Editorial: Apple's billions are building an empire for the future



  • Reply 81 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    inkling wrote: »
    I just wish that Apple would spend a fraction of those tens of billions on improving text services for OS X. I waste hours because the spell-checking and particularly the lookup for misspellings is so dreadful. And why can't OS X (and thus all the apps that depend on it) output documents in ePub as easily as in PDF? We've been in the mobile age for almost a decade and Macs still think we output to paper.

    And why is moving documents from applications on my Mac to those on my iPhone or iPad such a hassle? Why do I have to use parallel apps with iCloud sharing? Why aren't there send to commands that make sending documents between devices as easy as printing?

    Apple likely can do these things, among many other requests. However these are the demands of a minority if users. The needs of the majority will come first and then these sort of 'geek' needs will be considered.

    Although I am to some degree as fellow geek and wouldn't mind seeing things such as these, even I would rather they focus on stability and performance first. Being able to Bluetooth files or whatever takes second place to something like creating a system where a poorly coded third app can't suck up the limited RAM in my device or cause the battery to run down in half the time it should.
  • Reply 82 of 182
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by realitychecks View Post

    Find me a lie and I will not post the lie again.

    I will, however, continue to have the opinion I have on iOS until iOS changes it. Being mean won't make me change it.


    You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you're expecting Apple to revamp iOS just because you're bored then you'd better jump to Android now.


    The folk who complain about iOS being 'stale' need to remember one small thing: they are the insignificant geek contingent that Apple really doesn't have to listen to. What Apple understands is that 'geek stale' = 'consumer stable'. The overwhelming majority of Apple customers do not want sweeping changes made to iOS because they're comfortable with the way it works. They don't care that you can't change the width of the scroll bars. They don't want to add gadgets until the battery runs out as soon as you switch it on. Apple caters for the busy consumer, not the OS geek who wants to spend all his time fiddling with his phone rather than use it.  You'll see workflow improvements, UI refinements and under-the-hood enhancements, but look back through history: Apple hasn't changed their mobile UI since the Newton. Are there things I don't like about iOS? Yup, lots (why can't I select all email messages and delete them in one go), but I like to think they're genuine usability issues and not just complaints that I'm a bit bored. It's a phone, not a Transformer toy.


    Not sure why folk are giving you such a hard time for having an opinion though. That used to be okay around here.

  • Reply 83 of 182
    rayz wrote: »
    You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you're expecting Apple to revamp iOS just because you're bored then you'd better jump to Android now.

    The folk who complain about iOS being 'stale' need to remember one small thing: they are the insignificant geek contingent that Apple really doesn't have to listen to. What Apple understands is that 'geek stale' = 'consumer stable'. The overwhelming majority of Apple customers do not want sweeping changes made to iOS because they're comfortable with the way it works. They don't care that you can't change the width of the scroll bars. They don't want to add gadgets until the battery runs out as soon as you switch it on. Apple caters for the busy consumer, not the OS geek who wants to spend all his time fiddling with his phone rather than use it.  You'll see workflow improvements, UI refinements and under-the-hood enhancements, but look back through history: Apple hasn't changed their mobile UI since the Newton. Are there things I don't like about iOS? Yup, lots (why can't I select all email messages and delete them in one go), but I like to think they're genuine usability issues and not just complaints that I'm a bit bored. It's a phone, not a Transformer toy.

    Not sure why folk are giving you such a hard time for having an opinion though. That used to be okay around here.

    I don't expect iOS to change for me. Never suggested such. Nor do I feel my opinion means anything. I've said such. In fact all of my posts have been in praise of what Apple has done. And iOS being stale in MY opinion doesn't change that or make it lesser.

    The fact that at least two posters (one a troll masquerading as a moderator) found my passing opinion swimming in a sea of praise to be so offensive as to warrant being rude as hell and derail topics is completely out of my control.
  • Reply 84 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    i hope so...

    Only Apple can do a full size TV right.

