New Samsung ad knocks iPhone language limitations, features goats



  • Reply 41 of 90

    It's funny how Samsung can criticize Apple for it's lack of Voice Control language support, when Samsung can be criticized for it's lack of security, and for the matter of the disabled community, accessibility. I am blind, and use my Apple products with no problem. They are easy to use, and are quite simple to learn. However, I have tried to use an Android powered phone, and have found the screen reader, known as TalkBack to be difficult for beginners to use. Also, as we know, Android was discovered to have a security flaw that has been present since Android version 1.6, but has not been fixed. Also, Samsung can be criticized for it's app offering people the ability to get JZ's new album. The app has the ability to hack your phone, and view what apps you use. So, when it comes to the competition of which company has the better product, Apple has the upper hand. Samsung may have better language support for it's voice control, but Apple has a much better OS, with an easy to use interface, accessibility for the disabled, and an overall better user experience. 

  • Reply 42 of 90
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    It might as well be Nazi Germany or Israel.  


    Say what?

  • Reply 43 of 90
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    stelligent wrote: »
    Say what?

    Godwinning about citizenship laws, but attempting to anti-Godwin (inGodwin?) by using Israel as a second example.

    Innovative, if poorly executed.
  • Reply 44 of 90
    I can see the brief for this Ad now... "We want to make an attach Ad, but we don't want to spend a lot of money."

    The start and end make sense, but what the hell is that bit in the middle with the dancers?
  • Reply 45 of 90
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Wasn't it Google who said we shouldn't be talking to our phones, back when Siri was first released?

    That's when I knew Andy Rubin is dumb.
  • Reply 46 of 90
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Macsavy View Post

    Am I the only one who thinks this ad is utter horse s@&$

    NO.  It's just tasteless crap.  What would expect from Samsung?  A high quality ad?  Samsung obviously has to take a bite out of an Apple product so they can try to act like it was their idea.


    I'm sure when Apple releases their new products, S4 sales will do the same as the S3 did.  Drop like a brick.  And how long does it take to get a legitimate, supported software update out of Samsung for a non-Nexus phone?    Samsung is so dumb, they still market old technology Gingerbread phones to get market share.   That's like Apple re-releasing an iPhone 3G with iOS 4 on it and selling it for $150 unlocked just to get market share.


    it's too bad we can't B-tch slap Samsung's management for real cheesy stupid attacks on one of their biggest customers.  What a bunch of backstabbers.


    Thankfully, I don't own any Samsung labeled products, nor will I ever.

  • Reply 47 of 90
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    A very ugly and irritating ad, once again with sociopath imagery and themes, but that's what appeals to the basement-dwelling tweakers who hate Apple and buy Android. Samsung's ad agency is testing their demographic with this, I think.
  • Reply 48 of 90
    analogjackanalogjack Posts: 1,073member
    Those whacky Icelanders!!
  • Reply 49 of 90
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Oh look, 4th article talking about Samsung today.  Thanks SamsungInsider!

    You said somehing in the other thread too.

    Lemme tell ya something. Samsung became part of Apple's story when they started going after Apple users in their ads, when those ads started working to convince Wall Street know-nothings and tasteless tech-press blowhards that Samsung was "cooler" than Apple, when Samsung pimped itself out with screen size and cheap software features, when Samsung, using a stolen OS started copying Apple down to the icons and the packaging, and when Apple's stock price began to reflect all this to the tune of hundreds of billions, that's when it became important to follow every move of this meretricious, mendacious company.

    Don't kid yourself, it's a twilight, existential struggle against bad taste and bad ethics. And bad plastic. When Samsung starts to compete honestly and takes its rightful place alongside Apple as an ethical rival, then maybe the campaign here to keep an eye on their every blunder, stumble and success can let up.

    How long have you been following the site?
  • Reply 50 of 90
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    A very ugly and irritating ad, once again with sociopath imagery and themes, but that's what appeals to the basement-dwelling tweakers who hate Apple and buy Android. Samsung's ad agency is testing their demographic with this, I think.

    What a bunch malarkey, someones choice of platform doesn't make them a techno bigot. Why does a line have to be drawn in the sand.

  • Reply 51 of 90
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    Thankfully, I don't own any Samsung labeled products, nor will I ever.


    Every Mac product you own has a component in it made by Samsung, even your TV that is made by another company will most likely contain them as well. Don't kid yourself, Samsung has a very large monopoly that touches almost every gizmo out there. Your microwave might not say Samsung on it but what does it matter when the insides do.

