Samsung design chief talks plastic and software, says future is in devices with 'souls'



  • Reply 41 of 219
    philgarphilgar Posts: 93member
    Am i the first one to state the obvious: who cares what the device is made of!!! The vast majority of samsung and iphone users have cases on there phones, and done rally notice the material its made of. Were talking about de oces that cost over half a grand without rebates (well over that in the case of the iphone 5). Youd be stupid not to put a case on it. It doesnt matter how resilient the device is, they break. I was horrified to watch my new iphone 4 fall from my gym locker just weeks after it was released (thankfully apple replaced the screen for $100). After that ill never keep a phone without a case. In general i never see people with bare iphone of s3s. So why does anyo e really care what there phone is made of. Unless you really want to admit your phone isnt about functionality, but i jst a status symbol.

  • Reply 42 of 219
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    Not focusing on hardware [B]says the hardware manufacturer.[/B]
  • Reply 43 of 219
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    Give the phone a soul says the company [B]with an OS called Android.[/B]
  • Reply 44 of 219
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member

    If focusing on services means integrating more or less useless apps into OS, then they have not disappointed me: they remained good old Samsung...


    What amazes me is how Apple allows them to  place series of product lines without any clue of whatsoever, when Apple should be game changer and product line introduces. It is a great shame for Apple that they lure customers out with such vain company like Samsung, loosing long-term market share over it...

  • Reply 45 of 219
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    philgar wrote: »
    Am i the first one to state the obvious: who cares what the device is made of!!! The vast majority of samsung and iphone users have cases on there phones, and done rally notice the material its made of. Were talking about de oces that cost over half a grand without rebates (well over that in the case of the iphone 5). Youd be stupid not to put a case on it. It doesnt matter how resilient the device is, they break. I was horrified to watch my new iphone 4 fall from my gym locker just weeks after it was released (thankfully apple replaced the screen for $100). After that ill never keep a phone without a case. In general i never see people with bare iphone of s3s. So why does anyo e really care what there phone is made of. Unless you really want to admit your phone isnt about functionality, but i jst a status symbol.


    I don't consider myself stupid, and indeed have dropped my 5 (bought without subscription, paid $1170) yet don't put it in a case. I think they all are made of plastic or leather. Besides, what's the point of a thin phone if you're going to put it in a case where it becomes thicker?
  • Reply 46 of 219
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by philgar View Post

    Am i the first one to state the obvious: who cares what the device is made of!!! The vast majority of samsung and iphone users have cases on there phones, and done rally notice the material its made of. Were talking about de oces that cost over half a grand without rebates (well over that in the case of the iphone 5). Youd be stupid not to put a case on it. It doesnt matter how resilient the device is, they break. I was horrified to watch my new iphone 4 fall from my gym locker just weeks after it was released (thankfully apple replaced the screen for $100). After that ill never keep a phone without a case. In general i never see people with bare iphone of s3s. So why does anyo e really care what there phone is made of. Unless you really want to admit your phone isnt about functionality, but i jst a status symbol.



    Sorry , but you are very wrong here. I work in a team of developers, not small, where only 2 phones are represented: iPhone and Galaxy. ALL EXCEPT ONE Galaxy don't have original screen glass that is not broken. Samsung owners are not exclusively prone to drop their phones on hard surfaces. THeir phones break in pockets as well, where iPhones doesn't.


    If you pay a great deal of money on portable device, physical quality DOES matter..

  • Reply 47 of 219
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    I don't consider myself stupid, and indeed have dropped my 5 (bought without subscription, paid $1170) yet don't put it in a case. I think they all are made of plastic or leather. Besides, what's the point of a thin phone if you're going to put it in a case where it becomes thicker?


    Cases on iPhone give protection agains scratching and other physical damage by dropping. They don't need protection against bending. Plastic phones do, but there is no acceptable size rigid protective case that can beat iPhone unibody design. iPhone glass will not break by bending. iPhone are of unprecedented physical quality.

