Editorial: Google's Android haunted by Steve Jobs' warnings on app signing security



  • Reply 121 of 194


    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    I have always just taken it as a given that this entire site was a one-man operation by DED. All the articles are bylined by obviously made-up names...It never occurred to me to think that they weren't all written by DED himself. I don't intend this as any kind of criticism—I admire his energy and dedication.


    No. Apple Insider is not a one-man operation run by Daniel Eran Dilger. Dan is a Contributing Editor. Here is the AI's masthead:




    Dan's one-man operation is RoughlyDrafted Magazine:



  • Reply 122 of 194
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member


    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post

    If you read this article and didn't know anything about mobile operating systems, you'd think that Android was in dire straits rather than commanding a majority of the market. The bias is laughable.


    "Commanding" is a curious word for Android shipping for free and being widely used. It suggests Google is in control of its partners, rather than just throwing out updates that nobody makes available.


    Does Apple's WebKit "command" the mobile web, or is everyone just using it because it's free, with Apple only marginally benefitting in non-profitable ways? 


    How about Java ME, did it "command" any control over Nokia/Symbian/RIM/WiMo/SE phones or was it just pulling some minor licensing fees? 


    Remember that most "Android shipments" are whitebox estimates in China. They aren't even relevant to Western app development. 

  • Reply 123 of 194
    v5v wrote: »
    I find it interesting that you consider that post in any way "anti-Apple." I just re-read it and found it to be rather impassionate and balanced. Debunking myths is not criticism.

    Y'know, I'm starting to get really sick of the zealots who try to shout down every post that includes anything that is in any way critical of Apple. The noise is annoying, the comments often betray a lack of critical thinking, and the insults are juvenile. I don't know how certain contributors expect to carry on anything more meaningful than a circle-jerk when the fundamental tenet is Apple as deity. It *IS* possible to be pro-Apple without being a bloody drooling disciple.

    Is there a way to activate a filter on the forum that will automatically bozobin every post that includes the word "troll?"
    KDarling is notorious for these kinds of posts. He pulled the same crap over at MacRumors for years and he's now coming to AI to infest the forums over here with his act.
  • Reply 124 of 194
    analogjackanalogjack Posts: 1,073member

    Best article I've enjoyed reading for a long time, devoid of smarmy sarcasm like the flawgic article, (which I also liked), it immediately becomes apparent that like MS, Google, can just rely on the fact that the vast majority of users seem to think viruses and malware are just a part of computing and put up with it as a 'fact' of life. Or just think they are clumsy with computers which should only be expected to work if you have a degree in computer science and if anything goes wrong, for example their information is stolen due to a virus, that it was entirely their fault. Worse they'd rather put up with crap rather than 'learn a new OS'.

  • Reply 125 of 194
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    He reports that he noted a problem and then ineffectually complained about it for a while, but the day after publishing his piece and correctly reporting the issue to Apple Legal it was handled immediately.



    There is nothing in that posting that indicates that sequence of events.





    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    As opposed to say, having a huge vulnerability reported to you in February that affects your entire installed base and not even making a comment on it while you scramble to make a fix that you can't even deploy to your own pure google Nexus users, let alone the 66% of the installed base on an ancient version of Android.


    Yeah, that's a serious problem and a big part of why I choose to use an iOS device instead of something with a bigger screen.


    It's also completely irrelevant to our discussion. Android's weaknesses have nothing to do with my point that you overstated your claim. Quit changing the subject.



    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    But yeah, lets scrape the bucket to dredge up some no longer existent problem as a distraction from serious, ongoing issues you deny to exist.


    I absolutely did not deny their existence. I pointed out a flaw in your article. Don't change the subject.




    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    Then after posting comment after comment of personal attacks


    I criticized your article. It's not a good sign that you perceive that as a "personal attack."



    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    and bemoaning about how AI persecutes your religion with facts


    I don't know how to respond to that because I have no idea what you're talking about. Unlike many here, I don't have any dogmatic agenda to defend, nor do I sense any persecution. I'm not sure what you consider me to have moaned.


    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    write some foot stomping complaints in all caps about how somebody else has insulted you and how offended you are about it.


