Samsung passes Apple's iPhone in smartphone Web usage - report



  • Reply 21 of 71


    Originally Posted by Yojimbo007 View Post

    Bogus.. Samsung bribed article!

    As Alawys the low lives are at their game !




    Lies straight from -- vomit! -- South Korea.

  • Reply 22 of 71
    negafoxnegafox Posts: 480member


    Originally Posted by Phone-UI-Guy View Post

    Um, how is it Nokia is at the top until the start of 2013? This cannot be just smartphones. It would be a very liberal definition of smartphone if it is.

    This might shed some light:

  • Reply 23 of 71
    This isn't even an apples to oranges comparison, it's a basket-of-apples to an orchard-of-oranges comparison.
    Apple has released a total of only 6 different models of their phones since 2007.
    Samsung releases dozens every year, and not all of them even run the same operating system.
  • Reply 24 of 71
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    I can't believe some people think this type of metric is useful. Lol!
  • Reply 25 of 71
    solomansoloman Posts: 228member
    blackbook wrote: »
    Typical sales drop before the new model probably played a part in this, along with Samsung continuing to give away their devices.

    The 5S, iOS 7, and potential low cost iPhone will see Apple put Samsung back in their place and crush the rest of the competition.

    How would a sales drop affect web usage?
  • Reply 26 of 71
    solomansoloman Posts: 228member
    cnocbui wrote: »

    It's those really big screens - you know those tens of millions of big screened phones that no one actually buys or uses that are sitting unsold in warehouses where they were shipped to, but not sold.

    Samsung are so sneaky they probably have robots in those warehouses accessing the internet on all those unsold devices just to drive up the stats.

    You mean the devices that they don't sell yet earn record profits on? Oh yeah I forgot about those
  • Reply 27 of 71
    Windows 8 has is approaching six percent


    Only cause you stop people from buying Win7 and force them to Win8 you kind of get a higher number.


    Just sayin...
  • Reply 28 of 71
    kennmsrkennmsr Posts: 100member
    This is only about iPhones not iOS devices web browsing. Since I got a 3G enabled iPad I spend most of my time web browsing on it than using my iPhone and its almost always with me as is my iPhone. So as others have said "figures never lie, but liars sure can figure". Depending who is paying for the report a data gathering can make the data say almost anything by picking the proper set of data points. If Samsung paid for the report and requested all mobile web browsing by device manufacturer and the report came back showing them severely trailing then they might ask for another report of just smartphones and if that failed then another report of all phones. When the data met their marketing goals they would pay for the report and publish the findings.
  • Reply 29 of 71
    vl-tonevl-tone Posts: 337member


    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    Weird considering when these numbers compare Apple to Google Apple is far ahead. How is that possible if Samsung is Android.


    These numbers estimates the relative percentage of web usage between platforms, it doesn't count "non-usage".


    Per user/unit, web usage on iOS is still much higher than on Android. Because as we know, a large percentage of Android phones sold are crippled, running old OS versions and not really being used as smartphones.

  • Reply 30 of 71
    Meh, has no effect on my desire for Apple products.
  • Reply 31 of 71
    vl-tonevl-tone Posts: 337member


    Originally Posted by Soloman View Post

    How would a sales drop affect web usage?

    Because this study shows the relative percentage of web usage between platforms.


    If Apple iPhone sales flatlined because of the wait for the 5S, while Samsung is aggressively marketing its new S4 flagship model, Apple's web usage ratio will drop.

  • Reply 32 of 71
    Being that I can afford more than one apple device and all my devices are in synch - iPad, iMac, and iPhone - I used my iPhone less for internet because of the smaller screen. While at work, I use my iMac and at home, I use my iPad. When I had only one device (iPhone) that's all I used for the web and left my Toshiba laptop in hibernation for 2 years.
    Is it a big deal? I don't believe so,, they should consider all table and phone combined for actual numbers.
  • Reply 33 of 71
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member

    I call BS on this, as several other usage reports recently published (see reference links below) paint a MUCH different picture than this...



    On some of the websites I host, those too reflect that a SIGNIFICANTLY larger percentage of visitors are using iOS devices versus Android.


    And even with these "statistics", because of the way a lot of Android devices report themselves to the servers, these stats can be highly skewed.

  • Reply 34 of 71


    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post


    This is not a sales chart.  It's a chart detailing internet usage.


    No it's not. It's a chart of web page hits. It has nothing to do with the amount of data that goes to & from a device. When that is taken into consideration then iOS pulls WAY ahead. iOS is way ahead in terms of ad impressions, online shopping - you know, the stats that actually mean something.



    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    I can't believe some people think this type of metric is useful. Lol!


    It's only useful if you install their code on your own website to see which devices are visiting. In that regard, Google Analytics is better IMO. If you find a lot of people are visiting with an iPad (for example) then you may consider have an iPad optimized version of your site to address those users.

  • Reply 35 of 71
    pinolopinolo Posts: 91member
    Good. Good. Let Samesung be the underdog for a year or two. Let it be the company everyone loves and cherishes. The media darling!
    But then, once the "journalists" start asking questions about monopoly, corporate governance, transparency... And it all falters under the veil of nepotism... Then we will talk. Please all here remember. Apple was never about the numbers. Or the overall renenue. Apple was about rebels and misfits. And "it just works". It still is about helvetica neue iltralight with or without shading...
  • Reply 36 of 71
    ry4nry4n Posts: 1member
    Still seems strange that Apple/Samsung web usage is parallel considering there are two to three times more Samsung smartphones sold than iPhones. What are those people doing with their phones? Why would they pay so much for that functionality when they are essentially using them as dumbphones. Doesn't say much for Samsung users.
  • Reply 37 of 71
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    It's those really big screens - you know those tens of millions of big screened phones that no one actually buys or uses that are sitting unsold in warehouses where they were shipped to, but not sold.


    Samsung are so sneaky they probably have robots in those warehouses accessing the internet on all those unsold devices just to drive up the stats.


    ...or it might be all the cheap, crappy handsets Samsung are actually selling, taking over from the cheap, crappy Symbian handsets that Nokia sold in the past.

  • Reply 38 of 71

    Define Samsung smart phone. How many Samsung models compared to Apple's six iphone models since inception? What kind of crap phone are they passing off as a smartphone?

  • Reply 39 of 71
    titantigertitantiger Posts: 300member


    First, Cook relies on data provided every month by NetApplications, a Sunnyvale, Calif.--based outfit that counts the Web usage of both smartphones and tablets. StatCounter is counting only smartphones.


    Second, NetApplications weighs its data according the Internat usage in each country surveyed.


    StatCounter, by contrast, uses "no artificial weighting," as it proclaims proudly on its FAQ. In other words, data from a country with few Internet users (like Burma, where only 1.1% of the population is online) is treated the same as a country with heavy Internet usage (like Norway, where 95% of the population surfs the Web).


  • Reply 40 of 71
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member


    Originally Posted by bigbowood View Post

    This isn't even an apples to oranges comparison, it's a basket-of-apples to an orchard-of-oranges comparison.

    Apple has released a total of only 6 different models of their phones since 2007.

    Samsung releases dozens every year, and not all of them even run the same operating system.

    Care to bet?

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