I criticized your article. It's not a good sign that you perceive that as a "personal attack."
It's not criticism of an article to write about "DED bullshit evangelism" in the first post you slapped up. You made broad attacks disparaging things in general terms. It's "see what sticks" contempt trolling.
If you think some fact is in error, or misstated or exaggerated or whatever, you can point it out and your point will be stronger than if you simply try to run down the author, the site, and everyone else on the message board in generalized, contemptuous language.
Sounds pretty serious. I wonder how many Android users got their phones taken over by organized crime. 100 million? 50 million? 1?
Well several 100k's of people downloaded Samsung's JayZ spyware app that reads your call history, your apps in use, you location, and so on. That didn't take advantage of the key signing flaw because it was an official Samsung app leveraging Google's official spyware system.
JayZ isn't mentioned in the article Derek linked to.
So you're also unable to find anyone who's actually been affected by the potential security risk described there?
So if you want to cheerlead for Android...
You would be well advised to avoid the ad hominems. I've seen people get banned here for less.
I have always just taken it as a given that this entire site was a one-man operation by DED. All the articles are bylined by obviously made-up names...It never occurred to me to think that they weren't all written by DED himself. I don't intend this as any kind of criticism—I admire his energy and dedication.
As for his "bias": unfortunately, reality has an anti-Android bias. Maybe the fandroids should (here's a thought) hang out at an Android-oriented site (assuming they exist) instead of an Apple-oriented one. That way their pwecious widdle fee-fees won't get hurt quite so much.
Dan is actually pretty new here, and other than "Kasper's Automated Slave" the other names aren't made up as far as I know. This site has been around longer than most and is still the best IMO.
Actually, DED has been posting articles to AI for years using at least one alter ego... here's one from 2005 by "Prince MxLean":
Everything you said applies to yourself, just replace the "Apple" with Android.
The reason they say you and your posse are trolls because you show up and start spraying negative tangents to distract from the discussion and then demand to be presented with a report brimming with citations to support ideas that aren't really even controversial and then make disparaging comments about the article, the author, the website and then turn around begin calling yourself a victim of persecution when people say they're sick of your negative troll ranting.
Here's an idea. Why don't you approach commenting on somebody else's web article in a way that is articulate, intelligent and thoughtful, rather than just reading the headline, assuming you know what the article is about, and then copy/pasting in your prepared remarks about how DED is the antichrist of Android and AI is spending too much of your time writing about Apple's partners and/or their competitors and suggesting what other over-written subjects AI should be writing about in your opinion.
Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the site you engaging with your comments? Every damn post you guys make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Apple, despite zero relevance, timeliness or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the comments you need to move on or have your account removed. It's that simple.
That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something interesting. You can cheerlead for Android all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of the author and the site that are giving you a forum to discuss ideas in.
If there were something interesting and noteworthy being written about Android, we'd be there discussing it. But we're not. We're here. So have some respect for the place you're entering and stop being irrelevant discussion destroying trolls throwing tantrums about an article that is not something you'd write. We know that.
Seeing as you live in an echo chamber, Daniel, I would think you could realize that every ounce of your criticism in that post applies to you. Let's see how that might work.
Why don't you approach commenting on your own article with full disclosure, an open mind, and a calm demeanor, rather than just reading the name of the commenter, assuming that he has ill will towards Apple, and then copy/pasting your research from prior articles about how Google is the antichrist and spending too much of your time denying unflattering facts about Apple as if one more intentionally blind rant will validate your opinion.
Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the people who are engaging in your website and adding to the clicks counter? Every damn post you make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Google, despite zero relevance, timeliness, or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the views of the people who are discussing your articles you need to end the masquerade and have your account removed. It's that simple.
That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something unbiased. You can cheerlead for Apple all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of members who are keeping your site in business.
At least Bill O'Reilly has the professionalism to stand behind what he says -- and the balls to publish under his own name!
Thanks "Dick Applebaum," for alerting us to who has balls and/or pseudonyms. And Bill O'Reilly is such a professional with big "balls."
"F*CK IT WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!" What a joke.