    Before someone finally clued me in to who you are I would have thought that either you are just having a harder-than-normal time understanding the point (hence the EMPHASIS on the IMPORTANT BITS) or that you are one of those guys who deliberately stirs up shit because it gives him some sense of power he doesn't enjoy in his offline life. Now that I know it's you, I find your comments equal parts pathetic and insulting. Attacking from a disingenuous position and defending your own opinions in while in disguise is pathetic. That you attack the readership of the site is insulting. Your behaviour is disgraceful and you should be ashamed.

  • Reply 126 of 194
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    As for his "bias": unfortunately, reality has an anti-Android bias. Maybe the fandroids should (here's a thought) hang out at an Android-oriented site (assuming they exist) instead of an Apple-oriented one. That way their pwecious widdle fee-fees won't get hurt quite so much.


    Wanting a little more objectivity does not make one an Android fan.


    Why are you willing to accept skewed reporting? That makes it sound like you'd rather enjoy a fairy tale than know what's actually going on in real life, which obviously isn't true, right?


    Your comment about pwecious widdle fee-fees was hilarious, but unfair to those of us who are pro-Apple but anti-bullshit.

  • Reply 127 of 194
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post

    KDarling is notorious for these kinds of posts. He pulled the same crap over at MacRumors for years and he's now coming to AI to infest the forums over here with his act.


    WHAT crap? He discussed the path Apple took from introducing the iPhone to the current App Store. Much of what he wrote was very PRO-Apple. Some of it was questioning whether some long-held beliefs are actually just myths. Other parts described Jobs as not actually being an omnipotent deity after all, but just a guy who sometimes changes his mind as new information and situations come along.


    I don't understand what it was in that post that got under your skin. Did I miss something?


    Are you sure your knee isn't maybe twitching involuntarily a little?

  • Reply 128 of 194
    v5v wrote: »
    but unfair to those of us who are pro-Apple but anti-bullshit.
    Pro-Apple? You? That's a laugh considering just about every post I've read from you has very LITTLE in the way of positivity towards Apple. Take your trolling elsewhere. Please.
  • Reply 129 of 194
    darthwdarthw Posts: 62member
    Great article. I've read DED stuff for years, I've read almost all his articles in the archives at roughly drafted magazine too. The first time I read a post from "corrections" I could tell it was DED. If you're not totally familiar with DED writing style check out his portfolio of articles on RDM and look at his credentials in tech writing, they are both impressive. He writes very boldly for a reason; so it's heard! The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    I find it rediculouly ironic that fandroids with all their zeal for "openness" want to ban "corrections" from AI. That doesn't sound very open, but rather heavy handed and bigbrotherish. Fandroids want so called "open" platforms so they can steal, not because of any ideological or philosophical beliefs in freedom or choice.

    Please keep writing great articles like this DED. Let the crybabies cry. It's absolutely absurd to think that apple or Steve jobs could have envisioned and created the iPhone without realizing that one day third party developers would play a huge part. Apple was cautious in rolling out the SDK at first so they could get it right and I for one am happy not having to worry about viruses, malware and spyware on my iPhone and for the easy iOS and app update process. Thanks for that apple
  • Reply 130 of 194
    darthwdarthw Posts: 62member
    v5v your posts are completely emotional and full of personal attacks. Stop coming here and telling people they're pathetic and to be ashamed of themselves. You sound like a girl who just got told she was fat.
  • Reply 131 of 194


    Originally Posted by DerekCurrie View Post


    No. Apple Insider is not a one-man operation run by Daniel Eran Dilger. Dan is a Contributing Editor. Here is the AI's masthead:




    Dan's one-man operation is RoughlyDrafted Magazine:





    Oh, I'm well aware of Roughly Drafted. I basically slept through the 90s, tech-wise, so his encyclopedic articles on the history of Mac vs. Windows have been very helpful to me. Hopefully after the demise of Android he can write a similar definitive history. I only wish he would collect all the history in one spot....

  • Reply 132 of 194
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by DerekCurrie View Post

    July 4th:

    New Android Vulnerability Affects 99% of Devices


    Sounds pretty serious.  I wonder how many Android users got their phones taken over by organized crime.  100 million? 50 million?  1?

  • Reply 133 of 194
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    I have always just taken it as a given that this entire site was a one-man operation by DED. All the articles are bylined by obviously made-up names...It never occurred to me to think that they weren't all written by DED himself. I don't intend this as any kind of criticism—I admire his energy and dedication.


