Apple's A7 SoC expected to be 20% more efficient, debut in 'iPhone 5S'



  • Reply 61 of 88
    No way apple will make it 64bit only ????. If anything 32&64 . I hope A7 arrives and 128gb!
  • Reply 62 of 88

    Originally Posted by ttong_atx View Post

    I don't know if I can take another year on my tiny 4S' screen.


    So buy an iPhone 5 right now and shut up about it?

    I just don't see the benefit in an extra 1/2" on the purported 5S screen.


    "Waah, I want a larger screen. Waah, I don't see how this larger screen is larger."

    Didn't they listen to the masses of people over a year ago when they were disappointed with the 5?


    What, you mean the ten idiots paid by Samsung who whine and complain that "masses" exist? No, they didn't listen to them, thanks. Nor should they.

    I think with the current Galaxy cannibalization going on right now


    You mean the cannibalization that isn't happening? Got it.

    After all, why 128 gigs of storage when you have to squint to see anything?


    Maybe wear the glasses your doctor gave you, then?

    I hate to say it but a iPod Touch and a S4 may be in the future of this fanboy.


    Sounds stupid. Enjoy.


    Originally Posted by ttong_atx View Post

    A person would only logically think this based on the number of Galaxy activations.


    And what number would that be, exactly, given that Samsung 1. doesn't release those numbers and 2. has been proven to lie about the numbers they do release?

    5 out of the 10 or 12 friends I have with iPhones went to the Note and the S4 when the 5 came out.


    And zero of my friends did the same. In fact, more came from Android. Anecdotes are all equally admissible.

    But I was holding on thinking Apple would get it right this year.


    By virtue of the fact that you're "holding on", doesn't that tell you that MAYBE they already have it right?


    Originally Posted by rgroves View Post

    If the iphone 5s or 6 don't have atleast a 5 inch screen I'm getting a note next September


    So shut up and buy a Note right now. Start hating a device you need to use right now.


    Originally Posted by zoffdino View Post

    Perceptions have changed.  he truth remains: customers' perception—your reality. 


    Changed? Says who? And when has that ever stopped Apple from releasing a product people actually want rather than what they thought they wanted? 

    The market is sating that Apple definitely need a bigger screen phone as their flagship.


    "The market" has been wrong since the launch of the first-gen. "The market" stated it needed a physical keyboard and a SMALLER SCREEN then.

  • Reply 63 of 88
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I'm hoping (just for reasons of clarity), that this means the new iPhone will actually be called "iPhone 7" instead of "iPhone 5s".  


    - It makes no sense to keep the "s" model numbering for more than this year anyway if they are going to be introducing the "c" variants each year as well.

    - It's the seventh iPhone

    - It runs iOS 7

    - it will have an A7 chip

    I'm with Crowley... please don't start this Gazobee.  Begging you! :)

  • Reply 64 of 88
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    Imagine a quad-core 64 bit CPU and quad-core PowerVR 6 series GPU combo that would be a rocking super chip! Also put it inside an Apple TV-3 and you've got yourself an XBox and Playstation killer! And it might just happen...but probably won't.
  • Reply 65 of 88
    crowley wrote: »
    Oh please god not this argument again.  No way will it be the iPhone 7.  No chance.  Outside chance it'll be the 6, but the sensible money is on 5S.

    Oh it's on like Donkey Kong! The single most important decision of the new iPhone is the name. If they screw it up AGAIN Apple will be, of course, doomed. I'll be warming up my caps lock and exclamation keys.

  • Reply 66 of 88

    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I'm with Crowley... please don't start this Gazobee.  Begging you! :)


    I'm with these two. Look at me. Right in the pixels. I don't even want to start it. Apple wants to give their products completely idiotic and irrelevant names based on what freaking retards think is right, that's their choice now. Give it a rest.

  • Reply 67 of 88
    I'm with these two. Look at me. Right in the pixels. I don't even want to start it. Apple wants to give their products completely idiotic and irrelevant names based on what freaking retards think is right, that's their choice now. Give it a rest.

    But you just can't resist. Even when we're staring you right in the pixels.
  • Reply 68 of 88

    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    But you just can't resist. Even when we're staring you right in the pixels.


    Uh… no. I'm not going to say anything else about it. There's no reason to.

  • Reply 69 of 88
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member


    Originally Posted by pazuzu View Post

    It's not just the screen- both the 4 and 4S are just classier looking phones- period. SJ & Co. had it right with its original non-16:9 footprint. Tim Cook was still sporting one last year long after the 5 was released.

