Microsoft unveils 'Xbox One,' a voice-controlled all-in-one entertainment hub



  • Reply 81 of 150
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Microsoft definitely had a much better presentation compared to Sony's for PS4. I do like the design of the new Microsoft One. All the new features look very promising. I'm excited to see more at E3. I'd love to see what Battlefield 4 will look like on the next generation consoles. Hopefully that will be shown at E3. FIFA 14 looked pretty good.  Now the bigger question is what to buy? PS4 or Xbox One? I imagine the price point will be similar. One major concern about the Xbox is Microsoft seems to be going the route that will require the new Xbox to constantly be online. Hopefully that won't be the case, but we'll see. Thankfully Sony won't be doing that with the PS4.  

  • Reply 82 of 150
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    ...  In some ways, this is what Apple TV should have been. ... Apple TV could have been the center of your entertainment system and done all the things that XBox 1 does (gaming, music, movies, TV, Internet, etc). ...


    I have to point out that the Apple TV does all of those things except "Internet" and that using the mirroring feature on your iPad, you can do that as well.  


    There is virtually no difference between Apple TV, X-Box, and PS in terms of "what they can do."  They can all do the same things as each other, the choice merely revolves around style and access to specific subcategories of content.  It's more about what kind of games you play, and whether or not you want to pay for your movies or be able to rip them off easily.  


    Most of the folks I know who use X-Box basically just use it for games.  If they play music or movies at all, the reason they are using the X-Box is that it's easy to play ripped off movies and music whereas Apple products all require you to jump through hoops to use illegal stuff.  


    I don't give a crap about X-Box myself as I'm not interested in "those kind of games."  All my friends that use the media functions of the device however, use it specifically because it's "easier" than Apple TV, by which they mean they don't have to transcode the ripped off video files and put them into iTunes.  

  • Reply 83 of 150
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    jragosta wrote: »
    XBox Unity would have been OK, but I don't think names carry the weight that they used to. XBox 1 is just strange, though. Is this the 3rd version or 4th?

    I suggested XBox 361 at some point in the past but the new one has no backwards compatibility so 361 - 360 = 1.

    It also reportedly blocks used games as I suspected. You install games onto the HDD and it ties them to an online account. You will be able to buy used games but on installing, you will likely have to pay again, possibly a reduced fee. Some reports are a bit sketchy just now.

    8-core CPU, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, USB 3, 802.11n.
    The always-on is not a requirements but they will allow developers to use Azure services for cloud computing (like what Sim City developers said they were using the network connection for).
    Kinect is a requirement at all times - the XBox won't work without one connected so if you think about stealing any games, they're taking your picture.

    I don't think it looks all that great. It reminds me of an old VCR.

    They will get some good exclusives as they have the developers in their deep pockets now but I'm more impressed with Sony so far. They seem to have been working more closely with developers to build a console that developers want. They have 8GB GDDR5 RAM fully shared between CPU and GPU. They might have to go the route of blocking used games too, it's kind of an inevitable move but they will have backwards compatibility via their Gaikai cloud streaming.

    Both of these consoles will mean more PC games and potentially more Mac native games too from casual to immersive and all AAA.

    They are going to kill off the Wii U - EA's the latest company to say they currently have no titles in development for it. I think it's partly down to the fact that PCs/Macs/XBoxOne/PS4 now all have a common x86 architecture and a higher minimum quality bar. The modern engines will port right across the range and the combined audience is huge.
  • Reply 84 of 150
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by johnnash View Post

    If the actual product and games meet the expectations they set in the presentation I watched today, it'll basically change the console business (IE kill everyone else) in one swoop.  Video conferencing -Ala Skype, motion control, Cable box integration, Voice Control, Blue Ray etc..  It quite simply will leave everyone in the dust.  The graphics they demoed the new version of Call of Duty were simply amazing.  The thing isn't a gaming console, it's a PC that acts like a gaming console when you want to game.  Their goal has been to to take over the living room, they may have just done that.


    That said I stress IF they meet the expectations they set in the demo.


    You are aware that the portion of the population that is interested in things like "Call of Duty" is incredibly small right?  And that the biggest trend in home entertainment of the last five years is people *cutting* their cable and not watching cable TV anymore?  


    Microsoft has just designed a "dream system" for a 20-something dude that is still living in the 1990's.  


    I'm sure it's a good product but if their goal is to "take over" they need to appeal to more than just that.   Women are half the population, and there are waaay more over-50's than there are 20-somethings.  How would I play my iPad games on this for example?  Why all the complexity around cable TV when I'm not even interested in cable TV?  Why do I have to buy a Kinnect with it and attach it to the box just to watch a movie?  

  • Reply 85 of 150
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Seven years and this is what you post? 

    Why did you look at how many posts he's had?  Because if someone makes a positive comment about something non-Apple then an investigation must be done to see if they are just a shill for MS, Samsung, etc.? 


