Apple TV 5.2.1 update includes redesigned Hulu interface



  • Reply 21 of 61
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Sigh, as usual an update that only benefits the US customers. Come on, role out some local content in the UK or elsewhere for once!!!!!!


    Indeed.  So totally sick of hearing about all the stuff that AppleTV has when outside of the USA it has virtually nothing at all.  


    I find it hard to believe that with all the updates lately they haven't done anything about the hideous interface.  When it isn't outright ugly, it's just tiresome.  


    The very least they could do is make it work like the new iTunes UI so you could at least see the content better.  Right now it's like using a giant iPod from the 90's ... lists, within lists, within lists, all in f*cking text.  It looks like hell.  


    While they are at it, they could let the Netflix UI designers (the only service you *can* get outside of the US), in on the fact that closed captioning and subtitles are not the same thing.  

  • Reply 22 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    tylerk36 wrote: »
    I would have gotten HULU Plus if they would have eliminated the adds.  I think that is what the appeal should be.  Paid services that eliminate adds.  What a concept.

    You say that, but you say that with an implication of it being the same price as it is now without the ads. Consider why they have the ads and add a reasonable monthly fee to the price of Hulu Pius to make it add free? Would you pay for it then? I think a lot of people would then say it costs too much.
  • Reply 23 of 61
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    And now you think you're a genius for coming up with that? That's exactly what cable was originally and it seems that it was not a very profitable idea.


    It was actually plenty profitable.  It only changed when the cable companies and networks obtained a monopoly.  


    This is why cell phone contracts cost 5 to 10 times more than they should at the moment.  The carriers have a monopoly.  


    Monopolies are the giant flaw in Capitalism that no one ever wants to mention or do anything about.


    Well one of the giant flaws anyway.  image

  • Reply 24 of 61
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    You say that, but you say that with an implication of it being the same price as it is now without the ads. Consider why they have the ads and add a reasonable monthly fee to the price of Hulu Pius to make it add free? Would you pay for it then? I think a lot of people would then say it costs too much.


    Seems to me you are criticising the poster for assuming certain things about costs by arguing your own assumptions about costs.  Neither one of you really knows the actual costs and we can't ask the networks as they will obviously lie about it. 


    Here's my estimation: 


    Hulu is the most "premium" deal we have in this new digital reality and the kind of package they offer is roughly the same as one set of three "premium" TV stations offered by my local cable company.  These kind of packages run about $15.00 a month in my area and are considered to be vastly overpriced.  


    We don't get Hulu in Canada so I have no idea what it costs, but if it costs more than 10-15 bucks a month it's clearly a rip-off IMO.  


    I mean all you have to do is imagine the immediate future where Hulu has lots of competing "channels" digitally available through the AppleTV.   If you have to pay even ten bucks a piece you would quickly end up paying far far more than just regular old cable TV, even with a premium subscription to all the channels and several add-on packs.  


    These new digital channels like Hulu deal with a much higher volume of users and they deal with them directly, so a lot of that payment you make to the cable company now isn't held back in any way.  Considering the increased savings to the owners and the increased volume, lower distribution costs etc. they should really be on the order of five bucks a month or less.  

  • Reply 25 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    Seems to me you are criticising the poster for assuming certain things about costs by arguing your own assumptions about costs.  Neither one of you really knows the actual costs and we can't ask the networks as they will obviously lie about it.

    My comment has nothing to do with costs as Hulu is not a non-profit organization. I thought I was crystal clear on taking their profit from ads and moving it over their subscription fees to make up the difference.
  • Reply 26 of 61
    oomuoomu Posts: 130member
    Useless in France
  • Reply 27 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    massconn72 wrote: »
    I'll be damed if I will pay for Hulu plus when I already have a Direct TV account with a hard drive that will do 5 shows at once. what would be the point? Plus I can blow through ALL of the commercials and sorry companies. I do!

    There's a lot of content on there not available on cable.
  • Reply 28 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    It was actually plenty profitable.  It only changed when the cable companies and networks obtained a monopoly.  

    This is why cell phone contracts cost 5 to 10 times more than they should at the moment.  The carriers have a monopoly.  

