Apple iOS 6 Maps vs. Google Maps 2.0 for iOS: labels & local search



  • Reply 41 of 67
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    mstone wrote: »
    I believe that AppleScriptObjC satisfies the "modern" and "object-oriented" issues.

    Sounds like a kludge to me. Why would they choose such inelegant platform for a Maps app API? AppleScript doesn't run in a browser either.

    From what little I've seen the new Mavericks Apple Maps looks terrible to my eye. IMO a map needs contrast and color to make it easy to read at a glance.

    It may be inelegant... But I hope there is a way for non-programmers to make auto-play map press. Google Maps/Earth has some ability to create and present animated tours,

    Oddly, in iOS Maps (iOS 6 and above) running on the device (while connected to the Mac) you can create pretty good animation using .gpx files.

    Programmability, then scriptability offer the most [robust] potential.

    I use Mavericks maps daily and it is superior, IMO, in its presentation than any other Mac or Web-based maps app I have seen. The NDA prevents publishing screenshots... but I think the contrast and color is fine.
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  • Reply 42 of 67
    mac_128 wrote: »
    Traffic is also abysmal on the iPhone.

    I still use Google for the most reliable and visually helpful traffic information.
    This maybe unique to my area but I always fine google interstate only traffic and less accuracy. Apple does the whole city and gives reasons and road closures on its maps, google ignores.
    hoobitron wrote: »
    How sure can we be that the Maps app in the developer release of iOS7 is the same as the one they will actually launch in the fall? Is it not possible that they are waiting to announce a significant revamp? It seems to me that it is in their interest to release more than just an incremental upgrade and adaptation to the iOS7 aesthetic. They need to show that they've listened and that they've improved the app dramatically to bring it not just in line with but beyond the usability of its competition.

    If they can't show they've done that in the last year, I'm concerned.
    That is what I figure and am worried with, apples maps had the realistic road signs and telecasting maps and page turn feel now. If they destroy that it will be as ugly as other mapping systems

    I have found minor glitches with apple maps and lots of problems with google.
    I have found 1 thing wrong with asking for a national park instead giving me a visitor center in nearest city 30 miles away. Still a guided route by signs from there got us there and we still got there on schedule for taking wrong route.
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  • Reply 43 of 67
    So if this supposed to be a comparison of iOS 6 Maps vs. Google Maps 2.0, why are there screenshots from pre-2.0 Google Maps and iOS 7 Maps? Not to mention, the screenshot of Google Maps running in Safari?

    A big part seems to Google Street View vs. Apple Flyover (is that Apple's copyright-able term for 3D view?). I think they're both neat gimmicks, but for the map experience I feel Street View adds more value. First, there's the simple fact that Street View is available for a wider array of locations. Second, it gives you a pretty good view of your destination for the most part. There are issues if the street has changed since Google drove through but that's inevitable with either system. Apple's 3D mode is kind of neat to look but isn't available for a large number of areas. And it seems to take forever to load such that what you're seeing is a bunch of deformed buildings that look like they came from a post-apocalypse video game instead of a mapping program. And even when (if) it loads, I'm not sure what value it adds. I can see tiny 3D buildings. It's neat but how helpful is that?
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  • Reply 44 of 67
    zuhairzuhair Posts: 1member
    Google Maps is covering the globe more than Apple maps,
    I'm in Saudi Arabia & i found apple maps useless it has a lot of incorrect street names & there is no routing option!

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  • Reply 45 of 67
    davendaven Posts: 739member

    It would be interesting to see a comparison of Apple's and Google's map programs versus some of the dedicated car gps hardware.

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  • Reply 46 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    zuhair wrote: »
    I'm in Saudi Arabia & i found apple maps useless it has a lot of incorrect street names & there is no routing option!

