Rumor: 'iPhone 5S' components to ship in May ahead of 3Q launch



  • Reply 21 of 61
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    2nd gen — 3G (named for the cellular radio being added; there was no iPhone 2 nor iPhone 3)

    6th gen — 5 (named because it came 2 generations after the first 4)

    The only constant has been adding an 'S' at the end of a new model using the same body styling which is why these rumours are using that name hence my statement their naming scheme hasn't exactly been logical. It's illogical for you to point out a single constant and then declare that there entire naming scheme has followed the same, consistent patten when it clearly hasn't.

    But back on point, iPhone S5 looks odd for marketing when the two characters are so similar in their base design.

    ah....some subtleties are lost on most...... S5 versus 5S......yes they are similar....iPhone 5s but if you do not capitalize the "s" then it just goes away.....

  • Reply 22 of 61
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post


    As long as you can set it to either display email or phone only messages as I will always have new emails, but would be interesting to see I have a new VM on my phone at a glance. 


    Good thinking!  

    I would love to see some kind of message indicator light. One that could be user programmed for either text, VM or email. It would be nice to be able to glance and my iphone without having to pick it up to see if i had a message. 

  • Reply 23 of 61


    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    ah....some subtleties are lost on most...... S5 versus 5S......yes they are similar....iPhone 5s but if you do not capitalize the "s" then it just goes away.....

    or... VS...  image

  • Reply 24 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Barley View Post

    I often wonder why they don't make the home button screen based and lightly shaded, and move the speaker up to be diagonally on the edge of the screen and case. This would make room for a bigger screen on the existing 4s sized phone.


    Because that sounds like a really bad idea. Also for reasons of usability and symmetry.

    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post

    I predict that Apple will drop the numbering as they did the iPad. 


    They didn't when they should have so why would they any other time?

  • Reply 25 of 61
    alphafoxalphafox Posts: 132member
    give me a wider screen. The end.
  • Reply 26 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by alphafox View Post


    give me a wider screen. The end.



    Nonsense. The end.

  • Reply 27 of 61


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    They didn't when they should have so why would they any other time?


    Well, from what I've read on here, Apple is unpredictable, so anything can happen at any time.

  • Reply 28 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Well, from what I've read on here, Apple is unpredictable, so anything can happen at any time.


    Should've known not to try to apply one set of logic to an Apple product release. image

  • Reply 29 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    bleh1234 wrote: »
    That is so cool. That will chop samsung on its knees when its tiime for the next galaxy s phone.

    I didn't even notice I switched them. Apple clearly cares about marketing. Do you think they will allow any ambiguity with the '5' and 'S'? I guess they could use the lowercase 's' as geekdad notes, or perhaps go back to the 's' in the square like they did with the 3GS.
  • Reply 30 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    alphafox wrote: »
    give me a wider screen. The end.

    You got it! Rotate your phone 90°.
  • Reply 31 of 61


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I didn't even notice I switched them. Apple clearly cares about marketing. Do you think they will allow any ambiguity with the '5' and 'S'? I guess they could use the lowercase 's' as geekdad notes, or perhaps go back to the 's' in the square like they did with the 3GS.

    Or just for the hell of it move right on to 6.

  • Reply 32 of 61
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member

    Go back and read the dozens of other previous articles that mention a 5S and you will read the exact same arguments by the same people.  You will see dozens more of the same discussions repeated ad nauseum almost verbatim prior to the release. 


    Just once I hope Apple completely shocks everyone. They haven't been able to contain leaks in a while, but wouldn't it be great for Apple to release a phone(s) that shows little to no similarity to the leaks and rumors. A phone that truly is a surprise and brings back that feeling at Christmas as a kid when you didn't know what you were getting until Christmas day. That same feeling we all had when the original iPhone was released. But with such a surprise it had better deliver a serious punch. Good chance to gain momentum again with the ho-hum response of the S4 so far. Sadly with all the various Asian component suppliers for different parts that seems unlikely. 

  • Reply 33 of 61
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gwmac wrote: »
    A phone that truly is a surprise and brings back that feeling at Christmas as a kid when you didn't know what you were getting until Christmas day. That same feeling we all had when the original iPhone was released.

    How the **** do you do that when you have released a phone for the last 6 consecutive year? The only serious punch would be if Apple said they won't make anymore iPhones.
  • Reply 34 of 61
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member


    Originally Posted by alphafox View Post


    give me a wider screen. The end.

    I agree and a larger display is probably the most requested hardware feature I have noticed on forums. Apple is a funny company because they can appear very stubborn at times and go against everyone else in the industry then suddenly reverse course 180 degrees. One only need look at the various types of video interfaces they have used over the years for proof. I myself have a Apple ADC type display that can only ever be used with my old Power Mac G5. (unless I chose to pay big bucks for an adapter) Apple is also unique because no matter what they sell it will probably outsell or at least do as well as the previous generation product. Many people will buy a same sized 5S even though they really want a larger display but are unwilling to abandon iOS. 


    Ultimately I think the way people use their phones and will use their phones in the future will force Apple's hands to go with a larger display. Smartphones are now more used as miniatures tablets that happen to also allow voice calls. The increased popularity in use of  landscape mode for web browsing, games, and many other apps shows an obvious advantage to a wider phone and more and more apps only work in landscape. Most of my most frequently used apps either require it or I prefer it if I have a choice.  One handed use was oversold as an advantage IMO. As this polls shows only a third of iPhone users tend to type one handed and typing is now more common than talking for many. 




  • Reply 35 of 61
    alphafoxalphafox Posts: 132member
    So since I have an opinion that the iPhone needs a bigger screen I'm wrong? I said the end btw so it's ended, you can't undo my ending and end it again!!
  • Reply 36 of 61
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I didn't even notice I switched them. Apple clearly cares about marketing. Do you think they will allow any ambiguity with the '5' and 'S'? I guess they could use the lowercase 's' as geekdad notes, or perhaps go back to the 's' in the square like they did with the 3GS.

    Oh...i thought you did that to make a point! image

  • Reply 37 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by alphafox View Post

    I said the end btw so it's ended, you can't undo my ending and end it again!!

    What is this, first grade?

  • Reply 38 of 61


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    How the **** do you do that when you have released a phone for the last 6 consecutive year? The only serious punch would be if Apple said they won't make anymore iPhones.

    I can't speak for anyone else but I felt the way gwmac describes when I saw the first iMac and then again when I saw the 1/2 soccer ball.


    How about OSX? First version wasn't that hot but the potential was obvious. A breakthrough that Apple had been working on for well over a decade.


    It can be done.

  • Reply 39 of 61


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    What is this, first grade?

    Like that's the most childish statement you've heard on this forum? lol  image

  • Reply 40 of 61
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member

    Even TS agrees with me that 16:9 was a bad decision. Or at least he did prior to the iPhone 5 release. Seems to have changed his tune a bit since then and a 4" 16:9 form factor is now perfection that can never be altered. At least until it is then the new dimensions will be perfection.



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Still completely unsold on 16:9. Will continue to be unsold on it after launch.


    But as long as I don't have to slide my hand up and down the thing like a TV remote, I'll give it a go, I guess.

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