As its shares rebound, Apple seen as ready to 'change the narrative'



  • Reply 61 of 62
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jungmark wrote: »
    You did say "failure". What about this explanation: Apple didn't have enough supply for the first weekend allotted as they had an aggressive rollout.
    ** sigh **

    Your words, not mine………..

    Sometimes I'm just at a loss for words how people can so adamantly claim they didn't say something when their words are right there plain as day for all to see.
  • Reply 62 of 62
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Sometimes I'm just at a loss for words how people can so adamantly claim they didn't say something when their words are right there plain as day for all to see.


    *laughing*   Holy smokes.  You're right!


    Since I myself didn't think of the launch as a failure, I totally did a senior moment and didn't see where I had written that others thought it was.  (Thus all the links, which of course everyone ignored and did not address.)


    Btw, thanks for piling on, guys.  Very thoughtful.  I'll remember it when one of you makes a mistake like that (and by the law of Internet Karma, you WILL).   image

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