I wonder what drives anonymous cowards on the internet to post bitterly critical garbage non-stop. It's like people who drive poorly. Can't do anything about it but it sure would be nice if they'd stop driving like dicks.
Greatly disappointed that you prefer to spend your time being who you are. Sort of a drag, but hey, somebody's got to be that guy I guess.
v5v no I don't think its disgracefull for DED to comment on these posts under his name or any other. It's a free country he can post an idea on a forum if he likes. On RDM he routinely posts rebuttles. I think it's more disgraceful for DED to not post corrections, he doesn't just write something and then walk away from it, he backs it up. You're just trying to disparage him by appearing morrally superior.
Why don't you approach commenting on your own article with full disclosure, an open mind, and a calm demeanor, rather than just reading the name of the commenter, assuming that he has ill will towards Apple, and then copy/pasting your research from prior articles about how Google is the antichrist and spending too much of your time denying unflattering facts about Apple as if one more intentionally blind rant will validate your opinion.
Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the people who are engaging in your website and adding to the clicks counter? Every damn post you make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Google, despite zero relevance, timeliness, or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the views of the people who are discussing your articles you need to end the masquerade and have your account removed. It's that simple.
That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something unbiased. You can cheerlead for Apple all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of members who are keeping your site in business.
What irrelevant flaws about Google did I recount? You can't just copy/paste an argument and change the nouns if it doesn't make any sense.
Also, stop using the word "unbiased" because you don't know what it means. Having a patronizing tone is not the same as having a point and arguing it well.
Also, the trolls posting belligerent attacks on the site and the author "do not keep AI in business."
"It was world where Windows Mobile users were expected to shell out $75 for WorldMate Pro ... $20 for a real email application, $30 to manage your contacts, $15 to view photos, $20 to play MP3s, $30 for a calculator, $25 to read PDFs, $30 to take notes, and $25 to find and launch apps with Propel...Apple incorporated all of these 'third party apps' for free on the iPhone"
JayZ isn't mentioned in the article Derek linked to.
So you're also unable to find anyone who's actually been affected by the potential security risk described there?
You would be advised to avoid the ad hominems. I've seen people get banned here for less.
So it's your opinion that Bluebox Security's report is irrelevant and poses no risk? Hysterical.
I wonder why Google took it seriously. Serious enough to delay the next version of Android rather than presenting it at Google IO. Or was Google just blindsided by iOS 7?
In any case, if you need some data on Android security problems, why don't you just Google it, rather than demand somebody do detailed research for you while you sit there composing your next troll demands and change the subject rapidly to divert attention away from the issues. There's plenty of facts available to you.
For starters, the article linked to above notes that the first exploits are now being seen in the wild. Exploits for phones that will never be updated.
What irrelevant flaws about Google did I recount? You can't just copy/paste an argument and change the nouns if it doesn't make any sense.
Also, stop using the word "unbiased" because you don't know what it means. Having a patronizing tone is not the same as having a point and arguing it well.
Also, the trolls posting belligerent attacks on the site and the author "do not keep AI in business."
Perhaps irrelevant flaws doesn't quite fit for what I'm thinking of, which is more in line with outright falsehoods, but I left the wording from your other post. Anyway, from this thread:
1. "Thing is, the Android versions are also often lower quality, crashier, full of ads, and rarely updated. Few apps take any real advantage of new Android features, and many do not work on anything but a select number of devices. On top, app developers from Facebook to Samsung take advantage of the non-security of Android to collect far more data and monitor the apps you install and launch and the people you call."
There are no facts to support Android apps being lower quality, crashier, full of ads, or rarely updated. Nor do apps ignore features of the newest versions of Android; they support the features, but those features won't appear on devices that don't support them (e.g. an app can offer a lock screen widget, but that option will only appear for users running 4.2). I don't think you have any evidence that app developers are collecting more data. Whether they can is another story.
2. "As opposed to say, having a huge vulnerability reported to you in February that affects your entire installed base and not even making a comment on it while you scramble to make a fix that you can't even deploy to your own pure google Nexus users, let alone the 66% of the installed base on an ancient version of Android."