  • Reply 52 of 90

    I liked the ad for its style (but then I'm quite a fan of those crazy Icelanders anyway and their off-the wall sense of art) but I agree that the criticism inherent within it is bogus. I can also see that despite it being targeted at a very small population, it was crafted to try and get a rise out of the more sensitive Apple fan. So a: why is AppleInsider giving it prominence and helping it go viral and b: why is anyone commenting against it helping this process?! I'd rather hear more about all the wonderful new stuff Apple is doing - in-depth stuff on the new Mac Pro, for instance. Otherwise this site might as well change its name to Tech Insider.

  • Reply 53 of 90
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    relic wrote: »
    What a bunch malarkey, someones choice of platform doesn't make them a techno bigot. Why does a line have to be drawn in the sand. This either your with us or against us mantra B.S. that your spewing is immature and frankly makes you look very unintelligent. 

    I know English isn't your first language. I should have made it clearer: " . . . that's what appeals to the slice of the Android market that includes the basement-dwelling tweakers . . . "

    The "the" in my original sentence was supposed to convey that. True, not all Android users are b.d. tweakers who hate Apple, but the point is that this is the group that the ad is pandering to. That's why it's ugly and anti-human. That particular slice of the Android market likes the ugliness and the anti-human robot fetishism. And the sheep meme as applied to Apple.
  • Reply 54 of 90
    It's amazing that Samsung is still behaving like some unstable jilted ex-lover.

    @relic - you're not clever enough for the discussion on here, all the hysterical replies to reasonable comments show that, why don't you find somewhere you'd feel more at home. Don't bother leaving a reply for me as I'm not coming back to check.
  • Reply 55 of 90
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    What a bunch malarkey, someones choice of platform doesn't make them a techno bigot. Why does a line have to be drawn in the sand. This either your with us or against us mantra B.S. that your spewing is immature and frankly makes you look very unintelligent. 

    Apple users like us like to disrespect those that disrespect Apple.  Samsung disrespected Apple in a number of ways..  It's our way of venting.


    Some of us enjoy doing it, because it's fun.  Ripping on Samsung is fun.  I think Samsung is a very childish company by disrespecting one of their largest component customers by trying to not only copy their products and market against Apple.  Plus they are using an old Apple ad guy that likes putting out cheap shots at their competition.


    Samsung needs to grow up.


    Maybe Tim Cook wanted to get rid of the Ad guy because he didn't want to have the type of ads used to have against Microsoft.    Personally, these ads fuel this, so maybe you should tell Samsung not to market their products using direct attacks in the manner for which they are doing.  I know for myself, I won't buy a Samsung labeled product for many reasons.


    1.  All of the Samsung products I've seen have a cheapness surrounding them..  Example.  Refrigerators and other appliances, they might have what some appear to be great features, but the bottom line is if you want the best, Sub Zero is the top of the line.  I don't think a customer can get anything better made than Sub Zero. they are just ripping expensive.  But there are also Bosch, Meile, and other brands that look and have a higher quality about them.


    2.  Their TVs are just OK.  I've talked to a Samsung dealer, for which will remain confidential.  They also carry other brands and I asked them what they REALLY thought of Samsung, since they know me REALLY well and I'm a long time customer and they won't BS me in any way.  The co-owner of the store said that Samsung is actually pretty cheap crap. The panels are decent, but he said the power supplies and other internal components suck, really cheap components, the cases are also kind of cheap and he said that if he was going to buy a similarly priced TV, he'd go with Sony or even LG and they carry all of these brands.  He actually preferred Sony, which I also have bought before with good experiences.


    3.  I just don't like the fact that a company has repeatedly been caught for price fixing. Once is enough, but twice? Seriously.


    4.  Samsung is displaying what is conflict of interest as far as I'm concerned by being a component supplier to various tablet, smartphone, computer mfg and then also going into the same markets competing head to head with their component customers.   Samsung knows who buys what components at what price and they have a certain degree of control over this component supply to do whatever subtle manipulations to cause others with supply issues, etc.  It's just NOT good business to do what they are doing..  Microsoft is basically now doing the same thing by marketing their own line of tablets against their own OEM vendors with the Surface, which is also not a good business practice.  I just don't like supporting companies that do this as I don't think it's a good ethical business practice unless get approval to do what they are doing by their component/OEM customers.  It a shame that companies have to have this Frienemy attitude.  It sucks for everyone.  Apple didn't cause this frienemy arrangement, Samsung did. To think otherwise would be ignorant.


    so those are the four main reasons why I'll rip on Samsung. I don't respect them since they don't respect the very company that is not only a customer, but the source of inspiration behind Samsung's products.  They do the same thing with many of their other products where they make their products look very much like someone else's design. Real sleazy.   It's too bad Samsung just doesn't stick to making components and making their money that way.  But I guess they are just getting greedy in the process.

