Wall Street disappointed by indications that Apple won't launch new products until fall



  • Reply 121 of 156
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by jdnc123 View Post

    So Wall Street and investors should not be concerned by the fact that was acknowledged by Tim Cook last night that Apple is growing top line slower than the overall smartphone market?  They shouldn't be concerned that Apple just announced they expect a massive decline in year over year earnings?  They shouldn't care that the risk of the strategy is higher, not lower, when management puts all products out all at once creating execution issues themselves?  I'll have to check the numbers, but I think Samsung is now expected to make more money than Apple in the June and Sept. quarters.  Once the king of the hill, the are playing second fiddle from a growth and future earnings perspective, regardless of the quality of the products, what their history has been in the past, etc.  Times have changed.  Big investors are bailing and betting on another horse because as someone put it last night after the call, 'Apple's product roadmap is a rudderless ship right now.' I just listened to a bullish analyst who basically said who cares about new products, the main concern now is can they even do the simple stuff any management team, any reasonable investor would expect them to do and that the answer remains and open one as they haven't shown the market an ability to do nearly anything in the face of the competitive onslaught, so many investors fear its too late, they were caught flat-footed and are simply playing catch-up.  


    Revenue is falling off a cliff in the early innings of a smartphone growth cycle.  How can a company in a secular growth market slow revenue growth so dramatically (actually negative revenue growth forecasted this qtr I believe), with earnings slowing even more?  The answer to that is the question that will make investors a lot of money on either the long or short side from here.


    You sir, are the FUD, the Cynic, and the False Narrative, all rolled into one. I have a simple suggestion: Whoever that "bullish analyst" was you cited, stop paying attention to them. The rest of your post is all histrionics, with a touch of shrill hysterics. Look at the tone, the level of negative spin running throughout your post. You speak as if knowledgeable, but it's fear-driven gak, fed in part by the nonsense of those 'bullish analysts'… please, give yourself, your fears, and the rest of us a break. Apple … is … not … doomed. Get it? 


    For ten years I've been watching this constant parade of pundits declaring them dead, failing, dying, ending, doomed (all while they grew into the most valuable company on the planet earning the greatest profits of any company in history)… It's like those "The End Is Near" loons walking the streets claiming the End Times are upon us... for centuries now… I guess a broken clock is right once or twice a day, but the rest of the time it's pointless...


    Get it?

  • Reply 122 of 156
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    And you think that Goldman's views on Apple -- and specifically, on the issue of screen size -- are worth even 2¢ how?
    Ha, I was going to ask that same question. Where are the hard facts that Apple is selling fewer iPhones, or gaining fewer new customers because the screen size is too small? Do we have legitimate data that shows people are leaving iPhone for Samsung or HTC?
  • Reply 123 of 156
    I love the "f Wall Street" comments aka the shareholders aka the owners. Tomorrow when you go to work, find the owner and spill those same beans on him or her, and see how good that does you.
  • Reply 124 of 156
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by SCProfessor View Post

    I love the "f Wall Street" comments aka the shareholders aka the owners. Tomorrow when you go to work, find the owner and spill those same beans on him or her, and see how good that does you.


    Owner ? capable operator ? holder of intelligent opinions, given that they know next to nothing about the company's plans and operations.

  • Reply 125 of 156
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    professor wrote: »
    I love the "f Wall Street" comments aka the shareholders aka the owners. Tomorrow when you go to work, find the owner and spill those same beans on him or her, and see how good that does you.

    Or liquidate your 401K.
  • Reply 126 of 156
    Owner ? capable operator ? holder of intelligent opinions, given that they know next to nothing about the company's plans and operations.

    Doesn't matter. If the owner wants to run their company into the ground... they can.
  • Reply 127 of 156
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Doesn't matter. If the owner wants to run their company into the ground... they can.

    But not all stockholders are morons.
  • Reply 128 of 156

    The Wall Street shills trying to create mass hysteria are actually kinda funny with their faux fear.  At least more funny than the Android trolls. 

  • Reply 129 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Wall Street hasn't been about actually investing to create things for a long, long time. It's now about passing money around and skimming off the top to make the rich richer, and never to create a single job.


    Apple is out profiting Everyone. And I mean EVERY COMPANY ON EARTH.


    Yet these 'experts' are not impressed.