I believe you're referring to the app signature vulnerability here. This vulnerability was fixed for all apps that are downloaded through Google Play. It does not require a system update except to secure against apps installed from third parties, something that Google warns against and an action which must first be approved by the user through the system security settings.
3. "Sorry the joke is on you. Android doesn't have any cool development going on and you know it. You get some second run Flash applet games with ads and you get a port of major apps, often a cycle or two late. How many years was it before Instagram was out? There's no edu apps, little safe for kids, nothing that takes any real advantage of tablets, but lots of wallpapers and apps that are pretending to be stuff you can get on iOS."
Android is lacking in tablet apps and the newest games. There are plenty of educational apps and apps for children. The apps that "pretend to be stuff you can't get on iOS" aren't pretending. Without rooting, you can change your default launcher, messaging app, keyboard, email client, etc.
4. "Remember that most "Android shipments" are whitebox estimates in China. They aren't even relevant to Western app development."
5. "Well several 100k's of people downloaded Samsung's JayZ spyware app that reads your call history, your apps in use, you location, and so on. That didn't take advantage of the key signing flaw because it was an official Samsung app leveraging Google's official spyware system. [Even more stuff about malware...]"
Malware is not a problem on Android. I've never seen any article citing numbers of infections. In fact, the only articles I've seen are sourced from anti-malware software companies. That's like a solar panel company reporting on the dangers of gas lines for water heaters.
I know exactly what unbiased means, and it has nothing to do with tone or arguing a point well. Unbiased means acknowledging faults and advantages of both your favored idea and the opposing one.
As for the trolls, I'd first argue that most of them are not trolls but instead are people who are not Apple zealots. A dissenting opinion about anything pro-Apple is labelled trolling here. Go around to the less civilized forums and discover what real trolls are. Beyond that, the back and forth between dissenting members generates a lot more traffic than a back-patting session. I imagine most comment threads would wrap up after about 20 posts if there was nothing but approval for Apple's every move. How many different ways can you say, "Good job, Apple!"?
I wonder what drives anonymous cowards on the internet to post bitterly critical garbage non-stop. It's like people who drive poorly. Can't do anything about it but it sure would be nice if they'd stop driving like dicks.
<span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18.1875px;">Malware is not a problem on Android. I've never seen any article citing numbers of infections.</span>
You're kidding right? Malware isn't a problem on Android??
That was just a quick Google (oh the irony) search but you get the picture. Malware is a HUGE problem for and on Android. Please do a little research next time before parroting obvious mullarky.
DED is not wasting his time with "hate" stuff as you put it.
Oh, bullshit. That's all Dilger does. Well, except when Microsoft was the "enemy." Then it was Microsoft hate. Please can't we relegate his crap back to his own website and elevate this site back up a few pegs on the journalistic totem pole? Yeah, I know that if every Apple press conference doesn't give me multiple orgasms I shouldn't be on this site, but it didn't used to be like this when I originally started coming here. I rant against Dilger every "article" because every one of them is just a cherry picked set of facts with the overwhelming message, "Apple is AWESOME!!!" That's not journalism. It's a fanboy delusion. Hell, 90% of the "article" has nothing to do with the headline. I got through half of the tripe of the first page and still couldn't find where it mentioned app signing. But that's typical Dilger. Obfuscate the bullshit that is his "article" in a barrage of irrelevant garbage that is actually just a serious of jabs at whatever company he's ranting against that has the gall to compete against the "hallowed" Apple.
Good coverage DED on the way things have unfolded.
For the whiners- yes this is a bit snarky, BUT when the revisionists start making up the "real" history it becomes tedious constantly calling them on it, and you have to find your fun in it somewhere to keep going. With the "journalists" that flood the network with made up crap these days it is darn near a full time job separating the wheat from the chaff. DED is one of the finer examples of a thresher doing this effort in the Apple area. If the stalks get mauled in the process... That is the price of bread for you.
Oh and he has hammered Apple in the past for their misses as well.
Perhaps irrelevant flaws doesn't quite fit for what I'm thinking of, which is more in line with outright falsehoods, but I left the wording from your other post. Anyway, from this thread:
1. " Nor do apps ignore features of the newest versions of Android; they support the features, but those features won't appear on devices that don't support them (e.g. an app can offer a lock screen widget, but that option will only appear for users running 4.2)."
