Nokia bets on photography to boost sales with 41MP Lumia 1020



  • Reply 81 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    drblank wrote: »
    Looks kine of bulky to me.

    What your seeing is the optional camera case, the Nokia 1020 is the same size as the 928, except where the camera module is. Yea it's a bit on the chunky side, especially when compared to say a iPhone.

    Oh that's neat, I just read that the camera grip pictured above is also an extra battery.
  • Reply 82 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    What your seeing is the optional camera case, the Nokia 1020 is the same size as the 928, except where the camera module is. Yea it's a bit on the chunky side, especially when compared to say a iPhone.

    Of course I'm looking at the case. You must collect one of everything so can be Ms. Expert.   


    Most people couldn't give a rip. it's a Windows phone.  HELLO.  Only 3% of the market, no apps to speak of.   Nokia's on the way out. They'll probably get sucked up by Microsoft or Samsung or someone dumb enough to waste a ton of money on a losing proposition.


    And how many are they selling?  They aren't flying off the shelves are they. Are people lining up?  Oh, look at the GUI... It's so pretty.  It's BLUE.  I guess kids can only distinguish primary colors.

  • Reply 83 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    drblank wrote: »
    Of course I'm looking at the case. You must collect one of everything so can be Ms. Expert.   

    Most people couldn't give a rip. it's a Windows phone.  HELLO.  Only 3% of the market, no apps to speak of.   Nokia's on the way out. They'll probably get sucked up by Microsoft or Samsung or someone dumb enough to waste a ton of money on a losing proposition.

    And how many are they selling?  They aren't flying off the shelves are they. Are people lining up?  Oh, look at the GUI... It's so pretty.  It's BLUE.  I guess kids can only distinguish primary colors.

    I like gadgets what can I say. Is everything garbage in your eyes, geesh. This is my first Windows 8 phone so unlike you I'll wait till I've used it for a while before dooming it. From what I've seen of my sons Nokia 820 it offers everything that I need, apps included. On that subject what apps are missing that you need, have you ever seen the MS store or are you just being an antagonist.
  • Reply 84 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    drblank wrote: »

     Nokia's on the way out. They'll probably get sucked up by Microsoft or Samsung or someone dumb enough to waste a ton of money on a losing proposition.
    You could have said exactly the same thing about Apple when it was trading under 7 or even before Steve Jobs came back.
  • Reply 85 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I like gadgets what can I say. Is everything garbage in your eyes, geesh. This is my first Windows 8 phone so unlike you I'll wait till I've used it for a while before dooming it. From what I've seen of my sons Nokia 820 it offers everything that I need, apps included. On that subject what apps are missing that you need, have you ever seen the MS store or are you just being an antagonist.

    In a way, yeah.  I think these things are playtoys right now.  I think smartphones are just in the infancy of where they will go, but the basic functionality is all that really matters in the long run.  Most of what I need in a smartphone, I have, I just want a larger screen iPhone so I can read the damn thing because of my eyesight, other than that Android is just a failure on so many levels, Microsoft can't get developers to write apps, Blackberry is one step in the grave as is Symbian, and I just think that getting all obsessive, collecting these gadgets at your level is basically learning them enough to do a product demo, and then you're on to the next gadget.  Seriously, I think YOU need a gadget break.  I know I need one just from listening to your obsessing over them.


    Gadgets?  I just got a Breville Tea Maker.  Best gadget I have gotten in a long time.  I don't drink coffee for various reasons, but some high quality tea?  This thing is perfect.   I'll get into that as gadget.....

  • Reply 86 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    You could have said exactly the same thing about Apple when it was trading under 7 or even before Steve Jobs came back.

    Actually, I didn't say that about Apple. Before Jobs went back to Apple, I was telling people to buy Apple stock when it was trading around $3.  Most people thought I was crazy, just like some people thought I was crazy telling people to buy Microsoft and Intel stock in the mid 80's, just like I told people to sell of Dell stock when it was at it's high point, just like I told people to by Akamai when it was trading at $3.20.   I'm not 100% accurate all of the time with my predictions, but I have made lots of em that became reality.  I actually predicted IBM was going to sell off their PC business about 2 weeks before any public announcement and I had NO inside information on ANY predictions.  NONE. I do it observing the industry, companies, competition, trends, etc.