    Monopolies are the giant flaw in Capitalism that no one ever wants to mention or do anything about.

    Well one of the giant flaws anyway.  :)

    I think you need to brush up on the definition of monopoly, the word you're looking for is oligopoly.
  • Reply 29 of 61


    Originally Posted by oomu View Post

    Useless in France

    I think you guys in places in the UK and France need to find out why this sort of an update is "useless" (or doesn't happen) there.


    Is it Apple, or is it your local content providers and ISPs?

  • Reply 30 of 61
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I think you guys in places in the UK and France need to find out why this sort of an update is "useless" (or doesn't happen) there.


    Is it Apple, or is it your local content providers and ISPs?

    Hulu isn't available outside of the US (except with vpn).  With Apple's international sales contributing well over 50% to their revenue one would think that they would start adding interrnational functionality to the ATC.

  • Reply 31 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    tjwal wrote: »
    Hulu isn't available outside of the US (except with vpn).  With Apple's international sales contributing well over 50% to their revenue one would think that they would start adding interrnational functionality to the ATC.

    I don't think that answers his question. Let me try this another way: What local content providers would you like to see Apple add to the Apple TV that other vendors with media appliances have added to their devices?
  • Reply 32 of 61
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    It was actually plenty profitable.  It only changed when the cable companies and networks obtained a monopoly.  


    This is why cell phone contracts cost 5 to 10 times more than they should at the moment.  The carriers have a monopoly.  


    Monopolies are the giant flaw in Capitalism that no one ever wants to mention or do anything about.


    Well one of the giant flaws anyway.  image

    I think the cable companies suck but you can't blame it all on them. The content guys (Disney/ABC, FOX, CBS) suck too because they charge a lot too. Oh yeah, the NFL, college football, NBA, MLB suck too for charging billions to carry their games. So yeah, many giant flaws. </rant>

  • Reply 33 of 61

    I was hoping that the new Redbox streaming service would show up with the 5.2.1 update.  Nope.

  • Reply 34 of 61
    According to Apple's support website, the 5.2.1 update adde support for Music in the in Japan and Israel, and "includes improvements for software update, subtitles, and general performance."
  • Reply 35 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    coffeetime wrote: »
    I was hoping that the new Redbox streaming service would show up with the 5.2.1 update.  Nope.

    I think Xbox has the exclusive for now.
  • Reply 36 of 61
    davendaven Posts: 721member

    I may be a minority but I use my ATV for watching Netflix and Youtube.  The great thing about watching youtube using the Apple TV is that you don't get all the forced Google advertising.  I really resent all the advertising Google puts on youtube videos watched over the web.  Really Google, the content provided to youtube is free.  It doesn't cost much at all for Google to host the videos.  Google is laughing all the way to the bank thanking all those people who uploaded their work for free.

  • Reply 37 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    daven wrote: »
    I may be a minority but I use my ATV for watching Netflix and Youtube.  The great thing about watching youtube using the Apple TV is that you don't get all the forced Google advertising.  I really resent all the advertising Google puts on youtube videos watched over the web.  Really Google, the content provided to youtube is free.  It doesn't cost much at all for Google to host the videos.  Google is laughing all the way to the bank thanking all those people who uploaded their work for free.

    They have to recoup that $1.65 billion somehow.
  • Reply 38 of 61
    We have this ATV update in the UK too, but we don't have Hulu.
    So what's the point to updating in the UK?
  • Reply 39 of 61
    "'Sigh, as usual an update that only benefits the US customers. Come on, role out some local content in the UK or elsewhere for once!!!!!!"

    Spot on M8! Even the lowly Wi has BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, and the other free UK catch up services - the iOS apps have already been written so it's just perverse not to include them. Well done Saarek for pointing this out!
  • Reply 40 of 61
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,563member
    I think you guys in places in the UK and France need to find out why this sort of an update is "useless" (or doesn't happen) there.

    Is it Apple, or is it your local content providers and ISPs?
    Well other set top boxes like the Roku have the functionality. So it's just Apple.

    Of course if they simply opened an App Store this problem would disappear over night.
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