3. " Android is lacking in tablet apps and the newest games. There are plenty of educational apps and apps for children. The apps that "pretend to be stuff you can't get on iOS" aren't pretending. Without rooting, you can change your default launcher, messaging app, keyboard, email client, etc."
5. "Malware is not a problem on Android. I've never seen any article citing numbers of infections."
Perhaps irrelevant flaws doesn't quite fit for what I'm thinking of, which is more in line with outright falsehoods, but I left the wording from your other post. Anyway, from this thread:
1. I am a developer. Been for many years. Practice described above is rare on other platforms, but can be found on Android for obvious reason. It makes Android development even more costly and complicated. Most of all, this is not welcomed by neither: developers and users.
3. Tablet is a key essential for a good educational software. You statement confirms what you disagreed with.
Vast majority of users don't want to change default things or even the default apps.
5. I agree malware is not special problem on Android, because businesses generally don't use it. If you don't see the numbers of infections, that doesn't mean there aren't any. Those, who could report of it are the root source of it and are keeping silent with a purpose.
"That's like saying, "why can't we have a book about the history of allied forces' actions during WWII without it mentioning the Germans, Japanese or Italians?"
It's comments like those that make me wish this site had a "like" button!
I think that setting the record straight on editorial misstatements, as this article does in its early stages, is very important. The comparisons to other products, their relative flaws, and the reason for them, are also quite well-done. This is MUCH better than simple "rants" where no reason other than personal preference is given for the relative merits of the competing platforms.
As if Apple don't have security problems on their own! Android is ruling the World and soon will be ruling the Desktop, it's better to stop hating Android and trying to make iOS and Mac OS X better!
So it's your opinion that Bluebox Security's report is irrelevant and poses no risk? Hysterical.
It's a serious security flaw. But as has been discussed on this forum before, this exploit has little chance of affecting most Android users because they use their phones primarily as featurephones. See the quote below.
Originally Posted by AaronJ
It IS unambiguously true, as many, many analyses have shown over a long period of time. It's probably also true that this will affect few Android users, for the reasons you state.
Originally Posted by v5v
I criticized your article. It's not a good sign that you perceive that as a "personal attack."
It's not criticism of an article to write about "DED bullshit evangelism" in the first post you slapped up. You made broad attacks disparaging things in general terms. It's "see what sticks" contempt trolling.
If you think some fact is in error, or misstated or exaggerated or whatever, you can point it out and your point will be stronger than if you simply try to run down the author, the site, and everyone else on the message board in generalized, contemptuous language.
Originally Posted by Corrections
Originally Posted by MacRulez
Originally Posted by DerekCurrie
July 4th:
New Android Vulnerability Affects 99% of Devices
Sounds pretty serious. I wonder how many Android users got their phones taken over by organized crime. 100 million? 50 million? 1?
Well several 100k's of people downloaded Samsung's JayZ spyware app that reads your call history, your apps in use, you location, and so on. That didn't take advantage of the key signing flaw because it was an official Samsung app leveraging Google's official spyware system.
JayZ isn't mentioned in the article Derek linked to.
So you're also unable to find anyone who's actually been affected by the potential security risk described there?
So if you want to cheerlead for Android...
You would be well advised to avoid the ad hominems. I've seen people get banned here for less.
Actually, DED has been posting articles to AI for years using at least one alter ego... here's one from 2005 by "Prince MxLean":
At least Bill O'Reilly has the professionalism to stand behind what he says -- and the balls to publish under his own name!
Originally Posted by Corrections
Everything you said applies to yourself, just replace the "Apple" with Android.
The reason they say you and your posse are trolls because you show up and start spraying negative tangents to distract from the discussion and then demand to be presented with a report brimming with citations to support ideas that aren't really even controversial and then make disparaging comments about the article, the author, the website and then turn around begin calling yourself a victim of persecution when people say they're sick of your negative troll ranting.
