Apple's iPhone accounted for 4M of Verizon's 7.2M total Q1 smartphones



  • Reply 41 of 45
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Steven N. View Post

    I see you continue to lie and make up data. It seems it is all you have left. Back when Jobs ran the company and Apple was a 5 billion market cap company, its PE minus cash position was... Let's say interesting.


    Why don't you give some numbers instead of accusing people of lying?

  • Reply 42 of 45
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Yes there is. VZW still sells 3G smartphones.

    My VZ LTE iPad has never shown me a 3G icon, but frequently a 4G one, from which I assume that they have stopped admitting the existence of 3G. 

  • Reply 43 of 45
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    More people prefer the smaller screened iPhone, more people prefer smaller screened (cheaper) Android phones.


    Large screened phones are the minority.


    And you got this info from where?

  • Reply 44 of 45
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Then AI is reporting wrong? From the article:


    "Of the 7.2 million smartphones activated in the quarter, 5.9 million of those were 4G LTE devices.




    Now let’s turn to slide eight and take a look at device sales and our progress in 4G LTE. In the first quarter, we activated 9.7 million postpaid devices, 87% of which were phones. Smartphone activations totaled 7.2 million, and 68% of these were 4G LTE. We activated 4 million iPhones. Half of them are 4G LTE and the other half were 3G.

    This is a direct quote from the verizon conference call  transcript which can be found here


    Speaking was Mike Stefanski from Verizons board.


    Maybe that will clarify some of the confusion?  Note that he says that they activated 9.7 million post paid devices 87% of those were phones.  of that 7.2 million were smart phones and of that number 68% were 4G. of that number 4 million were iPhones, and of that half were 4G the other half by his words were "3G".  


    Wow what a confusing way to put numbers out lol but that is quoted out of the confrence call.

  • Reply 45 of 45
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member

    Thanks Mechanic. I doubt I'm the only one who was confused by AI's reporting of the numbers. I really didn't have the opportunity to go searching that out for myself and so appreciate you taking the time to do so.


    EDIT: I'm still not sure I trust the numbers reporting. If 68% of the 7.2 million smartphones activated were 4G LTE that equals about 4.9 million smartphones. Only 2 million of those were the iPhone 5's leaving nearly three million "other" 4G LTE Verizon smartphone activations. That would mean rather than taking the lion's share of the high end that Apple accounted for nearly every entry level free or inexpensive 3G activated smartphone with their 4 and 4S models (2M out of a total 2.3M 3G models activated).


    Did I do the math right??

    Seems screwy and goes against what I thought we knew about Apple selling most of the more expensive phones while the budget buyers went with Android.
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