  • Reply 87 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    drblank wrote: »

    Gadgets?  I just got a Breville Tea Maker.  Best gadget I have gotten in a long time.  I don't drink coffee for various reasons, but some high quality tea?  This thing is perfect.   I'll get into that as gadget.....

    Oooh that is so neat, I'm a big tea drinker too. Ever had a Thai Tea?

  • Reply 88 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Oooh that is so neat, I'm a big tea drinker too. Ever had a Thai Tea?


    Yeah, at restaurants, but not in my Breville, yet. I'm still working a couple of bags of tea i got from Teavana.  I've got the Dragonfruit and another blend, plus some others.  I just get sucked into the basket that's goes down/up using a magnet.   Totally ingenious.  I wish I could program it from my iPhone or have it alert me when it's done.   

  • Reply 89 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Yeah, at restaurants, but not in my Breville, yet. I'm still working a couple of bags of tea i got from Teavana.  I've got the Dragonfruit and another blend, plus some others.  I just get sucked into the basket that's goes down/up using a magnet.   Totally ingenious.  I wish I could program it from my iPhone or have it alert me when it's done.   





    For those that haven't seen one.  It's just the best Tea Maker ever made..  I just wish they had a smaller size.

  • Reply 90 of 110
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member


    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    One of the things I like about photography is that seeing is believing and no amount of rationalisation and mental gymnastics will ever be able to persuade someone to disbelieve the truth their eyes deliver.



    It happens all the time in photography.    Take all those Leica users who pay double to buy the Leica version of the point and shoots which are actually made by Panasonic.   They pay that extra money to get the "red dot".   


    And that's aside from the "pixel peepers" who blow up images to look at individual pixels to try and find fault with something. 

  • Reply 91 of 110
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    You seem to be very passionate about debunking Nokia's new camera phone.


     I think your a wonderful photographer.image


    Thanks you :) 


    And no, not at all. Read my post. I say NOTHING about the quality of the camera. I can't, I have never used it. The only complaint I did make is the 41MP hype. Even they say in the PDF you posted [I believe it was you] that those 41MP are sampled down to 5MP outputs.


    Again, if they marketed this as Super 5MP camera sampled from 41MPs that would have been great. But stating 41MP when in fact the output is 5MP just to compete on the numbers game is lame. 


    I've never used the camera, so I can't attest to how well it performs. I never trust manufacturer photos as they are always done in the most optimized conditions. 

  • Reply 92 of 110
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Check out Hasselblad, they make a REAL 60 megapixel camera that's $32K, i can guarantee you that this Lumia 1020 is NOT even in the same ball park of anyone's pipe dream as the Hasselblad H4D-60.  It's not even going to be close to their earlier models like a H5D-40 40 Megapixel medium format camera that goes for $18K.  


    You want a REAL camera, buy a REAL camera.  You want 4K or 5K resolution video?  Buy a RED.  It's so funny how these mass merchandise products confuse and mislead consumers.  To me it's like BOSE spouting off that they make high end speaker systems.  The Lumia is just another Windows phone that's trying to be a camera and I'm sure it takes decent photographs for what it is, but it's still just a consumer grade product for taking photos and videos for Joe Blow that just wants to have a point and shoot camera, instead of a REAL professional grade product. But it's still a Windows phone which doesn't have many apps available on it.




    Yes, and these cameras also have high-end sensors and processors. 

  • Reply 93 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post


    Thanks you :) 


    And no, not at all. Read my post. I say NOTHING about the quality of the camera. I can't, I have never used it. The only complaint I did make is the 41MP hype. Even they say in the PDF you posted [I believe it was you] that those 41MP are sampled down to 5MP outputs.


    Again, if they marketed this as Super 5MP camera sampled from 41MPs that would have been great. But stating 41MP when in fact the output is 5MP just to compete on the numbers game is lame. 


    I've never used the camera, so I can't attest to how well it performs. I never trust manufacturer photos as they are always done in the most optimized conditions. 

    Amen to that!


    When companies do that sort of marketing, that's misleading the consumer. WHen companies overclock the processor is similar deceptive business practices.

