Case intended for Apple's low-cost iPhone shows thicker, rounded design

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Case makers in the Far East have begun to produce accessories they hope will fit a new low-cost iPhone model from Apple, featuring a slightly thicker design and rounded edges.

The appearance of a case alleged to fit a new iPhone would suggest that schematics for such a device, legitimate or not, are in the wild. Photos and video of the accessory were highlighted on Tuesday by Macotakara.

The case designed by Japan's MGM Corp. shows rounded edges, and a slightly thicker frame than the iPhone 5. It includes space for a rear-facing camera with flash, as well as volume buttons and mute switch on the left side.


According to the report, the case for the low-cost iPhone is about 2 millimeters thicker than a similar accessory designed for the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5 case also has squared off edges, while the low-cost iPhone case has rounded sides.

Rumors have persisted throughout 2013 that Apple plans to build a new, low-end iPhone model that could be used to target customers who prefer not to sign a new service contract. Currently Apple does not serve the low end of the smartphone market, where the most industry growth is being seen.


In recent weeks, reports have claimed that suppliers are now shipping parts for such a device. One alleged part claimed to show a plastic rear shell with rounded corners allegedly intended for the device.

Market watchers believe Apple could sell a low-cost iPhone for $399 without negatively affecting the company's margins. It's also been suggested the device will be available in an array of colors, taking a cue from the company's iPod lineup.


  • Reply 1 of 60
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Yup. Just like the 4S was suppose to be tapered.
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  • Reply 2 of 60
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member

    I remember those guys from last year. They showed legitimate iphone 5 components ahead of the launch. With the amount of leaks we have on iphones parts and accessories they got to be manufacturing them right now. Maybe the low cost phone will launch this summer ahead of the high end iphone 5s 

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  • Reply 3 of 60
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member

    Apple can release a lower cost iPhone without sacrificing quality. It has done so with its iPod line. For instance, the iPod, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. The Macbook, and Macbook Air. All these products have different price points, and distinguishing features. 


    If Apple wants to be competitive in other markets, it needs more options. The less expensive phone for pay as you go carriers will be nice, but Apple really needs a larger phone if it wants to truly continue to compete worldwide.


    "We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." 

    - John Stuart Mill


    "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 

    - George Orwell

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  • Reply 4 of 60
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by TBell View Post


    Odd that you would know he was banned if you were not reading the forums. It also seems in poor taste insulting somebody who is not around to defend himself. 


    Apple can release a lower cost iPhone without sacrificing quality. It has done so with its iPod line. For instance, the iPod, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. The Macbook, and Macbook Air. All these products have different price points, and distinguishing features. 


    If Apple wants to be competitive in other markets, it needs more options. The less expensive phone for pay as you go carriers will be nice, but Apple really needs a larger phone if it wants to truly continue to compete worldwide.


    "We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." 

    - John Stuart Mill


    "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 

    - George Orwell


    I agree that they don't necessarily have to sacrifice quality but I'm still of the opinion that the only way to make a significant drop in price is to sacrifice margins.


    BTW - I think a lot of people are/were reading the Forum but wouldn't bother contributing because, as your Orwell quote points out, they were not allowed to say things that TS didn't believe yet still may have been true.

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  • Reply 5 of 60
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by facethefire View Post

    Anyway. I personally think Apple should stay a premium brand. Forget low cost iPhone shit. If people want low cost ,buy Android.


    Maybe you are thinking of the US market only?  In a lot of countries, an iphone is months of salaries. The low cost iphone is primaly for emerging markets, not to mention the design should fit there needs better.


    Another aspect of it is the ecosystem.  Below a certain point Apple will become a niche market, exactly like they did in the 80's with the PC market. Once there is pretty much game over. Seriously if Apple makes the same mistake twice, they should run out of business, they deserved it.


    and yet, another used for it would be countries with no subsidize phones. not to mention that even in Canada and the US, the carriers are trying everything they can to reduce subsidies.


    Finally, a low cost iphone doesnt mean its going to be a piece of garbage....   It may be a very usefull and well design device that integrates with iOS avoiding market segmentations in OS versions.