Here's an idea. Why don't you approach commenting on somebody else's web article in a way that is articulate, intelligent and thoughtful, rather than just reading the headline, assuming you know what the article is about, and then copy/pasting in your prepared remarks about how DED is the antichrist of Android and AI is spending too much of your time writing about Apple's partners and/or their competitors and suggesting what other over-written subjects AI should be writing about in your opinion.
Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the site you engaging with your comments? Every damn post you guys make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Apple, despite zero relevance, timeliness or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the comments you need to move on or have your account removed. It's that simple.
That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something interesting. You can cheerlead for Android all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of the author and the site that are giving you a forum to discuss ideas in.
If there were something interesting and noteworthy being written about Android, we'd be there discussing it. But we're not. We're here. So have some respect for the place you're entering and stop being irrelevant discussion destroying trolls throwing tantrums about an article that is not something you'd write. We know that.
Seeing as you live in an echo chamber, Daniel, I would think you could realize that every ounce of your criticism in that post applies to you. Let's see how that might work.
Why don't you approach commenting on your own article with full disclosure, an open mind, and a calm demeanor, rather than just reading the name of the commenter, assuming that he has ill will towards Apple, and then copy/pasting your research from prior articles about how Google is the antichrist and spending too much of your time denying unflattering facts about Apple as if one more intentionally blind rant will validate your opinion.
Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the people who are engaging in your website and adding to the clicks counter? Every damn post you make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Google, despite zero relevance, timeliness, or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the views of the people who are discussing your articles you need to end the masquerade and have your account removed. It's that simple.
That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something unbiased. You can cheerlead for Apple all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of members who are keeping your site in business.
Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum
Actually, DED has been posting articles to AI for years using at least one alter ego... here's one from 2005 by "Prince MxLean":
At least Bill O'Reilly has the professionalism to stand behind what he says -- and the balls to publish under his own name!
Thanks "Dick Applebaum," for alerting us to who has balls and/or pseudonyms. And Bill O'Reilly is such a professional with big "balls."
"F*CK IT WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!" What a joke.
I wonder what drives anonymous cowards on the internet to post bitterly critical garbage non-stop. It's like people who drive poorly. Can't do anything about it but it sure would be nice if they'd stop driving like dicks.
Greatly disappointed that you prefer to spend your time being who you are. Sort of a drag, but hey, somebody's got to be that guy I guess.
Originally Posted by wakefinance
Why don't you approach commenting on your own article with full disclosure, an open mind, and a calm demeanor, rather than just reading the name of the commenter, assuming that he has ill will towards Apple, and then copy/pasting your research from prior articles about how Google is the antichrist and spending too much of your time denying unflattering facts about Apple as if one more intentionally blind rant will validate your opinion.
Is it too much to ask that you engage in civil discourse and show some respect for the people who are engaging in your website and adding to the clicks counter? Every damn post you make is the same tired spiel of "waaaa you repeated some fact that is unflattering to my religion" and then turn around and begin recounting every flaw you can remember about Google, despite zero relevance, timeliness, or any relation to the discussion going on. It's really tiring behavior. If you can't respect the views of the people who are discussing your articles you need to end the masquerade and have your account removed. It's that simple.
That's what trolls do: they waste people's time with irrelevant nonsense. So please stop. Say something unbiased. You can cheerlead for Apple all you want, just stick to facts and stop with the emotionalism and hate-baiting of members who are keeping your site in business.
What irrelevant flaws about Google did I recount? You can't just copy/paste an argument and change the nouns if it doesn't make any sense.
Also, stop using the word "unbiased" because you don't know what it means. Having a patronizing tone is not the same as having a point and arguing it well.
Also, the trolls posting belligerent attacks on the site and the author "do not keep AI in business."
"It was world where Windows Mobile users were expected to shell out $75 for WorldMate Pro ... $20 for a real email application, $30 to manage your contacts, $15 to view photos, $20 to play MP3s, $30 for a calculator, $25 to read PDFs, $30 to take notes, and $25 to find and launch apps with Propel...Apple incorporated all of these 'third party apps' for free on the iPhone"
Originally Posted by MacRulez
JayZ isn't mentioned in the article Derek linked to.
So you're also unable to find anyone who's actually been affected by the potential security risk described there?