    As for his "bias": unfortunately, reality has an anti-Android bias. Maybe the fandroids should (here's a thought) hang out at an Android-oriented site (assuming they exist) instead of an Apple-oriented one. That way their pwecious widdle fee-fees won't get hurt quite so much.


    Dan is actually pretty new here, and other than "Kasper's Automated Slave" the other names aren't made up as far as I know.  This site has been around longer than most and is still the best IMO. 

  • Reply 134 of 194
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post

    Pro-Apple? You? That's a laugh considering just about every post I've read from you has very LITTLE in the way of positivity towards Apple. Take your trolling elsewhere. Please.


    See? Where do you go from that? You drag out the "troll" label and that's it.


    You want positivity?


    I think the iMac is possibly the best value in personal computing ever. It's not the least expensive by a long shot, but it offers a typical user a more constructive experience than anything else at a similar price point (and especially anything below it) and is comparatively hassle-free.


    I wept with joy the day the new Mac Pro was announced. I sat with a group of co-workers gathered around the computer screen drooling and smiling. When one asked "I wonder how much it costs?" the rest of us replied in unison, "Who cares?!" I think the new design, while less ideal for my particular setup, is so ingenious it deserves special recognition.


    I would rather give up a toe than my Apple TV. There are obviously many, many changes/additions required for it to be a mainstream product, but I enjoy it even the way it is now, and see huge things eventually coming out of it.


    I love the security I get with my iPhone. I love the things it lets me do. I wish I could get one with a bigger screen.


    Maybe it seems like I'm anti-Apple because it drives me up the freakin' wall when some evangelist pops up and announces "It's Apple so it just works!" which is obviously complete bullshit. Some things do, but nothing is perfect and Apple has issues like anybody else. Saying so doesn't mean I hate Apple or that I'm pro-something-else.


    Or maybe it's because I get frustrated by Apple's "give here but take away here" approach to new products. Better CPU but no more discrete GPU. Add Thunderbolt but drop the bigger screen. Stuff like that.


    My parents raised me to "question everything" so I'll often play Devil's Advocate and/or temper claims of incredibleness with reality checks. It might make me less fun than the cheerleaders, but it does not make me anti-Apple.

  • Reply 135 of 194
    65c81665c816 Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by Phone-UI-Guy View Post

    I agree with that... The article contains some really good information, but I cannot read through all of the rants. These editorials could be really good, but the way the content is delivered is terrible. Please stop with the bad analogies while you are at it.


    I like reading the facts.  I hate the bloody spin.  

  • Reply 136 of 194
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    The basis of this article is correct:  Jobs was not categorically opposed to native apps.  He just wanted absolute control over them, and so sometimes made them out to be a big threat.  As he put it in an interview right after showing off the iPhone:



    Re: OS bugs. Apparently few remember that the very FIRST iPhone software update came about because a researcher threatened to release code that would let anyone take over an iPhone, if Apple didn't put out a fix by a certain date.  Apple complied.


    Nothing personal, but I don't see the point here.  You essentially agree with the article but simply rephrase things in a more negative way.  All the facts are the same, but the way you tell it Jobs is an angry tyrant as opposed to Daniel making it sound like he was a prescient leader.  When it comes to the vulnerability that was fixed in the first iPhone OS, you make it sound like Apple was weak and succumbed to "threats" from the bug finder, whereas most people just see this as Apple being quick to fix bugs.  I don't get why you always seem to make everything sound negative even when you agree on the facts.  


    In the case of the bug, I remember that situation reasonably well and it seems to me that the security researcher was the one that ended up looking like a goon.  The standard procedure is to report the bug to the company and if they don't fix it within a certain reasonable time frame, then you *may* publish the vulnerability.  If you do actually publish it though, you're the one that's the a-hole because you're obviously just seeking recognition more than you actually want the bug to be fixed.


    No serious researcher threatens a company like that, and to suggest as you have that it was the threat that actually did the trick is just crazy IMO.  I mean are you really suggesting that if the bug finder hadn't rattled his sabre that Apple would have just put it on the back burner or not fixed it at all?  

  • Reply 137 of 194
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    I find it interesting that you consider that post in any way "anti-Apple." I just re-read it and found it to be rather impassionate and balanced. Debunking myths is not criticism.


