Apple to deliver OS X 10.8.5 with Mail, screen saver fixes as soon as today

in macOS edited January 2014
Apple began supplying prerelease builds of OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion to select partners on Monday, signaling that a public release of the maintenance and software update is not far behind.

Mountain Lion

People familiar with the software indicated to AppleInsider that the prerelease version made available is identified as build "12F35." The update, recommended for all users of Mountain Lion, includes the following changes:
  • Fixes an issue that may prevent Mail from displaying messages
  • Improves AFP file transfer performance over 802.11ac Wi-Fi
  • Resolves an issue that may prevent a screen saver from starting automatically
  • Improves Xsan reliability
The prerelease build supplied to partners on Monday is said to weigh in at 286 megabytes. Those early releases are typically provided only hours before the software is launched to the public, suggesting that OS X 10.8.5 will arrive on Monday.

A total of seven beta builds of OS X 10.8.5 have been supplied to developers for testing ahead of the final release. The most recent was issued on July 31, identified as build "12F30."


  • Reply 1 of 28
    appexappex Posts: 687member
    weigh in at 286 megabytes?
    That is not weight. It is size.
  • Reply 2 of 28


    Originally Posted by AppeX View Post

    weigh in at 286 megabytes?

    That is not weight. It is size.

    I agree with AppeX. It is size and not weight. According to classical physics, weight is equal to mass times gravity. Weight = Mass x Gravity. Whereby, gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s^2


    ~Excuse my syntax and punctuation :) :)

  • Reply 3 of 28

    Originally Posted by AppeX View Post

    weigh in at 286 megabytes?

    That is not weight. It is size.


    And yet the phrase IS appropriate.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple began supplying prerelease builds of OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion to select partners on Monday, signaling that a public release of the maintenance and software update is not far behind.


    So why is it that when you go to an authorized reseller after the launch of a new point update they're still running several point updates behind? I'm sure THAT isn't part of their agreement, but it's the case every time.

  • Reply 4 of 28
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,265member

    Two new posters with nothing to say other than making incorrect grammatical comments. Check the dictionary. "weigh in" doesn't have to mean the weight of something. The meaning of the sentence has to do with the importance of the size of the update. 286MB is a reasonably large update (as in data size, not weight). As for MrUnknown discussing mass and gravity, the gravity of this comment (extreme or alarming importance, nothing to do with physics) is another way of saying "weigh in" and has a similar meaning. The English language is complex and one word can have multiple meanings.

  • Reply 5 of 28

    I agree and it gets on my nerves.

  • Reply 6 of 28
    Well, actually it would weight 3.4Kg (basing it off from the weight of a floppy disc), which is roughly 7.5 pounds. I don't know about you, but 7.5 pounds can become quite hefty. :D
  • Reply 7 of 28
    Not to beat a dead, irrelevant horse, but the physics teacher in me won't let it sit...Mike, it would not weigh 3.4kg, it would mass is the unit of mass, newton is the unit of force (weight) in the metric system...and I know, all those countries who use the metric system say "weigh xxx kg"...common usage but physics wrong... =]
  • Reply 8 of 28
    Mr unknown...weight = mass x (acceleration due to gravity)...weight is a measure of the force of gravity on the surface of a planet or other astronomical body...
  • Reply 9 of 28
    The true issue here is the impending release of the latest update to I wait patiently for the release of Mavericks...
  • Reply 10 of 28

    10 points go to jimlat. You are so correct and thank you for the correction. Mass will be the same on the moon or earth, but as jimlat said, indeed, "acceleration due to gravity." Nice!!!!!!!!

  • Reply 11 of 28
    maltzmaltz Posts: 474member

    Holy pedantic irrelevant comments, Batman!

  • Reply 12 of 28

    Too freaking funny Maltz :) :) image

  • Reply 13 of 28


    Originally Posted by Maltz View Post

    Holy pedantic irrelevant comments, Batman!

    Anyone who uses the word "pedantic" is pedantic! Oops! I guess I'm pedantic, too! Drats!

  • Reply 14 of 28


    Originally Posted by rob53 View Post

    Two new posters with nothing to say other than making incorrect grammatical comments. Check the dictionary. "weigh in" doesn't have to mean the weight of something. The meaning of the sentence has to do with the importance of the size of the update. 286MB is a reasonably large update (as in data size, not weight). As for MrUnknown discussing mass and gravity, the gravity of this comment (extreme or alarming importance, nothing to do with physics) is another way of saying "weigh in" and has a similar meaning. The English language is complex and one word can have multiple meanings.


    It would have been better if they did not weigh-in with their comments.

  • Reply 15 of 28

    So... does anyone care about OSX 10.8.5, and it's improved features?

  • Reply 16 of 28
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by TeaEarleGreyHot View Post

    So... does anyone care about OSX 10.8.5, and it's improved features?

    Not as much with Mavericks ~2 months away.

  • Reply 17 of 28
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    • Fixes an issue that may prevent Mail from displaying messages


    I hope it fixes other Mail issues.  Mail is the big ugly furball of OS X IMHO.

    (In terms of bugs, anyway.  In terms of user experience, the biggest ugliest OS X furball is clearly iTunes.)


    iOS Mail is far less buggy.  Maybe it's time to refactor some classes?

    Time to clear up some of those Xcode compiler warnings? 

  • Reply 18 of 28
    maltzmaltz Posts: 474member


    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Anyone who uses the word "pedantic" is pedantic! Oops! I guess I'm pedantic, too! Drats!


    I have to concede, there's probably a grain of truth in that.  lol

  • Reply 19 of 28
    appexappex Posts: 687member
    It was released last Thursday:

    Apple Preparing Employees for OS X 10.8.5 Launch with New Prerelease Build 12F35
    Thursday August 22, 2013 7:20 am PDT by Eric Slivka
  • Reply 20 of 28

    Another correction-


    "The most recent was issued on July 31, identified as build "12F30.""


    The most recent developer build was actually 12F33 on Aug 7...which is what still shows in the Mac Developer Center as the current prerelease version.

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