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  • Reply 6 of 60
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member
    TS was banned? I thought he was a mod? Wow. He was ok, just pretty opinionated. Many of us are on here, we're just not insulting.
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  • Reply 7 of 60
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post


    I agree that they don't necessarily have to sacrifice quality but I'm still of the opinion that the only way to make a significant drop in price is to sacrifice margins.


    Depends. The high end iphone is using a lot of cutting edge components that are very expensive. By toning down everything but keeping the device compatible with the lastest apps and iOS versions, you can cut the cost a lot.


    I do think the low cost iphone could sell well even if its price include a little premium over other low cost phone.  That little premium is all margins and will make the diffence between no profit and decent margins.


    They must do something for about 70% of the world that just cant afford current iphone models.

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  • Reply 8 of 60
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    I do think the low cost iphone could sell well even if its price include a little premium over other low cost phone.  That little premium is all margins and will make the diffence between no profit and decent margins.


    This I agree with totally. When I think of low cost iPhone I don't think bargain basement price, just cheaper than the current offerings.


    Still, I can't help feel that something has to give, even if it is only offered in markets other than NA and Europe... features, margins, quality.

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  • Reply 9 of 60
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member
    tbell wrote: »

    Odd that you would know he was banned if you were not reading the forums. It also seems in poor taste insulting somebody who is not around to defend himself. 

    Apple can release a lower cost iPhone without sacrificing quality. It has done so with its iPod line. For instance, the iPod, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. The Macbook, and Macbook Air. All these products have different price points, and distinguishing features. 

    If Apple wants to be competitive in other markets, it needs more options. The less expensive phone for pay as you go carriers will be nice, but Apple really needs a larger phone if it wants to truly continue to compete worldwide.

    <span style="background-color:rgb(240,255,255);font-family:Times;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;"><span class="gmw_">"We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion<span class="gm_ gm_0bb5576c-6532-2787-cb64-4402c3ffd4b3 gm-spell gm_tiny">;</span> and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." </span></span>

    <span style="font-family:Times;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;background-color:rgb(240,255,255);">- John Stuart Mill</span>

    <span style="background-color:rgb(240,255,255);font-family:Times;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." </span>

    <span style="font-family:Times;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;background-color:rgb(240,255,255);">- George Orwell</span>

    If apple can build a low cost iPhone without sacrificing margins or quality, that would be great, but that's not what we are hearing from the rumors. What we are hearing is that they are going to sacrifice build quality. This sounds like the thinking of an analyst (plastic feels cheap therefore it must be made of plastic to be cheap), and it's so thoroughly un-apple like that it causes me to think that these rumors are BS.

    As far as cheap iPhones go, what's wrong with the 4/4s? They may not be as cheap as people want them to be, but neither was the iPad mini. The fact is that a cheap iPhone will never be as cheap as people want because apple doesn't care about having the cheapest devices on the market; they care about having the best. As for a larger screen; apple has explained why they don't want to go larger, and the device that would fit in the case shown couldn't have a screen much larger than an iPhone 5 anyway.

    I can possibly seeing them updating the 4/4s the same way they did with the iPad 3 in order to give it a lightning connector in the process giving them an iPhone 5 screen, but that's about it.
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  • Reply 10 of 60
    abobrekabobrek Posts: 31member
    It's a case...anyone could make a case...
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  • Reply 11 of 60
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member
    It probably will be just a bit cheaper than the 4S but not much. Rather than selling last year's phone as the cheap one, they'll have an up to date one with less "jewelry" engineering. MacBook vs MacBook Pro. This is necessary because of china. They have to make a phone with tdlte, so relying on on the 5 won't cut it.
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  • Reply 12 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by facethefire View Post

    I read it regularly but with that parasite as a moderator I never posted my opinion.


    Well, so far you're more tiresome than he was IMO.  You've managed to make personal attacks, swear, and be generally distasteful in less than a few posts.  


    You come across as a bit of a bully too, so I'm going to simply assume that you are the new TallestSkil type character for the forum (or perhaps you actually are him).  