    And again, care to provide an example?
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  • Reply 47 of 67
    ktappektappe Posts: 825member
    I wish Google Maps wouldn't crash. Just installed it yesterday in response to this article and tried it last night on a simple trip across town. In just 5 miles it crashed twice, and each time it lost my destination address, making me re-enter it each time. Complete fail.
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  • Reply 48 of 67
    caliminius wrote: »
    So if this supposed to be a comparison of iOS 6 Maps vs. Google Maps 2.0, why are there screenshots from pre-2.0 Google Maps and iOS 7 Maps? Not to mention, the screenshot of Google Maps running in Safari?

    The article explains the reason for the use of most of the different versions of Apple Maps and Google Maps. The elephant in the room is iOS 7 Maps and Mavericks OSX Maps -- both of which are under NDA, so you can't really show images or discuss details beyond what has been made publicly by Apple.

    A big part seems to Google Street View vs. Apple Flyover (is that Apple's copyright-able term for 3D view?). I think they're both neat gimmicks, but for the map experience I feel Street View adds more value. First, there's the simple fact that Street View is available for a wider array of locations. Second, it gives you a pretty good view of your destination for the most part. There are issues if the street has changed since Google drove through but that's inevitable with either system. Apple's 3D mode is kind of neat to look but isn't available for a large number of areas. And it seems to take forever to load such that what you're seeing is a bunch of deformed buildings that look like they came from a post-apocalypse video game instead of a mapping program. And even when (if) it loads, I'm not sure what value it adds. I can see tiny 3D buildings. It's neat but how helpful is that?

    I do not think Street View or 3D Flyover are gimmicks.

    Street View is very useful to view a location if you know the address -- but tedious to navigate more than a few feet. Also, Street View isn't [usually] available for places where there are no streets -- An enclosed courtyard, a small island (Statue of Liberty), within a park or garden, the base of a dam, waterfall, etc.

    3D Flyover lets you quickly navigate to investigate the surrounding area with pan, zoom and rotate. It doesn't give you an exact picture of a location, as Street View does -- but usually it is good enough -- and much more flexible.

    3D Flyover vector images actually load and display faster than older bit-mapped images. And, vector images can accommodate more zoom levels without loading a different set of tiles.

    3D Flyover really comes into its own on the desktop or on an iPad with WiFi. The desktop Maps app can be used for quickly and easily exploring alternatives and trip planning. Once you've settled on a trip, the map/route can be sent to your iDevices.

    For example, using 3D Flyover On my Mac OSX Mavericks I just planned a route from:

    Quartier Préfecture, Tunnel de La Défense, 92000 Nanterre



    I simulated a flyover of the Arc De Triomphe down the Champs-Elysee to the Louvre. It is a pretty straight-forward route and it looks amazing in 3D Flyover. I wish I could post it.

    Then with 1 click I transferred it to my iPad 4 -- another click to my iPhone 4S. These are sent along with a notification to the selected iDevices. When you acknowledge the notification, the Map App is opened on the device and you can select the received map/route for display. On the iDevice you can display the map (Standard, Hybrid, or Satellite), the route (and alternates), with or without 3D and Traffic. Then, when ready, you can invoke the point-to-point navigation and traverse the route.-- or just review the route (overview) for later use.

    Limited by the NDA, I can't do justice to the experience on both ends -- it's informative, very useful, fast and fun!

    Hopefully, before too long, OSX Mavericks will be released -- and everyone will be able to experience this use of Apple Maps.
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  • Reply 49 of 67
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    And again, care to provide an example?


    Unless you frequent Saudi Arabia tallest, just shut your pie hole. Apple maps and Google Maps are not perfect. You look like a tool pulling up map searches of places people have been to have them tell you "nope, that is wrong".

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  • Reply 50 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    bmason1270 wrote:
    Apple maps and Google Maps are not perfect.

    If it's so bad, that should be apparent in an everyday search. Are you afraid to be proven wrong? I'm not. He can easily give an example, and we can see if it's actually as bad as claimed.

    Or maybe you think every single complaint for both maps is valid, huh? :no:
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  • Reply 51 of 67
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    If it's so bad, that should be apparent in an everyday search. Are you afraid to be proven wrong? I'm not. He can easily give an example, and we can see if it's actually as bad as claimed.