    Where all my TV, including Sports is a la carte, especially Formula One and Tennis via ATV/iTunes. And no inane commercials. And free "Apple wifi"  ("F" the cable companies)

    And, where free FaceTime is my only "cell" service. ("F" Sprint, Verizon, and ATT)

    Where all my non-personal "paid for" media content is accessible via icloud, think: iTunes Match. (which means I don't massive amounts of expensive SDRAM on my devices)

    Where my TC has a backup of all my personal photos, home movies, etc., (along with iCloud) and not only the router but the modem included in one unit-(one less ugly non Apple modem and an ugly power brick).

    Where I only need an iPhone, iPad Mini and the biggest screen in my home is my Apple TV. No more desktops or laptops!

    I want Apple to succeed. I don't want my life controlled by unimaginative Korean, Chinese, Google, Motorola, Dell, MS, HP, Yahoo, Nokia, Sony, Facebook, HTC, sh*thead engineers! :)

    None of your list actually needs Apple to go near a 'real' television. In fact several of your 'where' list have nothing to do with iOS or even Apple but outside issues like copyrights and studio SOP, Internet bandwidths etc.
  • Reply 85 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    s.metcalf wrote: »
    Under Steve, Apple could literally get away with anything.  

    You mean like they got away with the poor launch of MobileMe, or those 'every cell phone does it' antenna issues. Steve never admitted that Apple failed etc
  • Reply 86 of 182
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    The fact that at least two posters (one a troll masquerading as a moderator) found my passing opinion swimming in a sea of praise to be so offensive as to warrant being rude as hell and derail topics is completely out of my control.

    Get a grip, and enough with the wounded whining (sorry to be rude). If you can't take the heat, avoid the kitchen.

    So you dislike the 'static' nature of the home screen in iOS. Let's assume lots of people care about that (although I doubt it). What is 'dynamic' about Android, and in what ways does its dynamic nature enhance your workflow, or your ability to get anything done?
  • Reply 87 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What is 'dynamic' about Android…


    Animated wallpapers! Animated icons! Animated lock screens!

  • Reply 88 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    s.metcalf wrote: »
    Under Steve, Apple could literally get away with anything.

    MobileMe constantly failing
    Antennae gate

    All under Steve, all things Apple didn't get away with. One to the point of lawsuits etc
  • Reply 89 of 182
    mhiklmhikl Posts: 471member
    Daniel E.D.,
    I know from the headline Daniel is about to speak and my day is made. Not guff and nonsense from your pen.
  • Reply 90 of 182
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    rayz wrote: »
    Not sure why folk are giving you such a hard time for having an opinion though. That used to be okay around here.

    I think there's a huge difference between 'opinion' and a bland, unsupported assertion.

    I have zero problems with opinions. But I do have a problem when someone can't back up his assertions. (In all fairness, he finally tried to articulate what he meant by 'stale'; he still hasn't responded to how he thinks Android is dynamic and how that matters; and he hasn't responded to why 'content' is important for Apple to succeed with its TV). .
  • Reply 91 of 182
    Get a grip, and enough with the wounded whining (sorry to be rude). If you can't take the heat, avoid the kitchen.

    So you dislike the 'static' nature of the home screen in iOS. Let's assume lots of people care about that (although I doubt it). What is 'dynamic' about Android, and in what ways does its dynamic nature enhance your workflow, or your ability to get anything done?

    Well the sharing menu has contributed to my workflow. Other than that I wouldn't say Android is better than iOS. Especially since there are many things iOS does or does better that Android can't do. And it's not a wounded whatever schtick it was my harmless opinion and I was attacked for it.

    As far as home screens go I just like the more desktop like feel of Android's homescreen compared to iOS's app launcher feel. IOS feels like the apo drawer of Android. It messes with my ocd (undiagnosed of course) when I have icon after icon of rarely used apps cluttering my home screen.

    When it comes to tablets I don't mind though so the iPad works for me though.

    There are just things that better suit my feel when it comes to Android phones over the iPhone.