    Truly, if anyone here is really an Apple fan they should be saying, "Hey, this looks damn impressive so far.  What's Apple going to do to counter it...if anything."  I was really impressed by the presentation - especially when compared to the quasi-release of the PS4.  I really like having something to control all inputs for TV, game and video that handles it simpler than my A/V Receiver can. The TV Guide looks nice but it remains to be seen what providers other than Comcast it will be compatible with at launch.  The unit itself is minimalist and the controller looks a lot better than the 360's while retaining all that is great about it.


    So now the question is, 'what's Apple's next move?'  It would seem they have to do something lest they want to cede the living room to Microsoft. But even if Apple finally comes out with the iTV (or whatever it's called), how will it integrate into your gaming console?  Being a TV with the current ATV built in surely won't cut it.  It will need to integrate with your cable/satellite service if that's at all possible.  Have they been working on that or given it up?

  • Reply 86 of 150
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    You are aware that the portion of the population that is interested in things like "Call of Duty" is incredibly small right?  And that the biggest trend in home entertainment of the last five years is people *cutting* their cable and not watching cable TV anymore?  


    Microsoft has just designed a "dream system" for a 20-something dude that is still living in the 1990's.  


    I'm sure it's a good product but if their goal is to "take over" they need to appeal to more than just that.   Women are half the population, and there are waaay more over-50's than there are 20-somethings.  How would I play my iPad games on this for example?  Why all the complexity around cable TV when I'm not even interested in cable TV?  Why do I have to buy a Kinnect with it and attach it to the box just to watch a movie?  


    Your analysis of the video game industry couldn't be further from the truth.  You might want to do a little reading on the subject before spouting out this fiction. You're completely off on the size and makeup of video gamers.  Some of this is a little dated but you get the point:

  • Reply 87 of 150
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I suggested XBox 361 at some point in the past but the new one has no backwards compatibility so 361 - 360 = 1.

    It also reportedly blocks used games as I suspected. You install games onto the HDD and it ties them to an online account. You will be able to buy used games but on installing, you will likely have to pay again, possibly a reduced fee. Some reports are a bit sketchy just now.

    8-core CPU, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, USB 3, 802.11n.

    The always-on is not a requirements but they will allow developers to use Azure services for cloud computing (like what Sim City developers said they were using the network connection for).

    Kinect is a requirement at all times - the XBox won't work without one connected so if you think about stealing any games, they're taking your picture.

    I don't think it looks all that great. It reminds me of an old VCR.

    They will get some good exclusives as they have the developers in their deep pockets now but I'm more impressed with Sony so far. They seem to have been working more closely with developers to build a console that developers want. They have 8GB GDDR5 RAM fully shared between CPU and GPU. They might have to go the route of blocking used games too, it's kind of an inevitable move but they will have backwards compatibility via their Gaikai cloud streaming.

    Both of these consoles will mean more PC games and potentially more Mac native games too from casual to immersive and all AAA.

    They are going to kill off the Wii U - EA's the latest company to say they currently have no titles in development for it. I think it's partly down to the fact that PCs/Macs/XBoxOne/PS4 now all have a common x86 architecture and a higher minimum quality bar. The modern engines will port right across the range and the combined audience is huge.

    Sony did show some pretty impressive game footage on the new PS4. Personally, I feel that Sony has always had the better exclusive titles compared to Xbox. I don't care that much for the Halo franchise. I can't imagine how awesome a new Uncharted game will look on the PS4. Heck, even the upcoming PS3 game The Las of Us looks pretty amazing. 


    I think you are spot on about the Wii U. 

  • Reply 88 of 150
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    You are aware that the portion of the population that is interested in things like "Call of Duty" is incredibly small right?

    You call a billion dollars worth of sales in 15 days incredibly small?
  • Reply 89 of 150
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member



    the crucial issue for all these boxes that want to be the focal point of your living room life is, of course, the UI.


    the general idea is to replace the old school IR remote control with something better.


    the XBOne and others are proposing we use a voice and gesture UI, replacing the hand held remote. but is that how most consumers really want to do it? does it "feel right"? assuming it works good. these STB's also will likely have control apps for iOS and Android and Windows Phone (XBox anyway).


    Apple TV still has an IR remote (hard to use - the button areas are small). the Remote iOS app is crummy too. why don't we just see the same button selections as displayed on the TV, instead of a clumsy track pad? and then there are addtional apps that can independently control various parts of your A/V system, like TiVo's, Xfinity's, etc.


    i think most consumers, if they are going to use voice and gestures at all would prefer interacting with a phone/tablet they hold in their hands rather than 'yell at the screen' farther away. also, as 'second screens' these hand held devices could be showing some useful info/controls in addition to what's on the big screen.


    Apple really does need to totally overhaul the Apple TV control options, at the very least a new improved Remote app, and soon. maybe we will see at WWDC.


    and then there is the issue of the HDMI pass thru to eliminate input switching on the HDTV. is the XBOne doing that? that would be a big improvement for Apple TV too. Apple could offer a second Apple TV model with a number of HDMI inputs, and you could launch the control apps for those peripherals from within the Remote app itself.