  • Reply 94 of 110
    jj kayjj kay Posts: 8member


    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post


    Thanks you :) 


    And no, not at all. Read my post. I say NOTHING about the quality of the camera. I can't, I have never used it. The only complaint I did make is the 41MP hype. Even they say in the PDF you posted [I believe it was you] that those 41MP are sampled down to 5MP outputs.


    Again, if they marketed this as Super 5MP camera sampled from 41MPs that would have been great. But stating 41MP when in fact the output is 5MP just to compete on the numbers game is lame. 


    I've never used the camera, so I can't attest to how well it performs. I never trust manufacturer photos as they are always done in the most optimized conditions. 




    Where'd you get that the output's only 5mp? 1020 takes 2 shots at a time. one that's sampled down to 5mp and another at full resolution at 33mp or 38, I forgot.

  • Reply 95 of 110
    jj kayjj kay Posts: 8member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Check out Hasselblad, they make a REAL 60 megapixel camera that's $32K, i can guarantee you that this Lumia 1020 is NOT even in the same ball park of anyone's pipe dream as the Hasselblad H4D-60.  It's not even going to be close to their earlier models like a H5D-40 40 Megapixel medium format camera that goes for $18K.  


    You want a REAL camera, buy a REAL camera.  You want 4K or 5K resolution video?  Buy a RED.  It's so funny how these mass merchandise products confuse and mislead consumers.  To me it's like BOSE spouting off that they make high end speaker systems.  The Lumia is just another Windows phone that's trying to be a camera and I'm sure it takes decent photographs for what it is, but it's still just a consumer grade product for taking photos and videos for Joe Blow that just wants to have a point and shoot camera, instead of a REAL professional grade product. But it's still a Windows phone which doesn't have many apps available on it.


    LOL. Comparing $32k Hasselblad with Lumia 1020. If you think Lumia 1020 takes a decent photo, that makes iphone 5's photo crappy.

  • Reply 96 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by JJ Kay View Post


    LOL. Comparing $32k Hasselblad with Lumia 1020. If you think Lumia 1020 takes a decent photo, that makes iphone 5's photo crappy.

    You didn't understand my point.  A REAL high MP camera is $17K to $32K, the Lumia 1020 says it's a 41 MP camera, but it's not REALLY a 41MP camera because it doesn't GIVE you 41MP photos.  


    Well, the iPhone 5 is a 10 month old smartphone and the pictures are quite good for a smartphone camera that was released last year.  Certainly better than Samsung's S3, certainly better than the Google Nexus 4 camera.  It was almost as good, VERY LITTLE difference to that of the HTC One and the Lumia 920, which were the smartphones it was being sold against.


    Now, Apple, in case you don't READ, is about to release their replacement model to the iPhone 5, which comes out about the same time as the Lumia 1020.

    So YOU are being an idiot for comparing a brand new Lumia against a 10 month old iPhone, when there is a NEW iPhone about to be released, that you don't know the specs of, but might have a LEGITIMATE 13 MP camera instead of a 41 MP camera that compresses it down to a 5MP file.  So, YOU sound more like an idiot buying into the 41MP number. A real 41 MP camera is going to cost a bloody fortune and it's going to give you RAW files.

    Either way, I'm sure MOST people don't buy a smartphone JUST for taking photos.  I'm also sure the Apple's NEW phone which gets released around the same time frame as the Lumia 1020 will have a camera that takes photos about the same level as the Lumia 1020, so quite your little bitch fest.  The Lumia is using misleading ways to market the phone.  It's Windows phone which has very small amount of apps to actually use, has VERY little market share, and probably will sell about as well as the Lumia 920.  

    Have a nice day and maybe change your panties, they seemed to be been bunched up over nothing.

  • Reply 97 of 110
    jj kayjj kay Posts: 8member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    You didn't understand my point.  A REAL high MP camera is $17K to $32K, the Lumia 1020 says it's a 41 MP camera, but it's not REALLY a 41MP camera because it doesn't GIVE you 41MP photos.  


    Well, the iPhone 5 is a 10 month old smartphone and the pictures are quite good for a smartphone camera that was released last year.  Certainly better than Samsung's S3, certainly better than the Google Nexus 4 camera.  It was almost as good, VERY LITTLE difference to that of the HTC One and the Lumia 920, which were the smartphones it was being sold against.