    Having said that I expect the 5S to set all kinds of records as the many who kept onto their 4S (like myself) will be finally upgrading, cheaper looking exterior build or not. Both the true LTE connectivity and all the interior components will make it worth it. I really hope they tweak the metal casing because I have seen so many nasty looking nicked and scratched-up 5s here at work. 

    I think they might this time around. As I've mentioned in previous posts here - the rumoured gold iPhone 5S might actually be a replacement for the silver one. The gold colour coming from a titanium nitride coating to protect the aluminium body from scratches and dings. The black/slate version having the same or better protection from scratches and dings due to a PVD/CLD coating.

  • Reply 70 of 88
    Uh… no. I'm not going to say anything else about it. There's no reason to.

    So when you said "irrelevant names based on what freaking retards think" you must have been referring to yourself as the retard since otherwise that would indeed be starting crap. In a fairly aggressive way too.
  • Reply 71 of 88

    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    So when you said "irrelevant names based on what freaking retards think" you must have been referring to yourself as the retard since otherwise that would indeed be starting crap. In a fairly aggressive way too.


    Try reading it again, please. Is English your first language? You should have been able to understand what was written.

  • Reply 72 of 88
    Try reading it again, please. Is English your first language? You should have been able to understand what was written.

    I read it fine the first time. It's a passive aggressive masterpiece.
  • Reply 73 of 88


    Originally Posted by ttong_atx View Post

    Didn't they listen to the masses of people over a year ago when they were disappointed with the 5?

    I think with the current Galaxy cannibalization going on right now, Apple will probably lose even more customers to them.


    I hate to say it but a iPod Touch and a S4 may be in the future of this fanboy.


    By your logic, we can all conclude that masses of people are disappointed with their Mercedes E350 based on the number of Ford and GM pick up trucks sold and that masses of people are disappointed with their Lear jets based on the number of Boeing 747s sold?


    I don't think "cannibalization" means what you think it means.


    I don't think "fanboy" means what you think it means.



    Originally Posted by ttong_atx View Post

    A person would only logically think this based on the number of Galaxy activations.

    5 out of the 10 or 12 friends I have with iPhones went to the Note and the S4 when the 5 came out. They weren't impressed and neither was I. But I was holding on thinking Apple would get it right this year.

    I haven't heard one person say "wow" when referring to the screen size on the 5. My wife didn't even want one until her 4 was busted.

    Just saying...

    I don't think "logically" means what you think it means.


    Maybe you say this instead?

    "There are a lot of people who prefer a screen larger than 4", I hope that Apple comes out with one soon, since I'm one of those people and I'm also a fanboy."

  • Reply 74 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I read it fine the first time.


    And I'm now explicitly (because implicit apparently wasn't good enough) telling you otherwise.

  • Reply 75 of 88
    And I'm now explicitly (because implicit apparently wasn't good enough) telling you otherwise.

    It's a passive aggressive masterpiece. It's amazing how irrational you get when you're clearly wrong.
  • Reply 76 of 88

    I agree with your statement 100%.  Okay, so there will not be a larger screen with the 5S (I didn't like it, but i'll be patient).  If the iPhone6 does not have at least 4.7 inch screen, I'm probably getting a Note 3 or something similiar, no matter how colorful iOS7 is.


    Just imagine the iOS on a larger screen...that would be a win/win...whats taking them so long to figure that out.

  • Reply 77 of 88


    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    It's a passive aggressive masterpiece. It's amazing how irrational you get when you're clearly wrong.


    You know I am sick and tired of what that man is allowed to get away with, arguments, offensive comments (directly and thinly veiled) - why the hell is this allowed to continue? Is he click bait? Every thread with him deteriorates at some point into big arguments and his defending his offensive position declaring he said something else, meant something else, calling you stupid for misunderstanding (or understanding perfectly), shutting down discussion by using ridicule and attack - this is a fucking discussion forum, and comments like his tend to shut down conversation, or create raging arguments. I'm sick of reading the back and forth, to and fro-ing that he seems to bring to nearly every one of these threads, it's a shitload of crap to wade through to get past it before you can find the conversation a thread should be and I'm sick of it (not you, Doctor David, it's not you I have an issue with, please understand this).


    Please, AI, do something and do it quickly and properly.

  • Reply 78 of 88

    Please, AI, do something and do it quickly and properly.

  • Reply 79 of 88
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member


    Originally Posted by courthebrew View Post

    Just imagine the iOS on a larger screen...that would be a win/win...whats taking them so long to figure that out.


  • Reply 80 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by courthebrew View Post

    Just imagine the iOS on a larger screen...that would be a win/win...whats taking them so long to figure that out.


    Because it isn't a win-win. My stars.

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