  • Reply 90 of 150
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    Why did you look at how many posts he's had?  Because if someone makes a positive comment about something non-Apple then an investigation must be done to see if they are just a shill for MS, Samsung, etc.?

    When someone makes an account based around anti-Apple posts…

    Truly, if anyone here is really an Apple fan they should be saying, "Hey, this looks damn impressive so far.  What's Apple going to do to counter it...if anything."


    "Impressive"?! HA! That's a good one. Microsoft just killed their entire video game console industry. It's Sony and Nintendo now, and Sony just shot itself in its other leg this generation.

    Have they been working on that or given it up?


    Nice false concern.

  • Reply 91 of 150
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Do you have a current link for those statistics, or are you going by info that's several years old?



    which is even from a Microsoft shill/drone site.  If the red-ring of death was not such a massive failure, they might be close to breaking even.  however, the PS3 has now surpassed the world wide installed base of the XBox 360 even with the rushed year head start of the 360.  Outside of the USA, the 360 continues to be a total and complete failure.


    Microsoft can affford to throw billions at the XBox and Windows Phone failure since they have an illegally obtained OS office productivity suite monopoly propping them up 

  • Reply 92 of 150
    oneof52oneof52 Posts: 113member
    I watched and was impressed. I liked the voice integration and the input switching.

    Hope Apple gets its act together and does something amazing.

    My son informs me I will be buying one. I can't disagree.
  • Reply 93 of 150
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by oneof52 View Post

    My son informs me I will be buying one. I can't disagree.


    You're fine with being forced to have the Kinect plugged in to run it, have an Internet connection always active and connected, and to pay the retail price twice over when you buy a used game?

  • Reply 94 of 150
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    bullhead wrote: »

    which is even from a Microsoft shill/drone site.  If the red-ring of death was not such a massive failure, they might be close to breaking even.  however, the PS3 has now surpassed the world wide installed base of the XBox 360 even with the rushed year head start of the 360.  Outside of the USA, the 360 continues to be a total and complete failure.

    Microsoft can affford to throw billions at the XBox and Windows Phone failure since they have an illegally obtained OS office productivity suite monopoly propping them up 

    They've been making money the last few years and that's what counts for the future of the platform.

    MS Office is extremely popular but that does not make it a monopoly. It's not built into Windows and there are alternatives.
  • Reply 95 of 150
    bobborriesbobborries Posts: 151member

  • Reply 96 of 150
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    bobborries wrote: »

    Yeah, it definitely looks like a VCR. Here's one for comparison:


    That VCR looks a little nicer IMO. They mentioned that in the video on the Verge too:

    Apparently you can't stand it on it's side so it has to sit flat. I liked the direction they took the old one in too:


    Somebody on Reddit mocked up the PS4 from the teaser that was shown:



    I suppose they'll finally show it on June 10th - they probably wanted to leave enough time to make last minute changes if Microsoft's console turned out better. This also gives Microsoft the opportunity to sell another one in a couple of years as a slim model.
  • Reply 97 of 150
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    rgmenke wrote: »
    Hopefully Microsoft has learned and will build better hardware. Xbox's to date have been POS's. Previous versions were loud and croaked because they ran so hot. 

    SOME launch versions did. They took responsibility and fixed them all and extended the warranty. Subsequent units worked just fine. I've had two and never had the slightest issue with either. Lets just put this one to bed as it really doesn't need repeating.
  • Reply 98 of 150
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    "Several years old" would be 75% fail rate. Channel stuffing the new, tiny model has lowered the average.

    That's BS and you know it.
  • Reply 99 of 150
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    oneaburns wrote: »
    Lets just put this one to bed as it really doesn't need repeating.

    Yes and no. There are millions of perfectly functioning units for many years time and MS admitting the issue and resolving it that it shouldn't be brought up without the proper context, but one such proper context is having some concern that MS may not have learned their lesson. They have, as of yet, to really prove themselves as a HW vendor. If I were looking a game console I think I'd certainly read reviews before buying to make there was nothing unexpected cropping up that would make me regret my decision.
  • Reply 100 of 150
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    When someone makes an account based around anti-Apple posts…


    "Impressive"?! HA! That's a good one. Microsoft just killed their entire video game console industry. It's Sony and Nintendo now, and Sony just shot itself in its other leg this generation.


    Nice false concern.


    You are unreal.  It's called being objective. False concern?  What, do you want to see receipts for all the Apple devices in my signature?  Some pictures of me with them perhaps?  Is your level of paranoia really that high?  Over the years I've grown so tired of defending myself from you simply because I have the ability to give credit where it's due even when it's a competitor to Apple.  To say "Microsoft just killed their entire video game console industry" makes you sound like a troll. Perhaps that's your thing...saying absurd stuff to get a rise out of people.  (How never see THAT on the internet.)  Or maybe you can't take a step back and look from outside your own personal biases and emotions.  Either way, it's tiresome. 

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