New Samsung ad knocks iPhone language limitations, features goats



  • Reply 81 of 90
    heliahelia Posts: 170member

    what is it they have with goats? o.O

  • Reply 82 of 90
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by helia View Post

    what is it they have with goats? o.O


    It's not a goat.   Apparently some reporters don't realize that other animals also have horns.


    When you figure out what the animal is, then it makes sense in the context of the ad.


    Hint:  male sh _ _ p.


    That just leaves the dancers as a mystery, but after watching some other Icelandic commercials on YouTube, they don't seem strange at all.


    Apparently it takes something unusual to catch an Icelander's attention!  Here's one of my favorites:



  • Reply 83 of 90
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    No offence, I meant to reference famous situations/countries wherein it's your genetic heritage that matters for citizenship.  

    Historically, Israel has acted in the same way as Germany did during the war in that regard.  They don't of course send the non-citizens to the gas chamber, but they still use the same criteria to decide who's a "real" citizen.  

    You probably want to rethink this and remove it.

  • Reply 84 of 90
    semankasemanka Posts: 40member
    Apple doesn't need to speak Iceland. It's completely unnecessary for many decades to come. It speaks Korean though, and Korean like it. It speaks Chinese and I like it. Lack in Iceland? That's good! Save some memories for unnecessaries.
  • Reply 85 of 90


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    How long have you been following the site?


    Actually, I've been following the site for a long time.. back when it used to be an Apple only news site.  Before Versiontracker got gobbled up by another company and went to crap, when SpyMac was a Mac site, etc.


    AppleInsider has followed Versiontracker and taken a dramatic turn for crap.  I check it daily though incase one day it starts sucking less.. so far I am disappoint.

  • Reply 86 of 90
    Iceland has a population of the same size as a small town in the UK.....
  • Reply 87 of 90
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by uncletone View Post

    Iceland has a population of the same size as a small town in the UK.....

    I'm sure if they even had cell towers, they wouldn't be that busy.  I wonder how many towers they would need to cover where most of the population lives?  two?

  • Reply 88 of 90
    bigmikebigmike Posts: 266member
    Terrible. Samsung loves wasting money.
  • Reply 89 of 90
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by bigmike View Post

    Terrible. Samsung loves wasting money.

    Instead of getting software updates on all of their products out faster, they'd rather spend the money advertising the only product they make that actually ships with the latest version OS.  Imagine that, tons of different models and they only have one that ships with the latest rev of Android.  Pathetic, sleazy and with no integrity.  Glad I don't use Samsung Galaxy phones. I'd be pissed if I bought their last year's model and couldn't get an update when it gets released.  4.2.2 has been out since Feb, what's their problem?  Idiots.

  • Reply 90 of 90
    r1skor1sko Posts: 30member
    I think it%u2019s worth to mention that Honolulu has a higher population than the entire country of Iceland. Just saying%u2026.
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