    When society finally breaks down, Wall Streeters will be the first ones eaten.


    Why don't you actually read something than a comic book before posting? XOM is making more money than Apple, and Apple guided both top and bottom line down. Yes, they are making money, but not as much as they used to. Maybe this will change for the better, and maybe it won't.

  • Reply 130 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    We will have to wait and see...

    I read a quote that said new "Ground Braking" products coming in the fall.

    iPhone 5S and low cost iPhones are not particularly ground breaking.

    iRadio, iTV, iWatch would likely be ground breaking...


    Has to be one heavy-ass watch to be ground breaking.

  • Reply 131 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Owner ? capable operator ? holder of intelligent opinions, given that they know next to nothing about the company's plans and operations.


    Unlike the blogger, who is all-knowing and all-wise.

  • Reply 132 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Ha, I was going to ask that same question. Where are the hard facts that Apple is selling fewer iPhones, or gaining fewer new customers because the screen size is too small? Do we have legitimate data that shows people are leaving iPhone for Samsung or HTC?

    Well, they ARE selling fewer phones and have to discount them, as evidenced by them guiding both top and bottom line down. Whether it is the screen size, I cannot say, but something is not going so hot.

  • Reply 133 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by jdsonice View Post

    Problem with Wall Street is that they are disappointed no matter what. The stupid analysts (see the word anal in there) are basically that - stupid.

    I personally see no reason for Google to be at the price it is and for Apple to fall $300 in the last 6 months.

    If Apple releases new products they are dissatisfied it it is does not they are disappointed.

    I say screw them.


    I say, go long Apple and short Google, and show those incompetents who do this sort of thing for a living!

  • Reply 134 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    So, no new Mac Pro this year?

    Let it go, dude.

  • Reply 135 of 156
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    There are only three $100+B companies with a (current) p/e less than that of Apple's: Chevron, Shell, and J P Morgan Chase.


    And, if my arithmetic is correct, Apple's operating assets (i.e., market cap less cash) have a forward p/e of 5x.


    Wow. I don't think an opportunity like this will come around very often. A few years from now, the naysayers will look back and weep.


    That, or laugh their heads off. We will see in a few years.

  • Reply 136 of 156
    igriv wrote: »
    That, or laugh their heads off. We will see in a few years.

    Nah, I don't think so. Your horizon is that of a gnat - i.e., an infinitesimal fraction of 'a few years'.

    I doubt you'd be around.
  • Reply 137 of 156


    Originally Posted by punkndrublic View Post

    The Wall Street shills trying to create mass hysteria are actually kinda funny with their faux fear.  At least more funny than the Android trolls. 

    I fail to see the humor when a stock drops 300 points in six months. A loss of 290 Billion market value in six months. If they are trying to create hysteria they are doing a really good job. Maybe you don't understand Wall Street, when it comes to investing perception always becomes reality.

  • Reply 138 of 156


    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I fail to see the humor when a stock drops 300 points in six months. A loss of 290 Billion market value in six months. If they are trying to create hysteria they are doing a really good job. Maybe you don't understand Wall Street, when it comes to investing perception always becomes reality.

    It'll be ok dude, surely you're seasoned well enough to adapt. 

  • Reply 139 of 156
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Your implications is that we will. My point being Wall Street doesn't respond well to "what if". If your going to respond to my posts please at least give me the courtesy of a rational debate instead of just "FUD". A quiet processor upgrade is not really a new product. The point I was making is I can understand why the Mac lineup would wait for the release of Haswell but I do see an advantage in having the reason of a lighter iPad5 and a more power iPad mini. If you think that is going to happen then we agree it's a good idea.


    When is the WWDC again?


    I wonder if they'll show off any functioning new OS features both OSX and iOS?


    Of course I expect anything they reveal in two months will also be "disappointing", "incremental" "uselessness that no-one will use, after all built in IR remotes are now "where it's at", apparently, although you'd think the competition would use DLNA, WiFi and NFC to control televisions, those "innovations" that have caught on so much they had to wind the clock back over a decade.

  • Reply 140 of 156
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by SCProfessor View Post

    I love the "f Wall Street" comments aka the shareholders aka the owners. Tomorrow when you go to work, find the owner and spill those same beans on him or her, and see how good that does you.


    You should read this:




    As a shareholder you do not 'own' the company.

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