My opinion of software can change but my opinion of you won't. Don't confuse the two.
I didn't imply that his opinion can't or won't be changed. I stated that he likely could care two craps about what you have to say about the matter because you are both unimportant to him and to damned condescending to either engage in nothing more than flame wars to ever be convincing.
Why are you such a tool? Why are you so arrogant? What makes you believe that you can treat people so rudely and then think that what you say could ever carry any weight?
If by some chance, you worked at all on Apple Maps, well too bad that it "sucked" out of the gate media wise. Take the criticism, improve the maps and just shut up already. And if you didn't have anything to do with Apple Maps, well nobody cares what you think and just shut up.
Either way, just shut up.
The guy you are arguing with has no hands on experience with Apple maps at all since he doesn't have an iPhone. Don't waste your breath arguing with him. He comes here purely to troll, hijack threads, and flame bait other users in the hopes that someone will quote him. Yes, you read that right, he doesn't have a modern iPhone to even use Maps, just a 1st generation iPhone running iOS 3.
Either speak sense about the argument at hand and clarify your obvious logical contradictions or don't bother replying. I'm certain I'm not the only one who desires clarification on what you mean, seeing as you've contradicted yourself multiple times.
The following is the "argument" broken down to their simple components so that even you can follow along:
Saudi Arabia Man - No Trust Apple Maps.
Me - Understand Saudi Arabi man's frustration with Apple Maps and why he doesn't trust/use them much any more in Saudi Arabia.
You - Don't understand people can have different experience with Apple Maps.
You - Seem to think that you can argue over "opinion" which is why you believe "logical contradictions" exist.
The guy you are arguing with has no hands on experience with Apple maps at all since he doesn't have an iPhone. Don't waste your breath arguing with him. He comes here purely to troll, hijack threads, and flame bait other users in the hopes that someone will quote him. Yes, you read that right, he doesn't have a modern iPhone to even use Maps, just a 1st generation iPhone running iOS 3.
Lol, I'm familiar with his antics. To think he was a moderator is hilarious. But just a iPhone 3 and he argues about peoples experience with the device? What a tool!!
When you are wrong, you simply report posts that you disagree with as "attacks".
Your snarky, pompous bullying behavior should be curbed, and in fact, you invite more flame wars and arguments that a moderator is SUPPOSED to stop!
Nearly every argument on this entire forum has Tallest engaged with, not as a representative of Apple Insider and acting as moderator, but as participant in the argument.
If that is an attack, then you are Jesus Christ Tallest. You need to grow up. You have single handedly made these forums a pretty unpleasant place to be and if the moderators can't see that then they are simply clueless.
Originally Posted by bmason1270
My opinion of software can change but my opinion of you won't. Don't confuse the two.
I didn't imply that his opinion can't or won't be changed. I stated that he likely could care two craps about what you have to say about the matter because you are both unimportant to him and to damned condescending to either engage in nothing more than flame wars to ever be convincing.
Why are you such a tool? Why are you so arrogant? What makes you believe that you can treat people so rudely and then think that what you say could ever carry any weight?
If by some chance, you worked at all on Apple Maps, well too bad that it "sucked" out of the gate media wise. Take the criticism, improve the maps and just shut up already. And if you didn't have anything to do with Apple Maps, well nobody cares what you think and just shut up.
Either way, just shut up.
The guy you are arguing with has no hands on experience with Apple maps at all since he doesn't have an iPhone. Don't waste your breath arguing with him. He comes here purely to troll, hijack threads, and flame bait other users in the hopes that someone will quote him. Yes, you read that right, he doesn't have a modern iPhone to even use Maps, just a 1st generation iPhone running iOS 3.
The following is the "argument" broken down to their simple components so that even you can follow along:
Saudi Arabia Man - No Trust Apple Maps.
Me - Understand Saudi Arabi man's frustration with Apple Maps and why he doesn't trust/use them much any more in Saudi Arabia.
You - Don't understand people can have different experience with Apple Maps.
You - Seem to think that you can argue over "opinion" which is why you believe "logical contradictions" exist.
Thanks for playing: no.
Lol, I'm familiar with his antics. To think he was a moderator is hilarious. But just a iPhone 3 and he argues about peoples experience with the device? What a tool!!
Finally, you get it.
I'll repeat it since you deleted it.
When you are wrong, you simply report posts that you disagree with as "attacks".
Your snarky, pompous bullying behavior should be curbed, and in fact, you invite more flame wars and arguments that a moderator is SUPPOSED to stop!
Nearly every argument on this entire forum has Tallest engaged with, not as a representative of Apple Insider and acting as moderator, but as participant in the argument.
If that is an attack, then you are Jesus Christ Tallest. You need to grow up. You have single handedly made these forums a pretty unpleasant place to be and if the moderators can't see that then they are simply clueless.