You would be advised to avoid the ad hominems. I've seen people get banned here for less.
So it's your opinion that Bluebox Security's report is irrelevant and poses no risk? Hysterical.
I wonder why Google took it seriously. Serious enough to delay the next version of Android rather than presenting it at Google IO. Or was Google just blindsided by iOS 7?
In any case, if you need some data on Android security problems, why don't you just Google it, rather than demand somebody do detailed research for you while you sit there composing your next troll demands and change the subject rapidly to divert attention away from the issues. There's plenty of facts available to you.
For starters, the article linked to above notes that the first exploits are now being seen in the wild. Exploits for phones that will never be updated.
Originally Posted by Corrections
What irrelevant flaws about Google did I recount? You can't just copy/paste an argument and change the nouns if it doesn't make any sense.
Also, stop using the word "unbiased" because you don't know what it means. Having a patronizing tone is not the same as having a point and arguing it well.
Also, the trolls posting belligerent attacks on the site and the author "do not keep AI in business."
Perhaps irrelevant flaws doesn't quite fit for what I'm thinking of, which is more in line with outright falsehoods, but I left the wording from your other post. Anyway, from this thread:
1. "Thing is, the Android versions are also often lower quality, crashier, full of ads, and rarely updated. Few apps take any real advantage of new Android features, and many do not work on anything but a select number of devices. On top, app developers from Facebook to Samsung take advantage of the non-security of Android to collect far more data and monitor the apps you install and launch and the people you call."
There are no facts to support Android apps being lower quality, crashier, full of ads, or rarely updated. Nor do apps ignore features of the newest versions of Android; they support the features, but those features won't appear on devices that don't support them (e.g. an app can offer a lock screen widget, but that option will only appear for users running 4.2). I don't think you have any evidence that app developers are collecting more data. Whether they can is another story.
2. "As opposed to say, having a huge vulnerability reported to you in February that affects your entire installed base and not even making a comment on it while you scramble to make a fix that you can't even deploy to your own pure google Nexus users, let alone the 66% of the installed base on an ancient version of Android."
I believe you're referring to the app signature vulnerability here. This vulnerability was fixed for all apps that are downloaded through Google Play. It does not require a system update except to secure against apps installed from third parties, something that Google warns against and an action which must first be approved by the user through the system security settings.
3. "Sorry the joke is on you. Android doesn't have any cool development going on and you know it. You get some second run Flash applet games with ads and you get a port of major apps, often a cycle or two late. How many years was it before Instagram was out? There's no edu apps, little safe for kids, nothing that takes any real advantage of tablets, but lots of wallpapers and apps that are pretending to be stuff you can get on iOS."
Android is lacking in tablet apps and the newest games. There are plenty of educational apps and apps for children. The apps that "pretend to be stuff you can't get on iOS" aren't pretending. Without rooting, you can change your default launcher, messaging app, keyboard, email client, etc.
4. "Remember that most "Android shipments" are whitebox estimates in China. They aren't even relevant to Western app development."
5. "Well several 100k's of people downloaded Samsung's JayZ spyware app that reads your call history, your apps in use, you location, and so on. That didn't take advantage of the key signing flaw because it was an official Samsung app leveraging Google's official spyware system. [Even more stuff about malware...]"
Malware is not a problem on Android. I've never seen any article citing numbers of infections. In fact, the only articles I've seen are sourced from anti-malware software companies. That's like a solar panel company reporting on the dangers of gas lines for water heaters.
I know exactly what unbiased means, and it has nothing to do with tone or arguing a point well. Unbiased means acknowledging faults and advantages of both your favored idea and the opposing one.
As for the trolls, I'd first argue that most of them are not trolls but instead are people who are not Apple zealots. A dissenting opinion about anything pro-Apple is labelled trolling here. Go around to the less civilized forums and discover what real trolls are. Beyond that, the back and forth between dissenting members generates a lot more traffic than a back-patting session. I imagine most comment threads would wrap up after about 20 posts if there was nothing but approval for Apple's every move. How many different ways can you say, "Good job, Apple!"?