    Or maybe you think every single complaint for both maps is valid, huh? image

    I have seen both maps make some crazy mistakes, yes. It isn't about needing to prove you wrong. He may have overgeneralized but that doesn't mean he is wrong either.


    There are gradients of success and accuracy with maps and perhaps the couple of fragrant errors seemed to be so major that he deemed the maps untrustworthy. My own experience with Apple Maps has led to some pretty bad errors. One is a library that the pin is dropped into a forest a mile away.

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  • Reply 52 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    [quote name="bmason1270" url="/t/158606/apple-ios-6-maps-vs-google-maps-2-0-for-ios-labels-local-search/40#post_2366263"]He may have overgeneralized but that doesn't mean he is wrong either.[/QUOTE]

    … Really? Isn't that the definition of [I]over[/I]generalizing? I want to see what these errors are and submit fixes.

    [QUOTE]…fragrant errors…[/QUOTE]

    Smells like 404.
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  • Reply 53 of 67
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    … Really? Isn't that the definition of overgeneralizing? I want to see what these errors are and submit fixes.

    Smells like 404.


    Maps are about trust. If you look up a few places you already know, and they are wrong you are not going to trust it period.

    Right or wrong Apple lost some initial trust with this particular product. Maps "should just work" without your having to prove him to be wrong.

    And quite frankly, I like Apple Maps, but i dont trust it. I use both Apple and Google to verify an address. I then use Apple maps for the nav.
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  • Reply 54 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    bmason1270 wrote: »
    If you look up a few places you already know, and they are wrong you are not going to trust it period.

    … Not really. That's just stupid; it's obviously not the case.
    Right or wrong Apple lost some initial trust with this particular product.

    And they've already gained it back.
    I then use Apple maps for the nav.

    Maybe go back through your arguments and make sure they're logically consistent before posting them… :???:

    You don't trust it, but you decide to use it for navigation…
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  • Reply 55 of 67
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    … Not really. That's just stupid; it's obviously not the case.

    And they've already gained it back.

    Maybe go back through your arguments and make sure they're logically consistent before posting them… image

    You don't trust it, but you decide to use it for navigation…


    No, I decide to use something based on my trust of the item. The trust is earned via positive results.

    You still don't get any shade of gray and you never will. The world isnt binary, like a program. When people are using a map to guide them someplace that they are not sure where it is they are in fact TRUSTING the map and guidance to be correct. Data in Maps may not be subjective, but customer trust when using data can be subjective. When you are relying on a Map to get you to a unknown location and it fails, it can lead to a stressful situation and go a long ways to discrediting the service to a customer. It only takes one mistake to cause damage and it really doesn't matter how perfect the rest of the map is after that.

    So to sum up. A man in Saudi Arabia tried Apple Maps. Apple Maps failed to meet his level of expectation. He no longer trusts Apple Maps.

    You want to claim he is wrong. You sound like a bad chef who complains that the customers "just dont know good food" when they complain about your meal.
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  • Reply 56 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    [quote name="bmason1270" url="/t/158606/apple-ios-6-maps-vs-google-maps-2-0-for-ios-labels-local-search/40#post_2366319"]No, I decide to use something based on my trust of the item. The trust is earned via positive results.[/QUOTE]

    'kay. So…

    [quote name="bmason1270" url="/t/158606/apple-ios-6-maps-vs-google-maps-2-0-for-ios-labels-local-search/40#post_2366273"]
    …I like Apple Maps, but i don't trust it.[/QUOTE]

    And yet you still use it. See anything wrong there?

    [QUOTE]You still don't get any shade of gray and you never will. [/QUOTE]

    I'm explicitly taking the side of there not being black and white answers with mapping software, you are taking the side of there being only black and white answers with mapping software, and you have the gall to say this? What's wrong with you?

    Also, "never will"? Just shut up.