  • Reply 56 of 90
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    flaneur wrote: »
    I know English isn't your first language. I should have made it clearer: " . . . that's what appeals to the slice of the Android market that includes the basement-dwelling tweakers . . . "

    The "the" in my original sentence was supposed to convey that. True, not all Android users are b.d. tweakers who hate Apple, but the point is that this is the group that the ad is pandering to. That's why it's ugly and anti-human. That particular slice of the Android market likes the ugliness and the anti-human robot fetishism. And the sheep meme as applied to Apple.

    Ah, sorry to fly off the handle. I'm just getting tired of all these personal attacks on people who use other manufactures products,
  • Reply 57 of 90
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    drblank wrote: »
    Apple users like us like to disrespect those that disrespect Apple.  Samsung disrespected Apple in a number of ways..  It's our way of venting.

    Some of us enjoy doing it, because it's fun.  Ripping on Samsung is fun.  I think Samsung is a very childish company by disrespecting one of their largest component customers by trying to not only copy their products and market against Apple.  Plus they are using an old Apple ad guy that likes putting out cheap shots at their competition.

    Samsung needs to grow up.

    Maybe Tim Cook wanted to get rid of the Ad guy because he didn't want to have the type of ads used to have against Microsoft.    Personally, these ads fuel this, so maybe you should tell Samsung not to market their products using direct attacks in the manner for which they are doing.  I know for myself, I won't buy a Samsung labeled product for many reasons.

    1.  All of the Samsung products I've seen have a cheapness surrounding them..  Example.  Refrigerators and other appliances, they might have what some appear to be great features, but the bottom line is if you want the best, Sub Zero is the top of the line.  I don't think a customer can get anything better made than Sub Zero. they are just ripping expensive.  But there are also Bosch, Meile, and other brands that look and have a higher quality about them.

    2.  Their TVs are just OK.  I've talked to a Samsung dealer, for which will remain confidential.  They also carry other brands and I asked them what they REALLY thought of Samsung, since they know me REALLY well and I'm a long time customer and they won't BS me in any way.  The co-owner of the store said that Samsung is actually pretty cheap crap. The panels are decent, but he said the power supplies and other internal components suck, really cheap components, the cases are also kind of cheap and he said that if he was going to buy a similarly priced TV, he'd go with Sony or even LG and they carry all of these brands.  He actually preferred Sony, which I also have bought before with good experiences.

    3.  I just don't like the fact that a company has repeatedly been caught for price fixing. Once is enough, but twice? Seriously.

    4.  Samsung is displaying what is conflict of interest as far as I'm concerned by being a component supplier to various tablet, smartphone, computer mfg and then also going into the same markets competing head to head with their component customers.   Samsung knows who buys what components at what price and they have a certain degree of control over this component supply to do whatever subtle manipulations to cause others with supply issues, etc.  It's just NOT good business to do what they are doing..  Microsoft is basically now doing the same thing by marketing their own line of tablets against their own OEM vendors with the Surface, which is also not a good business practice.  I just don't like supporting companies that do this as I don't think it's a good ethical business practice unless get approval to do what they are doing by their component/OEM customers.  It a shame that companies have to have this Frienemy attitude.  It sucks for everyone.  Apple didn't cause this frienemy arrangement, Samsung did. To think otherwise would be ignorant.

    so those are the four main reasons why I'll rip on Samsung. I don't respect them since they don't respect the very company that is not only a customer, but the source of inspiration behind Samsung's products.  They do the same thing with many of their other products where they make their products look very much like someone else's design. Real sleazy.   It's too bad Samsung just doesn't stick to making components and making their money that way.  But I guess they are just getting greedy in the process.

    That's fine, I wasn't trying to convey my love for Samsung, just that you saying you will never buy a Samsung product is pretty darn hard to do. Especially when their components are in so many products. I under stand the hatred this forum and Apple users in general have against Samsung, I personally don't get emotional towards multi-billion dollar corporations in general, Apple, Samsung or otherwise. It's fun to read the comments but at the end of the day I will buy the thing that works the best for me regardless of the company. I mean lets face if you never bought from a company that does shady back handed deals you wouldn't have much. Currently I think I just have a external USB drive from Samsung, oh wait I also have a Samsung wireless keyboard that I bought for my TV but that's it. I also have a Sony television, it's just okay, picture is very nice but the menu controls are really funky, love the Skype integration though.

    We looked at the Sub Zero's, very nice but we ultimately went with a Traulsen, it was a little more money but it has better energy savings.

