Editorial: Apple's billions are building an empire for the future



  • Reply 21 of 182
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    ``While pundits and analysts like to focus attention on how Apple is now appears incapable of growing at the same historical pace simply due to the laws of physics....''

    Please just don't include subject matter you clearly don't grasp, especially when it's insulting to those that do: ``...due to the laws of physics...'' is obnoxious.

    Money is a man-made construct, not a universal physics construct.

    P.S. The rest of the Op-Ed is solid.

    That is indeed an odd metaphor. Perhaps it should have been the laws of economics. Speaking of which, economies are considered by a growing number to be a force of nature.

  • Reply 22 of 182
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member


    Originally Posted by realitychecks View Post

    Apple doesn't need to reinvent TV. Apple needs to restructure content.

    I guess need is the wrong word but they are about the only company capable of doing so with all of their influence. Same with NFC. If Apple incorporated it it would take off almost instantly.

    It'd be the one field where they don't need to reinvent or restructure anything to make an immense impact.

    Edit: also I don't want just one company to succeed. Ever. I'm undoubtedly an Android fan and in some ways a Google fan but that doesn't stop me from using OSX iOS even win phone or BB if they got compelling enough. Good tech is good tech is good tech. Period.

    Unfortunately, a balanced perspective is still not good enough in the eyes of some here. You have to understand that they attack opposing views not necessarily because of conviction (that you're wrong or that they are right). It is because they are either defending their investment in $AAPL (under the misguided notion that by subduing every opinion perceived to be anti-Apple, they might rescue the stock), and because this is their passion - defending a company that doesn't know of their existence (kind of a groupie behavior). When they get personal with you, it's actually not personal.

  • Reply 23 of 182
    christopher126christopher126 Posts: 4,366member


    Originally Posted by ankleskater View Post

    Unfortunately, a balanced perspective is still not good enough in the eyes of some here. You have to understand that they attack opposing views not necessarily because of conviction (that you're wrong or that they are right). It is because they are either defending their investment in $AAPL (under the misguided notion that by subduing every opinion perceived to be anti-Apple, they might rescue the stock), and because this is their passion - defending a company that doesn't know of their existence (kind of a groupie behavior). When they get personal with you, it's actually not personal.

    Dude....I hear you. But what other company continues to innovate and upgrade its industry leading products.


    Just look at Apple's track record for the iPod (predating the iphone even). Only Apple takes its best products and improves on them. Would there be an Samsung/Android phone if not for Apple.


    Look at the MBA or MBP...That's where the loyalty comes from. And don't forget the Apple eco-system..........no other company has even come close to that. Not Google or MS or Amazon or Facebook....Ugh!


    You confuse informed product knowledge and good taste with fanboyism! :)

  • Reply 24 of 182
    To me, this says it all ... "Apple is a cash machine because Apple has invested in building great products. And that means building the talent to conceptualize, develop, orchestrate, deliver and support those products. That's something Apple's competitors don't currently seem to be doing."

    Until the entire management education and consulting industries wake up to this, and the boards of every major corporation on this planet learn this lesson, we as consumers, are doomed to see a flood of cheap and nasty products that do nothing more than satisfy our desire for instant gratification, and leave us with endless frustration and disappointment.

    Surely we can all learn, and benefit, from the tremendous success that is Apple, and stop trying to bag or copy Apple products, but to build organisations that design great products that will beat Apple's products on merit rather than price alone.
  • Reply 25 of 182
    christopher126christopher126 Posts: 4,366member


    Originally Posted by pauldfullerton View Post

    To me, this says it all ... "Apple is a cash machine because Apple has invested in building great products. And that means building the talent to conceptualize, develop, orchestrate, deliver and support those products. That's something Apple's competitors don't currently seem to be doing."

    Until the entire management education and consulting industries wake up to this, and the boards of every major corporation on this planet learn this lesson, we as consumers, are doomed to see a flood of cheap and nasty products that do nothing more than satisfy our desire for instant gratification, and leave us with endless frustration and disappointment.

    Surely we can all learn, and benefit, from the tremendous success that is Apple, and stop trying to bag or copy Apple products, but to build organisations that design great products that will beat Apple's products on merit rather than price alone.

    Great post! :)

  • Reply 26 of 182
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I wouldn't think it was such a purposeful, nefarious act or that such a calculus was done.

    Samsung's 'copying' behaviour was kind of standard business operandi in the Windows PC market for years. It also happened against a background of Android copying iOS and seemingly get away with it.

    From their point of view it was business as usual and they were indeed stunned to be accussed of anything.

    That may have been the case in the beginning, but my understanding is Apple execs met repeatedly with Samsung execs to voice their concern over the issue (of copying), and at that point surely there had to be a calculus. I think even Google warned Samsung at one stage that they were sailing too close to the wind.