  • Reply 48 of 219
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    poksi wrote: »
    iPhone are of unprecedented physical quality.

    I'll say! I dropped it, 3 feet onto a marble floor. It has a little dent on the top, right, back, only noticeable if I show it to someone. The phone is a brick, and I mean that in a good way! And how I love the headphone jack at the bottom; I don't need to flip over the phone when I take it out of my running shirt during a bicycle ride.
  • Reply 49 of 219
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Here's an amusing little photo for you all:


    IPad, 1st Gen.

    Dropped three foot off a table dresser onto this TV stand.

    Left a gouge in the wood about 4mm deep.

    And the iPad?

    Not a damn scratch.
  • Reply 50 of 219
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    gtr wrote: »
    Here's an amusing little photo for you all:

    IPad, 1st Gen.

    Dropped three foot off a table dresser onto this TV stand.

    Left a gouge in the wood about 4mm deep.

    And the iPad?

    Not a damn scratch.

    A slam-dunk device, for sure ¡
  • Reply 51 of 219
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Function should always dictate form and in the case (quite literally) of Samsung's Galaxy series of devices, the use of Polycarbonate allows for devices that are lightweight, impact resistant, durable and more efficient to manufacture.


    I guess you missed the dropping test  video compared the durability of iPhone 5 and Galaxy SIII, by the guys from Android blog nonetheless. It's a shame that your spin is just fall flat on the face. :)

  • Reply 52 of 219
    umrk_labumrk_lab Posts: 550member

    Pathetic declarations, which indeed do not deserve site coverage ...


    But at second thought, somewhat funny to see what Apple competitors can invent to justify their poor design choices.


    In that respect, I look forward to Ballmer's statements about Microsoft Surface future ....

  • Reply 53 of 219
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    You are soul, Dennis Miloseski you ARE SOUL, Samsung has plenty like you.



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    "Please, no! Don't throw me away after six months! I… I know my successor is out already and I can't have the newest software, but PLEASE!"




    btw, here is a picture of a Sony Xperia Z taking a picture of your post, a phone that is every bit as good as the Samsung Galaxy S4.


    5" 1920x1080 screen - check

    12 Megapixel camera - check

    Quad core & LTE - check

    Eleventy Billion in marketing - doh!




    It's in my hand now and I can sell them now.


    No lump at the back where the camera is.


    Dropping it in water won't kill it.

  • Reply 54 of 219
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    hill60 wrote: »
    ^ above pic

    Wow. Sony phone taking a picture of a Microsoft product, displayed on a Samsung screen. Quality post ¡
  • Reply 55 of 219
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Step 2: remove Google's soulless, ad-revenue-hoarding "profit layer," and create a "Samsung fork" of Android.


    It's not a fork, it's a "hub".

  • Reply 56 of 219
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by hfts View Post

    It's pretty much of a yawn device, an almost identical copy of its predecessor, but has 8 cores...


    ...only if you don't want LTE.


    Remember when LTE was the reason Android phones were better than iPhones?

  • Reply 57 of 219
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    hill60 wrote: »
    ...only if you don't want LTE.

    Remember when LTE was the reason Android phones were better than iPhones?

    And don't forget that you can only ever use 4 of the cores at any on time.
  • Reply 58 of 219
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by hfts View Post

    Sometime I think these trolls are people like hair dressers, accountants and hole diggers, 


    What happened to baristas?

  • Reply 59 of 219
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    I don't consider myself stupid, and indeed have dropped my 5 (bought without subscription, paid $1170) yet don't put it in a case. I think they all are made of plastic or leather. Besides, what's the point of a thin phone if you're going to put it in a case where it becomes thicker?


    These aren't bad:-


  • Reply 60 of 219
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by Kimk69 View Post

    I 2nd that. To much already with the samscum.

    Rename the site if this is what it's changing to.

    There is such a possibility of not visiting a site you don't like, rather than demanding a change.

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