    The stale static barely customizable home screen of iOS just isn't for me. If I woke up tomorrow and someone replaced my Nexus 4 with an iPhone 5 I'd hardly complain if at all. I'd probably just jailbreak it to gain the small amount of added functionality I feel Android has over iOS.

    The fact that my passing opinion has caused such a rise in you (since a much more mature follow up) and the resident troll/moderator was very shocking to me as it really doesn't matter what I think to me in that regard yet it was enough to derail you both for multiple replies.
  • Reply 92 of 182
    rayz wrote: »
    You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you're expecting Apple to revamp iOS just because you're bored then you'd better jump to Android now.

    The folk who complain about iOS being 'stale' need to remember one small thing: they are the insignificant geek contingent that Apple really doesn't have to listen to. What Apple understands is that 'geek stale' = 'consumer stable'. The overwhelming majority of Apple customers do not want sweeping changes made to iOS because they're comfortable with the way it works. They don't care that you can't change the width of the scroll bars. They don't want to add gadgets until the battery runs out as soon as you switch it on. Apple caters for the busy consumer, not the OS geek who wants to spend all his time fiddling with his phone rather than use it.  You'll see workflow improvements, UI refinements and under-the-hood enhancements, but look back through history: Apple hasn't changed their mobile UI since the Newton. Are there things I don't like about iOS? Yup, lots (why can't I select all email messages and delete them in one go), but I like to think they're genuine usability issues and not just complaints that I'm a bit bored. It's a phone, not a Transformer toy.

    Not sure why folk are giving you such a hard time for having an opinion though. That used to be okay around here.

    I know my opinion is minuscule (I stated such) I also know my opinion is meaningless. But it is still my harmless opinion. Hence why I never stated "iOS is stale" and always added a personal qualifier. Because to my friend iOS is not stale. To people here iOS is not stale. To many Android owners iOS is not stale.
  • Reply 93 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Tell us why. Or shut up.

    I wish more of your posts would disappear......

    Unnecessary and rude. Makes you look like a jerk. Particularly when you can add someone to your ignore list and their posts do disappear, more or less (you still have to see if they are quoted but otherwise
  • Reply 94 of 182
    Animated wallpapers! Animated icons! Animated lock screens!

    I don't use any of those.
  • Reply 95 of 182
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Let me translate then. An Apple television set would have to be more than a screen. Apple would need to completely redefine how we get full content. And I feel that apple is the ONLY company as of right now who could do so. And I think the world would benefit from such.

    Restructuring content and content distribution does not in any way require Apple to build a real tv. Because its about pricing, timing, quality etc not about what you use with the media.

    In regards to the living room etc. That little box is all they actually need. A revamped Cinema Display that could work with that box wouldn't hurt but it isn't required.
  • Reply 96 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by realitychecks View Post

    Don't use any of those.


    Great advice.

  • Reply 97 of 182
    Great advice.
  • Reply 98 of 182
    charlituna wrote: »
    Restructuring content and content distribution does not in any way require Apple to build a real tv. Because its about pricing, timing, quality etc not about what you use with the media.

    In regards to the living room etc. That little box is all they actually need. A revamped Cinema Display that could work with that box wouldn't hurt but it isn't required.

    Agreed. When I was a lurker I recall someone saying something to the effect of "Apple probably won't invent a TV or only a TV. They'll likely change the way we get content."

    That's what I was saying.
  • Reply 99 of 182
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    Apple is still doing well enough in the hardware and retail spaces but in services/apps/software it is really falling behind the likes of Google etc... I feel they're really neglecting that crucial part of the Apple ecosystem and have been so now for too long. I want to see some hope for the future in S/A/S next month at the WWDC. As 'inkling' mentioned here, even something as basic as OS X's spell-check is awful, and these little things are endemic through out the platform. It should be their top priority, not a second or third tier one.
  • Reply 100 of 182
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Utter nonsense. Name one successful company that has suffered such a 'consumer backlash.'


    Ignorance breeds ignorant opinions. Simple.

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