  • Reply 27 of 182
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Everyone says that Apple was just lucky to get a couple of successful products and most of that luck relied on Steve Jobs. Now that Steve Jobs is long gone, never to return, Apple is claimed to be finished as a company. Everyone says that Apple's innovation died with Steve Jobs and now the iPhone is woefully behind the entire Android platform. Google spent $12.5 billion on Motorola and seems to have gotten much more money back. Google's shareholder wealth has increased greatly and so has Google's P/E ratio. Wall Street says that Google has a very bright future, unlike Apple, and values Google with high regard. Motorola definitely did not become a financial waste for Google and also provided a deeper patent base. Google has gained many tens of billions of dollars in market cap since acquiring Motorola.

    As for Google's other acquisitions, they're providing constant upgrading in services at an astounding rate. What does Apple have to show for itself? It's like Apple is in some sort of service drought. Google is just flooding iOS with all their own services. Apple should keep that crap off the iOS platform and start building their own services. All Google is doing is planting free trojan horse services to undermine iOS. Apple should have more than enough money to acquire or design its own services without having to depend upon Google.

    Apple keeps trying to save its reserve cash but so far Apple is only succeeding in losing hundreds of billions of dollars in shareholder value within a relatively short time. That's a very poor trade-off for cash. Apple has has a P/E ratio of 10 while Google now has a P/E ratio of almost 30. Google's value is skyrocketing while Apple's value continues to drop. Google is now worth nearly $1000 per share while Apple struggles to hold $450. Apple's so-called empire must not be very impressive to Wall Street despite dividends and stock repurchases. Apple needs to use that cash to its advantage instead of just saving it. Get that money working to give the company some extra value like Google has.

    Apple is still seen as a doomed company by investors and analysts as Android grabs major mobile market share as Apple's market share continues to fall. How is all that reserve cash giving Apple any advantage over anything? Even Samsung is now said to be pummeling Apple from all sides. Everyone still believes Apple is dying without Steve Jobs, so how has all that reserve cash helped Apple.

    Sorry, but this post is trash and strikes of someone who doesn't understand how business and the markets work.

    Google's acquisition of Motorola has thus far been an unmitigated disaster, and you can't include that as a reason why Google has seen its value increase; that's based off of its core services, not anything Motorola related.

    Second, the P/E ratio Google is trading at is unlikely to be sustainable; the market seems to keep thinking that Android and Google by extension will somehow translate market domination into profit. It's the same thing with Amazon.

    And you can't compare share prices to share prices. Seriously? Who cares that Google's share price is higher? In a vacuum it means squat.
  • Reply 28 of 182
    I take your point(s).... :)

    I just want Apple to marginalize subpar performers in the tech world...I'm thinking telecom providers, cable companies, etc.

    The way they have done with printers, quick shot camera, stand alone GPS units, video cameras, netbooks, dumb and feature cell phones, MP3 players, boom boxes, stereos, PC's, I'm sure I'm missing some. :)

    Agreed. I want Apple to ruin Samsung Mobile too because I don't like Samsung...and I'm an Android fan.

    They stole. Period. Beyond influence or even strong influence. They stole. Shouldn't be rewarded. Especially since both Google AND SAMSUNG told Samsung Mobile to chill with the photocopiers.
  • Reply 29 of 182
    stefstef Posts: 87member
    Ah. Dilger and Dediu. Nice.
  • Reply 30 of 182
    s.metcalfs.metcalf Posts: 984member

    Apple needs to be careful or it risks being seen as greedy with a subsequent consumer backlash.  Consumers may well ask why they're continuing to pay margins that are significantly greater than those required for the long-term viability of the platform.  Greedy profiteering doesn't tend to go down too well with the public.


    While it's true that Apple's gains have been related to its success in increasing revenues, volumes and market share, it's also widely regarded that Apple's margins are by far the highest in the consumer electronics industry, all while sitting on more cash than it knows what to do with.


    I think there's already been a major shift in the past 3 or 4 years in how Apple is viewed by the public.  Certainly my opinion has shifted substantially.  With so much cash I expect far more from Apple and am less tolerant to mistakes than I used to be.  I'm also less likely to upgrade just for the sake of it if I see it as simply padding an already massive cash hoard and I'm less vociferous in my recommending Apple products for friends or colleagues.  It's a far cry from when Apple was the underdog in the early 2000s.


    Also, Apple no longer has that "golden shield" which was the genuine warmth and affection people had towards Steve Jobs.  Under Steve, Apple could literally get away with anything.  I think Apple's behaviour in hoarding so much cash is a product of and reaction to its experience in nearly going under, something that Steve was obviously deeply affected by.  The danger is being too paranoid about the past.

  • Reply 31 of 182
    s.metcalf wrote: »
    Apple needs to be careful or it risks being seen as greedy with a subsequent consumer backlash.  Consumers may well ask why they're continuing to pay margins that are significantly greater than those required for the long-term viability of the platform.  Greedy profiteering doesn't tend to go down too well with the public.

