Apple TV 5.2.1 update includes redesigned Hulu interface

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
As part of its iOS update released on Tuesday, Apple pushed out a new software build for the Apple TV set-top box, which includes a "brand new style" for the integrated Hulu Plus service.

Apple TV

After iOS 6.1.3 and Apple TV 5.2.1 were released on Tuesday, Hulu provided an update on its official blog noting that the new Hulu Plus experience on Apple TV ames to make it "even easier to find your favorite current season TV episodes and discover a new favorite show."

"Right away, you?ll notice we?ve added content categories across the top navigation bar to make it easy to for you to jump to your chosen section ? whether it is TV, Kids, Latino, Search, or something else," the company said. "Inside each category, you?ll discover what?s new in our content library so it?s easy to discover new shows and keep up with the shows you already love. You can also jump into your favorite shows right away with the 'Shows You Watch' tray. We built this to make sure you never miss a new episode or lose your place in a series."

The updated feature found included with Apple TV also allows users to quickly start playing the latest episode of a series by simply pressing the "Play" button. And users can hold down the "Select" button on their Apple TV remote while a clip is playing to access subtitles.

Hulu Plus is a subscription TV service that provides content from top broadcast networks ABC, NBC, Fox, the CW and Univision. It's available with "limited advertising" for $7.99 per month.


  • Reply 1 of 61
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member
    I wonder if the "limited advertising" on Hulu Plus is worth making their subscribers feel like suckers for paying for content that still gets interrupted by ads.
  • Reply 2 of 61
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,545member
    Sigh, as usual an update that only benefits the US customers. Come on, role out some local content in the UK or elsewhere for once!!!!!!
  • Reply 3 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jakeb wrote: »
    I wonder if the "limited advertising" on Hulu Plus is worth making their subscribers feel like suckers for paying for content that still gets interrupted by ads.

    Feel much less of a sucker than when I see ads on cable TV which cost considerably more and has many more commercials.
  • Reply 4 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    edit: Pipped by [B]dasanman69[/B]. Should have been more laconic.
  • Reply 5 of 61

    The overwhelming majority of people subscribe to cable which costs 10 times more on average with far more ads.  So the people who subscribe to Hulu Plus are the smart ones in my opinion.  Current full season episodes at a much cheaper cost with far less ads.


    It amazes me how some people think it is somehow out of the ordinary to pay for content with ads. Quite the opposite actually especially with TV content.

  • Reply 6 of 61
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member


    Originally Posted by jakeb View Post

    I wonder if the "limited advertising" on Hulu Plus is worth making their subscribers feel like suckers for paying for content that still gets interrupted by ads.

    Don't leave out people that pay at movie theaters, DVD & Blu-ray, magazines. Heck even the movies themselves have product placement, a form of ads. We are just a world of suckers.

  • Reply 7 of 61
    Good points about comparison to cable. I am one of the grumblers and I stand corrected.

    I cut the cord a long, long time ago and when I do come back to "TV" it'll be via Hulu, NetFlix or Amazon Prime. The fact that I love Apple products makes me lean towards an Apple TV and the continual improvements do make a difference in my decision making.
  • Reply 8 of 61
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member


    Originally Posted by jakeb View Post

    I wonder if the "limited advertising" on Hulu Plus is worth making their subscribers feel like suckers for paying for content that still gets interrupted by ads.



    Cable companies used to sell you cable on the premise that there was no advertising. Then you started getting limited advertising. Now the ads are on par with broadcast TV. People keep paying.


    With Hulu Plus, I don't mind paying for the current season content that has limited advertising. My objection, is 1) I don't want to have advertising in past season content I can get ad free for the same price on Netflix, and 2) I am unhappy about how Hulu Plus keeps increasing the amount of advertising. It used to be something like 4 commercials per show and less for older shows. Now it is like 6 or more commercials for some shows. 


    What also is annoying about Hulu Plus is it used to be you could get entire past seasons for most shows, now lots of shows don't offer past seasons, and the current season doesn't have the entire season available. 

  • Reply 9 of 61
    unicronunicron Posts: 154member
    Sounds like this further kills any chances of an ATV3 hack.

    "Impact: A local user may be able to determine the address of structures in the kernel"

  • Reply 10 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    unicron wrote: »
    Sounds like this further kills any chances of an ATV3 hack.

    "Impact: A local user may be able to determine the address of structures in the kernel"

    Each update will likely add better security but I think the full kernel ASLR came with iOS 6.0 and the iPhone 5 was still jailbreakable, right?
  • Reply 11 of 61
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member


    Originally Posted by Unicron View Post

    Sounds like this further kills any chances of an ATV3 hack.

    "Impact: A local user may be able to determine the address of structures in the kernel"



    I gave up on waiting for hacks, so I sold my ATV3 and bought a Roku3, mainly for the ability to watch Amazon Prime Instant Videos (plus the wealth of other apps available). I can still access my movies/music/pictures from my MacBook Pro via the Plex on the Roku, so I'm a happy camper. 

  • Reply 12 of 61
    betsy2betsy2 Posts: 10member
    Agreed, seems no difference for UK users!?
    Iplayer, 4od etc would be nice, save having to use sky, Ps3 or mirroring!
  • Reply 13 of 61
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member


    Originally Posted by jakeb View Post

    I wonder if the "limited advertising" on Hulu Plus is worth making their subscribers feel like suckers for paying for content that still gets interrupted by ads.

    I would have gotten HULU Plus if they would have eliminated the adds.  I think that is what the appeal should be.  Paid services that eliminate adds.  What a concept.

  • Reply 14 of 61
    Please. Just stop watching f**king television -- do something useful.
  • Reply 15 of 61
    At least with cable I can fast forward through the commercials.
  • Reply 16 of 61


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    Please. Just stop watching f**king television -- do something useful.

    Really! :)


    I cut the cable cord 4 years ago...and I really miss it. Even though I have saved a lot of money!


    I particularly miss the sports, golf, tennis and Formula One, especially.


    Trying to watch anything online is slow and choppy.


    I'm seriously considering reconnecting, much as I hate to give Cocks Cable my hard earned money! :)

  • Reply 17 of 61

    Where is my Amazon Prime Viewer??

  • Reply 18 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Please. Just stop watching f**king television -- do something useful.

    How is TV not useful? It's an amazing medium that has done nothing but grow in amazing ways far beyond what people imagined in the century it has existed. I find synchronized video and audio delivery to our home an amazing invention that has helped to not only connect us with our cultures and society, but with the world at large. Sure, there is often a lot of time wasting content and BS *cough* FOX News *cough* to deal with but as a medium I see no reason it should be berated unless we also want to say "Just stop using the fucking Internet — do something useful."
  • Reply 19 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    tylerk36 wrote: »
    I would have gotten HULU Plus if they would have eliminated the adds.  I think that is what the appeal should be.  Paid services that eliminate adds.  What a concept.

    And now you think you're a genius for coming up with that? That's exactly what cable was originally and it seems that it was not a very profitable idea.
  • Reply 20 of 61
    I'll be damed if I will pay for Hulu plus when I already have a Direct TV account with a hard drive that will do 5 shows at once. what would be the point? Plus I can blow through ALL of the commercials and sorry companies. I do!
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