  • Reply 58 of 90
    dugbugdugbug Posts: 283member
    "This bodes well for Samsung in the Iceland mobile computing market"

    oh, bull*#&$ Its a stupid ad right up there with the palm pre woman.
  • Reply 59 of 90
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    That's fine, I wasn't trying to convey my love for Samsung, just that you saying you will never buy a Samsung product is pretty darn hard to do. Especially when their components are in so many products. I under stand the hatred this forum and Apple users in general have against Samsung, I personally don't get emotional towards multi-billion dollar corporations in general, Apple, Samsung or otherwise. It's fun to read the comments but at the end of the day I will buy the thing that works the best for me regardless of the company. I mean lets face if you never bought from a company that does shady back handed deals you wouldn't have much. Currently I think I just have a external USB drive from Samsung, oh wait I also have a Samsung wireless keyboard that I bought for my TV but that's it. I also have a Sony television, it's just okay, picture is very nice but the menu controls are really funky, love the Skype integration though.

    We looked at the Sub Zero's, very nice but we ultimately went with a Traulsen, it was a little more money but it has better energy savings.

    You OBVIOUSLY didn't READ what I posted.  I said anything with a Samsung label as in finished goods.  If English is not your forte, then maybe you shouldn't be posting on English speaking sites.  i don't go to on sites where German, French, Spanish and other languages are spoken for a reason.  I've never hear of that brand, but thanks for the heads up.  That's more of a commercial refrigerator.  I don't have a problem with Samsung's components as long as they the other divisions don't try to market products that compete with their component customers.  Samsung isn't the only game in town for SSD, NAND, RAM, etc.  They are just one of many suppliers.  Apple just went to them because Intel turned them down for processors, and they were already using Samsung for RAM, etc. and Apple was just trying to invest in mfg with Samsung THINKING they weren't going to turn around and backstab them.   Once I see a finished good like an appliance, TV, etc. I will NOT buy it if it says Samsung on the front.  And I could care less about Android platform because I think it actually does more of a disservice the community by having this Open Platform that seems to run Open Loop where customers are being FORCED to do things that shouldn't be needed in the first place. When a customer has to go to an outside source from the mfg to get software updates, that's just a scary proposition. To think that I could go to a site like Google and actually get malware apps unknowingly is just wrong.  Apple took the right approach and since this is an Apple centric site, if you don't like Apple and use something else, then GO somewhere else.  I don't go to Android centric sites touting Apple unless there is someone posting some flagrantly misleading information, which Android users do ALL of the time.  I come from a long history in the computer industry and come from being trained in a Best Practices approach to IT and that's how I derive my decision to think and know that Android devices is just a bad joke and the media seems to avoid the problems that it continually has.  Apple isn't perfect, but they seem to work out technical problems in a timely manner and I'm happy with all of my interactions with the company from a Support standpoint. I can't say that about too many other companies which I've had numerous interactions that are still around.  I used to like Compaq and sold quite a lot of their computers and servers.  Same goes with HP, but HP has gone downhill with their PCs/laptops, and Compaq got sucked up HP. Their servers?  I don't have a problem with their servers, but I don't use high end servers in my home at this point in time...  Microsoft?  I just gave up on them after having too many problems and seeing customers with their problems over the years and it was a constant battle.  You want to talk Apple? Sure, you want to talk Android, go to an Android site, etc. I just can't stand what Google, Samsung, etc. have done to Apple with this Android platform. It's a sleazy way to get business, that's how I see. 


    I actually don't NEED a TV right now, but am interested to see what Apple might do.  If I were to get a TV, it wouldn't be a Samsung.  There are plenty of others to choose from.  With all TV brands they typically have different levels of quality at different price points and you get what you pay for.


    I just don't like Samsung's business practices, some people don't care about that, well I do. In the mean time, Apple is in the process of reducing their reliance on Samsung and when they are Samsung free, even better.  one thing I can't stand are companies that create enemies out of their business partners and customers, which is what Google and Samsung have done. Apple didn't create that, THEY did.  I don't wish to promote them.  If you don't care in the least about unethical business practices of what they have done, then you need to look at your own business practices.  Would you do the same thing they did?  I could easily become Google free, but as long as I'm paying a dime to them, then fine.  They just waste the money on dumb projects like Glass anyway.

  • Reply 60 of 90
    vic20vic20 Posts: 1member
    Yeah he takes a bite from an Apple at the end more like they ride the Apple wave come on come up with something new. You guys wait till the contract ends with the hardware going to Korea next year then you will hurt in sales. Don't you get it it's the software that sells the device not just hardware but people in the know know that and dorks who don't buy a Samsung!
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