    While it's true that Apple's gains have been related to its success in increasing revenues, volumes and market share, it's also widely regarded that Apple's margins are by far the highest in the consumer electronics industry, all while sitting on more cash than it knows what to do with.

    I think there's already been a major shift in the past 3 or 4 years in how Apple is viewed by the public.  Certainly my opinion has shifted substantially.  With so much cash I expect far more from Apple and am less tolerant to mistakes than I used to be.  I'm also less likely to upgrade just for the sake of it if I see it as simply padding an already massive cash hoard and I'm less vociferous in my recommending Apple products for friends or colleagues.  It's a far cry from when Apple was the underdog in the early 2000s.

    Also, Apple no longer has that "golden shield" which was the genuine warmth and affection people had towards Steve Jobs.  Under Steve, Apple could literally get away with anything.  I think Apple's behaviour in hoarding so much cash is a product of and reaction to its experience in nearly going under, something that Steve was obviously deeply affected by.  The danger is being too paranoid about the past.

    Eh. From what I see of most people who buy Apple they don't care. Apple products are good to them. Pretty to them. Functional enough. And they get the job done. They aren't seeing Apple as anything but a producer of great products. Generally. The tech media may be wanting more, sure, but the consumers aren't as bored yet.
  • Reply 32 of 182
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    s.metcalf wrote: »
    Apple needs to be careful or it risks being seen as greedy with a subsequent consumer backlash.  Consumers may well ask why they're continuing to pay margins that are significantly greater than those required for the long-term viability of the platform.  Greedy profiteering doesn't tend to go down too well with the public.

    While it's true that Apple's gains have been related to its success in increasing revenues, volumes and market share, it's also widely regarded that Apple's margins are by far the highest in the consumer electronics industry, all while sitting on more cash than it knows what to do with.

    I think there's already been a major shift in the past 3 or 4 years in how Apple is viewed by the public.  Certainly my opinion has shifted substantially.  With so much cash I expect far more from Apple and am less tolerant to mistakes than I used to be.  I'm also less likely to upgrade just for the sake of it if I see it as simply padding an already massive cash hoard and I'm less vociferous in my recommending Apple products for friends or colleagues.  It's a far cry from when Apple was the underdog in the early 2000s.

    Also, Apple no longer has that "golden shield" which was the genuine warmth and affection people had towards Steve Jobs.  Under Steve, Apple could literally get away with anything.  I think Apple's behaviour in hoarding so much cash is a product of and reaction to its experience in nearly going under, something that Steve was obviously deeply affected by.  The danger is being too paranoid about the past.

    You have a choice not to go Apple if you think they are too greedy for your taste.

    Money didn't flow to Apple because they are Apple, money flows Apple's direction because they make great products and consumers love them. Their products hold their value much much better than the race to the bottom products of their competitors.

    Yes everyone pundits and iHaters complained of the Apple tax but they never think of the lasting quality and value of these products over the years.
  • Reply 33 of 182
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by realitychecks View Post

    Hmmm my post disappeared

    I think iOS is stale.....

    Tell us why. Or shut up.


    I wish more of your posts would disappear......

  • Reply 34 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member

    Apple keeps trying to save its reserve cash but so far Apple is only succeeding in losing hundreds of billions of dollars in shareholder value within a relatively short time.

    Almost all of which was due to analysts me their baseless crap talking. Not anything Apple or hasn't done.
  • Reply 35 of 182
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by realitychecks View Post

    Apple doesn't need to reinvent TV. Apple needs to restructure content.

    You're completely clueless about how Apple makes its money, aren't you....

  • Reply 36 of 182
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    Second, the P/E ratio Google is trading at is unlikely to be sustainable; the market seems to keep thinking that Android and Google by extension will somehow translate market domination into profit. It's the same thing with Amazon.

    This is the key point. 


    It's a matter of investing horizons, but those getting into Google/Amazon at their current value will more likely than not end in a vale of tears (sooner with the latter).

  • Reply 37 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by reality checks View Post



    This word needs to automatically filter to an account ban and auto-deletion of all posts.

    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post



    That's where your thesis pops a tire. On black ice. On a bridge.

  • Reply 38 of 182
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by s.metcalf View Post

    Apple needs to be careful or it risks being seen as greedy with a subsequent consumer backlash.  


    Utter nonsense. Name one successful company that has suffered such a 'consumer backlash.'

  • Reply 39 of 182
    djkikromedjkikrome Posts: 189member
    Love good reading like this. Great work.
  • Reply 40 of 182
    Tell us why. Or shut up.

    I wish more of your posts would disappear......

    Wow you're mean.

    I don't have to tell you why as my opinion is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. I find unjailbroken iOS to be stale and boring. So the **** what. I'll never harp on that or dislike you or others for feeling differently. It is a great OS and will only get better and I'm looking forward to WWDC. It is easily the best all around mobile experience and so far that isn't completely challenged and may never be completely challenged as far as quality and ecosystem go.

    Why do you care so much that I find iOS stale? What does my opinion do to your life?
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