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  • Reply 13 of 60
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,430member

    I'm not convinced it's going to merely be a low-cost iPhone. Why would they do that? How would they differentiate between this and the regular iPhone? "It's the same, but cheaper." What a great advertising campaign, and talk about cannibalism.


    With the other lines they may offer lower cost products in the same family, but that's not what differentiates them from the other models, it's functionality. The iPod Shuffle is different from the iPod Nano is different from the iPod Classic is different from the iPod Touch, and they happen to all have different price points.


    If this phone is real, it'll be functionally different from the other iPhone, and most likely, significantly different. Apple is not, in my opinion, about to release a product with current or older internals that performs the same basic functionality as the current iPhone - that would make no sense.


    What they might do is something really innovative, and create a phone (for example) that doesn't have cellular capabilities, but only accepts a data-only SIM, so any communication would be via iMessage or FaceTime (or any of the other myriad great apps out there). If they merely want a cheaper iPhone, they have one, they can just update the iP4 with new connector and elongated screen and call it a day, or offer an 8GB iP5, like they did with the iPod Touch recently. Those would both be cheaper iPhones - they aren't going to make an entirely new phone with vastly different internals and casing so they can offer a cheaper phone. I don't see it that way.

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  • Reply 14 of 60
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Well, so far you're more tiresome than he was IMO.  You've managed to make personal attacks, swear, and be generally distasteful in less than a few posts.  


    You come across as a bit of a bully too, so I'm going to simply assume that you are the new TallestSkil type character for the forum (or perhaps you actually are him).  

    Oh for f*ck*'s sake...

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  • Reply 15 of 60
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by facethefire View Post

    Anyway. I personally think Apple should stay a premium brand. Forget low cost iPhone shit. If people want low cost ,buy Android.

    It depends on what they think is low cost.....   $100 to $200 for an unlocked phone is low cost, but Apple may be replacing their $450 iPhone 4 with a new, updated $349 small screen iPhone 5 would probably be something they might do.


    If they came out with a A6 based iPhone 4/4S replacement that has a Retina display, 8G storage, with a less expensive case design that's $350 price range for an unlocked phone, why not?  That might be what Apple MIGHT do.  That would be plausible and possible, but it would still be profitable and still a usable phone as they could still offer it on a 2 year service contract or at least try to figure out a way to get them in the hands of a lot of people.


    It all depends how inexpensive they can make them while still making a decent product that will run iOS 7 with all of the features.


    From the video, the case they showed looked like a cheap iPhone 5 case.  The rounded corners on the outside is not that big of a deal, it's how it fits the unit on the inside.  But it just looked like a cheap case that did fit the iPhone 5.  

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  • Reply 16 of 60
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    It all depends how inexpensive they can make them while still making a decent product that will run iOS 7 with all of the features.


    That is the big question for sure.

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  • Reply 17 of 60
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    tbell wrote: »

    Apple can release a lower cost iPhone without sacrificing quality. It has done so with its iPod line. For instance, the iPod, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. The Macbook, and Macbook Air. All these products have different price points, and distinguishing features. 

    If Apple wants to be competitive in other markets, it needs more options. The less expensive phone for pay as you go carriers will be nice, but Apple really needs a larger phone if it wants to truly continue to compete worldwide.

    Apple is very competitive with its three iPhone models. The other devices Apple sells have room to shrink with trade offs. I can't imagine an iPhone that is significantly lighter than the 5 or doesn't have a screen, access to apps, a camera, etc. Apple will not use substandard parts or "cheap" materials.
    herbapou wrote: »
    Maybe you are thinking of the US market only?  In a lot of countries, an iphone is months of salaries. The low cost iphone is primaly for emerging markets, not to mention the design should fit there needs better.

    Another aspect of it is the ecosystem.  Below a certain point Apple will become a niche market, exactly like they did in the 80's with the PC market. Once there is pretty much game over. Seriously if Apple makes the same mistake twice, they should run out of business, they deserved it.

    and yet, another used for it would be countries with no subsidize phones. not to mention that even in Canada and the US, the carriers are trying everything they can to reduce subsidies.

