.

    Wearable computers might be very alien to Apple. They might have to change their modus operandi to allow for a lot of variety in sizes, shapes, looks because apparel is so varied.
  • Reply 158 of 228
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Had they pulled a leaf from Amazon's playbook and priced it at $500 or less to get the entry into their ecosystem as widely spread as possible I could see some rational reason for it.

    But at $1500? No, none at all.
  • Reply 159 of 228


    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post


    Aren't all laptops going to have touchscreens in the near future?  Apple is making OS X more touch-ready with every update (launchpad, full-screen apps, gestures on the trackpad, etc.).  I can't wait to buy the first MacBook Touch or whatever they call it.


    There's no reason to think they will. And, it's a mistake to confuse "gesture friendly" with "touch-ready". One does not equate with the other.

  • Reply 160 of 228
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    Had they pulled a leaf from Amazon's playbook and priced it at $500 or less to get the entry into their ecosystem as widely spread as possible I could see some rational reason for it.

    But at $1500? No, none at all.

    They want to be known as a premium product just like Apple. Even the Google Glass is going to be over a thousand bucks.

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