    [QUOTE]A man in Saudi Arabia tried Apple Maps. Apple Maps failed to meet his level of expectation. He no longer trusts Apple Maps.You want to claim he is wrong.[/QUOTE]

    No, I want to see if he's still right. Stop pretending trust can only be lost, never gained.
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  • Reply 57 of 67
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    'kay. So…

    And yet you still use it. See anything wrong there?

    What's wrong with you?

    No, I want to see if he's still right. Stop pretending trust can only be lost, never gained.

    Also, "never will"? Just shut up.


    Also, "never will"? Just shut up,

    Yes, you never will. I'll shut up when you stop arguing against every single opinion.

    And yet you still use it. See anything wrong there? What's wrong with you?

    I use it for the navigation, because there are elements of the navigation presentation that i like and I prefer. BUT I only use the nav after I have already verified the address. There is nothing wrong or hypocritical about that. I do not trust Apple Maps for location when I do not know generally where something is. But once I verify the location, then the nav is just fine.

    No, I want to see if he's still right.

    I'm explicitly taking the side of there not being black and white answers with mapping software, you are taking the side of there being only black and white answers with mapping software, and you have the gall to say this? How is saying that he is "wrong" at all not being black and white? At no point did you even offer up a conditional response. You just demanded proof, as if it seemed inconcievable that Apple Maps might be wrong.

    Stop pretending trust can only be lost, never gained.

    His experience has led him to an opinion of a service. How you can even take such a defensive posture on Apple Maps, when even Tim Cook had the Stones to apologise for Maps, is beyond me.

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  • Reply 58 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    bmason1270 wrote: »
    Yes, you never will. I'll shut up when you stop arguing against every single opinion.

    Have one, then, instead of just a logical contradiction.
    I use it for the navigation, because there are elements of the navigation presentation that i like and I prefer. BUT I only use the nav after I have already verified the address.

    Seems unnecessarily convoluted. Just use the map alone.
    You just demanded proof, as if it seemed inconcievable that Apple Maps might be wrong.

    Nope, but you can try again.
    This is where your ego simply gets in the way and is far more inflated than it needs to be. He doesn't care if you are right! Your opinion is not important to him or to anyone but yourself.

    Talking to you, not him.
    His experience has led him to an opinion of a service.

    Your implication is that the opinion can never be changed.
    How you can even take such a defensive posture on Apple Maps, when even Tim Cook had the Stones to apologize for Maps, is beyond me, but then again, I suppose you are better than even Tim Cook.

    There you go again. Nothing could have possibly changed in the last year. At all. Or ever. And so your one test, a year ago, is always going to be the case, for all eternity, and therefore your opinion of the software will never change at any point in the future.

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  • Reply 59 of 67
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    Have one, then, instead of just a logical contradiction.
    Seems unnecessarily convoluted. Just use the map alone.
    Nope, but you can try again.
    Talking to you, not him.
    Your implication is that the opinion can never be changed.
    There you go again. Nothing could have possibly changed in the last year. At all. Or ever. And so your one test, a year ago, is always going to be the case, for all eternity, and therefore your opinion of the software will never change at any point in the future.


    My opinion of software can change but my opinion of you won't. Don't confuse the two.

    I didn't imply that his opinion can't or won't be changed. I stated that he likely could care two craps about what you have to say about the matter because you are both unimportant to him and to damned condescending to either engage in nothing more than flame wars to ever be convincing.

    Why are you such a tool? Why are you so arrogant? What makes you believe that you can treat people so rudely and then think that what you say could ever carry any weight?

    If by some chance, you worked at all on Apple Maps, well too bad that it "sucked" out of the gate media wise. Take the criticism, improve the maps and just shut up already. And if you didn't have anything to do with Apple Maps, well nobody cares what you think and just shut up.

    Either way, just shut up.
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  • Reply 60 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    bmason1270 wrote:
    [pointless post]

    Either speak sense about the argument at hand and clarify your obvious logical contradictions or don't bother replying. I'm certain I'm not the only one who desires clarification on what you mean, seeing as you've contradicted yourself multiple times.
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