    Now, Apple, in case you don't READ, is about to release their replacement model to the iPhone 5, which comes out about the same time as the Lumia 1020.

    So YOU are being an idiot for comparing a brand new Lumia against a 10 month old iPhone, when there is a NEW iPhone about to be released, that you don't know the specs of, but might have a LEGITIMATE 13 MP camera instead of a 41 MP camera that compresses it down to a 5MP file.  So, YOU sound more like an idiot buying into the 41MP number. A real 41 MP camera is going to cost a bloody fortune and it's going to give you RAW files.

    Either way, I'm sure MOST people don't buy a smartphone JUST for taking photos.  I'm also sure the Apple's NEW phone which gets released around the same time frame as the Lumia 1020 will have a camera that takes photos about the same level as the Lumia 1020, so quite your little bitch fest.  The Lumia is using misleading ways to market the phone.  It's Windows phone which has very small amount of apps to actually use, has VERY little market share, and probably will sell about as well as the Lumia 920.  

    Have a nice day and maybe change your panties, they seemed to be been bunched up over nothing.

    Just in case you did not read, L1020 saves 2 shots at a time, a 5mp and a 38mp. We'll talk after 5s is announced. You can keep crying like a baby. hahaha

  • Reply 98 of 110
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by JJ Kay View Post

    Just in case you did not read, L1020 saves 2 shots at a time, a 5mp and a 38mp. We'll talk after 5s is announced. You can keep crying like a baby. hahaha

    Whatever.  Would care to make a wager that that new iPhone will outsell the Lumia probably by a factor of at least 10 to 1?   How many 920's were sold since it's introduction?  How many iPhone 5's were sold?


    Why do you need to save two photos?  to take up more space?  Yeah, better be prepared to deal with using up all of you storage.  Most people use these things to post photos on Facebook and use with Instagram, which are pretty low end solutions.  Jeez.   41 MP would be overkill for both of these.


    I think it's futile to even discuss one announced product over something that hasn't been announced or even comparing against a product that was last year's model.

  • Reply 99 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Thanks you :) 

    And no, not at all. Read my post. I say NOTHING about the quality of the camera. I can't, I have never used it. The only complaint I did make is the 41MP hype. Even they say in the PDF you posted that those 41MP are sampled down to 5MP outputs.

    Again, if they marketed this as Super 5MP camera sampled from 41MPs that would have been great. But stating 41MP when in fact the output is 5MP just to compete on the numbers game is lame. 

    I've never used the camera, so I can't attest to how well it performs. I never trust manufacturer photos as they are always done in the most optimized conditions. 

    Can I ask you where you are getting your info from in regards to only being able to save at 5MP. I shoot at 38MP all the time with my Nokia 808 and save them as 38MP files, the 5MP oversampling is just the default setting for the Pureview sensor mode, when you change the sensor mode from Pureview to Full Resolution the camera will absolutely shoot in 38MP, no gimmicks, tricks or oversampling. The same goes for the Nokia 1020.

    The 41MP sensor can capture 34MP and 38MP image files at 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios respectively. In addition to the 38MP and 34MP full-resolution images, the Lumia 1020 camera captures 5MP oversampled images. This dual capture, says Nokia, enables creative post-processing while still allowing users to share a high-quality small file size image straight after shooting. It notes that “5MP is the sweet spot for image quality that is easy to share and printable up to A3 size. The 5MP images get the full benefit of the oversampling technology and their quality is way above that produced by any traditional imaging device. In addition to oversampling, the 41MP sensor can also be used for lossless or high resolution zooming.

    Here is a 38MP example, be warned the file is a little over 30mb compressed zip.

    Interesting part is at 3:15

    [VIDEO]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/VIDEO]

    Nokia 808 Pureview tech Whitepaper, explains the oversampling great forum,431.0.html this guy takes great pictures

    Now I know why you kept calling foul, you must have not understood or just did a quick read somewhere.
  • Reply 100 of 110
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Looks like Nokia has a winner, AT&T has sold out on all pre-orders. Yaaay, go Nokia.



    Of course it could be just low supply but again maybe not, we will have to wait and see.

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