    Finally, a low cost iphone doesnt mean its going to be a piece of garbage....   It may be a very usefull and well design device that integrates with iOS avoiding market segmentations in OS versions.

    Please, the PC and cell phone markets are different. There is no niche with the iPhone. If anything, a phablet is a niche product.
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  • Reply 18 of 60
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    There is a tremendous amount of lack of understanding here. Hopefully I can bring some sanity and critical thinking to this discussion:

    [U][B]The Low Cost iPhone: What You Need To Know[/B][/U]

    This term, "low-cost iPhone" has been thrown around since basically a month after the launch of the first iPhone. It has persisted as a rumor since around the time of the 3GS. Yet, it has no definition. It has no real meaning. Every person interprets this to mean something different, and thus a total lack of comprehension ensues. Allow me to spell out a few things regarding the "low-cost iPhone"

    First of all, there is no such thing as a low cost iPhone. Just as we saw with the iPad mini, there is no such thing as a low cost iPad. To get the cost down, you have to remove hundreds of dollars worth of which is no longer an iPad, or an iPhone.

    So, what can this actually mean then? Well, a CONTRACT-FREE iPhone is NOT the same as a LOW COST iPhone. I'm tired of this delusion that buying an iPhone off contract somehow saves you money and equates to the low cost option...NO. All it does it gives you the freedom to STOP using and thus STOP paying for your is the point of that? Can anyone tell me? Why on earth would you do that? Yes I can imagine unexpected, extremely rare, niche scenarios in which stopping service to your iPhone is desired. But that is neither here nor there. You buy an iPhone to use it.

    So, again, what does it mean to get a "low cost iPhone"? Because I can tell you right now, there is not one living soul that would agree that paying $399 up front for their iPhone, and then an average of $75-$100 a month for service, equates to "low-cost". Not in any way shape or form. You cannot spin that to make any sense.

    However, is $99 up front and then the same monthly cost, by comparison, "low-cost"? You bet your sweet behind it is. Every American between the ages of 18 and 45 would see that as the "low-cost" option when the two are compared. Even though in the latter option, you are signing a 2 year are receiving a carrier subsidy of nearly $500. That is money that you DO NOT have to pay back. You have to pay for monthly service on the device, which is necessary to use it, prepaid or post-paid makes no difference here. You can make the lame argument that off contract there may be cheaper monthly plans, but I have not seen real evidence of this, nor has it ever worked out to be significant savings. Negligible, is the word. we are....bloggers journalists and users alike....totally and completely taken in by the idea of a "low-cost" iPhone.....when it already exists....sort of. Today, it's called the iPhone 4S. Last year it was called the iPhone 4. Before that it was called the iPhone 3GS. Getting it yet?

    However, I have been under the impression that Apple was going to deviate slightly from this routine, and I believe this year is the year. If things remain on the routine path, Apple will release the iPhone 5S as the flagship iPhone, and keep the 5 around at $99.

    Instead, this year, Apple has been hard at work designing a "New" $99 iPhone to sell, instead of demoting the 5. The new $99 iPhone will feature most of what the iPhone 5 features, with certain things tweaked/added/removed to accommodate their design. It will of course, come in colors.

    Just as there always is, there will be more than enough to differentiate between the flagship device and the new cheaper device. And it will be perfectly suited to become a new category of iPhone. One that remains year after year, and gets updated alongside the flagship iPhone. No more selling "last year's iPhone" at a reduced price. Apple will instead shape a "new" product around it each most people have no idea except what they can see.

    Remember people, selling last year's iPhone at half price has been VERY popular and successful for Apple....because of the price. Imagine how much more successful it will be when the price is the same, but it is perceived as a "new" product. The answer...VERY VERY.
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  • Reply 19 of 60
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    For the record...who says Apple cares about emerging markets? This is not a race to the bottom for Apple.
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  • Reply 20 of 60
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by facethefire View Post

    Now that Tallest Skil has been banned ,I have finally returned to the forum. Good Riddance.That rabid fanboy had it coming.


    Anyway. I personally think Apple should stay a premium brand. Forget low cost iPhone shit. If people want low cost ,buy Android.

    Really? No more Tallest Skil? What happened?

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