    Y'know, I'm starting to get really sick of the zealots who try to shout down every post that includes anything that is in any way critical of Apple. The noise is annoying, the comments often betray a lack of critical thinking, and the insults are juvenile. I don't know how certain contributors expect to carry on anything more meaningful than a circle-jerk when the fundamental tenet is Apple as deity. It *IS* possible to be pro-Apple without being a bloody drooling disciple.


    Is there a way to activate a filter on the forum that will automatically bozobin every post that includes the word "troll?"


    Everything you said applies to yourself, just replace the "Apple" with Android.


    The reason they say you and your posse are trolls because you show up and start spraying negative tangents to distract from the discussion and then demand to be presented with a report brimming with citations to support ideas that aren't really even controversial and then make disparaging comments about the article, the author, the website and then turn around begin calling yourself a victim of persecution when people say they're sick of your negative troll ranting. 


    Here's an idea. Why don't you approach commenting on somebody else's web article in a way that is articulate, intelligent and thoughtful, rather than just reading the headline, assuming you know what the article is about, and then copy/pasting in your prepared remarks about how DED is the antichrist of Android and AI is spending too much of your time writing about Apple's partners and/or their competitors and suggesting what other over-written subjects AI should be writing about in your opinion.


    Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the site you engaging with your comments? Every damn post you guys make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Apple, despite zero relevance, timeliness or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the comments you need to move on or have your account removed. It's that simple. 


    That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something interesting. You can cheerlead for Android all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of the author and the site that are giving you a forum to discuss ideas in.


    If there were something interesting and noteworthy being written about Android, we'd be there discussing it. But we're not. We're here. So have some respect for the place you're entering and stop being irrelevant discussion destroying trolls throwing tantrums about an article that is not something you'd write. We know that. 

  • Reply 138 of 194
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by darthW View Post

    v5v your posts are completely emotional and full of personal attacks.


    Originally Posted by darthW View Post

    You sound like a girl who just got told she was fat.


    Compare those two and tell me it's not the height of irony! image



    Originally Posted by darthW View Post

    Stop coming here and telling people they're pathetic and to be ashamed of themselves.


    Not "people," person, specifically Corrections, otherwise known as Daniel Dilger. Do you not think it is disgraceful to write an article then pretend to be someone else to insult and deride those who disagree with or criticize it? How would you feel if a TV or newspaper reporter did that? You'd be outraged, and rightly so because it's deplorable behavior and utterly unethical.

  • Reply 139 of 194
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    You can cheerlead for Android all you want


    I will take the entire body of your post and careful advisement. Seriously. I'll think about ways I contribute to the noise and how I can improve my role in discussions.


    All I ask is that you (and your posse -- c'mon, I don't even know any of these people) please, please PLEASE stop assuming that anyone who ever says anything disparaging about iOS is somehow pro-Android. I sometimes get really mad at my wife and vehemently disagree with something she says/does/believes, but that doesn't mean I would rather be married to someone else. Likewise I might sometimes rage at Apple but that doesn't mean I like Android.

  • Reply 140 of 194
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member


    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Sounds pretty serious.  I wonder how many Android users got their phones taken over by organized crime.  100 million? 50 million?  1?


    Well several 100k's of people downloaded Samsung's JayZ spyware app that reads your call history, your apps in use, you location, and so on. That didn't take advantage of the key signing flaw because it was an official Samsung app leveraging Google's official spyware system. 


    When you get free songs on iTunes, there's no spyware installed.


    Back in the day, installing a Windows root kit gave the Sonys of the world a bad rep. Today, it's at the core of Android and the open source community is wallowing in it like pigs in slop. They love it because they think they can manage it, just like Windows users in 1998 doing a daily malware cleanup cycle. 


    "Just don't install apps that ask for unnecessary, inappropriate privileges!" But if you do that, you can't even use Facebook. Or any other basic app. 


    This is just one of many huge problems that have prevented Android from coming anywhere close to the utility of Apple's App Store, despite being just a few months slower to launch. In five years Android hasn't caught up in any fashion with iOS apart from being on a lot of phones in China. Tons of free phones on US carriers, but nobody is using it as an app platform. It's just a way of delivering feature phones that are more susceptible to spyware and malware than Java ME was.


    So if you want to cheerlead for Android, you need to work a little harder at it than just saying that you don't personally know anyone who has been exploited. Because most people with malware laden PCs in 1998 didn't know it either. 

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