Microsoft Surface revenue at $853M, less than write-down and associated ad-spend



  • Reply 41 of 120


    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    I guess the choreography didn't pay off.


    Heh. Neither did Microsoft Office. image

  • Reply 42 of 120
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    False. Everyone knows this.

    To clarify, you mean that everyone knows the quoted statement is false and not that it is common knowledge that "everyone stole from Xerox", right.
  • Reply 43 of 120
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member
    chuckmoser wrote: »
    You know- I know it's trendy to hate Microsoft on this site, but those Surface tablets are not that bad. They aren't 'great', but they are not bad hardware, and I actually liked the tiled interface. It's different, and isn't a 'me too!' design like the Samsungs of the world have.

    The GUI sucks as a desktop interface, there's no arguing that, but I wouldn't mind owning one... if I didn't already have my iPad(s) and they had the same amount of apps.

    Flame away.
    The surface is too fat for my liking. About the live tiles I don't mind that too much but the whole running 2 apps at the same time is implemented in a not so good way. Lacks apps aswell. Plus the whole kick stand and additional 100$ keyboard in my opinion aren't cool.
  • Reply 44 of 120
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member

    Then again, it's Microsoft we're talking about. Just as clueless today as they were years ago.
  • Reply 45 of 120
    qamfqamf Posts: 87member


    Originally Posted by davebarnes View Post

    Not "has made only $853 million".

    Has grossed only $853M.

    The problem is that "made" can mean gross revenue or net profit.

    If it means net profit, then I am a dead man, who is born in 2020 C.E.


    Originally Posted by nikilok View Post

    The surface is too fat for my liking. About the live tiles I don't mind that too much but the whole running 2 apps at the same time is implemented in a not so good way. Lacks apps aswell. Plus the whole kick stand and additional 100$ keyboard in my opinion aren't cool.

    Yeah, to fat, multiple-apps was done in a stupid way.  I don't see a problem with the kickstand, if anything, that was a really cool idea.  The keyboard should have come with it.  They probably would have doubled sales just from that alone.



  • Reply 46 of 120
    nkalunkalu Posts: 315member
    What a shame! They wasted more money in negative ads and commercials against the iPad instead of promoting the qualities that makes it a standout from iPad. Wrong priorities!
  • Reply 47 of 120
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    qamf wrote: »
    1. yeah.

    2. Jobs, for the genius he was, was not what most would consider a kind person.  At least, that is the impression I get from biography from Walter Isaacson.  If I remember that right, he didn't even give that much to charity.  That is how he was.

    Just because you didn't see a press release or video, doesn't mean Jobs wasn't charitable.
  • Reply 48 of 120

    I wonder how much smart covers (non Apple ones) they sold with all promotions they put in front of RT


  • Reply 49 of 120
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
  • Reply 50 of 120
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
  • Reply 51 of 120
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Sad news, actually. I sure hope this doesn't mean the ouster of Ballmer. Man, I like that guy, [S]running[/S] ruining MS! Company's value slashed in half over the past decade with him at the helm.
  • Reply 52 of 120
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Im sorry but MSFT needs to be more ruthless like Apple and cut off support so they can innovate. Backwards compatibility past 3 years makes no sense when technology doubles every two years. 

  • Reply 53 of 120


    Originally Posted by chuckmoser View Post

    You know- I know it's trendy to hate Microsoft on this site, but those Surface tablets are not that bad. 

    "Not that bad... Yeah. That's like, "She wasn't that bad." "Her breath stunk but she was not that bad at kissing if you didn't mind ending up with her gum." 


    "It rained for our whole vacation, but otherwise it wasn't that bad..." Microsoft is "not that bad" as a company... Ballmer is "not that bad" as an idiot... 


    The Surface RT "isn't that bad" unless you want to do something with it... The Surface Pro is "not that bad"... you can even watch a movie while you create a PowerPoint. Well, you need to upgrade to 128 Gbs in order to do it. Yeah, Like I want to do that. The Surface Pro is "not that bad" if you don't mind the fan running and blowing hot air in your face...

  • Reply 54 of 120


    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    Im sorry but MSFT needs to be more ruthless like Apple and cut off support so they can innovate. Backwards compatibility past 3 years makes no sense when technology doubles every two years. 

    How'd that work for them with the Surface RT? It wasn't backward compatible with a single thing... nor was it even presently compatible with anything... 

  • Reply 55 of 120
    The Surface is a tablet designed for people that love Windows. But does anyone really love Windows? I mean LOVE it not merely put up with it or use it to run programs they do love. There may be people in the world who truly love Windows but I have never met one.
  • Reply 56 of 120


    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    the RT is totally Dead Man Walking. its brand ID itself is hopelessly destroyed. MS should mercifully pull the plug - tomorrow. if instead MS insanely insists on a V2 model this Fall, we are truly watching Ballmer's Folly.


    the Pro MS can prop up indefinitely i suppose, no matter how token the sales. and i know who buys them - all those MS IT guys who had the best years of their lives with Windows 95 and will never let go until the day they die.


    The Surface Pro only runs Win 8 and a lot of the IT guys get hives thinking about mixing that in with their company's Win 7 or earlier. 


    Did you know that MS put Win 8 with touchscreens on their newer servers, and IT had such a fit MS Had to backtrack??

  • Reply 57 of 120
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member


    Originally Posted by Nighthound74 View Post

    Although the Surface has pretty much been a failure for MS, I have a big problem with the statement,

    mostly because its inaccurate.  The XBOX360 which is "computer hardware" has been and continues to be massively successful.


    Another opinion with absolutely ZERO merit.  Again..XBOX360, wouldn't be such a sucess if it wasn't both creative and highly desired.

    You don't know jack...      The xbox lost billions for MS in the years 2001 through 2007 and only started making money for MS in 2008.

  • Reply 58 of 120
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Remember when all the trolls, Apple haters, and Microsoft fanatics were announcing the end for the iPad as soon as the surface was released? Because people could finally buy a "real computer" that they could do "real work" on instead of the "toy" the iPad was, and how development support for the surface would eclipse anything the iPad had because of "Windows developers", etc? How the surface was the best of both worlds, "no compromise" device?


    I sure do. 

  • Reply 59 of 120


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Remember when all the trolls, Apple haters, and Microsoft fanatics were announcing the end for the iPad as soon as the surface was released? Because people could finally buy a "real computer" that they could do "real work" on instead of the "toy" the iPad was, and how development support for the surface would eclipse anything the iPad had because of "Windows developers", etc? How the surface was the best of both worlds, "no compromise" device?


    I sure do. 


    Yep, me too.


    When anyone says that "Product X has has been built without compromise" ... you just know that there will be plenty of compromises.


    Every single product made is compromised in some way and when companies say it's not then you know they are desperate. The skill of a company, and this is where Apple continually gets it so right, is knowing where to compromise.

  • Reply 60 of 120
    epsicoepsico Posts: 39member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Sad news, actually. I sure hope this doesn't mean the ouster of Ballmer. Man, I like that guy, running ruining MS! Company's value slashed in half over the past decade with him at the helm.

    Cook accomplished the same in just over a year.


    Don't read this as me defending Microsoft, I just think that these comments are ridiculous.

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