Hell no! I need to get my Android hate on every once in a while. It makes me feel good and I find it quite entertaining.:smokey:
Originally Posted by Corrections
I wonder what drives anonymous cowards on the internet to post bitterly critical garbage non-stop. It's like people who drive poorly. Can't do anything about it but it sure would be nice if they'd stop driving like dicks.
Total lack of self-awareness.
You're kidding right? Malware isn't a problem on Android??
That was just a quick Google (oh the irony) search but you get the picture. Malware is a HUGE problem for and on Android. Please do a little research next time before parroting obvious mullarky.
Originally Posted by sflocal
DED is not wasting his time with "hate" stuff as you put it.
Oh, bullshit. That's all Dilger does. Well, except when Microsoft was the "enemy." Then it was Microsoft hate. Please can't we relegate his crap back to his own website and elevate this site back up a few pegs on the journalistic totem pole? Yeah, I know that if every Apple press conference doesn't give me multiple orgasms I shouldn't be on this site, but it didn't used to be like this when I originally started coming here. I rant against Dilger every "article" because every one of them is just a cherry picked set of facts with the overwhelming message, "Apple is AWESOME!!!" That's not journalism. It's a fanboy delusion. Hell, 90% of the "article" has nothing to do with the headline. I got through half of the tripe of the first page and still couldn't find where it mentioned app signing. But that's typical Dilger. Obfuscate the bullshit that is his "article" in a barrage of irrelevant garbage that is actually just a serious of jabs at whatever company he's ranting against that has the gall to compete against the "hallowed" Apple.
For the whiners- yes this is a bit snarky, BUT when the revisionists start making up the "real" history it becomes tedious constantly calling them on it, and you have to find your fun in it somewhere to keep going.
With the "journalists" that flood the network with made up crap these days it is darn near a full time job separating the wheat from the chaff. DED is one of the finer examples of a thresher doing this effort in the Apple area. If the stalks get mauled in the process... That is the price of bread for you.
Oh and he has hammered Apple in the past for their misses as well.
Originally Posted by wakefinance
Perhaps irrelevant flaws doesn't quite fit for what I'm thinking of, which is more in line with outright falsehoods, but I left the wording from your other post. Anyway, from this thread:
1. " Nor do apps ignore features of the newest versions of Android; they support the features, but those features won't appear on devices that don't support them (e.g. an app can offer a lock screen widget, but that option will only appear for users running 4.2)."
3. " Android is lacking in tablet apps and the newest games. There are plenty of educational apps and apps for children. The apps that "pretend to be stuff you can't get on iOS" aren't pretending. Without rooting, you can change your default launcher, messaging app, keyboard, email client, etc."
5. "Malware is not a problem on Android. I've never seen any article citing numbers of infections."
Perhaps irrelevant flaws doesn't quite fit for what I'm thinking of, which is more in line with outright falsehoods, but I left the wording from your other post. Anyway, from this thread:
1. I am a developer. Been for many years. Practice described above is rare on other platforms, but can be found on Android for obvious reason. It makes Android development even more costly and complicated. Most of all, this is not welcomed by neither: developers and users.
3. Tablet is a key essential for a good educational software. You statement confirms what you disagreed with.
Vast majority of users don't want to change default things or even the default apps.
5. I agree malware is not special problem on Android, because businesses generally don't use it. If you don't see the numbers of infections, that doesn't mean there aren't any. Those, who could report of it are the root source of it and are keeping silent with a purpose.
It's comments like those that make me wish this site had a "like" button!
I think that setting the record straight on editorial misstatements, as this article does in its early stages, is very important. The comparisons to other products, their relative flaws, and the reason for them, are also quite well-done. This is MUCH better than simple "rants" where no reason other than personal preference is given for the relative merits of the competing platforms.
Originally Posted by Corrections
So it's your opinion that Bluebox Security's report is irrelevant and poses no risk? Hysterical.
It's a serious security flaw. But as has been discussed on this forum before, this exploit has little chance of affecting most Android users because they use their phones primarily as featurephones. See the quote below.
Originally Posted by AaronJ
It IS unambiguously true, as many, many analyses have shown over a long period of time. It's probably also true that this will affect few Android users, for the reasons you state.