South Korean government expresses concern over Obama's veto in Apple-Samsung patent dispute



  • Reply 101 of 102
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    You are delusional to think a big corporation, especially the biggest in the world gives a care about you.  Sorry to burst your bubble...

    No problem.

    My bubble is just fine.

    Are you familiar with the term "Win-Win"?

    I've noticed a consistent character trait that many of the naysayers display on this site.

    1. They're pessimistic.
    2. They have poor perception skills
  • Reply 102 of 102
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    You are delusional to think a big corporation, especially the biggest in the world gives a care about you.  Sorry to burst your bubble...

    Define 'biggest'. Also, prove they don't care.
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